Appendix D
In this section, you will find an overview of how your baby develops week by week.
1. Week 1 to 3
- Approximately two weeks from your last period, the process of ovulation occurs—a ripened egg is released that waits for a day or so.
- The lucky sperm out of millions of sperms released in the event of sex, meets the waiting egg and fertilizes it. In that destined moment, millions of years of evolutionary and genetic information is processed. Aspects like gender and many physical and intellectual features are already decided at the time of fertilization.
- Within a few days, the fertilized egg, moves through the tubes and attaches itself into the uterus. This is called implantation.
2. Week 4 to 8
- The fast dividing group of cells is now an embryo, and it splits into two parts, one of which is the placenta which shall enclose the embryo and the second is the embryo itself.
- The placenta produces hormones, insulates the embryo and provides oxygen, nourishment and immunity.
- An umbilical cord connects the placenta to the embryo.
- Even before you might confirm the pregnancy, the embryo, around week 5, will have started diversifying into distinct parts and organs.
- Around week 6, the little heart may already have started beating at about twice the rate as yours.
- The brain and face are also developing fast as are lungs and digestive organs.
- In the next 2 weeks, tiny spots shall show up for facial features, as will hands and feet with tiny fingers and toes along with a tail to match.
- The embryo, about the size of a kidney bean at 8 weeks, will have quadrupled in size from when it was implanted.
3. Week 9 to 12
- Key organs like heart, brain, lungs and sense organs are formed and maturing with every passing day. The embryo assumes a more human physiology but still has a head as big as the body. Muscles and nerves start coordinating.
- At week 10, the embryo is now a foetus. Its cartilaginous tissues and bones strengthen, and fingers and toes start to grow out. Internal organs like liver, kidney, reproductive organs and intestines develop. Limbs can bend and transparent skin shows the spine stretch all the way.
- By week 12, the foetus exhibits basic reflexes like limb and even face movements and has most of its systems in place.
4. Week 13 to 17
- The little wonder may already be between 2 to 4 inches, and its body starts growing comparable to its big head.
- It may start to suckle and swallow and kick around, though it might be some time before you can feel it.
- Hair starts to develop on the body and head. Eyes undergo rapid development.
- All systems and organs including the lungs are maturing including tooth buds in the gums, eggs in the ovaries, nails on the fingers and toes, even fingerprints.
- Bones and cartilage continue to strengthen the structure but are still soft. Arms and legs lengthen to a normal proportion.
- By the end of week 17, the baby will be between 4 to 6 inches, weighing 100 to 150 grams.
5. Week 18 to 21
- This is the time when baby movements begin to be frequently sensed and it becomes so much more real.
- A white protective sheath made of proteins called myelin starts to form around many of the baby’s nerve endings. A cheese- or wax-like coating also develops to protect the baby’s delicate skin.
- The baby can hear you now. It is startled by loud noise and soothed by your voice or soft music. Before you know it, the baby will develop a bonding with your familiar voice.
- The baby is almost 9 to 10 inches longer and could weigh about 300gms.
6. Week 22 to 26
- Your baby and belly will grow faster now. Fine hair covers the baby’s body. It flutters everything it can, including the eyes; hears, touches and stretches itself; hiccups and makes noise; swallows and squirms.
- The skin is translucent and wrinkled and the body is long and lean, though it will start to gain fat soon.
- Its lungs are still developing in preparation for life outside and inhaling amniotic fluid helps the practice.
7. Week 27 to 30
- The baby’s brain and nervous system develop at a rapid pace as does the musculo-skeletal system.
- It becomes bigger and heavier as it starts to accumulate fat and more active with its brain, nervous system, senses and body coordinating better with time.
- Your baby will be about 12 to 14 inches long and weigh between 1 to 2kgs.
8. Week 31 to 34
- The baby grows and descends slowly into the pelvis. It resembles a newborn in its physical development and, if born at 32 weeks, has an almost normal life after a few weeks of intervention.
- The baby will now start to fill up most of the uterus and amniotic fluid slowly decreases.
- Your baby will be about a foot or more and could weigh about 2.5kgs already.
9. Week 35 to birth
- The baby continues to develop brain, lungs and vital organs. It also rapidly puts on fat.
- Its hair and nails are growing, but the layer of hair or lanugo that protected its skin will be shed. The waxy, cheesy coat over its skin will also be dissolved.
- It is passing urine like a pro for months now and with its digestive system working, it probably already has a small amount of poop inside, but it will usually pass it only after birth.
- The baby may have already positioned itself for birthing or may do it at the time of birth.
- She/he may be a foot and a half long and weigh anywhere between 3 to 4kgs.
- Any length of term between 38-42 weeks is completely normal.