Appendix F
Setting Up the Right Environment
- Prepare an uplifting environment by clearing away all the distractions. Find a place in your home that represents comfort and peace. You can put on some soft, calming music, if you like. You can even add fresh flowers, light a candle whatever feels right.
- Sit comfortably and let your breath settle into a rhythm.
- Bring your hands to your belly and bring your attention inside your womb. Speak silently to connect with the baby, and say anything you want about how you feel about its arrival.
A Sample Meditation to Experience Oneness With Your Unborn
Objective: The purpose of this meditation is to bathe your unborn in your love and express your gratitude for the new life.
The Exercise:
- Create a comfortable setting and connection with your newborn before you start.
- You can close your eyes and visualize your conversation, as though the baby is snuggling in your arms.
- Now imagine addressing your unborn in your most loving and sweetest mumbo jumbo, as you would before you begin a conversation.
- Allow your heart to be filled with love, as the tender warmth from your hands and body transmits into your baby.
- Tell your unborn how grateful you are to have her/him and how much she/he is wanted. Tell her/him with earnest gratitude, what a great opportunity human life is, how you are there to support her/him unconditionally, and nurture every aspect of her/him.
- Tell her/him how your love for her/him will continue to grow and the oneness that shall bind your experiences together.
- Imagine putting your baby to rest, closing the conversation while saying sweet nothings.
- Do not be surprised if you feel a movement or response, or an intuitive connect with her/his soul. Sometimes, your love may be so intense, your tears may flow. Bask in the tenderness for as long as you like.
A Sample Meditation to Guide Your Child on the Righteous Path
Objective: The purpose of this meditation is to embody the desired virtues to your baby.
The Exercise:
- Arrive at a connect with your baby’s soul.
- Imagine yourself as its mother at different stages—as an infant, a toddler, a child, an adolescent, a teenager and so on. Focus on what virtues you would like to embody as a mother, be it unconditional love or compassion for others.
- Imagine yourself correcting and guiding your child with immense love.
- Imagine yourself helping her/him uncover and tread on her/his own spiritual path and fully expressing her/his gifts.
- And finally, imagine the contentment in your heart on a job you know you will have done well, and at which you will get better with each passing day.
A Sample Meditation For Your Emotional Cleansing
Objective: The purpose of this meditation is to release the emotional issues that have been weighing down on your mind and may become barriers between you and your baby’s bonding.
The Exercise:
- In your conversation with your baby, bring your emotions up in a way where you analyze them freely, honestly and constructively, with an aim to derive the lessons and release the pain.
- Forgive the people who may have hurt you or caused you pain.
- Tell yourself and your baby that you are moving towards true freedom, where all growth starts.
- Recommit and reaffirm the intention to be there for her/him and bask in your unhindered togetherness.
A Sample Meditation to Connect With Your Unborn Along With Your Partner
Objective: The purpose of this meditation is to change the ‘I’ to ‘We’, and adopt an inclusive stance in your love for your child.
The Exercise:
- Choose a comfortable position where your partner feels close to the baby.
- Imagine a circle of light, signifying love around yourself, your partner and your child.
- Feel gratitude for the miraculous ways in which you and you partner came together and created this baby, through an incredible act of love, and how the universe willed for it to happen.
- Imagine the line of generations going millions of levels up, for both you and your partner, and feel gratitude for all the ancestors who brought you to this point.
- Express, without the need for words and through your souls, your love for each other and your commitment to stand by each other on this momentous journey and role.
- As you choose love, imagine yourself receiving blessings, energy, support, guidance and love from the universe, the ancestors, the guardian angels or spirit guides in every aspect of your life.
- Feel free to hold your partner’s hand on your belly and look into his eyes, as you both let your baby feel your love and your souls connect and speak intuitively.
- Allow your partner if he feels a need to talk to your baby about anything. Encourage their conversation and bonding as much as you can.