
A large number of people, over a period of thirty years, have helped me in the research and writing of this book, ranging from friends and family of Guy Burgess to archivists around the world and I’m enormously grateful to them, though sadly many of them are now dead. They include:

Richard Aldrich; Michael Alexander; Lorna Allen; Geoff Andrews; Noel Annan; Margaret Anstee; Jamie Arkell; Benjamin Baker; Frith Banbury; Ruth Barden at Lockers Park; Dennis Bardens; Mrs Roger Bassett; Virginia, Marchioness of Bath; Julian Beaumont; Richard Beddington; Michael Bloch; Piers Brendon; Christopher Brooke; Rebecca Bronson, the FOIA Negotiator at the FBI; Clare Brown at Lambeth Palace Library; Joyce Brown; Robin Bryans; William Buchan; Ronald Bulatoff at the Hoover Institution Archives; Nigel and Constance Burgess; Michael Burn; Peter Burton; Peter Calvocoressi; Angus Cameron on Eton and who supplied the picture of the Eton Football team, 1930; Jamie Campbell; Rosamund Campbell, the librarian at St Antony’s, Oxford; Kathlee Cann at Cambridge University Library; Fanny Carby; Michael Carney; Christine Carpenter; Miranda Carter; Lord Cawley; Alexander Chancellor; Lord Chatfield; Nigel Chiltern-Hunt; Sally Chilver; Robert Clifford at the National Archives; Nigel Clive; John Cloake; Andrew Cook; Gordon Corera; Jacqueline Cox at Cambridge University Library; M.C. Creagh-Osborne; Judith Cresswell; Tim Crossley; Judith Curthoys at Christ Church, Oxford;

Alan Davidson; Jill Davidson at the Bodleian Library; Bill Davies; Cliff Davies at Wadham College, Oxford; Minoo Dinshaw for information on Steven Runciman; Michael Dobbs; Christopher Dobson; Norman Dombey; Stephen Dorril; Denise Dowdall for research in Dublin; Jaqueline Dupree; Erik Durschmied; Piu Eatwell for French research; Clarissa, Countess of Avon; Robert Eddison; Mark Eden-Bushell; Robert Elphick; David Elstein; Charles Elwell; Rob Evans; Sir Frederick Everson; Lord Farringdon; Sir Nicholas Fenn; Harriet Fisher at the Roald Dahl Museum; Dennis Fitzgerald; Sir Edward Ford; Enrique Frankfort; Bobby Furber;

Claire Gale; Philip Gale at the Church of England Record Centre; Philip Gell; Sir John Gilmour; John Golding; Michael Goodman; George Goring; Alex Goudie, the FOI Assessor at the National Archives; Glyn Gowans for his advice on FOIA; Robert Graham-Harrison; Michael Grant; Barbara Green; John Green; Lady Greenhill; Sir Ronald Grierson; Phillipa Grimstone; Penelope Hatfield, Eleanor Cracknell and Michael Meredith at Eton College Library; Dr John Guest at Ascot Hill House; Ken Gunderson;

Lord Hailsham; Stuart Hampshire; James Hanning; Henry Hardy; Mary Hardy; Stephen and May Harper; Anita Harris; Colin Harris and colleagues at the Bodleian Library; Ross Harrison at King’s College, Cambridge, who let me look at Apostles minute books for the 1930s; Wilhemina, Lady Harrod; Jane Harrold and colleagues at Britannia Royal Naval College; Lord Hartwell; Elizabeth Haselfoot; Francis Haskell; Lord Hastings; Lance Hattat; Jayne Haynes; Sir Gilbert ‘Simon’ Heathcote; Clarissa Hemmingsen; W.B. Hermondhalgh; Nancy McDonald Hervey; Boyd Hilton; Jaqueline Hope Wallace; Richard Hopkinson at Bonhams for sending me copies of two Burgess etchings; Sergei Humaryan; Philip Hunt; Christopher Huntley; Reverend John Hurst;

Nicholss Jacobs; Captain J. Jacobsen; Lady Jellicoe; Mark Johnson; William Johnston; Alan Judd; Peter Keen for photographs; Sheila Kerr; Alan King, Historical Collections Librarian, Portsmouth Central Library; James King at the University of Warwick; Steven Kippax; Angus Konstam with help on Malcolm Burgess’s naval career; Sergei Kondrashev; Olga Krepysheva for research in Russia; Col. Boris Labusov, SVR Press Department; Robert Lacey; Ambrose Lampton; Terence Lancaster; Helen Langley, Curator, Modern Political Papers, Bodleian; Christopher Layton; Carol Leadenham at Hoover Institution Archives; Celia Lee; Brian Lieberman; Thomas Lloyd for Sir John Philipps; Svetlana Lokhova for translation of material in the Mitrokhin archive in Cambridge; Bill Lubenow on the Apostles; Michael Luke; Hugh Lunghi;

Ian McDougall; Hamish McGibbon; Donough McGillycuddy of the Reeks; Iain McIntyre; John Maclaren; Alan Maclean; Jamie Macphail; Michael Mallon; Stephen Marris; Christopher Marsden-Smedley; Patrick Matthews; Dominick Matter for research in Swiss archives; Jessica Bueno De Mesquita, archivist at the RAC Club; Leonard Miall; John Miller; Rosalind Moad at King’s College Library; Yuri Modin; Anthony Moncrieff; Gene Morris; John Morrison; John Mossman; Jenny Mountain at Churchill Archives Centre; Rudolf Muhs; Mary Murphy at MIT Institute Archives and Special Collections; Verne Newton; Christie Nicholls; Jim Nicoll; Richard Norton Taylor;

Michael Pearce for Dartmouth research; Lady Penn; Barrie Penrose, who kindly gave me some of his own research files; Lance Pettit; Charlotte Philby; Roland Philipps; Edward Playfair; Claire Pollock; Gale Pollock; Monica Porter; Dr Richard Porter on Dartmouth; Robert Porter, who interviewed Bill Freedman; Pascal Praplan at the University of Geneva for information on Bernard Miller; Stuart Preston; Martin Tucker and Mary Pring, FOIA unit at Foreign Office; Roland Pym; Elizabeth Ray; Norman Reddaway; Corin Redgrave; Daniel Rees; Jenny Rees; Thomas Rees; Maurice Renshaw; Geoff Roberts; Veronica Rodwell for access to her father’s research on Donald Maclean; Katharine Ronan for information on Jack Hunter; Cameron Rose, Hon. Sec. of Old Etonian Association; Jacob, Lord Rothschild; Miriam Rothschild; Margaret Rothwell at Password; Sir Steven Runciman; Dadie Rylands;

Nicholas Scheetz at Georgetown University; Brian Sewell; William Seymour; Desmond Shawe-Taylor; Dorothy Sheridan at University of Sussex; Lucy Shedden, State Library of Victoria; John Shedden; Peter Shore; Harry Shukman; Andrew Sinclair; Kenneth Sinclair-Loutit; Adam Sisman; Don Skemer, Curator of Manuscripts at Firestone Library, Princeton; Dr Jonathan Smith, Trinity College, Cambridge; Margaret Sneesby, Winchester Library; Neil Somerville at BBC Caversham; Rick Stapleton, Librarian, McMaster University; Gloria Stewart for Russian research; Richard Stirland; Ray Stone for photos of West Meon; Charles Strachey; Margot Strickland; Duncan Stuart, SOE adviser;

Stephen Talbot; Jackie Tarrant-Barton at Old Etonian Association; Scott Taylor at Georgetown University; Hannah Thomas, Special Collections Librarian, Courtauld; Sir Peter Thorne; Richard Thorpe; Lord Thurlow; Sir David Tibbits; Stephen Toulmin; Lawrence Toynbee; Sally Toynbee for access to her husband Philip’s diary; Philip Trevelyan; Oleg Tsarev; Anne Valery; Hugo Vickers; Jeff Walden at BBC Written Archives; Ken Walker; Philip Walker for research on John Bassett; Bernard Ward; Professor John Waterlow; Lord Weidenfeld; Sid Weiland; Stanley Weiss; Earl of Wemyss and March; Adrian Whitfield, Dick Whitfield, Wendy Guiffre, Mary Edwards and Diana Bridge for information on Esther Whitfield; Kristen Wilhelm at NARA; Nigel Wilkinson for information on Jack Macnamara; Jane, Lady Williams; Paul Willets; Jean Withinshaw; Geoffrey Wright; Martin Young.

My particular thanks to Burgess’s former boyfriend Peter Pollock and his partner Paul Danquah, who entertained me royally in Tangiers and talked to me at length about Burgess and his circle; to Burgess’s nephews Simon and Tony Burgess, who gave me some family papers and kindlylent photographs; to Ann Shukman who also kindly lent photographs from Sir Steven Runciman’s photo albums; to Caroline Walker, who conducted the initial Russian research and found several KGB officers who had not spoken before and Andrew Malec, who over twenty years has passed me invaluable cuttings on the Burgess story.

Mark Seaman read the chapters on Section D; David Haviland, Jeremy Dronfield and my sister Helen Leatherby read the final script and made many useful comments, as did Hayden Peake, formerly of the CIA, and Dan Mulvenna, formerly of the Security Service of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who also fixed for me to meet Sergei Kondrashev. I am especially grateful to Nigel West, who not only read the script but has patiently answered numerous questions over the years. That said, any mistakes are mine and I would be grateful if corrections could be sent to:

I have worked with great pleasure as an agent with Rupert Lancaster for thirty years and I’m delighted he is now also my editor. He has moved with great speed to buy and publish the book and has also made it great fun. I’m also grateful to his colleagues Maddy Price, Kerry Hood, Vickie Boff, Daniel Fraser and Juliet Brightmore for their professionalism, and to Barry Johnston who copy edited the book with such skill and sensitivity.

My mother, wife and children have lived with ‘Guy’ as an extra member of the family for over twenty years without complaining and the book is dedicated with love to them.

Extracts from Guy Burgess by Tom Driberg, published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, are printed by permission of David Higham Associates. Extracts from My Five Cambridge Friends by Yuri Modin, published by Headline Publishing, are quoted by permission of Headline Publishing. Extracts from the diary of Ben Nicolson are printed by permission of Vanessa Nicolson. Extracts from A Chapter of Accidents by Goronwy Rees, published by Chatto & Windus, are printed by permission of David Higham Associates.

Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders of material in the book but, if inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make amends at the earliest opportunity.