Selected Bibliography


Aldrich, Richard (ed.), British Intelligence, Strategy and the Cold War, Routledge, 1992.

Aldrich, Richard and Hopkins, Michael (eds.), Intelligence, Defence and Diplomacy, Frank Cass, 1994.

Aldrich, Richard, Espionage, Security and Intelligence in Britain 1945-70, Manchester University Press, 1998.

Aldrich, Richard, The Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold War Secret Intelligence, John Murray, 2001.

Allen, Peter, The Cambridge Apostles, Cambridge University Press, 1979.

Alsop, Joseph, I’ve Seen the Best of It, Norton, 1992.

Alsop, Susan Mary, To Marietta from Paris 1945-1960, Doubleday, 1975.

Anderson, Courtney, Seagulls in my Belfry, Pentland Press, 1997.

Andrew, Christopher, ‘F.H. Hinsley and the Cambridge Moles: Two Patterns of Intelligence Recruitment’ in R.B. Langhorne (ed.), Diplomacy and Intelligence during the Second World War: Essays in Honour of F.H. Hinsley, Cambridge, 1985.

Andrew, Christopher, Secret Service, Heinemann, 1985.

Andrew, Christopher and Dilks, David (eds.), The Missing Dimension: Governments and Intelligence Communities in the Twentieth Century, Macmillan, 1984.

Andrew, Christopher and Gordievsky, Oleg, KGB: The Inside Story, Hodder & Stoughton, 1990.

Andrew, Christopher and Gordievsky, Oleg (eds.), Instructions from the Centre: Top Secret Files on KGB Foreign Operations 1975-1985, Hodder & Stoughton, 1990.

Andrew Christopher and Gordievsky, Oleg (eds.), More Instructions from the Centre: Top Secret Files on KGB Foreign Operations 1975-1985, Frank Cass, 1991.

Andrew, Christopher and Mitrokhin, Vasili, The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West, Penguin, 1999.

Andrew, Christopher and Mitrokhin, Vasili, The Mitrokhin Archive II: The KGB and the World, Penguin, 2005.

Andrew, Christopher, The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5, Allen Lane, 2009.

Andrew, Christopher, ‘Cambridge Spies: The Magnificent Five 1933-45’ in Sarah J. Ormrod (ed.), Cambridge Contributions, Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Andrew, Christopher, ‘The VENONA Secret’ in K.G. Robertson (ed.) War, Resistance and Intelligence: Essays in Honour of M.R.D. Foot, Pen & Sword, 1999.

Andrew, Christopher, ‘Intelligence and the Cold War’ in Melvyn Leffler and Odd Arne Westad (eds.), The Cambridge History of the Cold War Vol. 2, Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Angel, Barbara, The Coral Browne Story, Bookbound, 2007.

Annan, Noel, Our Age, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1990.

Annan, Noel, The Dons, Collins, 1999.

Anstee, Margaret, Never Learn to Type, John Wiley, 2003.

Ayer, A.J., Part of my Life, Collins, 1977.

Ayer, A.J., More of my Life, Collins, 1984.

Bagley, Tenent, Spymaster: Startling Cold War Revelations of a Soviet KGB Chief, Skyhorse, 2013.

Baker, Anne, ‘Guy Burgess’ in C.S. Nichols (ed.) Dictionary of National Biography: Missing Person, OUP, 1993.

Bamville, John, The Untouchable, Picador, 1997.

Barclay, Roderick, Ernest Bevin and the Foreign Office, pp, 1975.

Barden, Ruth, A History of Lockers Park: Lockers Park School, Hemel Hempstead 1874-1999, Sacombe Press, 2000.

Baxter, Christopher, The Great Power Struggle in East Asia, 1944-50: Britain, America and Post-War Rivalry, Palgrave, 2009.

The BBC Year-book 1943-1953, London, British Broadcasting Corporation.

Bell, Quentin, Elders & Betters, John Murray, 1995.

Beloff, Nora, Transit of Britain: A Report on Britain's Changing Role in the Post-War World, Collins, 1973.

Bennett, Alan, Single Spies, Samuel French, 1991.

Benson, Robert Louis and Warner, Michael (eds.), Venona: Soviet Espionage and The American Response 1939-1957, Aegean Press, 1996.

Berlin, Isaiah, Flourishing: Letters 1928-1946, Henry Hardy (ed.), Chatto & Windus, 2004.

Berlin, Isaiah, Enlightening: Letters 1946-1960, Henry Hardy (ed.), Chatto, 2009.

Berlin, Isaiah, Personal Impressions, Hogarth Press, 1980.

Bethell, Nicholas, The Great Betrayal: The Untold Story of Kim Philby’s Biggest Coup, Hodder & Stoughton, 1984.

Bloch, Michael, James Lees Milne, John Murray, 2009.

Bloomfield, Paul, BBC, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1941.

Blunt, Wilfred, Married to a Single Life, Michael Russell, 1983.

Blunt, Wilfred, Slow on the Feather, Michael Russell, 1986.

Booth, Martin, A Magick Life, Hodder, 2000.

Borovik, Genrikh and Knightley, Phillip (eds.), The Philby Files, Little Brown, 1994.

Boston, Richard, Osbert: Portrait of Osbert Lancaster, HarperCollins, 1989.

Bower, Tom, Dick White: The Perfect English Spy; Sir Dick White and the Secret War 1935-90, Heinemann, 1995.

Bowra, Maurice, Memories, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1966.

Boyle, Andrew, The Climate of Treason, Hutchinson, 1979, revised edition, Coronet, 1980.

Brandon, Henry, Special Relationships, Atheneum, 1988.

Branon, Noreen and Heinemann, Morgot, Britain in the Nineteen Thirties, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1973.

Brett, Lionel, Our Selves Unknown, Gollancz, 1985.

Briggs, Asa, The History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom Vol. 3, OUP, 1970.

Brook-Shepherd, Gordon, The Storm Petrels, Collins, 1977.

Brook-Shepherd, Gordon, The Storm Birds: Soviet Post-War Defectors, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989.

Brook-Shepherd, Gordon, Iron Maze: The Western Secret Services and the Bolsheviks, Macmillan, 1998.

Bryans, Robin, The Dust Has Never/Not Yet Settled, Honeyford Press, 1992.

Bryans, Robin, Let the Petals Fall, Honeyford Press, 1993.

Bryans, Robin, Checkmate, Honeyford Press, 1994.

Bucknell, Katherine, Christopher Isherwood Diaries 1939-60, Methuen, 1996.

Bucknell, Katherine (ed.), Lost Years: A Memoir 1845-1951, Chatto, 2000.

Burke, David, The Lawn Road Flats: Spies, Writers and Artists, The Boydell Press, 2014.

Burn, Michael, The Debatable Land, Hamish Hamilton, 1970.

Burn, Michael, Turned Towards the Sun: An Autobiography, Michael Russell, 2003.

Burns, Jimmy, Papa Spy, Bloomsbury, 2010.

Burrows, Bernard, Diplomat in a Changing World, The Memoir Club, 2001.

Bush, Eric, How to Become a Naval Officer and Life at the Royal Naval College Dartmouth, Gieves, Matthews & Seagrove, 1924.

Byrne, L.S.R. and Churchill, E.L., Changing Eton, Cape, 1937.

Cain, Frank, The Australian Security Intelligence Organization: An Unofficial History, Frank Cass, 1994.

Cairncross, John, The Enigma Spy, Century, 1997.

Calvocoressi, Peter, Threading My Way, Duckworth, 1994, Columbia University Press, 2013.

Card, Tim, Eton Renewed, John Murray, 1994.

Carney, Michael, Stoker: The Life of Hilda Matheson, M. Carney, 1999.

Carpenter, Humphrey, W.H. Auden, a Biography, Allen and Unwin, 1981.

Carter, Miranda, Anthony Blunt: His Lives, Macmillan, 2001.

Cave Brown, Anthony, Bodyguard of Lies, W.H. Allen, 1976.

Cave Brown, Anthony, Treason in the Blood: St John Philby, Kim Philby and the Spy Case of the Century, Robert Hale, 1995.

Cavendish, Anthony, Inside Intelligence, Collins, 1990.

Cecil, Hugh and Mirabel, Clever Hearts, Gollancz, 1990.

Cecil, Robert, A Divided Life: A Biography of Donald Maclean, Bodley Head, 1988.

Christiansen, Arthur, Headlines All My Life, Heinemann, 1957.

Clark, Adrian and Dronfield, Jeremy, Queer Saint: The Cultured Life of Peter Watson, John Blake, 2015.

Coats, Peter, Of Generals and Gardens: The Autobiography of Peter Coats, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1976.

Colletta, Lisa (ed.), Kathleen and Christopher: Christopher Isherwood’s Letters to His Mother, University of Minnesota Press, 2005.

Collis, Rose, Coral Browne: This Effing Lady, Oberon Books, 2007.

Connolly, Cyril, The Missing Diplomats, Queen Anne Press, 1952.

Connon, Bryan, Somerset Maugham and the Maugham Dynasty, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1997.

Cookridge, E.H., The Third Man, Arthur Barker, 1968.

Costello, John, Mask of Treachery, Collins, 1988.

Costello, John and Tsarev, Oleg, Deadly Illusion, Century, 1993.

Craddock, Percy (ed.), Recollections of the Cambridge Union 1815-1939, Bowes & Bowes, 1953.

Critchlow, James, Radio Liberty, American University Press, 1995.

Crowson, N.K. (ed.), The Journals of Collin Brooks 1932-1940, CUP, 1998.

Cullen, Tom, The Man Who Was Norris: The Life of Gerald Hamiton, Dedalus, 2014.

Cuningham, Cyril, Beaulieu: The Finishing School for Secret Agents, Leo Cooper, 1998.

Damaskin, Igor and Elliott, Geoffrey, Kitty Harris: The Spy with Seventeen Names, St Ermin’s Press, 2001.

Dan, Jerry (Nigel Bance), Ultimate Deception: How Stalin Stole the Bomb, Rare Books, 2003.

Davenport-Hines, Richard, Auden, Heinemann, 1995.

David, Hugh, Stephen Spender: A Portrait With Background, Heinemann, 1992.

David, Hugh, On Queer Street, HarperCollins, 1997.

David, Hugh, The Fitzrovians, Michael Joseph, 1988.

Davison, Peter, George Orwell Diaries, Harvill/Secker, 2010.

Day, Peter, Klop: Britain’s Most Ingenious Spy, Biteback, 2014.

Deacon, Richard, The British Connection, Hamish Hamilton, 1979.

Deacon, Richard, The Cambridge Apostles, Robert Royce, 1985.

Deacon, Richard, The Greatest Treason, Century, 1989.

Defty, Andrew, Britain, America and Anti-Communist Propaganda, Routledge, 2004.

De Hegedus, Adam, Don’t Keep the Vanman Waiting: A Chapter of Autobiography, Staples Press, 1944.

De la Mare, Sir Arthur, Perverse and Foolish, La Haule Books, 1994.

De-la-Noy, Michael, Edward Sackville-West, Arcadia, 1999.

Delmer, Sefton, Black Boomerang: An Autobiography, Secker & Warburg, 1962.

De Mauny, Erik, Russian Prospect, Macmillan, 1969.

Dobbs, Michael, Winston’s War, Collins, 2002.

Dorril, Stephen, MI6, Fourth Estate, 2000.

Driberg, Tom, Guy Burgess: A Portrait with Background, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1956.

Driberg, Tom, Ruling Passions, Cape, 1977.

Duff, William, A Time for Spies: Theodore Stephanovich Mally and the Era of the Great Illegals, Vanderbilt University Press, 1999.

Durschmied, Erik, Don’t Sheet the Yanqui: The Life of a War Cameraman, Grafton, 1990.

Durschmied, Erik, Shooting Wars, Pharos, 1990.

Eckersley, Miles, Prospero’s Wireless, Myles Books, 1997.

Elliott, Nicholas, Never Judge a Man by his Umbrella, Michael Russell, 1991.

Elliott, Nicholas, With My Little Eye, Michael Russell, 1993.

Faligot, Roger and Kauffer, Remi, Histoire mondiale du renseignement, 1870-1939, Robert Lafont, 1993.

Farson, Daniel, Francis Bacon, Century, 1993.

Faulks, Sebastian, Three Fatal Englishmen, Hutchinson, 1996.

Ferns, H.S., Reading from Left to Right, University of Toronto Press, 1983.

Fiber, Sally, The Fitzroy: The Autobiography of a London Tavern, Temple House, 1995.

Fisher, John, Burgess and Maclean, Robert Hale, 1977.

Frankland, Mark, Child of My Time, Chatto & Windus, 1999.

Garland, Rodney, The Heart in Exile, W.H. Allen, 1953.

Gazur, Edward, Secret Assignment, St Ermin’s Press, 2001.

Gibbs, Anthony, In My Good Time: An Autobiography, Peter Davies, 1969.

Gillies, Donald, Radical Diplomat: The Life of Archibald Clark Kerr, Lord Inverchapel, 1882-1951, I.B. Tauris, 1999.

Gladwyn, Lord, Memoirs, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1972.

Glees, Anthony, Secrets of the Service, Cape, 1987.

Goldsmith, John (ed.) and Spender, Stephen, Journals 1939-1983, Faber, 1985.

Grant Duff, Sheila, The Parting of the Ways: A Personal Account of the Thirties, Peter Owen, 1982.

Green, Martin, Children of the Sun: A Narrative of ‘Decadence’ in England after 1918, Constable, 1977.

Greenhill, Denis, More By Accident, privately published, 1992.

Grierson, Roland, A Truant Disposition, Weidenfeld, 1992.

Griffiths, Richard, Fellow Travellers of the Right, Constable, 1980.

Grigson, Geoffrey, Recollections: Mainly of Artists and Writers, Chatto & Windus, 1984.

Grubb, Kenneth, Crypts of Power, Hodder & Stoughton, 1971.

Haden Guest, Carmel (ed.), David Guest, Lawrence & Wishart, 1939.

Hamilton, Gerald, The Way it Was With Me, Leslie Frewin, 1969.

Hamrick, S.J., Deceiving the Deceivers: Kim Philby, Donald Maclean and Guy Burgess, Yale, 2004.

Hardy, Henry (ed.), The Book of Isaiah: Personal Impressions of Isaiah Berlin, Boydell & Brewer, 2009.

Harris, John (ed.), Goronwy Rees: Sketches in Autobiography, University of Wales Press, 2001.

Harrison, Edward, The Young Kim Philby: Soviet Spy and British Intelligence Officer, University of Exeter Press, 2012.

Harrold, Jane and Porter, Richard, Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, Richard Webb, 2007.

Hart, H.G. (ed.), The New Annual Army List, John Murray, 1896.

Hart, Jennifer, Ask Me No More, Peter Halban, 1998.

Haslam, Jonathan, Near and Distant Neighbours: A New History of Soviet Intelligence, OUP, 2015.

Hastings, Selina, Rosamond Lehmann, Chatto, 2002.

Hayes, Jock, Face the Music, Pentland Press, 1991.

Haynes, John Earl and Klehr, Harvey, Venona, Yale, 1999.

Hearnden, Arthur, Red Robert, Hamish Hamilton, 1984.

Hennessy, Peter, The Secret State: Whitehall and the Cold War, Allen Lane, 2002.

Hennessey, Thomas and Thomas, Claire, Spooks: The Unofficial History of MI5, Amberley, 2009.

Henniker, John, Painful Extractions, Thornham Books, 2002.

Hermiston, Roger, The Greatest Traitor: The Secret Lives of Agent George Blake, Aurum, 2013.

Hewison, Robert, Under Siege: Literary Life in London 1939-45, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1977.

Heygate, John, Decent Fellows, Gollancz, 1930.

Hill, George, Reminiscences of Four Years with the NKVD, Hoover Institution Archives, 1968.

Hill, Heywood and Anne, A Bookseller’s War, Michael Russell, 1997.

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Hoare, Goffrey, The Missing Macleans, Cassell, 1955.

Hobsbawm, Eric, Interesting Times: A Twentieth-Century Life, Allen Lane, 2002.

Hodgkin, Alan, Chance and Design, Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Hollander, Paul, Political Pilgrims, Oxford University Press, 1981.

Holzman, Michael, James Jesus Angleton, The CIA & the Craft of Counterintelligence, University of Massachusetts Press, 2008.

Holzman, Michael, Guy Burgess: Revolutionary in an Old School Tie, Chelmsford Press, 2013.

Holzman, Michael, Donald and Melinda Maclean: Idealism and Espionage, Chelmsford Press, 2014.

Houlbrook, Matt, Queer London, University of Chicago Press, 2005.

Howard, Michael, Captain Professor, Continuum, 2006.

Howarth, T.E.B., Cambridge Between the Wars, Collins, 1978.

Howe, Ellic, The Black Game, Michael Joseph, 1982.

Hughes, E.A., The Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, Winchester Publications, 1950.

Hughes, Richard, Foreign Devil, Deutsch, 1972.

Hughes, Richard, Don’t You Sing!, Kangaroo Press, 1994.

Hussey, Christopher, Eton College, Country Life, 1926.

Hynes, Samuel, The Auden Generation, Bodley Head, 1976.

Ignatieff, Michael, Isaiah Berlin, Chatto & Windus, 1998.

Isherwood, Christopher, The Condor and the Crowns, Random House, 1949.

Jeffery, Keith, The Official History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949, Bloomsbury, 2010.

Jenks, John, British Propaganda and News Media in the Cold War, Edinburgh University Press, 2006.

Johnson, Peter, Roving Reuter Reporter Among the Communists 1958-59, Tagman, 2000.

Karnow, Stanley, Paris in the Fifties, Random House, 1997.

Kaufman, Victor, Confronting Communism: US and British Policies Towards China, University of Missouri Press, 2001.

Kavanagh, Julie, Secret Muses: The Life of Frederick Ashton, Faber, 1996.

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Kern, Gary, A Death in Washington: Walter C. Krivitsky and the Stalin Terror, Enigma Books, 2003.

Kerr, Sheila, ‘NATO’s First Spies: The Case of the Disappearing Diplomats – Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean’ in R. O’Neil and B. Heuser (eds.), Securing Peace in Europe 1945-1982, Macmillan, 1991.

Kerr, Sheila, ‘The Secret Hotline to Moscow: Donald Maclean and the Berlin Crisis of 1948’ in Ann Deighton (ed.), Britain and the First Cold War, Macmillan, 1990.

Kirkup, James, I of All People: Autobiography of Youth, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1988.

Knightley, Phillip, Philby: The Life and Views of the KGB Masterspy, Andre Deutsch, 1988.

Koch, Stephen, Double Lives, HarperCollins, 1995.

Lamphere, Robert and Shachtman, Tom, The FBI-KGB War, Random House, 1986.

Lampen, Ambrose, The Gilded Image, privately published, 1978.

Lancaster, Marie-Jacqueline, Brian Howard: Portrait of a Failure, Anthony Blond, 1968, and Timewell, 2005.

Lancaster, Osbert, With an Eye to the Future, John Murray, 1967.

Lashmar, Paul and Oliver, James, Britain’s Secret Propaganda War, Sutton, 1998.

Lean, Edward Tangye, The Napoleonists: A Study in Political Disaffection, 1760-1960, Oxford University Press, 1970.

Leeming, David, Stephen Spender, Duckworth, 1999.

Lees-Milne, James, Ancestral Voices, Diaries 1942-1945, Chatto & Windus, 1975.

Lees-Milne, James, Deep Romantic Chasm: Diaries 1979-81, John Murray, 2000.

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Lehmann, John, The Ample Proposition, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1966.

Lehmann, Rosamond, Rosamond Lehmann’s Album, Chatto, 1985.

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Lloyd-Jones, Hugh (ed.), Maurice Bowra: A Celebration, Duckworth, 1974.

Lowe, John, The Warden, Collins, 1998.

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Luke, Michael, David Tennant and the Gargoyle Years, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1991.

McDonald, Deborah and Dronfield, Jeremy, A Very Dangerous Woman: The Lives, Loves and Lies of Russia’s Most Seductive Spy, Oneworld, 2015.

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Maclaine, Ian, Ministry of Morale, Allen & Unwin, 1979.

Maclean, Alan, No I Tell a Lie, It Was the Tuesday … A Trudge Through His Life and Times, Kyle Cathie, 1998.

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McMeekin, Sean, The Red Millionaire: Moscow’s Secret Propaganda Tsar in the West, Yale, 2003.

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Manser, Jose, Mary Feden and Julian Trevelyan, Unicorn Press, 2012.

Marten, Michael, Tim Marten: Memories, Lulu, 2009.

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Milne, Tim, Kim Philby: The Unknown Story of the KGB Master Spy, Biteback, 2014.

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