
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Abakumov, Viktor

Abbetz, Otto

Acheson, Dean

Acton, Harold

Alexander, Michael

Allen, Loma

Allison, Barley

Allport, G.J.B.

Alsop, Joseph

Ambler, Eric

Andrew, Christopher

Andrews, Anthony

Angleton, James

Anglo-German Fellowship

Annan, Noel

Anstee, Margaret

Apostles, The

Arran, Lord

Ashton, Frederick

Astor, David

Astor, Lord

Auden, W.H.

Ava, Basil

Ayer, A.J. ‘Freddie’

Bacon, Francis

Baddeley, Angela

Baddeley, Hermione

Baerlein, Tony

Bagley, Pete

Baker, W.R.

Baldwin, Stanley

Ball, Joseph

Banbury, Frith

Bankhead, Tallulah

Banville, John

Barcroft, J.P.

Barkovsky, Vladimir

Barnes, Anne

Barnes, George

Basset, John

Bassett, Eve (cf Evelyn Gillman and Evelyn Burgess)

Batchelor, Norman Douglas

Battle, John

Beatty, David

Beatty, Peter

Beddington, Dick

Bedell Smith, Walter

Bell, Julian

Bell, Quentin

Belloc, Hilaire

Beloff, Nora

Benes, Edvard

Bennett, Alan

Bennison, Geoffrey

Beria, Lavrenty

Berlin, Isaiah

Bernal, JD

Berry, Michael

Betjeman, John

Beveridge, William

Bevin, Ernest

Birley, Robert

Birch-Reynardson, Richard

Blaikie, Derek

Blake, George

Blamey, John

Bland, Sir Nevile

Blick, Roy

Bloomfield, Paul

Blunt, Anthony

and Apostles

and BBC

and Burgess escape

as recruiter

Bentinck St



first meeting


holidays with

joins MI5

legacy from Burgess

love life

on Burgess

reaction to Burgess death


Blunt, Wilfrid

Bonham Carter, Violet

Borovik, Genrikh

Bowra, Maurice

Boyle, Andrew

Bracken, Brendan

Brandon, Henry

Brickendonbury Manor

Britannia, HMS

Britannia Youth

Brook, Sir Norman

Brooke, Rupert

Brooks, Collin

Brooks’s Club

Brooman-White, Dick

Browne, Coral

Brynley, David

Buchanan-Dunlop, David

Budberg, Moura

Bukharin, Nicolai

Burgess, Anthony (nephew)

Burgess, Evelyn (mother), (cf Evelyn Gillman, Eve Bassett)

early married life


Burgess, Guy


animals named after him

applies for jobs at Eton and Conservative Research Department

applies to School of Slavonic Studies

at BBC






court appearances

diving skills

early life

escape route


exam terrors



friendship with Anthony Blunt





love of Jane Austen

love of music

most important of Cambridge spies


Mummy complex


possible engagements

possible manslaughter

prep school


recruitment of Anthony Blunt

relationship with family

sado-masochistic tendencies

Sightings of ‘Missing Diplomats’

Soviet Intelligence on Burgess

Soviet suspicions of Cambridge Ring


works for British Intelligence

works for Rothschilds

Trinity College, Cambridge passim

visit to Russia

Burgess, Henry Miles

Burgess, John Bennett Crispin

Burgess, Malcolm (father)

Burgess, Nigel (brother)

and Guy Burgess escape

and Guy Burgess funeral

at Cambridge

at Eton

in MI5

learns of mother’s new marriage

on his brother

Burgess., Simon (nephew)

Burn, Micky

Burnaby, John

Burrows, Bernard

Butler, JRM

Byam Shaw, Glen

Caballero, Ernest

Cadogan, Sir Alexander

Cadogan Committee

Cairncross, John

Calvocoressi, Peter

Cambridge University Socialist Society (CUSS)

Camps, William

Capote, Truman

Carby, Fanny

Carey-Foster, George

Carmalt-Jones, John

Carr, E.H.

Carter, Miranda

Cassino, Leonard

Cavendish, Anthony

Cavendish, Elizabeth

Cawley, Frederick

Cazalet, Victor

Cecil, Robert

Chamberlain, Neville

Champernowne, David

Chapman, Robin

Charteris, Martin

Chesterton, G.K.

Chidson, Monty

Chishekov, Tolya

Christie, Agatha

Christopherson, Stanley

Churchill, Clarissa

Churchill, Randolph

Churchill, Winston

Ciano, Count

Clarke, Ashley

Clarke, Richard

Clark Kerr, Archibald (later Lord Inverchapel)

Clive, Nigel

Clonmore, Billy

Coates, Patrick

Coats, Peter

Cobbett, William

Cockburn, Claud

Connell, John

Connolly, Cyril

Cooper, Douglas

Cooper, Duff

Cornford, John

Cornforth, Maurice

Cowan, RTB

Coward, Noel

Crankshaw, Edward

Craxton, John

Creagh-Osborne, Michael

Creedy, Herbert

Cripps, Stafford

Croasdell, Gerald

Crowley, Aleister

Cumberbatch, Dominic

Cumming, Mansfield

Curry, John

Dack, Geraldine

Dagleish, Robert

Dahl, Roald

Daladier, Edouard

Danquah, Paul


Davenport, John

Davidson, Alan

Dawes, Harry

De Chouilly, Abraham de Bourgeois

De Courcy, Kenneth

De Hegedus, Adam

De Mauny, Erik

De Rohan, Princess Dilkusha

De Vere White, Terence

Dean, Sir Patrick

Delmer, Sefton

Dening, Esler

Deutsch, Arnold “Otto”

Dicks, Terrance

Dignam, Mark

Dingli, Adrian

Dobb, Maurice

Dobbs, Frank

Dobbs, Michael

Dombey, Norman

Douglas, Lord Alfred

Driberg, Tom

Dulles, Allen

Duncannon, Eric (later Earl of Bessborough)

Dunbar-Naismith, Sir Martin

Dunlop, Tedddy

Durschmied, Erik

Easton, Jack

Eckersley, Miles

Eden, Anthony

Eitingon, Leonard

Elliott, Nicholas

Elphick, Robert

Enemies of Promise

Eton College

Evennett, Outram

Ewart, Gavin

Fairbanks, Douglas

Fairlie, Henry

Faringdon, Lord

Farmer, James

Fedden, Mary

Fellowes, Peregrine

Fenn, Rev Eric

Fimmen, Edo

Findlay, Elaine

Fleming, Ian

Fletcher, John

Flood, Peter

Foot, Michael

Foot, Robert

Footman, David

Forbes, Malcolm

Foreign Languages Publishing House

Foreign Relations Council of the Church of England

Forster, E.M.

Foster, John

Frankfurter, Felix

Frankland, Mark

Franks, Oliver

Freedman, Bill

Friedmann, Litzi

Freud, Lucian

Fry, Charles

Fuchs, Klaus

Fulford, Roger

Gallagher, Willi

Gargoyle Club

Garner, Meredith

George V, King

Gherra, George Gide, Andre

Gillard, Frank

Gillman, Evelyn (cf Evelyn Burgess and Eve Bassett)

Gillman, William

Gladstone, Murray

Golding, John

Golitsyn, Anatol

Gollancz, Victor

Goodman, William

Gore-Booth, Paul

Gorky, Maxim

Gorsky, Anatoli

Gouzenko, Igor

Gower, John

Grafpen, Grigori

Grand, Laurence

Grandi, Count

Grant, Michael

Grant, Pat

Grant, Robert

Graves, Hubert

Graves, Sally

Greaves, George

Green, John

Greene, Graham

Greenhill, Denis

Grierson, Ronald

Grigson, Geoffrey

Grimond, Jo

Gunn, Rufus

Guy, Oswald

Guy Burgess: A Portrait with Background

Haden Guest, David

Hailsham, Lord

Hall, Peter

Halpern, Alexander

Hambro, Angus

Hamilton, Gerald

Hampshire, Stuart

Harbinson, Robert

Harding, Gilbert

Hardy, G.H.

Hardy, Mary

Harper, May

Harper, Stephen

Harris, Enriqueta

Harris, Kitty

Harris, Tomas

Harrod, Roy

Hart, Jennifer

Harvey, William

Haskell, Francis

Hastings, Edward

Hatton, Peter

Hazlett, Arthur

Hayter, Sir William

Hedley, David

Heinemann, Margot

Henlein, Konrad

Henri, Ernest

Herbert, David

Hermondhalgh, William

Hervey, Nancy McDonald

Hewit, Jack

and escape

at Bentinck St

Burgess leaving party

final week

intelligence jobs for Guy Burgess

meets Guy Burgess

post-war relationship

Hill, Bernard

Hill, Christopher

Hill, Derek

Hill, Elizabeth

Hill, George

Hilton, John

Hodgkin, Alan

Hofmann, Peter

Hollander, Tom

Holme, Tommy

Hooper, Maud

Hooper, Robin

Hoover, J. Edgar

Hope-Wallace, Philip

Hopkins, Anthony

Hopkinson, Tom

Houseman, A.E.

Howard, Brian

Hughes, Cherry

Hughes, Richard

Humaryan, Sergei

Hunter, Jack

Hurst, Brian Desmond

Hurst, Rev John

Hutchinson, St John

Huxley, Elspeth

Isherwood, Christopher

Jacobi, Derek

James, Edward

James, Evan

Jebb, Gladwyn

Jellicoe, Lord

Jellicoe, Patsy

John, Augustus

Johnson, Mark

Johnston, Kemball

Johnstone, Archie

Joint Broadcasting Committee

Karnow, Stanley

Katz, Otto

Katz, Rudolph

Keen, Peter

Kempson, Rachel

Kerensky, Alexander

Kessler, Eric

Keynes, John Maynard

Khrushchev, Nikita

Kiernan, Victor

Killanin, Michael

King, John

King’s College, Cambridge

Kingsford, Amelia

Kirkpatrick, Ivonne

Kirby, Henry

Kislytsin, Filip

Kitson Clark, George

Kittredge, Benjamin

Klingender, Fred

Klixbull, Jorgen

Klugman, James

Kollek, Teddy

Kondrashev, Sergei

Korovin see Rodin, Nikolai

Kravchenko, Victor

Kreshin, Boris

Krivitsky, Walter


Kuh, Freddie

Kukiel, Marian

Ladd, Mickey

Lampen, Ambrose

Lamphere, Robert

Lancaster, Osbert

Lancaster, Terence

Lansel, Pierre

Lascelles, Sir Alan ‘Tommy’ Lascelles

Lawford, Valentine

Lawrence, T.E.

Lacock, Robert

Leeper, Rex

Le Boeuf sur le Toit

Lees, Jim

Lees-Milne, James

Legge, Michael

Lehmann, John

Lehmann, Rosamond

Lennhof, Eugen

Leslie, Sir John

Leven, Richard ‘Dickie’

Lewis, Cecil Day

Liddell, Guy

Lipton, Marcus

Littlewood, Joan

Llewellyn, Richard

Llewellyn-Davies, Lady see Rawdon-Smith, Patricia

Llewellyn-Davies, Richard

Lord, Thomas

Locker’s Park school

Lopokova, Luydia

Luker, Norman

Lunghi, Hugh

Lutyens, Edwin

McBarnet, Evelyn

McCarthy, Desmond

McCaffery, J

Macdonald, Malcolm

McDougall, Ian

MacGibbon, James

McGillycuddy of the Reeks


Mackenzie, Robert

Maclean, Alan

Maclean, Donald


and Gargoyle Club

and Krivitsky

and Venona

and White Paper

at Cambridge

Burgess’s funeral

Damage assessment



lover of Guy Burgess

Moscow cricket match


reports Burgess’s nervous breakdown

response to disappearance

rumours of return

Maclean, Fitzroy

Maclean, Miranda

Maclean, Nancy

Macmillan, Harold

MacNamara, Jack

MacNeice, Louis

McNeil, Hector

Maconachie, Sir Richard

Mahan, Alfred

Maisky, Ivan

Maitland-Addison, Patience

Makayev, Valeri

Makins, Roger

Mally, Thodore

Mann, Thomas

Mann, Wilfrid

Manningham-Buller, Sir Reginald

Manser, William

Markham, Gervase

Marris, Peter

Marsden-Smedley, Esther

Marsh, Edward

Marshall, Arthur

Marten, Tim

Martin, Arthur.

Matheson, Hilda

Matisse, Henri

Maugham, Robin

Maugham, Somerset

Mayhew, Christopher

Mayor, Tess (later Rothschild)

Menzies, Stewart

Merkulov, Boris

Mial, Leonard

Mikell, George

Mikhaylov, Valentin

Millar, Frederick Hoyer

Miller, Bernard

Miller, John

Mills, Kenneth

Milne, Tim

Milner-Barry, Philip

Ministry of Information

Minton, John

Mitchell, Graham

Mitchell, Julian

Mitford, Nancy

Mitford, Tom

Modin, Yuri


Molotov, Vyacheslav

Monsarrat, Nicholas

Montgomery, Peter

Moore, G.E.

Moorehead, Alan

Morley, Isa (nee Benzie)

Morris, Jan

Morrison, Herbert

Morrison, John

Mossman, John

Mountbatten, Louis (later Lord)

Mount Temple, Lord

Muenzenberg, Willi

Muggeridge, Malcolm

Mure, David

Nicolson, Ben

Nicolson, Harold

and BBC

Burgess letters to

diary entries


interest in masturbation

meets Burgess

reports Burgess’s accident

tea for Konrad Heinlein

view of Burgess

Nicolson, Nigel

Norman, EPG

Novodevichy Convent

Nunn May, Alan

O’Brien, William

Oetking, Nancy

Ogilvy, Ian

Ogden, Dennis

Oliver, Mary

Olivier, Laurence

O’Malley, Owen

O’Neill, Con

Orlov, Alexander

Ormsby-Gore, David

Orwell, George

Owen, Charles

Parker, Ralph

Pascal, Roy

Pasternak, Boris

Paterson, E.J.

Paterson, Geoffrey

People magazine

Peters, Frederick

Petrov, Vladimir

Petrovna, Nadezhda

Pfeiffer, Edouard

Philby, Aileen

Philby, Eleanor

Philby, Harold Adrian Russell “Kim”

Anglo-German Fellowship

British Intelligence



in breach of Exchange Control Act

legacy from Burgess


Russian recruitment

Russian spying




Philby, John

Philby, St John

Philipps, Johnny

Philips, David

Phillimore, Claud

Piadyshev, Boris

Piatnitski, Ossip

Pincher, Chapman

Playfair, Edward

Pollock, Clare

Pollock, Gale

Pollock, Peter

letters from Burgess

meets Burgess

post-war life

response to escape

Sexual preference

Wartime role

Pollock, Sheila

Pope-Hennessy, James

Portall, Jane (Lady Williams)

Portillo, Blythe

Powell, Anthony

Powell, Eric

Preston, Stuart

Proctor, Dennis

Pryce Jones, Alan

Putlitz, Wolfgang von

Putt, Gorley

Pym, Roland

Rawdon-Smith, Patricia(later Baroness Llewellyn-Davies)

Reddaway, Norman

Redesdale, Lord

Redgrave, Michael

Reed, Ronnie

Rees, Goronwy

Burgess offers to kill

Burgess visit

first meets Burgess

Influence screenplay

knowledge Blunt a spy

People articles


response to escape

views on Guy Burgess

Rees, Jenny

Rees, Margie

Reform Club

Reif, Ignaty

Reilly, Patrick

Revai, Andrew

Ribbentrop, Joachim von

Richardson, Ian

Ridsdale, Sir Wiliam

Rimmington, Stella

Riordan, Jim

Robertson, Dennis

Robertson, James

Robeson, Paul

Rockwell, Stewart

Rocco, Luigi

Rodin, Nikolai

Roosevelt, Emily Sinkler

Roosevelt, Kermit

Roosevelt, Nicholas

Rose-Troup, J.M.

Rothschild, Miriam

Rothschild, Ruzsika

Rothschild, Barbara

Rothschild, Victor

Runciman, Steven

Russell, Bertrand

Rylands, Dadie

Sackville-West, Vita

Sagrado, Margarita

Say, Rosemary

Scapini, Georges

Scarlett, Peter

Scott, Richard

Seale, Douglas

Seale, Patrick

Section D

Seton-Watson, Hugh

Sewell, Brian

Seymour, William

Shanghai Club

Sharp, John

Sheers, Harriet

Sheridan, Leslie

Shishkin, Mikhail

Shuster, Anton

Sillitoe, Sir Percy

Simon, Lord

Simpson, Rev Frederick

Sinclair-Louttit, Kenneth

Sitwell, Osbert

Skardon, Jim

Skelton, Barbara

Smith, Godfrey

Smith, Howard

Smolka, Peter see Peter Smollett

Smollett, Peter

Soames, Mary

Solomon, Flora

Solon, Larry


Sparrow, John

Spender, Humphrey

Spender, Stephen

St John, Captain

St John, Orford

Stalin, Joseph

Stark, Freya

Steel, Christopher

Steiner, George

Storrs, Sir Ronald

Strachey, John

Straight, Michael

Strang, William

Stritsenko, Georgy

Sweet-Escott, Bickham

Sykes Davies, Hugh

Talbot, Milo

Tangye, Nigel

Tennant, David

Tennant, Virginia (later Lady Bath)

Thomas, Dylan

Thompson, Francis

Thorneycroft, Peter

Thurlow, Lord

Tibbits, David

Tobin, Candida

Toller, Ernest

Tomlinson, Frank ‘Tommy’

Tonks, Robin

Townsend, Peter

Toynbee, Arnold

Toynbee, Philip

Trench, Nigel

Trevelyan, G.M.

Trevelyan, Julian

Trevor-Roper, Hugh

Trinity College, Cambridge

Trinity College Historical Society

Tsarev, Oleg

Tudor Hart, Edith

Turck, James

Urquhart, Brian

Vansittart, Sir Robert

Veidt, Conrad


Vesey, Michael

Vivian, Valentine

Volkov, Konstanntin

Von Fries, Werner

Walter, Grey

Ward, Bernard

Warner, Christopher

Warner, Fred

Waterhouse, Ellis

Waterlow, John

Watson, Alister

Watson, Peter

Webb, Duncan

Webb, Maurice

Weidenfeld, George

Weiland, Sydney

Weiss, Stanley

Weizmann, Chaim

Welles, Sumner

Wellesley, Gerald

Wells, H.G.

West, Nigel

West Meon

Westminster School

Whalley, Emily Fishburne

Wheen, Francis

Whicker, Alan

White, Dick

Whitfield, Esther

Wicksteed, Alexander

Wigge, George

Willey, Basil

Wilson, Sir Horace

Wilson, Peter

Wilson, Snoo

Wincott, Len

Wittgenstein, Ludwig

Wolfenden, Jeremy

Woods, Oliver

Wood Smith, Norman

Wright, Geoffrey

Wright, Peter

Wylie, Tom

Young, Martin

Youssopff, Felix

Zaehner, Robin

Zuckerkandl-Szeps, Berthe

Younger, Kenneth