The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

A Little Like Drowning 144

Abbott, Jacqueline 180

Absolutely Fabulous 93

Academy Awards (Oscars) 224–5

Ackroyd, Peter 25

Acton Business and Professional Women’s Club 20

Actors (Barnes) 15, 91–2

Adams, David 49

Adams, Gerry 231, 235

Aladdin 1, 137

Albery, Donald 180

Albery Theatre, London 261

Alchemist, The (Jonson) 38, 40

Ali Baba and the Seven Dwarfs 40

Allen, Tim 248, 249

Allen, Woody 99, 150

Almeida Theatre, London 57, 109, 177, 190, 221, 224

Almodóvar, Pedro 246

Ambassadors Theatre, London 110

Amblin 233

Amnesty International 149

An Awfully Big Adventure 6, 197, 199, 216–21, 235, 248

Aniston, Jennifer 260

Antonio (Barnes) 59, 74

Antonio and Mellida (Marston) 74

Antonio’s Revenge (Marston) 74

Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare) 4, 87, 234, 249–52, 253, 260

Arditti, Michael 163, 166

Armstrong, Alun 220

Art of Love, The 107

Art (Reza) 265

Arts Council 170, 184

As You Like It (Shakespeare) 73, 104–6, 113, 162, 223, 279

Ashcroft, Peggy 254

Asquith, Ros 102, 105

Astaire, Fred 14, 54, 240, 279

Atkinson, Robert 163

Atkinson, Rowan 269

Aung San Suu Kyi 254

Austen, Jane 70, 122, 224, 227

Avengers, The 233


Babelsberg studio 201

Babes in the Wood 55

Bacall, Lauren 102

Bacon, Francis 11

Bad Language (Hughes) 79, 97, 98

BAFTA awards 280

Bailey, Catherine 54, 174, 176, 177–8, 179, 180, 181–6, 193, 204

Bainbridge, Beryl 216, 219

Barber, John 61, 68, 101–2, 115

Barbican Theatre, London 176

Barchester Chronicles, The 6, 7, 53, 72, 80–6, 90, 107, 267

Barchester Towers (Trollope) 81

Bardsley, Barney 53, 117

Barge, Gillian 204, 206, 208, 274

Barlby Primary School, West London 26, 129

Barnes, Christie 262

Barnes, Clive 261

Barnes, Peter

on acting and actors 89–90, 213, 223, 234, 270

on AR 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 58–60, 64, 214–15, 216, 222–3, 233, 245, 249, 251, 261, 282

AR’s work with 261

family 26–8, 262

on Harry Potter films 267

on Rima 8, 13, 160

screenplays 119, 137–8, 139

stage plays 22, 26, 58–60, 74–5, 91–2, 152–6

TV dramas 129, 131–2

Barrie, J.M. 216

Barrow-in-Furness 167–8

Barton, John 107

Bates, Alan 100, 249, 250, 251, 261

Baudelaire, Charles 103, 109

Bausch, Pina 247

Baylis, Lilian 179

BBC 23, 53

News 24 251, 259, 269

Beals, Margaret 54

Beatles, The 257

Beaufoy, Simon 256

Beauvoir, Simone de 7

Bechtler, Hildegard 176

Beckett, Samuel 257

Beckinsale, Kate 35

Bedelia, Bonnie 122, 123, 124, 125, 126

Beggar’s Opera, The 108

Behn, Aphra 98

Benefactors (Frayn) 127–8

Bennett, Jill 53

Berens, Jessica 152

Bergman, Ingmar 99

Berkeley, Busby 257

Berlin Film Festival 227

Berry, Cicely 66

Bharadwaj, Radha 148

Bigelow, Kathryn 148

Biggerstaff, Sean 247

Biggins, Christopher 10

Billington, Michael 79, 102, 115, 155, 166–7, 178, 222

Billy And Me 129, 131

Binder, Mike 255

Birmingham Post 61

Birmingham Rep 61

Bishop, Susannah 65

Black Dwarf, The 22

Blair, Tony 13, 79

Blessed, Brian 140

Blood Wedding (Lorca) 93

Blow Dry 256

Bob Roberts 164, 276

Bogart, Humphrey 102

Bogdanov, Michael 5, 56–7

Bond, Matthew 35–6

Bond, Philip 35

Bond, Samantha 35

Bonham-Carter, Helena 259

Borgia Orgy, The 48

Boston Globe 244

Bourne, Val 176

Bowie, David 196, 196–7, 201

Boys From The Blackstuff 85

Branagh, Kenneth 31, 169, 217, 225

Breathnach, Paddy 256

Brecht, Bertolt 238

Brett, Jeremy 147

Brierley, David 113–14

Briers, Richard 169

Bristol Old Vie 60, 115

British Museum, London 137

British Theatre Association 180

Brody, Hugh 144

Broidy, Susan 159

Bromley, Mrs 29–30

Brook Green Players 46

Brook, Peter 153, 170, 179, 249

Brown, Divine 218

Brown, Gordon 259

Brown, Jane 199

Browning Version, The (Rattigan) 34

Brussels Film Festival 265

Buccaneers, The 154

Buck, Karen 163

Burdett-Coutts, William 185, 187

Burge, Stuart 13, 58, 59

Burma UK campaign 253–4, 260

Burn This 111

Bush Theatre, Hammersmith 15, 62, 76–7, 180, 224, 281

Busted (Davis) 51, 90–1

Byer, John 37


Calder-Marshall, Anna 61

Callow, Simon 14, 77

Cambridge, University of 91

Camden Journal 54

Camille 109

Campbell, Alastair 258–60

Cannes Film Festival 196

Carlton Television 70

Carnation Gang, The 149

Carne, Rosalind 97

Carnival Theatre 183

Carrington 214–15

Casablanca 120, 155

Castle Bromwich News 61

Catcher in the Rye, The 62

Cates, Georgina 219, 220

Caucasian Chalk Circle, The (Brecht) 39

Chariots of Fire 65

Charities Commission 190–1

Charleson, Ian 65

Charlie Rose Show, The 260–1

Chelsea (constituency) 159

Chelsea College of Art 36, 41, 44

Children On The Edge 137

Christabel (Potter) 197

Christopher, James 178

Citizens’ Theatre, Glasgow 73–4

City Limits 102, 117, 155

Clark, Alan 163, 258

Clerks 248

Close, Glenn 110

Close My Eyes 16, 138, 139, 149–52, 158, 245

Closetland 138, 139, 148–9

Cloud Over the Morning 39

CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) 8, 12, 168

Coleman, lain 176, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186

Collins, Michael 234–6

Colman, Ronald 155

Coltrane, Robbie 266

Commitments (Hughes) 76–7, 98

Conlan, Tara 250

Coogan, Steve 125

Cook, Peter 7

Coppola, Francis Ford 206

Coriolanus (Shakespeare) 38

Costner, Kevin 17, 137, 138, 138–9, 140, 141, 143, 278

Court Drama Group (Stanhope Adult Education Institute) 36, 47–9

Coveney, Michael 74, 101, 105, 116, 166, 250

Coventry Telegraph 61

Coward, Noël 261, 266, 270

Cox, Brian 69, 71, 73, 215

Cranham, Kenneth 71

Crewe, Sue 168

Crossley, Stephen 54, 214

Crowley, Aleister 88, 238, 270

Crowley, Bob 176

Crucible Theatre, Sheffield 57, 73–4, 106, 162

Crying Game, The 245

Curtis, Richard 268–9

Cushman, Robert 34, 39, 40, 42, 60, 79


‘Daddy’ (Plath) 88

Dahl, Sophie 268

Daily Express 7, 154, 165–6, 222

Daily Mail 105, 139, 155, 159, 163, 167, 222, 270, 275, 277

Daily Mirror 121, 167

Daily Telegraph 55, 60, 61, 62, 68, 95, 97, 101–2, 115, 116, 151, 158–9, 163, 166, 178, 222

Dalyell, Tam 258

Dance, Charles 77, 216

Dance Umbrella 176

Dances With Wolves 134, 136

Dangerous Liaisons 16, 110, 112–13

Dark Harbor 245–6

David, Eleanor 132

Davies, Andrew 70

Davies, Howard 3, 15, 105, 107, 109, 112, 114–15, 142, 260

Davis, Jane 263

Davis, Stephen

on actors 213

on AR 3, 6–7, 10–11, 19–20, 23, 50, 62, 88, 90–1, 112, 145–6, 262–3, 265–6, 273, 279, 282

on AR’s family 26

conservation project 268

family 20, 262–3

plays 50–1, 80, 90–1

on Rima 8, 44

rock band 145–6

on Juliet Stevenson 62

Day In The Death Of Joe Egg, A (Nichols) 247

de Jongh, Nicholas 178, 179, 187, 191

De La Tour, Frances 160

de Valera, Eamon 231, 234–6

Dead Again 225

Death Is Part Of The Process 130

Delingpole, James 62, 151

Dempster, Nigel 159

Dench, Judi 107

Dern, Laura 225–6

Derwentwater Junior School 30

Desert Island Discs 48

Design for Living (Coward) 249

Desperately Yours 93

Devil Himself, The (Wedekind/Barnes) 58, 74–6

Devil is an Ass, The (Jonson/Barnes) 58, 59, 60, 174

Dexter, John 95

Diana, Princess of Wales 22

Dick Whittington 30

Die Hard 1, 3, 16, 19, 26, 74, 94, 95, 111, 112, 119–29, 128, 129, 143, 153, 246, 257, 267

Die Hard with a Vengeance 121

Dionisotti, Paola 78

Dixon, Wendy 28–9

Dogma 246, 248

Don Giovanni (Mozart) 85

Don, Robin 222

Donald, Jonathan 163

Donat, Robert 277

Doors, The 170

Doran, Lindsay 225

Douglas, Michael 255

Dr Strangelove 164

Dr Who 233

Drabble, Margaret 40

Drama 115, 279

Drama Magazine 53

Drinkwater, Carol 220

Du Sautoy, Carmen 66

Duchess of Duke Street, The 70

Duchess of Malfi, The (Webster) 170

Duncan, Lindsay 3, 15, 107, 110, 113, 221–2, 260–1

Durham, Geoffrey 57

Dutch Courtesan, The (Marston/Barnes) 96


Ealing and Acton Gazette 20, 27

Edel, Uli 236

Edinburgh Festival 60

Edney, Beatie 154

Edwardes, Jane 108, 117

Elle 120

Ellis-Bextor, Sophie 35

Elsom, John 79

Enchanted April 119, 246

English Shakespeare Company 183

Entertainer, The (Osborne) 131

Entertainment Weekly 140

ER 234

Evening Standard (London)

AR interviewed for 84, 168–9, 170–1, 188, 197, 224, 280

Awards 78–9, 177

reviews in 68, 96, 97, 98, 166, 221

and Riverside proposals 175, 179, 187–91, 193

on Ronan Vibert 154

on Ruby Wax 163

Evita 215

Ewart-Biggs, Baroness 158

Express & Star (Birmingham) 61

Eyre, Richard 175


Fallen Angels 225, 233

Falling Down 255

Fallowell, Duncan 5, 125

Fatal Attraction 110

Fears and Miseries of the Third Reich (Brecht) 74

Feast, Michael 51, 90

Fences (Wilson) 110

Fielding, Fenella 61

Fiennes, Ralph 167, 233

Figgis, Susie 235

Film 92 164

Film 93 196

Film 95 220

Film Finances Services 198, 199, 200–2

Financial Times 68, 74, 79, 101, 105, 116, 162–3, 222

Finney, Albert 153

Fiorentino, Linda 248

Firth, Colin 269

Fishburn, Dudley 159

Fitzgerald, F. Scott 225–6

Fitzgerald, Sheridan 9, 63, 64–8, 92, 233

Fletcher, Dexter 73

Flynn, Barbara 127–8

Flynn, Errol 142

Follett, Ken 12, 158

Fontanne, Lynn 62

Ford, Julia 165–6

Fort Worth Star-Telegraph 143

Fortune’s Fool (Turgenev) 261

42nd Street 249

Four Weddings and a Funeral 216, 269

Francis, lan 160–1, 164

Franks, Philip 144

Frears, Stephen 108, 110, 111

French, Dawn 93

French, Sean 112, 127, 150

Freud, Sigmund 207

Frida 265

From Sleep & Shadow (Barnes) 131–3

Frost, David 40

Full Monty, The 256

Furness, Deborra-Lee 269


Gaitskell, Hugh 163

Galaxy Quest 248–9

Galloway, George 111

Gambon, Michael 15, 260, 268

Gardner, Lyn 155

Garofalo, Janeane 255–6

Geldof, Bob 9

Gero, Frank 109

Ghost 16, 145

Ghosts (Ibsen) 54

Gibson, Jeremy 49

Gielgud, John 117, 254, 271

Gifford, Anthony, QC 49

Giles, David 81

Girls on Top 93

Glasgow Herald 61

Godolphin & Latymer School 35, 37

Godunov, Alexander 123, 124, 126

Good Old Days, The 39

Goodale, Robert 201

GQ 6, 44, 51, 53, 62, 112, 113, 122, 127, 143, 150, 278, 281

Granger, Dave 50

Grant, Hugh 4, 12, 30, 35, 41, 42, 48, 199, 216, 218, 220, 226, 227, 269

Grant, Richard E. 260

Graphiti 50–1

Grass Widow, The (Wilson) 11, 87, 98, 107

Griffiths, Rachel 256

Grove, Valerie 50, 162, 165, 223

Guard, Christopher and Dominic 30, 35

Guardian 23, 59, 60, 61, 79, 94, 97, 102, 112, 115, 117, 122, 134, 166, 178, 222, 257

Guinness, Alec 4, 72, 272

Guys and Dolls 57, 279


Hackman, Gene 203, 214

Hackney Empire, London 167

Hackworth-Young, Jane 178, 179–85, 186, 188

Hamlet (Shakespeare) 49, 54, 104, 155, 156, 165–9, 234, 250

Hammersmith & Fulham

Council 176, 180, 184–6, 189

Miners’ Support Group 180

Hammersmith Drama Festival 39–40

Hammersmith and Fulham Post 188

Hammond, Chris 41, 42–4, 218

Hamori, Andras 201

Hampshire, Susan 83

Hampstead Theatre, London 14, 152

Hampton, Christopher 80, 104, 107–11, 112, 113, 114, 176, 192, 215, 269

Hancock, Tony 58

Hand Witch Of The Second Stage, A (Barnes) 89

Hands, Terry 107, 109

Hanks, Tom 11

Hannibal 276

Hare, David 274

Harman, Harriet 43

Harney, Desmond 162

Harpers & Queen 50, 162, 165, 223

Harris, Richard 266

Harry Potter books (Rowling) 69, 119

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 1, 235, 248, 262, 263, 266–8

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone 1, 46, 235, 248, 259, 263, 266–8

Hatley, Tim 250, 260–1

Havergal, Giles 74

Hawthorne, Nigel 6, 21, 69, 81–2, 111, 131, 132

Haymarket Theatre, Leicester 56

Headstrong Club 21

Heath, Edward 76

Hedley, Philip 137, 254–5

Help! I’m A Fish 256–7

Henn, Charles 55

Heseltine, Michael 85

Hewitt, James 22

Hickey, Theresa 45, 112, 270

Hill, Bernard 55, 85

Hill, Christopher 131

Hirshhorn, Clive 166, 222

History Man, The 85

Hitler, Adolf 124

Holman, Robert 29, 93–5

Holmes, Ann 159

Holt, Thelma 169–70

and Evening Standard awards 79

friendship with AR 14

and Hamlet 155, 165, 176–9, 181, 182, 190–2

and Riverside proposals 154, 158, 169–70, 174

and Tango At The End Of Winter 153

Hooke, John Home 21

Hopkins, Anthony 215–6, 273, 276–7, 282

Hordern, Michael 63, 67, 68

Home, Paul 49

Horton, Rima

as amateur actress 8, 36, 46–9, 76 on AR 258

as Labour councillor 111–12, 181

moves in with AR 59–60

political career 12–13, 26, 51, 128, 158–62, 193, 258

as producer 269–70

relationship with AR 7–8, 12, 24, 28, 44–8, 66, 85, 100–1, 262–3, 269–70, 272, 279 and Riverside 174

as school governor 26, 129

schooldays 29–30

Hoskins, Bob 244, 259

Hostage, The 48

Howard, Alan 4, 107

Howerd, Frankie 14

Hughes, Dusty 7, 45, 77–9, 80, 97, 213, 234, 272

Hughes, Gwenda 56

Hungary 197, 207

Hunniford, Gloria 15

Hunter, William 175, 179, 180–93

Huppert, Isabelle 177, 243

Hurren, Kenneth 116, 117

Hurt, John 257


I Went Down 256

Idle, Eric 71, 233

Ignatius Loyola 23

Importance of Being Earnest, The (Wilde) 48

Imrie, Celia 187

‘In Demand’ 156

Independent 178

Independent on Sunday 15, 142, 277

Indiana Jones 266

Innocent, The 201

Innocent, Harold 60, 91

Irish Times 256

Irons, Jeremy 121, 205, 214–15

Italian Straw Hat, The 35

Ivy restaurant, London 9

Izzard, Eddie 247


Jackman, Hugh 269

Jacobi, Derek 40

Jagger, Mick 4, 108

James, Clive 103–4, 104

James, Peter 9, 11, 73–4, 106, 162, 217, 247–8, 258, 271–2

James, Sid 106

January Man, The 133, 164

Jeffrey, Peter 239

Jewish Chronicle 154

Jones, Dr Hilary 30

Jones, Tommy Lee 273–4

Jonson, Ben 12

Joplin, Janis 77

Jordan, Neil 234

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Lloyd–Webber/Rice) 57

Judas Kiss 102, 245, 246


Kafka 205

Karlin, Miriam 253, 254

Keating, Charles 75

Keitel, Harvey 133

Kelly, Jude 57, 62, 168

Kennedy, Helena 259

Kennedy, Jacqueline 110

Kensington & Chelsea (borough), Arts Council 49

Kensington & Chelsea (constituency) 159–61, 163–4, 258

Kensington and Chelsea News 258

Kensington News 159, 160, 162, 163, 164

Kent, Jonathan 57

Kilroy, Thomas 79

King, Francis 97, 102, 116

King Grizzly Bear 29

Kingsley, Ben 107, 113

Kinnear, Roy 96

Kinnock, Glenys 137, 253–4

Kinnock, Neil 104, 253–4

Kitchen, Michael 127–8

Kline, Kevin 133

Knight of the Burning Pestle, The (Beaumont) 39

Knightley, Keira 269

Krapp’s Last Tape (Beckett) 257

Kunz, Simon 36


La Plante, Lynda 250

Labour Party 111, 144, 146, 158, 161, 163, 258, 259, 271

Laclos, Pierre Choderlos de 103–4

Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire 268

Lady From The Sea (Ibsen) 170

Lahr, John 3, 275, 276

LAMDA 73, 217, 247, 271

Lamede, Jonathan 188

Lane, Anthony 277

Lang, Belinda 56

Lang, Fritz 257

Langton, Simon 70, 72, 121

Lapotaire, Jane 66

Last Action Hero, The 216

Last Elephant, The (Davis) 80

Last Tycoon, The (Fitzgerald) 225

Late Show, The 54, 120, 197, 204

Latymer, Edward 37, 44, 279

Latymer Upper School, Hammersmith, London 12, 25, 30–2, 33–44, 51, 220, 255, 282

Gild Drama Club 34, 37–41, 48

Latymer Theatre 43

Latymerian, The 34, 38, 39, 40

Law, Phyllida 221, 224, 244

Laws, Elsie 34

Lawson, Mark 116

Lawton, Heather 60

Laye, Dilys 74–5

Le Carré, John 72

Lee, Ang 156, 226–9

Lee, Spike 243

Leicester Graphic 68

Leigh, Mike 255, 279

Les Misérables 113

Lewis, Peter 153, 155

Les Liaisons Dangereuses (Hampton) 104, 107–18

AR as Valmont 2, 6, 11, 15–16, 49, 101, 102, 107, 115–18, 120, 175, 229, 277, 280

on Broadway 109–10, 116, 154

film 14, 110–13, 117

at Stratford 108–9

Les Liaisons Dangereuses (Laclos) 103–4

Limelight 155

Lindsay, Robert 260

Lion King, The 214

Listener, The 79

Littlewood, Joan 54

Lloyd George, David 235

Lloyd Webber, Andrew 26, 110

Lo Fingido Verdadero (Vega) 91

Lock Up Your Daughters 56

London Arts Board 189

Longford, Lord 158

Lorimar 110–11, 114

Los Angeles Daily News 133

Los Angeles Times 243

Love, Actually 269

Love’s Labour’s Lost (Shakespeare) 48, 66

Lucie Cabrol 206

Lucky Chance, The (Behn) 98–102, 191

Lumière brothers 243

Lumière and Company 243

Lunt, Alfred 62

Lynch, David 243

Lyric Studio, Hammersmith 74

Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith 42, 162, 180, 181–2, 184


Macaulay, Alastair 222

Macbeth (Shakespeare) 154, 252

McBurney, Simon 123, 204–7

McCabe, Jim 33, 41, 43

McDiarmid, lan 57

McDonagh, Margaret 258–9

MacDonald, Gary 187

Macdonald, Sharman 3, 77, 177, 221, 224, 269

McEwan, Geraldine 6, 81, 140, 142, 165, 177, 187

McFerran, Ann 140

McGann, Paul 233

McKellen, lan 4, 236, 239, 241

Mackenzie, Susie 23, 25, 45–6

Mackintosh, Genista 109

McNally, Kevin 77

McTiernan, John 122

Madness of King George, The 111

Mail On Sunday 116, 117, 198

Malkovich, John 7, 16, 108, 110–11, 112, 122

Maloney, Michael 145, 147

Man for All Seasons, A (Bolt) 272

Man is Man (Brecht) 60, 115

Manchester Library Theatre 55

Mandell, Robert 57

Mandelson, Peter 257–8

Manhunter 215

Mann, Klaus 116

Manson, Charles 237

Marian, Tina 75, 91

Marowitz, Charles 170

Marston, John 74

Marvin, Blanche 11, 12, 17, 224, 272

Marvin, Nicolette (Niki) 17, 56, 224

Mary Stuart (Schiller) 177, 243

Mason, James 277

Massey, Anna 79, 107

Massey, Daniel 107

Masterpieces 99

Mastrantonio, Mary Elizabeth 141

Mathias, Sean 249, 250

Maugham, Somerset 269

Maxwell, Robert 170

Mayfair Entertainment 196, 198, 200–2

Me And My Girl 229

Measure for Measure (Shakespeare) 54

Medea 153

Mephisto (Mnouchkine) 104, 116–17

Mercury Theatre, Notting Hill Gate 30

Merry Wives of Windsor, The 113

Mesmer 4–5, 123, 132, 153, 196–212, 217, 242, 248, 272, 274, 280, 281

Mesmer, Friedrich Anton (Franz) 193, 195–7, 203–4, 205, 207, 236, 237

Messenbird, Hester 21

Methodist Hall, Shepherd’s Bush 46

Metropolis 257

Michael Collins 234–6

Midgley, Robin 57

Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare) 234

Miller, Jonathan 63, 144

Milligan, Stephen 22

Mills, Hayley 73

Milne, Paula 104

Minghella, Anthony 16, 143, 144, 145, 257

Mirren, Helen 87, 170, 249–51

Miss Julie (Strindberg) 177, 243

Mitterrand, François 243

Mnouchkine, Ariane 116

Molina, Alfred 265

Moline, Karen 120

Montessori, Maria 28–9

Montreal film Festival 212, 280

Moon and Sixpence, The (Maugham) 269

Morgan, Fidelis 187

Morley, Sheridan 116, 251

Morrell, Lady Ottoline 61

Morrison, Jim 170

Mother Courage (Brecht) 238

Mother Love 70

Moving Theatre 177

Mowlam, Mo 12

Murder, Obliquely 225, 233

Murphy, Douglas 247

Music Box, Broadway 110, 114


Nathan, David 154

Nathanson, Paul 198–9

National Film Theatre 246

National Lottery 187

National Theatre, London 4, 56, 59, 60, 79, 170, 174–5, 176, 177, 234, 243, 269

Navy Lark, The 97

Nederlander, James 109, 114

Neeson, Liam 234, 243, 269

Nelligan, Kate 69, 71

New York Post 261

New York Times 110, 261

New York Village Voice 102

Newby, Michael 41

Newell, Mike 4, 9, 216–20, 248

Nicholas Nickleby 113

Nicholson, David 275

Night Must Fall (Williams) 46, 76

Nightingale, Benedict 155, 178, 222

Nighy, Bill 269

Ninagawa, Yukio 152–4, 156

Noble, Adrian 15, 25, 60, 61, 62–3, 85, 104–5, 113, 115, 120, 214, 223–4, 247, 274, 279

Norman, Barry 138, 164, 196, 220

North Kensington Community Centre 26

Notting Hill Herald 49–50

Nottingham Playhouse 59, 73

Nunn, Trevor 40, 109, 114, 115, 175, 269

Nyman, Michael 197, 207


O’Brien, Catherine 121, 167

Observer 5, 60, 79, 99, 101, 104, 105, 117, 166, 189

O’Casey, Sean 24, 47

Oh! Calcutta! 170

Oklahoma! 269

Old Vic Theatre, London 183

Oldfield, Mike 169

Oldman, Gary 214, 215

Oliver, Rupert and Violet 21

Olivier, Sir Laurence 31, 47, 217, 254, 272, 273

Olivier Theatre, London 249, 250

One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest 202

One World Action 137, 254

Ooms, Amanda 204, 207, 208

Open Space Theatre 170

Orton, Nigel 38, 44

Osborne, John 53

Othello (Shakespeare) 107, 113

Other Worlds (Holman) 76, 93–6

O’Toole, Peter 22, 252

Out Of Joint 80, 157

Owen, Clive 150–1

Owen, Michael 168, 170, 178, 188, 197, 224, 280

Oxford Playhouse 79

Oz 49


Pacino, Al 59

Pagett, Nicola 220

Paige, Elaine 279

Paine, Thomas 21

Rights of Man, The 21

Paterson, Bill 145

Patrick, Tony 163

Patten, Brian 50

Paxman, Jeremy 91

Pearson, Allison 15, 142

Pearson, Neil 187

Peer Gynt (Ibsen) 155

Peggy Ashcroft Theatre, Guildford 254

People 139

Peter, John 167

Peter Pan (Barrie) 216, 218

Peterborough column 158–9

Phantom of the Opera 26

Phillips, Leslie 97

Phoenix Theatre, Leicester 56

Piccadilly Theatre, London 22, 154

Pinter, Harold 152

Pitt, Brad 260

Plater, Alan 80–1, 84

Plath, Sylvia 88–9, 277

Play 257

Players of Shakespeare 105

Pleasence, Donald 6, 81

Pogson, Kathryn 187

Poliakoff, Stephen

on AR 2, 5, 14, 15, 69, 87, 104, 106–7, 112, 139, 149–50, 224, 227, 272

and The Summer Party 73–4

see also Close My Eyes; Sweet Panic

Pollack, Sydney 225

Portillo, Michael 258, 259

Portrait of Scythrop 39

Potter, Beatrix 229

Potter, Dennis 153, 193, 196–212, 281

Powell, Jeff 139, 275

Powell, Jonathan 69–70, 72, 80–1, 233

Preacher, The (Barnes) 129–31

Prebble, John 31

Premiere 125

Pride and Prejudice 70

Prime Suspect 250

Private Lives (Coward) 1, 3, 79, 251, 253, 260–2, 265, 268

Pruce, Peter 237, 238

Pryce, Jonathan 214–15

Punch 116


Quigley Down Under 134–6, 140

Quilley, Denis 91


RADA 48, 51, 53, 75, 137, 247, 275

Rains, Claude 117, 120, 138, 277, 282

Ramsay, Peggy 113–14

Rasputin 1, 17, 233, 236–42, 243, 272, 280

Rasputin, Grigori 236–9

Rasputin, Maria 239, 241

Ratcliffe, Michael 101, 104, 105, 117

Rathbone, Basil 120, 138, 142

Raw Produce 158

Ray, John 41

Recruiting Officer, The (Farquhar) 80

Redbrick 61

Redgrave, Corin 12, 40, 177

Redgrave, Vanessa 12, 170, 177, 258

Reedus, Norman 246

Reeves, Saskia 150–2, 279

Reid, Mrs 29–30

Renaissance Theatre Company 169

Return Journey (Thomas) 40

Revolutionary Witness (Barnes) 129

Reynolds, Kevin 139, 143

Reynolds, Lance 199, 200–2

Rich, Frank 110

Richard III (Shakespeare) 53

Richardson, Natasha 256

Richardson, Sir Ralph 21, 217

Rickman, Alan Patrick

birth 21

family background 10, 21, 22–3

at Montessori School 28–9

at Latymer Upper School 12, 25, 30–2, 33–44, 51

at Chelsea College of Art 44

in amateur dramatic groups 46–7

at Royal College of Art 49

at Graphiti 50

at RADA 48, 51–5

appearance 1, 2, 9, 11–12, 14, 15, 224, 227, 238

artistic talent 22–3

as ASM 55

awards 212, 238, 243, 245, 280

as director 93–4, 221–4, 244–5, 265

as dresser 53

essay on playing Jaques 105–6, 279

on himself 274–6

joins Labour Party 111

Masterclass 253, 259–60

and mother 23–8, 243–4

personality 2, 4–5, 9, 11–12, 13–15, 19–20, 55–6, 57, 58–9, 78, 81, 281

politics 1, 2, 6, 10, 12, 42–3, 78–9, 85, 144, 160, 168, 258–9, 271, 278

at RADA 53–5

roles rejected 215–19

at RSC 6, 62–8, 69, 73, 103

sexual charisma 2, 4, 6–7, 9–10, 17, 19, 83, 88, 90, 100

see also Horton, Rima, relationship with AR

Rickman, Bernard (AR’s father) 21, 22, 23–4, 168

Rickman, David Bernard John (AR’s brother) 10, 21, 22–3, 26, 44

Rickman, Margaret Doreen Rose (née Bartlett, AR’s mother) 10, 21, 22, 23–8, 168, 243–4, 245

Rickman, Michael Keith (AR’s brother) 10, 14, 22–3, 26

Rickman, Sheila (AR’s sister) 22, 23, 46 daughters 46

Rickman, Thomas (‘Clio’) 21–2

Life of Paine, The 21

Riese, Mark 189

Rights Now 159

Riverside Studios, Hammersmith 5, 54, 95, 98, 157–8, 169–70, 173–93, 214, 221, 271, 281

Robbins, Tim 164, 276

Robin Hood 142

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 1, 16–17, 19, 37, 53, 89, 131, 137–43, 149, 158, 204, 257, 260, 277–9

Rodgers, Anton 187

Rogers, Sir Richard 177

Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare) 48, 57, 69, 199

Ronnie Scott’s Club 49

Rose, Charlie 3

Roundhouse, London 169, 170, 191

Rowling, J.K. 119, 268

Royal College of Art 49

Royal Court Theatre, London 77, 79, 98–100, 107, 157, 253

Royal Opera House 183

Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) 214, 246–8, 260, 281

AR joins 6

AR leaves 69, 73

AR rejoins 103

Christmas party 25

and Les Liaisons Dangereuses 2, 16, 105–10, 113–18

‘nuns’ at 144

at Roundhouse 170

Royal Society of Medicine 207

Ruling Class, The (Barnes) 22, 26, 58, 131

Russell, Barry 115

Russell, Ken 211

Ryall, David 147

Rylance, Mark 176


Sachs, Leonard 39, 40

Sachs, Robin 39

St Joan (Shaw) 55, 56, 220

St Vincent’s School, London 29–30

Salberg, Jane 99

San Giacomo, Laura 135

Sanders, George 120, 277

Sarandon, Susan 133, 164

Sarasota Film Festival 255

Sartre, Jean-Paul 7

Saturday Review 103–4, 104

Saunders, Jennifer 93

Savage, Peter 186–7

Scacchi, Greta 236, 239

Scales, Prunella 187, 220

Schlesinger, John 201

Schoenfeld, Gerald 110

Schubert Organisation 110, 114

Schulz-Keil, Wieland 201–2

Scofield, Paul 272

Scorer, Ian 198–9

Scott, Sir Nicholas 159, 161, 162, 163–4, 258

Scott, Victoria 159

Scott-Thomas, Kristin 257

Seagull, The (Chekhov) 72, 77, 79–80, 93, 107, 108

Search for John Gissing, The 255–6

Sebastian, Tim 23, 259, 269

Segal, Philip 233

Sekacz, Ilona 191

Selleck, Tom 134–5

Sense and Sensibility 16, 156, 216, 218, 224, 225, 226–31, 234, 246

Sense and Sensibility: Behind the Scenes 229

Sense & Sensibility: The Diaries 228–30

Serjeant Musgrave’s Dance (Arden) 39

Sexy Beast 87

Sharp, Jane 36

Sharp, Miriam (‘Mim’) 36, 48

Sharp, Wilf 33, 36, 48

Shaw, Fiona 65, 113, 144, 176, 177

Shawshank Redemption, The 224–5

Sher, Antony 85, 107, 175

Shimuzu, Kunio 152

Shirras, James 198, 199, 201, 202, 204

Shorter, Eric 97, 105, 116

Shulman, Milton 68, 97, 98

Silence of the Lambs 215, 272, 276

Silver, Joel 120

Sinn Fein 231

Six Characters In Search Of An Author (Pirandello) 155

Small, Christopher 61

Smiley’s People 70, 72–3, 80

Smith, Bessie 75–6

Smith, Kevin 246, 248, 256

Smith, Maggie 266

Smith, Mel 30, 35, 41, 42, 43–4, 48, 218

Spacey, Kevin 276

Spear, Ruskin 33

Spectator 95

Spencer, Charles 115, 163, 166, 178, 222

Spencer, Charlie 96

Spielberg, Steven 17, 233, 266

Spirit of Man, The (Barnes) 89, 131

Spiteri, Sharleen 156

Spottiswoode, Roger 197, 198, 199, 202–4, 205–6

Spurr, Derek 182

Squirrel Nutkin (Potter) 229

Stafford-Clark, Max 79, 80, 87, 91, 100, 157, 173

Stage 250

Stage and Television Today 50, 115

Standing Room Only 268, 269

Stead, Edward (‘Ted’) 33, 34, 36, 39, 40, 47–9, 89, 141, 149, 155, 278

Stein, Peter 179

Steppenwolf 175

Stevenson, Juliet

AR on 5

awards 54, 158

friendship with AR 14, 54, 62, 65, 143–4

plays and films 16, 93, 94, 255, 257

and Riverside proposals 176, 192

at RSC 62, 65, 107, 110, 113, 144, 149–50, 158

in Truly Madly Deeply 138, 143–8

Stone, Laurie 102

Stone, Oliver 217

Stoppard, Tom 22

Story of Christmas, The 29

Strange Days 148


The Other Place 104, 107, 108

Theatre Royal 45, 62–3

Sturua, Robert 165, 166

Suchet, David 61, 64

Sugarman, Sara 90

Summer Party, The (Poliakoff) 73–4

Sunday Express 139, 166, 222

Sunday Mercury 61

Sunday Telegraph 61, 97, 102, 116

Sunday Times 153, 155, 167, 258

Sunset Boulevard (Lloyd Webber) 110, 153

Suzman, Janet 187

Sweet Panic (Poliakoff) 152

Swinton, Tilda 149


Tango At The End Of Winter (Shimuzu/Barnes) 60, 152–6

Tarantino, Quentin 234, 246

Tatler 152

Taylor, Paul 178

Tebbit, Norman 6, 85

Tempest, The (Shakespeare) 48, 62–8, 254

Thatcher, Margaret 6, 85

Théâtre de Complicite 205

Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London 253, 259

Theatre Royal, Stratford East 137, 254

There’s A Girl In My Soup 55

Thérèse Raquin 69–72, 80, 121, 133

Thin Lizzy 60

Third Man, The 206

Thomas, Edward 94, 95

Thomas, Sian 244

Thompson 225

Thompson, Emma 102, 156, 218, 221, 224–8, 230, 243–4, 246, 269

Diaries 228–30

Thompson, Eric 244

Thompson, Sophie 244

Thorneycroft, Anthony 162–3

Time Out 108, 116, 117, 178, 189, 190

Times, The 2, 28, 35, 68, 105, 115, 155, 163, 168, 178, 222, 256

Times magazine, The 274, 275

Tinker, Jack 105, 155, 163, 167, 222

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Le Carré) 72

Topper, Jenny 14, 77, 269, 278, 281

Tribune 95

Trick To Catch An Old One, A (Middleton) 106

Troilus and Cressida (Shakespeare) 105

Trollope, Anthony 82

Truly Madly Deeply 16, 73, 138, 139, 143–8, 149–50, 153, 158, 225, 227, 257

Tubular Bells II (Oldfield) 169

Turner, Colin 12, 25, 33–6, 47, 48, 51, 218

Twelfth Night (Shakespeare) 34, 169, 177

2001: A Space Odyssey 94


Ubu Rex (Jarry) 60

Ullman, Tracey 87, 98

Unreel 46

Upstairs Downstairs 70


Vagabonds Act (1572) 37

Valmont 111, 114

Variety 149, 220–1, 238, 246

Venables, Clare 56

Venice Film Festival 245

Vibert, Ronan 154

Victoria Wood with all the Trimmings 260

Vidal, Gore 164

Vienna 206

A View from the Bridge (Miller) 55


Walker, Polly 246

Wallach, Eli 134

Walter, Harriet 14, 15, 79, 98, 99, 102, 127–8, 144, 230–1

Wanamaker, Zoë 267

Warden, The (Trollope) 81

Wardle, Irving 68, 105, 115

Warner, David 240

Warner, Deborah 176, 177

Washbourne, Mona 71

Wax, Ruby

on AR 213

as AR’s protégée 3, 57–8, 93, 162–3

at Bristol Old Vic 60

friendship with AR 14, 16, 19, 57–8, 65, 146, 262

Raw Produce 158

and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 137

at RSC 16, 19, 57–8, 65, 146, 262

on TV 93

Wax Acts 162–3, 221

Way of the World, The (Congreve) 177

Wedekind, Frank 74–5

West Acton First School 28–9, 30

West London Free Press 50

West London Observer 7

West of Suez (Osborne) 53

West, Timothy 91, 187

West Yorkshire Playhouse 5, 62, 177, 221–2

When I Was A Girl I Used To Scream And Shout (Macdonald) 77

Whitehouse, Mary 56–7

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Albee) 34, 251

Williams, Clifford 62–5, 281

Williams, Kenneth 92

Willis, Bruce 16, 119, 121–7, 168, 267

Wilson, A.N. 104

Wilson, August 110

Wilson, Patrick (Paddy) 14, 55–6, 252

Wilson, Richard 45, 62, 68, 76, 78, 93, 103, 176, 221, 254, 259

Wilson, Snoo 11, 87, 88, 98, 107, 238, 270, 276–7

Winslet, Kate 226, 229–30

Winstone, Ray 87

Winter Guest, The (film) 243–5, 247

Winter Guest, The (Macdonald) 177, 221–3, 224

Wise, Greg 226, 228, 229, 246

Wollstonecraft, Mary 21

Woman’s Journal 3, 274, 276

Women Against Pit Closures 180

Women’s Playhouse Trust (WPT) 98, 175, 187, 188–9, 190, 192

Wood, Charles 220

Wood, Victoria 57, 253, 260

Woodchester Mansion, Gloucestershire 268

Woodeson, Nicholas 54

Woodthorpe, Peter 91

Woolrich, Cornell 225

Workers’ Revolutionary Party 12

Worthington, Brian 38

Wright, Jules

on AR 3, 4, 5, 9, 18, 98–101, 134, 247, 279, 280

on Riverside proposals 98, 157, 173–4, 175, 178, 179, 180–5, 187, 188–92, 214


X-Men 269


Yamashta, Stomu 108

Yentob, Alan 176

Young, B.A. 68, 79


Zola, Émile 69

Zulu 136, 141