Chapter Twenty
The day before her little sister’s wedding Sarah woke up with a smile and a sexy man cuddled up to her. Last night floated back to her in warm waves. The party had been fun and freeing. She and Corey were in sync and their talk about future plans had gotten her hot and horny.
But he still doesn’t know why you broke up with him in the first place.
She shoved the guilty thought aside and tried to keep her mind in the moment. It wasn’t difficult, given the hard bulge pressing into her backside. Someone was excited this morning and she wasn’t about to argue. Turning over, Sarah slipped her arms around Corey’s neck and one leg over his hip. She kissed along Corey’s throat and he pulled her tight, rubbing their aligned bodies together and creating delicious friction. Within moments she was panting and wet. “Corey, don’t tease me.”
“Never,” he growled then rolled her onto her back. He thrust home and they both moaned. “So good, princess.” He tangled his tongue with hers as they loved one another. Her climax barreled down on her. This wouldn’t take long at all.
“More, please,” she begged.
With a groan, he laced his fingers with hers and lifted them above her head. She hooked her ankles around his waist and he drove deeper, harder into her. “God, Sarie. You take me so well. Be a good girl and come on my cock.”
“Corey,” she keened out as her body shook and shivered with release. With a shout, he joined her in pleasure. After catching her breath, she chuckled at him. Her Corey gave off hot nerd vibes with his glasses and plaid shirts, but in bed he was anything but. He said dirty things and did even filthier acts. They’d been wild and explorative as teens and time hadn’t dimmed their insatiable thirst for one another. This morning’s sexcapdes had been tame compared to last night. Her wrists were a bit tender from the silk necktie he’d knotted around her hands and attached to the headboard. He’d had each foot anchored too. And he’d utilized a few other tools, too…not that she was complaining. Any lingering soreness was well worth the pleasure she’d been treated to. “Good morning.”
Corey grunted into her skin as he lay on top of her. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and canted to the right so they were both on their sides, bodies still joined. A phone chimed and Sarah grimaced. “That’s one of the family wondering when I’ll be over.” She pressed her lips to his shoulder. “More flower duty and then getting our nails done.”
“Don’t want you to go.” Corey pouted and strengthened his hold.
“I know. I don’t either.” She sighed. “But we both have a busy next two days. How about we stay naked and in bed all day Sunday?”
She laughed and kissed his nose. “Promise.”
He relented and let her scoot from bed to shower. Then she made the short walk over to her sister’s house. Wearing a tiny frown, she thought about her stuff still over here. Maybe she could bring up the idea with Corey to move her things to his place and stop pretending they had separate living spaces. Her phone rang and Sarah pulled it from the back pocket of her shorts. She halted as her old landlord’s name popped up on the screen. With a swipe, she answered. “Hello?”
“Hey, Sarah. It’s Phil, your old landlord. I have news for you.”
“Oh?” Please don’t let it be what she thought this might be.
“Your apartment is fixed. Everything is good as new. I can’t believe how fast we got things turned around.”
Her heart dropped at the announcement. “That’s great. I…didn’t expect this so soon.”
“I wanted to let you it’s available and yours if you want it again. You could move back in as early as mid-June.”
“Wow,” she croaked and swallowed to relieve her dry throat. “Do you need an answer right now?”
A nervous chuckle came across. “No, I can wait a few days. If you want.”
“Yes, please. It’s that I lost my job and I’m waiting to hear back on some opportunities. I don’t know how fast I’ll know.” Sweat broke out along the nape of her neck. She wasn’t ready to make this decision. Sarah still hadn’t heard on the job she’d interviewed for and the realtor in town was still looking into a few leasing questions. “Plus my sister is getting married tomorrow.”
“I understand. Sorry to hear about your job. Terrible news. Um, I can’t hold on for too long though. Would two weeks work?”
“That would be so kind of you. Yes, you’ll hear back from me within that time. I appreciate this so much, Phil.”
“Sure thing, Sarah. You were one of my best tenants. I’ll wait to hear from you.”
They disconnected the call and Sarah rubbed her forehead as she contemplated the news. It came down to a job more than anything else. She had no reason or income to support going back to her old place at this time. Inhaling, she shoved aside the information until later. Now was not the time to debate what to do. Her focus needed to be on Bridget’s wedding. With her stress level decreasing, she walked into the house with a smile pasted across her face.
“Happy almost wedding day,” Sarah called as she entered the house. She found the rest of her clan inside the living room with buckets of flowers and spools of ribbons strewn about. Candle batted at a reel of sky-blue lace and chased it across the carpet.
Bridget looked up with a murderous scowl. “You’re late. Sit. We have work to do.”
What the hell had happened to her sweet little sister? With wide eyes, Sarah glanced at Gran, Becca, and Allison. All three looked as startled as Sarah felt.
“She’s stressed out,” Becca mouthed.
Nodding, Sarah took a seat and grabbed up blooms. “What’s still on the list?”
Her sister shoved a wad of silk at her. “Bridesmaid bouquets.”
Sarah rested her hand over Bridget’s and waited until her sister met her gaze. “Hey, Bridgie. It’s all good. Everything is going to be perfect. You don’t need to worry. I’ve got this.”
For a strangled moment, no one moved. Then Bridget threw her arms around Sarah with a sob. “Thanks, Sare-bear. Sorry for snapping. I’m kind of freaking out.”
Squeezing her sibling tight, Sarah made soothing noises. “No apologies needed. Your wedding is a big deal and I’m not going to let anything go wrong. I’m sorry I was late, but my focus is here.” She sat back and wiped away the tears on Bridget’s cheeks. “Now let’s get these flowers arranged so we can move to the relaxation part of the day. You know I can get these done in no time.”
“You better. Otherwise I’m demoting you from maid of honor.” Bridget laughed and just like that, the cloud in the room broke and her sunshiny sister was back.
* * * *
Two hours later, they were finished with all the bouquets and boutonnières and everyone wore a smile. After clearing up the remnants of ribbons and plant pieces, they piled into cars to drive over to the nail salon. Allison’s husband met them to drop off the twins and Sarah’s heart clenched at the sight of the two girls’ exuberance at being included in the festivities. They danced around Bridget and over to their mother before squealing and picking out the sparkliest polish they could find.
Watching them made Sarah yearn for something she hadn’t wished for in years. The thought of having a child of her own was an idea Sarah had delayed and shoved aside and put on the back burner to her career. And she’d been at complete peace with it, too. Yet now, with Corey in her life again and all of her plans of her life in Seattle in shambles, she found her mind open to more. Paths of possibilities that had seemed hazy and far off were now bright with untapped potential. Did she want this? Was this option something she could let herself desire? What if Corey—
Her phone rang and tore Sarah’s thoughts back to the present. When she glanced at the number, her heart caught in her throat. Gesturing at it, she stepped outside the salon and answered. “Hello?”
“Hi, Sarah. This is Selena at Pateli and Schultz Marketing. Do you have a few minutes to chat?”
Nervous tingles broke out along her arms. “Of course. It’s great to hear from you.”
“I’m calling to offer you the position with us. We were all so impressed with you and your work and would love to have you join our team.”
It took Sarah a heartbeat to respond. “How great. Thank you.” She winced at her lackluster answer, but instead of being elated as she should be, Sarah felt more scared than anything else. How had things changed so drastically in the span of a few months?
Selena continued to describe the offer and generous salary to entice her to say yes. All the while, Sarah listened but also freaked out in her mind. Her old apartment and a prime job in Seattle were offered to her on the same day. Is this a manifestation? A sign from the universe?
Did she believe in that kind of thing? Her little sister would see this as the world telling her what she should do. Yet Sarah hesitated. Her time back in Fallbank had altered her mindset and now she was torn. She’d loved her life in Seattle. She’d been fulfilled and happy…right? Or had she lied to herself to keep from wanting something different?
“What do you think, Sarah?” Selena asked with a thread of anticipation in her voice.
“I’m so flattered.” She paused and swallowed. “The offer is incredible. I, um, I do need a little time to think about it. My sister is getting married and my brain is scattered, to be honest. Could I have two weeks to decide?”
“No problem. I didn’t expect an answer right away. Let’s plan to reconnect in two weeks, unless you make a decision sooner?”
“Sounds great,” Sarah answered on autopilot at this point. Her cousin was watching from the window and Sarah schooled her face. No need to send anyone into a panic.
“If you have any questions for me at all, feel free to call. I look forward to hearing from you, Sarah. We’re so excited at the prospect of you joining us.”
“Thank you again, Selena. I’ll be in touch.” She hung up and stared at her phone for a second. Shoving her phone into her purse and her turmoil deep down inside, Sarah walked back into the nail shop. Her family was already in chairs with one saved in between Bridget and Gran for her. It sat there like a beacon, calling her to join them. Like a sign from the universe.
What the hell was she going to do now?
* * * *
Cornelius straightened his pale blue tie in the mirror as his best friend bounced on the balls of his feet behind him. “Nervous?”
Jack shook his head and smoothed his beard. “Ready. I want to go drag the officiant to Bridget’s room and get married already.”
Hiro chuckled from his spot on a chair by the window. “You’ve got a little time, my dude. There’s another hour before we line up.”
A grumble left Jack as he stomped over to a dark wood vanity and snatched up a small tub that Cornelius recognized as a Three Sisters’ product—one that Jack had already used twice today.
“Whoa there, buddy.” Cornelius yanked Jack to a halt. “No more beard conditioner. You don’t want to end up looking like an oily rat.”
“Bridget made this just for me. It’s my ‘signature scent’ or something like that. I want her to know I love it and her. She’ll be able to smell if I didn’t use it.”
Hop stared his soon-to-be-cousin down. “The whole town will be able to smell if you used it if you put any more on. You don’t need extra. I’m well versed in all things Three Sisters. Trust me, you’re good.”
Jack relented and paced across the room. “What’s taking so long? We’re all set to go. I want to get married.”
Laughter erupted from all of the men in the room. Hop, Jack’s father and Jack’s brother-in-law all guffawed alongside Cornelius.
John, Jack’s father, clapped him on the back. “The ladies aren’t finished. They take longer than we do, especially on occasions like this. Bridget wants to look as beautiful as she can for you.”
Jack glowered at his father. “She’s always beautiful and nothing is going to change that. And I’d bet all the money I have she’s done prepping. Bridget isn’t high maintenance.”
Cornelius stepped over to save John from getting murdered by his son. Jack’s father had a bad habit of saying the wrong thing and paired with his old-fashioned ideas, it tended to strain their relationship. “Hey, Jack. Didn’t you say you had something for Bridget? Need it delivered?”
“I do. Get it? I do?” Jack laughed at his joke as he walked over to a vanity. Pulling out a small box with a card attached, he turned to hand it over. “Can you make sure this gets to my honeybee?”
Cornelius resisted rolling his eyes at the seriousness Jack held. “I can do that. Promise.” Leaning in, he murmured, “Don’t kill your father.”
With that, Cornelius departed and made his way down a set of stairs and to a corner suite that the B&B offered. He knocked and a muffled voice answered.
“Who is it?”
“Cornelius. I have something for Bridget for Jack.”
The door cracked open and his princess slipped through. “Hey, handsome.”
The sight of her in what he’d been told was a Grecian boho-style dress made him salivate. It was the same goddamn dress she’d worn that day at the shop when Cornelius had gotten fitted for his tux. The urge to fall to his knees and delve underneath the flowing skirt to worship her between her thighs was almost unbearable. “Fuck, Sarie. You look…breathtaking. I don’t have words for what you do to me.”
Her smile was luminous. Unable to stop himself, Cornelius leaned in and pressed his lips to her swanlike neck. With her silky blonde hair twisted up onto her head, it gave him easy access. And this way he wouldn’t muss her make-up. He made a mental note to kiss off the red lipstick she wore after the ceremony.
Her sigh brushed his cheek. “Corey.”
His control snapped at the lust in her voice. With the hand holding the present he leaned against the wall, trapping his fucking hot girlfriend in between. He slipped his free hand around her, letting his palm stroke her exposed skin at her back. He traced his mouth along the line of her neck to her shoulders and down to the V and the spectacular display of her breasts. Humming, he licked along her lush cleavage and Sarah let out a breathy moan and pressed her hips to his.
The door next to them jerked open. “Oh, for God’s sake. Knock it off, you two.” Becca glared with her arms crossed over the sky-blue pantsuit she wore.
With a sheepish half-grin, Cornelius backed away. “Sorry. Can’t help myself when it comes to my princess.”
Becca rolled her eyes, then pinned her cousin with a stare. “Bridget will unalive you if you mess up your hair, make-up or dress. Now get back in here. No one at this inn wants to see you going at it in the hallway.”
Embarrassment flushed his already heated skin and Cornelius nudged his glasses up on his nose. “Right. Um, can one of you give this to Bridget?” He held out the small package and card.
Becca snatched it along with Sarah’s wrist, dragging her back into the room.
“Bye, Corey,” Sarah called.
“Bye, Sarie. I love you!” he shouted as the handle snicked shut. Then he slapped a hand over his mouth. Shit. Had he just told Sarah he loved her? What was he thinking? She didn’t have time to respond. Did he want her to? What if she didn’t feel the same? Maybe this was the better way to go. Give her time to think and sort through her feelings without any pressure or expectation.
Sure, she’d done well with his admission that he would go anywhere she went, but that was all still hypothetical in her mind. There were no feelings exchanged in that conversation. Cornelius believed they were on the same emotional page, but he couldn’t be certain until she told him.
Vowing not to bring up the L-word again until she addressed it, he turned to head back to the groom’s room. The door swung open behind him and he spun around. His heart banged inside his chest with hope.
Sonia, Jack’s mom, stepped out with a shallow box of flowers to pin to the tuxes. “Oh, good. You’re still here. I thought I’d come along to see if we can get these on all of you and then John and I can head down.”
Given how close Jack had been to snapping at his father when Cornelius had left, he smiled and held out his hands. “May I carry that for you?”
Before she could answer, Sarah raced out of the room and skidded to a stop. “I didn’t expect you to still be here.” She leaped at him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissed the hell out of him. Her lipstick was going to be a smeared mess on both of their faces, but he didn’t care. His princess was in his arms and his brain was short-circuiting. She jumped back with a grin. “I love you, too.”
He blinked and she’d disappeared into the room again. Jack’s mom cleared her throat. Cornelius pivoted on his heel to face her, a goofy smile spread on his face. He held his hands out for the box of flowers again.
She handed it over, then tugged a handkerchief from the small clutch around her wrist. “May I?” She gestured toward his face. “You have a little lipstick. It’s a mom instinct to clean you up.”
They both laughed. “Thanks. That would be appreciated.”
Sonia wiped away the evidence of Sarah’s kiss attack with a gentle smile. “You two seem like a lovely couple. It’s sweet to see Bridget’s sister so happy.”
“Thank you. Now, shall we?”