Appendix: Acronyms

3Gthird generation

ABSAustralian Bureau of Statistics

ADAaggregate dissemination area

AIartificial intelligence

APIapplication programming interface

ARDanalysis-ready data

AWSAmazon Web Services

BGEBuildings Geographic Database

BLOBbinary large object

CADcomputer-aided design

CAPIcomputer-assisted personal interviewing

CAPMASCentral Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics

CARICOMCaribbean Community

CATIcomputer-assisted telephone interviewing

CAWIcomputer-aided web interview

CBBCensus Business Builder

CBSCentral Bureau of Statistics

CEDSCICenter for Enterprise Dissemination Services and Consumer Innovation

CESConference of European Statisticians

CIESINCenter for International Earth Science Information Network

CPDVCensus Program Data Viewer

CPHCensus of Population and Housing

CPUcomputer processing unit

CSDGMContent Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata

CSOCentral Statistics Office

CSVcomma-separated values

DBMSdatabase management system

DDIData Documentation Initiative

DEMdigital elevation model

DFdwelling frame

DGGSdiscrete global grid system

DLGdigital line graph

EAenumeration area

ECAEconomic Commission for Africa

ECE/CESEconomic Commission for Europe—Conference of European Statisticians

EG-ISGIExpert Group on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information

ELFEuropean Location Framework

EOearth observation

ESAEuropean Space Agency

ETLextract, transform, and load

EUEuropean Union

FGDCFederal Geographic Data Committee

FIS4SDGsFederated Information System for the Sustainable Development Goals

GBDXGeospatial Big Data Platform

GEOGroup on Earth Observations

GeoAIgeospatial artificial intelligence

GFMGeneral Feature Model

GISgeographic information systems

GLONASSRussia’s Global Navigation Satellite System

GMLGeography Markup Language

GNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite System

GPSGlobal Positioning System

GSBPMGeneric Statistical Business Process Model

GSGFGlobal Statistical Geospatial Framework

GSIMGeneric Statistical Information Model

IaaSinfrastructure as a service

IDAIndustrial Development Authority

IHSNInternational Household Survey Network

INSPIREInfrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe

INSTATInstitute of Statistics

IoTInternet of Things

ISOInternational Organization for Standardization

ISO/TCInternational Organization for Standardization Technical Committee

ITUInternational Telecommunications Union

JRCJoint Research Center

LaaSlocation as a service

LASLASer (industry-standard binary-format file used for storing airborne lidar data)

LBSlocation-based services

LDCleast developed country

lidarlight detection and ranging

LoTLocation of Things

LTElong-term evolution

MLmachine learning

NAIPNational Agriculture Imagery Program

NDVInormalized difference vegetation index

NetCDFNetwork Common Data Form


NMANational Mapping Agency

NSDINational Spatial Data Infrastructure

NSONational Statistical Office

NSTACNational Statistics Center of Japan

OGCOpen Geospatial Consortium

OGPOpen Government Partnership

OODBMSobject-oriented database management system

OSiOrdnance Survey Ireland

PaaSplatform as a service

PAPIpaper-and-pencil interviewing

PCBSPalestine Central Bureau of Statistics

PIIpersonally identifiable information

POIpoints of interest

POPGRID(data consortium hosted by the CIESEN)

PSAPhilippine Statistics Authority

RCMRDRegional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development

RDBMSrelational database management system

RESTRepresentational State Transfer

RFIDradio-frequency identification

ROIreturn on investment

RSremote sensing

SAsupervisory area

SaaSsoftware as a service

SAPSSmall Area Population Statistics

SCStatistics Canada

SDGsSustainable Development Goals

SDIspatial data infrastructure

SDMXStatistical Data and Metadata eXchange

SDTSSpatial Data Transfer Standard

SMSshort message service

SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol

SPStatistics Portugal

SQLStructured Query Language

TINtriangulated irregular network

TJSTable Joining Service

UAVunmanned aerial vehicle

UIDunique identifier

UNUnited Nations

UNECEUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

UN-EG-ISGIUN Expert Group on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information

UNGEGNUN Group of Experts on Geographical Names

UN-GGIMUN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management

UNGIWGUN Geographic Information Working Group

UNSCUN Statistical Commission

UNSDUN Statistics Division

UNWDFUnited Nations World Data Forum

URLuniform resource locator

USBuniversal serial bus

VGIvolunteered geographic information

VPFVector Product Format

VPNvirtual private network

WCSWeb Coverage Service

WFPWorld Food Program

WFSWeb Feature Service

WMSWeb Map Service

WMTSWeb Map Tile Service

WPEWorld Population Estimate

WYSIWYGwhat you see is what you get

XMLExtensible Markup Language