2. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 64.
3. Tarbell, Florida Architecture of Addison Mizner, Foreword by Paris Singer, xxxix.
4. Mizner, Many Mizners, Introduction by Arthur Somer Roche, v–vi.
6. New York Times, “Mizner Memorial Rites,” February 10, 1933, 17.
7. Briggs, Fire in the Crucible, 170 (“sublimated math”); Le Corbusier, Toward a New Architecture, 148 (“intellectual speculation”).
8. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 263.
9. Tindall, “Bubble in the Sun,” 80.
11. Johnston, “Profile: Palm Beach Architect,” New Yorker, November 22, 1952, 60.
12. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 158.
13. Johnston, “Profile: Legend of a Sport,” New Yorker, February 25, 1950, 39.
1. Showalter, Many Mizners, 13.
2. Sullivan, Fabulous Wilson Mizner, 32.
5. Prosser, History of the Puget Sound Country, 534.
6. Prosser, History of the Puget Sound Country, 534.
7. Burton, “James Semple, Prairie Entrepreneur,” 66–84.
8. Showalter, Many Mizners, 11.
9. Showalter, Many Mizners, 11.
12. Showalter, Many Mizners, 13.
13. Bussinger and Phelan, Images of America: Benicia, 57.
14. Showalter, Many Mizners, 13, 16.
15. Tarbell, Ida Tarbell, xlii.
16. Holliday, Rush for Riches, 98–101.
17. Drown, “Loss of the Steamer Independence,” Daily Alta California April 2, 1853, 2.
18. Journal of Illinois State Historical Society, October 1914, 265.
19. Watson, Letter to Franklin Reynolds.
20. Daily Alta California, “Burning of the Independence,” April 1, 1853, 1.
21. Seebohm, Boca Rococo, 18, letter to Ella Watson dated February 12, 1856.
22. Showalter, Many Mizners, 13, letter to Ella Watson dated January 7, 1856.
23. Hoover, Rensch, and Rensch, Historic Spots in California, 517.
24. Bussinger and Phelan, Images of America: Benicia, 105.
2. Benicia Historical Museum, Benicia History: 1860s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s.
3. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 3.
10. Sullivan, Fabulous Wilson Mizner, 45.
14. Emmett, Clara Database for Women Artists.
19. Sullivan, Fabulous Wilson Mizner, 66.
21. Chapman, “Mission of Lansing Bond Mizner to Central America,” 385–401.
22. Chapman, “Mission of Lansing Bond Mizner to Central America,” 399.
24. Berglund, Making San Francisco American, 40.
25. Carnegie, Round the World, 12.
26. Berglund, Making San Francisco American, 6 (pop. under 1,000); Issel and Cherny, San Francisco 1865–1932, 24 (pop. of approx 300,000).
27. Dienkelspiel, Towers of Gold, 139.
28. Small, Complete Works of Oscar Wilde, Volume 3, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 156 (quote at beginning of Chapter 19).
29. Drabelle, Mile-High Fever, 132.
30. Drabelle, Mile-High Fever, 138.
32. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 4.
35. Tarbell, Florida Architecture of Addison Mizner, xlv.
37. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 9.
38. Orr, Addison Mizner: Architect of Dreams and Realities, 9.
1. Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 13.
2. Floyd, “Inspiration and Synthesis,”in Meister, H.H. Richardson, 4.
3. Floyd, “Inspiration and Synthesis,” in Meister, H.H. Richardson, 4.
4. Floyd, “Inspiration and Synthesis,” in Meister, H.H. Richardson, 4.
5. Floyd, “Inspiration and Synthesis,” in Meister, H.H. Richardson, 7.
6. Van Rensselaer, “Development of American Homes,” Forum, January 1892, 675, in Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 17.
7. Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 17–18.
8. Scully, “Shingle Style,” in Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 18.
9. Van Rensselaer, “Henry Hobson Richardson and His Works,” in Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 19.
10. Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 24.
11. Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 80.
12. Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 81.
13. Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 55.
14. Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 82–83.
15. Parry, “Arthur Page Brown,” Encyclopedia of San Francisco.
16. Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 55.
17. Kirker, California’s Architectural Frontier, 118.
18. Kirker, California’s Architectural Frontier, 115.
19. Kirker, California’s Architectural Frontier, 122.
20. Kirker, California’s Architectural Frontier, 122.
21. Kirker, California’s Architectural Frontier, 122.
22. Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 51.
23. Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 51.
24. Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 53–55.
25. Longstreth, On the Edge of the World, 54.
26. Drabelle, Great American Railroad War, 192.
27. Starr, America and the California Dream.
28. Orr-Cahall, “An Identification and Discussion,” 18.
29. Orr-Cahall, “An Identification and Discussion,” 19.
30. Orr, Addison Mizner: Architect of Dreams and Realities, 11.
3. Levi, Boom and Bust, 20 (35,000); Mizner, Many Mizners, 119 (1,500).
7. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 128.
10. Mizner, Many Mizners, 142.
11. Mizner, Many Mizners, 148.
12. Mizner, Many Mizners, 148.
13. Mizner, Many Mizners, 153.
17. Mizner, Many Mizners, 172.
18. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 99.
19. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 70 (both quotes).
20. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 158.
21. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 10.
22. Mizner, Many Mizners, 178.
23. Mizner, Many Mizners, 178.
24. Mizner, Many Mizners, 182.
25. Mizner, Many Mizners, 185.
26. Mizner, Many Mizners, 199.
27. Mizner, Many Mizners, 199.
28. Mizner, Many Mizners, 204.
29. Mizner, Many Mizners, 205.
30. Mizner, Many Mizners, 207.
31. Mizner, Many Mizners, 212.
32. Mizner, Many Mizners, 213.
33. Mizner, Many Mizners, 213.
34. Mizner, Many Mizners, 213.
35. Mizner, Many Mizners, 214.
36. Mizner, Many Mizners, 217.
38. Mizner, Many Mizners, 217.
39. Mizner, Many Mizners, 222.
40. Mizner, Many Mizners, 223.
41. Mizner, Many Mizners, 224.
2. King, Season of Splendor, 3.
3. Fulton, Reverend Mark Twain, 28.
4. Veblen, Theory of the Leisure Class, 36.
5. King, Season of Splendor, 6.
6. King, Season of Splendor, 3.
7. King, Season of Splendor, 38.
8. King, Season of Splendor, 38.
9. Ridley, Life of Edward VII, 49.
10. Ruth Brandon, Dollar Princesses, 1.
11. Vanderbilt II, Fortune’s Children, 87.
12. King, Season of Splendor, 58–59; also Vanderbilt II, Fortune’s Children, 89.
13. Vanderbilt II, Fortune’s Children, 102–3.
14. King, Season of Splendor, 62; also Vanderbilt II, Fortune’s Children, 112–13.
15. Vanderbilt II, Fortune’s Children, 89.
16. Vanderbilt II, Fortune’s Children, 149.
1. Chandler, Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth, 492.
2. Vanderbilt II, Fortune’s Children, 264.
4. King, Season of Splendor, 79.
6. King, Season of Splendor, 79.
10. Mizner, Many Mizners, 244.
11. Mizner, Many Mizners, 252.
12. King, Season of Splendor, 85.
13. Wharton, Age of Innocence, 3.
14. Mizner, Many Mizners, 245.
15. Mizner, Many Mizners, 246.
16. Mizner, Many Mizners, 253.
17. Mizner, Many Mizners, 253.
18. Starr, Inventing the Dream, 189.
19. White and White, Stanford White Architect, 191–93.
20. Mizner, Many Mizners, 244.
21. Mizner, Many Mizners, 253.
22. Mizner, Many Mizners, 235.
23. Mizner, Many Mizners, 247.
24. Mizner, Many Mizners, 252.
25. Mizner, Many Mizners, 263 (“old wooden Flagler hotels”); Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 49 (“hotel culture”).
26. Mizner, Many Mizners, 237.
27. Trager, New York Chronology, 302.
28. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 107.
29. Sullivan, Fabulous Wilson Mizner, 176.
30. Sullivan, Fabulous Wilson Mizner, 183.
31. Burke, Rogue’s Progress, 90.
32. Mizner, Many Mizners, 269.
33. Mizner, Many Mizners, 274.
34. Burke, Rogue’s Progress, 81.
35. Mizner, Many Mizners, 266.
36. Beck and Williams, California, 332.
37. Mizner, Many Mizners, 278.
1. Murphy, “Eyeing the Unreal Estate of Gatsby Esq.,” New York Times, September 30, 2010, 1.
2. Smith, Early History of the Long Island Railroad, 4.
3. “Old Cow Bay Manor House,” Architectural Record, 1917, 259–66.
4. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 19.
6. Baker, MacKay, and Traynor, Long Island Country Houses and Their Architects, 292.
7. Long Island Country House, 117.
8. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 19.
9. Johnston, “Profile: Palm Beach Architect,” New Yorker, November 22, 1952, 91; November 29, 1952, 72.
10. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 18.
11. Olendorf, Olendorf, and Tolf, Addison Mizner, Architect to the Affluent, 14.
12. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 112.
13. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 25.
14. Seebohm, Boca Rococo, 136 (“gardens planted helter-skelter”).
15. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 22.
16. Floyd, “Inspiration and Synthesis,” in Meister, H.H. Richardson, 48.
17. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 23.
18. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 207.
19. Maxwell, R. S. V. P., 107.
21. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 121.
22. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 193 (“telling lies”); Johnston, “Profile: Palm Beach Architect,” New Yorker, November 29, 1952, 74 (“night key”).
23. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 196.
24. Mizner, Many Mizners, 301.
25. Showalter, Many Mizners, 33, 41.
26. Larson, Dead Wake, 403 (1,965 total passengers), 300 (1,195 total deaths, 123 Americans).
28. Johnston, “Profile: Palm Beach Architect,” New Yorker November 22, 1952, 93.
29. New York Times, “War Bazaar Ready for Opening Tonight,” June 3, 1916.
30. Maxwell, R. S. V. P., 137–38.
1. Rockoff, “Until It’s Over, Over There.”
2. Maddison, Contours of the World Economy, 379, table A.4.
3. Johnston, “Profile: Palm Beach Architect,” New Yorker, November 29, 1952, 83.
4. Wharton, Italian Villas and Their Gardens, 231–50, Chapter 8, “Villas of Venezia.”
5. DeLamar, Letter to Alva Johnston, 7.
6. Bonhams, Sale Catalogue, Rolls Royce.
8. Dean, Human-Powered Home, 19 (1.35 mill in 1903); Singer Sewing Company, singerco.com/company/history.html.
9. Hiler, “Once Tallest Standing,” New York Times, June 17, 2013.
12. Kurth, Isadora, 251; Wilson, 146.
13. Johnston, “Profile: Palm Beach Architect,” New Yorker, November 29, 1952, 46.
14. Johnston, “Profile: Palm Beach Architect,“ New Yorker, November 29, 1952, 46.
18. Wilson, “Paris Singer: A Life Portrait: Part I,” 143.
20. “Pioneer Reminisces,” Palm Beach Life, March 15, 1932, 22–23, in Research Atlantica, Inc., “Town of Palm Beach, Florida, 2010 Historic Sites Survey.”
21. Geer, The Lake Worth Historian, in Research Atlantica, Inc., “Town of Palm Beach, Florida, 2010 Historic Sites Survey.”
22. Oldfather, “Elisha Newton Dimick,” 11–15, in Research Atlantica, Inc., “Town of Palm Beach, Florida, 2010 Historic Sites Survey.”
23. Palm Beach Yacht Club, History, www.palmbeachyachtclub/history.
24. R. K. Brown, “Days of Early Settlement on Lake Recalled,” January 15, 1937.
25. “Sea Gull Cottage Groundbreaking,” Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach, November 18, 2007.
26. Oldfather, “Elisha Newton Dimick,” 24–28, in Research Atlantica, Inc., “Town of Palm Beach, Florida, 2010 Historic Sites Survey.”
27. “First Real Estate Boom,” Tropical Sun, March 19, 1937, in Research Atlantica, Inc., “Town of Palm Beach, Florida, 2010 Historic Sites Survey.”
28. Oldfather, “Elisha Newton Dimick,” 45, in Research Atlantica, Inc., “Town of Palm Beach, Florida, 2010 Historic Sites Survey.”
29. Oldfather, “Elisha Newton Dimick,” 45, in Research Atlantica, Inc., “Town of Palm Beach, Florida, 2010 Historic Sites Survey.”
30. Oldfather, “Elisha Newton Dimick,” 45, in Research Atlantica, Inc., “Town of Palm Beach, Florida, 2010 Historic Sites Survey.”
31. Oldfather, “Elisha Newton Dimick,” 69, in Research Atlantica, Inc., “Town of Palm Beach, Florida, 2010 Historic Sites Survey.”
32. Oldfather, “Elisha Newton Dimick,” 71–77, in Research Atlantica, Inc., “Town of Palm Beach, Florida, 2010 Historic Sites Survey.”
34. Palm Beach Daily News, February 2, 1901, 8; also see AM 9.
35. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 39.
36. Bingham-Blossom House, www.loc.gov/pictures/item/fl0173/.
37. Aslet, American Country House, 222.
38. Augustus Mayhew, “Design Providence,” in New York Social Diary, February 22, 2016.
39. Curl, “Introduction to the Dover Edition,” in Tarbell, Florida Architecture of Addison Mizner, xii.
42. Alex Waugh, Autobiographical typescript, Chapter 2, 10.
44. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 48.
45. Mizner, Typescript, 20–21.
46. Ida Tarbell, Florida Architecture of Addison Mizner, xxxvii.
1. Augustus Mayhew, “Remaking History,” Palm Beach Social Diary, November 1, 2013 (from an article in Palm Beach Post, April 25, 1918: “Paris Singer will build ten villas and turn them over to the government.”).
4. Palm Beach Post, “Singer to Build Ten Villas,” April 25, 1918.
6. Murphy, “Castles in Spain,” Palm Beach Post, May 26, 1923, 16.
7. Murphy, “Castles in Spain,” Palm Beach Post, May 26, 1923, 16.
8. Padwee, tilesinnewyork.blogspot.com.
9. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 42.
10. Palm Beach Post, “Singer May Go to California,” August 3, 1918.
11. Mayhew, “Remaking History,” Palm Beach Social Diary, November 1, 2013.
12. Wilma Spencer, “Did You Know That Mrs. Byrd E. White?”
13. Palm Beach Post, “Palatial Homes for Shell-Shocked Convalescent Soldiers, ” December 22, 1918.
14. Palm Beach Post, “Palatial Homes for Shell-Shocked Convalescent Soldiers,” December 22, 1918.
15. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 44.
16. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 45.
18. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 49–50.
1. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 28.
2. Tropical Sun, February 21, 1919, 8.
3. Wector, Saga of American Society, 143.
4. Young, Memorial History of the City of Philadelphia, 66.
5. Burt, Perennial Philadelphians, 523.
6. Burt, Perennial Philadelphians, 514.
7. Burt, Perennial Philadelphians, 3.
8. Birmingham, Grandes Dames, 30.
9. Birmingham, Grandes Dames, 25.
10. Birmingham, Grandes Dames, 32.
11. Birmingham, Grandes Dames, 36.
12. Birmingham, Grandes Dames, 36.
13. Mizner, Typescript, 45–46.
14. Palm Beach Post, January 27, 1920, March 31, 1923, in Curl, Mizner’s Florida.
15. Palm Beach Daily News, February 15, 1926, February 27, 1925, in Curl, Mizner’s Florida.
16. Mayhew, “House of Munn,” New York Social Diary, November 24, 2006.
17. Curl, “Tony Biddle and the New Palm Beach” (unpublished report), 2.
18. Curl, “Tony Biddle and the New Palm Beach” (unpublished report), 1.
19. Lawson, “New University to Be Built,” New York Times, February 24, 1924.
20. Lawson, “New University to Be Built,” New York Times, February 24, 1924.
21. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 79.
22. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 89.
23. Seebohm, Boca Rococo, 207.
24. Seebohm, Boca Rococo, 207.
25. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 93.
26. DeLamar, Handwritten letter to Heller, 1 (see Waugh notes).
27. Singer, Foreword in Tarbell, Florida Architecture of Addison Mizner, xxxii.
29. Spokane Spokesman-Review, “Restless Peggy Caught by Love at Last,” September 12, 1925, 17.
33. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 104.
34. Singer, Foreword in Tarbell, Florida Architecture of Addison Mizner, xxxii.
35. Waugh, Autobiographical typescript, Chapter 4, 4.
36. Waugh, Autobiographical typescript, Chapter 4, 4.
37. Burke, Rogue’s Progress, 215.
41. Waugh, Autobiographical typescript, Chapter 4, 8.
42. Waugh, Autobiographical typescript, Chapter 4, 5.
48. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 35.
50. DeLamar, Handwritten letter to Heller, 10.
51. DeLamar, Letter to Alva Johnston, 15.
52. Seebohm, Boca Rococo, ref. to Palm Beach Post, August 8, 1918, 161, fn 1.
54. DeLamar, Handwritten letter to the Miami Herald (never mailed).
55. Waugh, Autobiographical typescript, Chapter 7, 16.
56. Palm Beach Post, “Million Dollar Moving Picture Company Being Formed by Local Men,” October 29, 1922, 1.
57. DeLamar, Handwritten letter to Heller, 2.
58. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 77.
59. Waugh, Autobiographical typescript, Chapter 6, 13.
60. Waugh, Autobiographical typescript, Chapter 4, 10.
61. San Francisco Call, “The Rich Duke to Marry the Poor Girl,” June 22, 1913, 4.
62. Waugh, Autobiographical typescript, Chapter 7, 14.
1. Waugh, “Mizner Industries,” Typescript, 5.
2. Hoyt, “The Housing Shortage,” 67–73.
3. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 7.
4. Olendorf, Olendorf, and Tolf, Addison Mizner, Architect to the Affluent, 72.
5. Orr-Cahall, “An Identification and Discussion,” 91.
6. Waugh, “Mizner Industries,” typescript, 2.
8. Spanish River Papers, February 1982, n.p. (4), article by Donald Curl.
9. Spanish River Papers, February 1982, n.p., article by Donald Curl.
10. Spanish River Papers, February 1982, n.p. (4–5), article by Donald Curl.
11. Spanish River Papers, February 1982, n.p. (5), article by Donald Curl.
12. Waugh, “Mizner Industries,” typescript, 5–6.
15. Waugh, “Mizner Industries,” typescript, 6.
16. Orr-Cahall, “An Identification and Discussion,” 90, fn 21 (“fleecy cloud”).
17. Waugh, “Mizner Industries,” typescript, 6.
18. Orr, Addison Mizner: Architect of Dreams and Realities, 56, fn 14.
19. Spanish River Papers, 9, reprint of Palm Beach Weekly News, December 13, 1918.
20. Waugh, “Mizner Industries,” typescript, Chapter 7, 14.
22. Seiden, “The Mizner Touch,” 46.
23. Orr-Cahall, “An Identification and Discussion,” 83, fn 13.
24. Spanish River Papers, reprint of “New Mizner Industries Planned,” from Palm Beach Post, April 4, 1929, n.p. (17).
25. Spanish River Papers, n.p. (17).
26. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 59.
27. Spanish River Papers, February 1982, n.p. (20).
28. Spanish River Papers, February 1982, n.p. (20).
1. Levy, Herbert Croly of the New Republic, 101.
2. Coolidge, “Address to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, Washington, D.C.,” January 17, 1925.
3. Literary Digest, “Columbia, the Land of the Multi-Millionaire,” April 16, 1927, 10.
4. Tebeau, History of Florida, 377.
5. Tindall, “Bubble in the Sun,” 79.
6. Tindall, “Bubble in the Sun,” 82.
7. Nijman, Miami: Mistress of the Americas, 72.
8. Tebeau, History of Florida, 384.
9. Allen, Only Yesterday, 235; Galbraith, The Great Crash, 10.
10. Allen, Only Yesterday, 240.
11. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 137; also see, Chapter 5, fn 7.
12. Tindall, “The Bubble in the Sun,” 76.
13. New York Times, “Miami and The Story of Its Remarkable Growth,” March 15, 1925.
14. Allen, Only Yesterday, 238.
15. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 138.
16. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 15.
17. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 140.
18. Seebohm, Boca Rococo, 212–13.
19. Orr-Cahall, Mizner ad, 1926, in “An Identification and Discussion,” 62.
20. Curl, Mizner ad in Boca Raton Resort & Club, 38.
21. Palm Beach Post, August 4, 1925.
22. Spanish River Papers, February 1974, n.p.
23. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 15.
24. Vickers, “Addison Mizner: Promoter in Paradise,” 383.
25. Gillis, Mizner ad, in Boomtime Boca, 53.
26. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 22.
27. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 22.
28. Vickers, “Addison Mizner: Promoter in Paradise,” 388.
29. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 140–41.
30. Orr, Addison Mizner: Architect of Dreams and Realities, 43.
31. Mizner Development Corporation Sales Brochure, 1925, 31.
32. DeLamar, Letter to Alva Johnston, 31.
33. Allvine, “Press Agent Who Is Paid $1,000 a Week,” Photoplay, August 1923, 52.
34. Reichenbach, Phantom Fame, 2.
35. Olendorf, Olendorf, and Tolf, Addison Mizner, Architect to the Affluent, 136.
36. New York Times, “Tumulty Refutes Kidnapping Fake,” July 31, 1920, 5.
37. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 212.
38. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 221.
39. Palm Beach Post, “Marie Dressler Tells World,” October 26, 1925.
40. Palm Beach Post, “Marie Dressler Tells World,” October 26, 1925.
41. Allen, Only Yesterday, 242.
42. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 154.
43. Palm Beach Post, “Mizners Offer U.S. Use of Their Planes,” October 5, 1925.
44. McElvaine, Great Depression, 42.
45. Tebeau, History of Florida, 387.
46. Vickers, “Addison Mizner: Promoter in Paradise,” 401.
47. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 154.
48. Seebohm, Boca Rococo, 220.
49. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 145.
50. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 40; Palm Beach Post, Mizner ad, May 14, 1926, 7.
51. Palm Beach Post, Mizner ad, September 15, 1925, 20.
52. Palm Beach Post, Mizner ad, September 30, 1925; also BR, 26.
53. Gillis, Boomtime Boca, Mizner ad, 1925, 34.
54. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 19 (Mizner ad).
55. Palm Beach Post, Mizner ad, September 12, 1925.
56. Palm Beach Post, Mizner ad, September 30, 1925.
57. Johnston, “Profile: Palm Beach Architect,” New Yorker, December 6, 1952, 48.
58. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 35 (Mizner ad).
59. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 28–30.
60. Spanish River Papers, February 1974.
61. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 38.
62. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 31.
63. Tarbell, Florida Architecture of Addison Mizner, xxxiv.
64. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 158.
65. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 40.
66. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 40.
67. Susan Gillis, Boomtime Boca, 55 (Mizner ad).
68. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 42.
69. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 42.
70. Vickers, Panic in Paradise, 171–75.
71. Vickers, “Addison Mizner: Promoter in Paradise,” 403–4.
72. Vickers, “Addison Mizner: Promoter in Paradise,” 405.
73. Vickers, “Addison Mizner: Promoter in Paradise,” 405.
74. Vickers, “Addison Mizner: Promoter in Paradise,” 394.
75. Vickers, “Addison Mizner: Promoter in Paradise,” 387.
76. DeLamar, Letter to Alva Johnston, 14.
77. Alva Johnston, “Profile: Palm Beach Architect,” New Yorker, December 13, 1952, 44.
78. DeLamar, Unpublished letter to the Miami Herald, n.d.
79. Blake and Gibney, “Deadliest, Costliest, and Most Intense United States Tropical Cyclones,” 7 (lives), 11 (cost).
80. Sheffield, “Stark Memories of Storms Gone By,” Boca Raton News, June 28, 1981, 4.
81. Tindall, “Bubble in the Sun,” 111.
82. Nicholson, letter to Salida Investment Co., December 4, 1926.
83. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 164.
1. Orr-Cahall, “An Identification and Discussion,” 27.
2. Hallam, “Riverside Remembered,” n.p.
3. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 167.
4. Showalter, Many Mizners, 52.
5. Wilson Mizner, Letter to “Arthur” (Somers Roche), August 19, 1926.
6. Curl, Boca Raton Resort & Club, 43–44.
8. Maxwell, R. S. V. P., 188–89.
9. DeLamar, Introduction to Tarbell, Florida Architecture of Addison Mizner, xv.
10. Curl, Introduction to Tarbell, Florida Architecture of Addison Mizner, xv.
11. DeLamar, Introduction to Tarbell, Florida Architecture of Addison Mizner, xiv.
12. DeLamar, Introduction to Tarbell, Florida Architecture of Addison Mizner, xi.
13. Seebohm, Boca Rococo, 238.
14. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 174.
15. Allen and Cardoso, “Mizner Mansion to Be Razed,” Sun Sentinel, April 26, 2001.
16. Allen and Cardoso, “Mizner Mansion to Be Razed,” Sun Sentinel, April 26, 2001.
17. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 186.
18. Jones III, “Addison Mizner in Sea Island,” interview, January 23, 2016.
19. Foerderer Family Papers, Collection 31021.
20. Orr-Cahall, “An Identification and Discussion,” 85.
21. Tebeau, History of Florida, 388.
22. Nelander, “Palm Beach Has Long History of Weathering Hurricanes,” Palm Beach Daily News, May 31, 2011.
23. Seebohm, Boca Rococo, 244.
25. DeLamar, Letter to Alva Johnston, 47.
26. DeLamar, Letter to Alva Johnson, 1.
27. DeLamar, Letter to Alva Johnston, 40.
28. Mayhew, “Unforgettable Palm Beach,” Palm Beach Daily News, Feb. 21, 2011.
29. Mockler, Maurice Fatio: Palm Beach Architect, 236.
30. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 191.
31. Crane, “Casa Coe da Sol,” St. Petersburg Independent, April 9, 1982, Section D.
32. New York Times, January 2, 1932, Social section, 8.
33. Palm Beach Times, January 31, 1929; Palm Beach Post, March 17, 1929.
34. Curl, Mizner’s Florida, 200.
38. Seebohm, Boca Rococo, 250.
39. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 111.
40. Burke, Rogue’s Progress, 262.
41. Burke, Rogue’s Progress, 264.
42. Burke, Rogue’s Progress, 268.
43. Burke, Rogue’s Progress, 262, 268.
44. Burke, Rogue’s Progress, 257.
45. Burke, Rogue’s Progress, 259.
46. Seebohm, Boca Rococo, 252.
47. Johnston, Legendary Mizners, 303.
48. Seebohm, Boca Rococo, 254.
49. Seebohm, Boca Rococo, 253.
2. Waugh, Alex. Autobiography typescript, Chapter 5, 2.
3. Curl, Donald. Boca Raton, 43.
4. Curl, Mizner’s Florida. 201.
5. Mizner, Cynic’s Calendar for 1904, entry for August 1904, n.p., 1903.
6. Starr, Dictionary of American Biography, Vol XXI, Suppl. one. “Mizner” entry by Bannister, 558–560.
7. Huxtable, “Architecture View: Palm Beach.” March 20, 1977. New York Times.
8. Huxtable, “Architecture View: Palm Beach.”
9. Huxtable, “Architecture View: Palm Beach.”
10. Childers, The Oxford English Dictionary, 282.
11. Holley, “A Creator of Castles in Spain,” The Hollywood Magazine, September 1925, 34.
12. Onions, The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, 47–48.
13. Singer, Paris, foreword to Tarbell, Florida Architecture of Addison Mizner, xxxi.