At first, apart from Mere, whose friend Laura was, none of them noticed she was in their circle. She was simply a Palagi, who was hanging round with Mere because they were studying Pacific anthropology together, and who Mere, for her own reasons, was bringing to their get-togethers at university. She said little, and obviously didnt want to be noticed; a blurred, barely there presence that respected their groups all-PI identity and unbreakable bond. Like other Palagi before her, they expected her to disappear when she discerned none of them were going to allow her an equal presence and visibility in their group. But she didnt disappear, and then she became an unavoidable presence when Mere, one morning in the student cafeteria while they were having coffee, demanded angrily, ‘So, you want to continue being racist, eh?’

What do you mean?’ Keith voiced the surprise of the group.

Yeah, what are you accusing us of this time, Sis?’ Aaron asked, bewildered.

In your usual arrogant way, youve been deliberately ignoring my friend Laura!’ Mere surprised them some more. With that they all looked at Laurashe now had a name and a visibilitythey had to see her, because Mere wasnt someone you ignored.

So what?’ Paul challenged. They all stared at Mere, anticipating an unforgiving blow, but before it came, Laura got up and started leaving.

Im sorry,’ she stuttered, head lowered.

Mere grabbed her arm and, holding onto it, said to them, ‘See, youve got no manners. Have I ever mistreated any of your friends? Have I?’ None of them were foolish enough to remind her that, over the years, she had been the one who kept reminding them that their Tribe was only for Polynesians. And they were certainly not going to do so in front of this poor, upset Palagi, whose impregnable protection was Meres obvious but inexplicable friendship. So they all remained silent and fumed at Mere. ‘Laura is genuine,’ Mere continued, and they were puzzled by the claim. They glanced at Laura, who had her head bowed, her hands clutched round her chin, her whole body hunched, reducing her visibility. Something in the glow of her brunette hair held their attention, and they began noticing her appearance as an individual, as someone worthy of their consideration.

We have a lot of those: theyre called liberals, if youve forgotten that, sis!’ the foolishly daring Paul challenged again.

Yeah,’ Aaron echoed, ‘it makes them feel superior that theyre helping us. And they want to lead us from the front not the back.’ Though the others nodded in support, they wanted the trend of the debate to end there.

I know Lauras a true friend,’ Mere said finally, relaxing, and putting her arm round Lauras shoulders.

Now that Laura was in Daniels reckoning, she seemed to grow in importance to him, without his meaning her to do so. He certainly wasnt an important presence in her reckoningat least, he couldnt detect any interest in him. Aaron, Paul and the others accorded her an interested respect whenever Mere was around, but none of them found her hot enough to warrant asking her for a date or anything like that. Not that she encouraged that: she came to exuberant life whenever she was with Mere but was withdrawn when she wasnt. It was as if her visible disinterest was a deliberate, calculated disguise from behind which she scrutinised everyone closely.

On Monday, mid-morning, when he went into the crowded student cafeteria and saw Laura and Mere, he realised, as he hurried to them, that he was excited about their presence. ‘It was unfair, Dan, you copping a free look while you helped Mum put us doped-up ladies to bed, a while back,’ Mere greeted him, and he blushedthat was his only description for itand squirmed with embarrassment, and avoided looking at Laura.

Nothing worth looking at!’ He tried to hide.

Hear that, Laura? I told you he was shy, and needs someone like you to help him out of that,’ Mere countered.

Laura inexplicably found herself offering Daniel the seat between them, and when he was seated, she sensed he was uncomfortable but pleased to be with themand with her? She hoped it was because of her. ‘Dan, thanks for looking after us that night,’ she said. She liked the way he avoided looking at her.

Who else would have helped? … I just happened to be there,’ he stumbled. He still couldnt look at her, and wished Palagi women werent so bloody directand Mere, by also being direct, wasnt helping at all. He certainly didnt want Mere and his other friends to get the impression he was interested in this Palagi woman.

Right then, Paul and Keith arrived and rescued him from his disturbing feelings about Laura, and he buried his attention in talking with them.

Laura noted all that, and was relieved she was again on the periphery where she could observe themand especially Danielwithout them being aware of it. But Daniel, as he tried to appear engrossed in the others, couldnt take his attention off her, and hoped she would join the conversation.

Hey, Laura,’ Mere interrupted Lauras thoughts, ‘you want to go to the movies with us this afternoon?’ Laura nodded before she could stop herself, and caught Daniels look, which she interpreted as disappointment. But Daniels heart leapt at Lauras assent, and he didnt want to reveal it. ‘Aarons meeting us there.’

Its a thriller,’ Daniel said, trying to sound nonchalant.

Dans a bloody movie addict,’ Keith said. ‘Comes from his mother, whos also a movie addict.’ Laura suddenly wanted to learn more about Daniels mother, but in no way was she going to show that. Daniel wished Keith would stop talking about his mother.

Boy, Auntie Tasi sees two or three movies a week,’ Paul added. ‘She knows more about movies than anyone we know.’

Lets go.’ Daniel heard himself trying to divert the conversation from his mother (and himself). He started to get up. Laura yearned for more information about this unusual mother.

And Auntie Tasi can imitate Marlon Brando, Lawrence Olivier in Hamlet, Meryl Streep, the Three Stooges …’ As Mere continued the list and the others laughed and added other names, Daniel tightened with embarrassment that was turning into anger at the others for caricaturing his mother and belittling him in front of Laura. Laura sensed this and wished the others would stop.

And Dans also a great imitator,’ Keith continued.

Lauras concern for Daniel slid up into her mouth and she glanced at Daniel. ‘Lets go then!’ She got up. Daniel stood up too, and was grateful Laura had stopped him from attacking his friends. ‘Ill pay,’ she declared.

No, Ill pay!’ Mere said, and the others, including Daniel, thanked her.

Snug in her thick winter coat, Laura walked beside Mere and Keith, followed by Daniel and Paul, as they made their way through a wintry Albert Park down into Queen Street. Laura felt awkwardly self-conscious as she sensed Daniel watching her.

At the start Daniel cursed his attention for focusing on Laura, but then, as they walked and he grew convinced she wanted his attention, he relaxed and enjoyed it. He admired the way she moved, the uncultivated grace of it; the need not to be noticed, the total attention with which she listened to what Mere and Keith were saying, her easy relaxed stride. Laura relaxed, knowing he was observing her and appreciating what he was seeing, and for the first time, in her life, wanted him to continue doing it. Shed never felt that before.

He grows on ya, doesnt he?’ Mere said as she drove Laura home, after the movies.

Who?’ Laura asked.

Shit, Laura, dont play that trick on me!’ And when Laura starting laughing, she joined her. ‘I caught all the vibes between you two all through that thriller.’

He does grow on me. Hes like James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause,’ Laura said.

And you should see him imitate Jimmy Dean,’ Mere said. ‘Its true, hes almost as good as his mum imitating film stars. He does do a very good Jimmy Dean in Rebel Without a Cause.’

What about in East of Eden?’ Laura was serious.

That too.’

When they stopped in front of Lauras apartment building, Mere asked, ‘Are you going to ask him for a date?’

Shouldnt that be the other way around? I thought you Polynesians were sticklers for correct behaviour between the sexes?’

If you want correct behaviour, then Ill have to act as hissoo”: as his go-between.’

Arent you doing that already?’

Yes, but he hasnt asked me to be his soo.’

But youre going to manoeuvre him into appointing you as his soo?’

Are you asking me to do that?’

Too right, sis, too right!’

I must warn you though: he may want to take you out but he will not ask you out, not even through a soo as conniving as me.’

Isnt that a bloody contradiction?’

Yeah, but life centres on contradictions, especially if youre a male Hamo.’

For instance?’

He cant be seen, by other Hamo guys, dating Pākehā women.’

So youre suggesting I go out with him secretly?’

No, but you will have to contain your desirenot lust, thats too ungenteel a wordbefore I arrange it.’

How long will that take?’

First I have to get the other guys in our whānau to accept you as a member of our group.’

You mean, for them to forget Im Pākehā?’

Mere shook her head. ‘No, for them to ignore the fact youre Pākehā. Because if we forget that and consider you a Polynesian and part of the whānau, then he cant court you.’

But why?’

Because hell have to view you as a sister, and incest is …’

Laura felt sadness and regret in Meres voice, and when the revelation came to her, she was shocked by it. ‘Is that why you …?’

Mere looked away. ‘To Daniel and Paul and Keith and Aaron, I am their sister, and that is how I want my relationship to them to bebut it has been fucking difficult.’

What if they marry women from outside the Tribedo those women become members of the Tribe?’

Yes, but the difference is, I am a founding member of the Tribe: a sister to Aaron, Paul, Keith and Daniel.’

Laura tried to comprehend it and couldntbut she understood the tragic sadness Mere was experiencinga sadness Mere would have to carry as long as the Tribe existed. That understanding deepened Lauras lovea word shed always found mushy and true only in popular fiction and filmfor Mere. ‘Ill wait until your whānau ignore my Pākehā-ness,’ she promised. Mere leaned forward and, embracing her, kissed her on the cheek.