Abraham, Karl
Alford, Fred C.
“Alpha elements” of preverbal thought
Anality/anal attack/anal sadism: ejection; Eros absorbed into Thanatos; sadism preceding; women’s as hidden and mysterious
Analysts: intrusions by own psyche; predominantly Jewish; as primary objects; rifts among; sharing in anxieties, curiosity; sharing in paranoia; Viennese contingent; women as; see also Psychoanalysis
Anxiety: archaic, object as source of; divulged by desire; excessive; as frustrated desire; newborns consumed by; primary, as precondition for thought; primordial; producing thought; superseded by thought; symbolization/symbolism of; unleashing identification mechanism
Anzieu, Didieu
Archaic ego
Archaic symbolization
Archaic, the, women’s affinity for
Arendt, Hannah
Art: children at heart of; as cultural act of sublimation; as inevitable and necessary; as psychic survival; as reparation
Balint, Michael
Beautification impulse
Bégoin-Guignard, Florence
Bégoin, Jean
Benevolence: and gratitude, goodness; and madness; in psychoanalysis
Benjamin, Jessica
Berlin Psychoanalytic Society
“Beta elements” of preverbal thought
Bick, Esther
Binding identification
Bion, W. R.
Birth trauma
Bisexuality, psychic
“Black holes” of autism, fantasy, archaic internalized objects
Bloomsbury group
Boulanger, Jean-Baptiste
Bowlby, John
Boys: castration anxiety; envy of femininity and/or maternity; oedipal jealousy
Brain Man case
Breast: as basis for superego; fantasized as inexhaustible; “good” and “bad”; idealization of; as incorporating penis; infant’s destructive impulses toward; influencing relation to penis; innate preconception of; linked in fantasy with penis; as object of envy; as perpetually renewed; succeeded as object by penis
Brierly, Marjorie
Bringing Up of Children, The
British Psycho-Analytical Society
Brook, Lola
Budapest Psychoanalytic Society
Burlingham, Dorothy
Cannibalistic aggression
Carpenter, C. G.
Carroll, Lewis
Case studies: Dick; Erna; Lisa/Melitta; Mr. A; Peter; President Schreber (Freud analysis case); Richard; Rita; Ruth; Trude; Wolf Man (Freud analysis case)
Case studies, Fritz/Erich
Castration anxiety/castration complex; in boys; commonality of desire and anxiety; Freud association with superego; Freud on; Freud orientation of psychic life; Klein sharing with subjects; as source of inhibition, frigidity; women having
Child analysis: conceptions of analyst’s role; and English fondness for children; as Klein innovation; Klein’s focus on
Children: education methods/models for; Klein’s, as guinea pigs; maternal hatred toward; unconscious knowledge versus enlightenment
Chodorow, Nancy
Christianity: Klein’s conversion to; in psychoanalytic theory
Clyne, Eric
Containers of objects: analyst’s mind as; contained projected onto container; facilitating development of depressive position; as incarnations or representations; mother/mother’s presence as; oedipal
“Contribution to the Psychogenesis of Tics, A”
Controversial Discussions
Creativity: art as caring; as basis of transitional state; depression as precondition for; depressive position mobilizing toward reparation; freedom based on; pain and reparation at foundation of; transformed from oedipal desires
Crichton-Miller, Hugh
Cult of the mother
Da Vinci, Leonardo
Death drive: ambiguity, constructiveness and destructiveness; as condensation of love and hatred; as distressful yet tool for symbolization; envy as version of; as fear of annihilation of life; generating new defenses; imposing universe of primary violence; Klein concept versus Freud’s; transformable into creativity
Depression: of Klein; as precondition for creativity
Depressive position: accepting loss through love; as capacity for strengthened ego; crystallizing abjection; discovery of psychic reality; fathers in relations to surroundings; generating symbolization and language; incomplete; nostalgia arising from; as precondition for language acquisition; recognition of objects during; seeking support in superego; working through as integrative
“Der Familienroman in statu nascendi”
Desire: comprising energy and intention; divulging anxiety; dominated by anxiety; as memory of gratification
Detective stories and Murder mysteries
Deutsch, Helene
Deutsch, Libussa (Klein’s mother): children of; death of; early years and marriage; Klein’s hatred/idealization of; as possessive, abusive, and interfering; preference for Hans over Melitta; as shopkeeper
Diatkine, René
Dickens, Charles
Dick (Klein child analysis case)
Dinnerstein, Dorothy
Don Juan
Eating difficulties
Education methods/models for children
Ego: feelings of exclusion; incomplete integration and loneliness; integration; prime activity as service of life instinct; taking shape by way of depressive working through; versus Kleinian self
Eitingon, Max
Enlightenment principles of education
Envy: breast as object of; curtailing capacity for gratitude; and gratitude; on Klein’s part; by Lacan; of mothers receiving fathers’s penis
Envy and Gratitude
Equations in symbolization
Erna (Klein child analysis case)
Fairbairn, W.
Fame and notoriety of Klein
Fantasy: as authentic reality; as “black hole”; defined; Freud conceptualization of; at heart of Kleinian psychoanalysis; Lacan conceptualization of; as locus of truth; as metaphor; as “playlet”; removed from language; as resistant to enlightenment; symbolization/symbolism; transforming deprivation into frustration; of twinship; underestimating metaphoric meanings; women analysts emphasizing; see also Phantasy
Fathers: as familial Other; feeling gratification; Freud’s emphasis; Klein’s underestimation of role for; penis as appendage; role of; as symbolic authority
Female/feminine sexuality
Female hysteria
Female masochism
Female superego
Feminine passivity
Feminine phase/realm
Feminists’ interest in Klein
Ferenczi, Sándor
Foulkes, S. H.
Frankfurt School
Freedom: based on creativity; in borderline experiences; as inner psychic reality; as recreation of inner life; restoration by unconscious; as uniqueness
Freud, Anna: adoption of Kleinian concept; as dictatorial and aggressive; differing approach from Klein’s; direct observation of children; disputes with; establishing patient-analyst ego bond; and followers; followers of; Lacan’s nod to; lack of illusion toward Melitta; pleasure at Klein attempt at reconciliation; resignation from Training Committee
Freud-Klein Controversies
Freud, Sigmund: death of; on fantasies; on homo religiosus; Klein’s differences, not rejection; launching “Copernican” revolution; likely displeasure at Klein challenge; on madness and benevolence; negativity in; question of unconscious as accessible; on Riviere; sex as focal point; sexuality incorporating animality into culture; validation of paranoid-schizoid position of Klein; versus Klein concept of death drive
Freund, Anton von
Friedlander, Kate
Fritz/Erich (Klein child analysis case)
Frustration: fantasy transforming deprivation into; followed by satisfaction; hallucinations of; Klein’s focus on; as result of desire for impossible, excessive gratification
Gammill, James
Genitality/genital phase
Gibeault, Alain
Gide, André
Girard, Françoise
Girls: Oedipus complex in; as “Oedipus I”; as “Oedipus II”; penis envy
Glover, Edward
Golding, William
“Good enough mothers”
Gratitude: and benevolence/goodness; child’s innate capacity for; and envy; of Lacan; loss of self through; replacing sadism, envy, and tyranny of superego
Great Controversial Discussions
Green, André
Green, Julien
Grosskurth, Phyllis
Guignard, Florence
Hallucinatory wish-fulfillment
Heimann, Paula
Hoffer, Hedwig
Hoffer, Willi
Homosexuality: in case of Peter; as component of psyche; in context of narcissism; endogenous; of Erna; in girl’s oral turning to penis; guilt toward women; Klein’s identification in character in novel; male; of Mr. A
Horney, Karen
Hug-Hellmuth, Hermine von
Hughes, Thomas
Hyppolite, Jean
Idealization: of breast; persecuting; with splitting
If I Were You (Julian Green)
Inhibitions and taboos
Inner/inside versus outer/outside
Internal objects
Interpretation by analyst
Investment of signs and thought
“I.O. (Internal Object) Group”
Isaacs, Susan
Jacques, Elliot
Jewishness: of analysts; of Klein
Jones, Ernest
Kingsley, Charles
Kjär, Ruth
Klein, Arthur Stevan
Klein, Erich; as Fritz/Erich
Klein, Hans
Klein, Jakob
Klein, Melanie: ambiguity, awkwardness in concepts; ambition; career dimensions; command of English, French, and German; contributions to psychoanalysis; disputes with Anna Freud; fame and notoriety; genius of; grandchildren; hatred/idealization of her mother; as “inspired gut butcher”; marriage and divorce; move to London; opposition to theories of; physical description; physical description of; relationship/rift with Melitta; use of her children as “guinea pigs”; see also Deutsch, Libussa
Klein, Melitta: attending psychoanalytic conference at fifteen; Klein’s relationship and rift with; questioning role of father; as uncompromising; see also Lisa/Melitta (Klein child analysis case)
Klein-Vágó, Jolan
Kloetzel, Chezkel Zvi
Knowledge: as fantasy, staving off awareness; as symbolic interpretation of fantasy; as transference relationship; unconscious, on part of child
Kris, Ernst
Lacan, J.
Laing, R. D.
Language: analyst’s naming of fantasies; bound up with soul; depressive position as precondition for acquisition; fantasies removed from; importance of plain words; Klein’s linguistic estrangement, “foreignness”; memory of prelanguage; prenarrative envelopes between anxiety and; as pre-verbal emotions and phantasies; repression leading to lack of capacity for; semantic and symbolic value of words; theory of; see also Symbolization/symbolism
Lantons, Barbara
La Rochefoucauld, François
Latency period
L’Enfant et les sortilèges (Ravel opera)
Libussa (Klein’s mother). See Deutsch, Libussa
Life drive
Lisa/Melitta (Klein child analysis case); see also Klein, Melitta
Literature as cultural act of sublimation
London, Klein’s move to
Loneliness: and mother-child bond; and superego
Love: accepting loss through; capacity for; child’s innate capacity for; death drive as condensation with hatred; loss of self through; replacing sadism, envy, and tyranny of superego
Love, Guilt, and Reparation
Low, Barbara
Male femininity.
Male hysteria
Male sexuality
Mania/manic defenses
Marcuse, Herbert
Masculine superego
Masochism, female
Matricide; and Libussa
Melanie Klein and Critical Social Theory
Melitta. See Klein, Melitta; Lisa/Melitta (Klein child analysis case)
Meltzer, Donald
Men: Klein generally ignoring role of; see also Fathers
Metaphysics: curiosity about God; psychoanalysis as dismantling of
Michaelis, Karin
Mirror stage
Money-Kyrle, Roger
Mothers: bond with, as basis for creative potential; bond with, as essential and terrifying; cult of; and depth of thought; “encroaching”; first experience of motherhood; “good enough”; at heart of human destiny; importance of preverbal relationship with; Klein’s focus on; Klein’s relationship/rift with Melitta; Klein’s underestimation of desire and hatred; loss of self through love and gratitude; as perpetually renewed breast; as prototype of God; as receptiveness and tyrannical authority; as symbols of reality; vulnerability, compassion, and concern; women’s hatred toward; see also Deutsch, Libussa (Klein’s mother)
Mourning; directed toward internal object; failure of, resulting in inner insecurity; as forming internal psychic reality; Klein’s grief as origin of depressive position concept; as nostalgia for good object; replacing primal sadism; restoring livable internal world
Mr. A (Klein analysis case)
Mrs. Klein (play)
Murder mysteries and detective stories
Narcissism: and autism; as conceptualized by Freud; as conceptualized by Klein; of ego; object relations and; primary
Narrative of a Child Analysis
Negation/negativity; Kleinian
Negative transference
Nomadism: of Klein; of modern man
Nostalgia: arising from depressive position; for good object, as mourning; for womb
Object relations: analysts as primary objects; as basis for tics; as center of emotional life; destructive impulses; externalization and synthesis; with good and bad objects; in infants; inner/outer distinctions; with introjected parents; mirroring id/ego/superego relationships; mother or breast as first; narcissism and; newborn’s drives directed toward “Other”; preverbal relationship with mother; as social bonds; source of archaic anxieties; with whole object (introjection)
“Obsessional Neurosis in a Six-Year-Old Girl, An”
Oedipus complex/conflict: age range for; early onset; Freud on; in, girls; Klein questioning emergence; Klein reinterpretation; object relations launching; Oedipal containers; oedipal triangles/trios; “Oedipus I” and “Oedipus II”; sadism of; and superego
Omnipotence: infants’ fantasies of; of mothers; of penis
Oral envy
Orality: combined with genitality; oedipal triangle in; sexuality as; supporting feminine passivity
Oresteia, The, and matricidal fantasies
Original repression
“Other, The”
Pain: as foundation for inhibitions and neuroses; psychic, of newborns; as rift between desire and repression; transforming into thought and culture; unwillingness to accept
Paranoid-schizoid position: antisocial groups; child’s ambivalence; Klein’s modification of early concept; Lacan’s augmentation of; as prevalent in all; ravaging ego; splitting and projective identification
Parents: as authority; child’s understanding of difference between sexes; combined or coupled; as combined parental object; as combined parent figure; introjected; mother as perpetually renewed breast; stern and puritanical
Pathology and madness
Payne, Sylvia
Penis envy/penis fear: in case of Mr. A.; in case of Richard; envy of mother receiving penis; Freud’s theory contrasted to Klein’s; by girls; linked in fantasy with breast; object succeeding breast; sadistic omnipotence of penis
Persecuting idealizations
Peter (Klein child analysis case)
Petot, Jean-Michel
Phallic phase
Phantasy: Kleinian concept described; primal; recasting dualism between body and soul; see also Fantasy
Piaget, Jean
Play technique: as “future of psychoanalysis”; invention of; manifested in adults as well as children; as road to unconscious; with trains
Pleasure principle
Poetry by Klein
Political implications of Klein concepts
Politic approach of Klein
Positions, as shifting psychic vantage points
Positivity, Kleinian
Postoedipal period
President Schreber (Freud analysis case)
Primal objects
Primal phantasies
Primary feminine phase/realm
Primary narcissis
Primary symbolization
Primordial anxiety
Projection/projective identification: by child, of disliked traits onto mother; as first form of thinking; Klein’s identification in character in novel; Lacan conceptualization of; paranoid-schizoid position, splitting and
Proust, Marcel
Psyche as soul
Psychic bisexuality
Psychic realm
Psychoanalysis: as aid to capacity to think; as benevolent listening; contributions of Klein to; critics and believers; at crossroads of empirical utility and speculative daring; as dismantling of metaphysics; fostering tenderness; Klein’s innovations; Klein’s pessimism concerning; Klein’s with Ferenczi; as maternal vocation; as moral relational concept of human nature; parameters of Kleinian; personal friendships versus analytical ties; as realm of rebirth; as religion for adherents; revival and diversification of; as secular religion; as support system and opportunity for change; third party (analyst as) needed; Viennese contingent; voiced interpretations as manipulative; as way of listening; women directing destiny of; see also Analysts
Psychoanalysis of Children, The
Pulp fiction
Ravel, Maurice
Realm of play; see also Play technique
Rees, John
Regressive unconscious
Reizes, Moriz
Rejoicing bond
Religion: surreptitious presence in dreams and symptoms; see also Christianity; Jewishness
Reparation: in artistic urges; concept as germ of social theory; expression as desire for beautification; as gradual resolution of mourning; replacing sadism, envy, and tyranny of superego; as social conciliation; through separation from mother
Repetition compulsion
Representations/representativeness: cognitive; distinguishing stimulation from; Freud on; psychic
Repression: of bodily elements over visual; of female sexuality; leading to lack of capacity for language and thought; original; pain as rift between desire and; as repudiation of sexual/primitive; of sexual curiosity; of unconscious knowledge
Richard (Klein child analysis case)
Rickman, John
Rimbaud, Arthur
Rita (Klein child analysis case)
Riviere, Joan
Roheim, Géza
Rose, Jacqueline
Rosenberg, Hungary
Rosenfeld, Evan
Rosenfeld, H.
Rustin, Margaret
Rustin, Michael
Ruth (Klein child analysis case)
Sadism/sadistic devouring: and anal attack; in case of Richard; in girls’ Oedipan conflicts; as paranoid-schizoid position; symbolism in; as tyrannical superego/Saturn
Schizophrenia; see also, paranoid-schizoid position
Schmideberg, Melitta Klein; see also Klein, Melitta
Schmideberg, Walter
Scott, W.
Seduction, fantasized
Segal, Hanna
Self: individuation of; Kleinian, versus ego
Self-knowledge. See Thought/thinking ability/self-knowledge
Sexes: child’s understanding of difference between; relationship between
Sexual curiosity: analyst sharing in; Klein seeing; Melitta lacking in; repression of
Sexuality: as bisexuality; ending play stage; feminine; as focal point of “essence of man”; guilt surrounding; life of mind rooted in; male; as orality
Sexual polymorphism
Sexual revulsion of Klein
Sharpe, Ella
Social theory/sociology, Klein’s success in
“Some Reflections on The Oresteia”
Splitting: as ego defense moving toward love; of internal/external objects, “good” and “bad” breasts; Klein’s focus on; in paranoid-schizoid position; as severance of love and hate; between sexual curiosity/desire and repression
Stephen, Adrian
Stephen, Karin
Strachey, Alix
Strachey, James
Sublimation: art and literature as cultural acts of; infant’s limited capacity for; pain and reparation at foundation of; as paradise; preserving bits of loved object; as tender appeasing
Superego: concretizations of; cooperative versus destructive; development in boys and girls; draconian succumbing to ideal; female; Freudian; as introjected parents; and loneliness; masculine, Freud on; mothers and fathers and prototype of; Oedipus conflict; and oral sadism; three stages of; tyrannical transformed to “good”
Symbolization/symbolism: of anxieties, as modern crisis of culture; archaic and primary; art and literature as cultural acts of sublimation; capacity in desire separated from anxiety; from depressive position; equations in; fantasylike presymbolism; filling psychic universe of infants; lack of, as destruction of soul; of named fantasies; needed by ego; negativity and; primary; as remnants of archaic identities; stages of; by therapist; as uncertain miracle depending on mother; see also Language
Tavistock Institute and Clinic
Thanatos; see also Death drive
Thought/thinking ability/self-knowledge: allowing psychic interiority; as edifice of thinking subject; imaginary matricide paving way to; Klein’s goal; Klein’s innovation in theory; language acquisition and; as linking; matricide at origin of; produced by anxiety; psychoanalysis as art of caring for capacity for; psychosis as destruction of; as recreation of unconscious; replacing matricide; repression inhibiting; repression leading to lack of capacity for
Topolski, Felix
Transference; negative
Trude (Klein child analysis case)
Tustin, Frances
Unconscious: discovery of; erasing boundary between “normal” and “pathological”; Klein’s “mothering” of; Klein targeting; objectification as Kleinian; opening of analyst’s along with subject’s; play techniques as road to; thought recreating
Urinary functions
Vágó, Klara
Verbalization. See Language; Symbolization/symbolism
Viennese contingent
Wallon, Henri
Winnicott, Clare
Winnicott, D. W.: on aloneness; apology from Klein; as child-analyst; as clearheaded; closeness to Kleinian legacy; as Independent; inner psychic reality as freedom; on mother-child relationship; on play and freedom; as supporter of Klein; use of gerunds indicating psychic processes
Wolf Man (Freud analysis case)
Wollfheim, Nelly
Womb nostalgia
Womb separation trauma
Women: with affinity for archaic; ambivalent relations; as analysts, censoring female sexuality; as analysts, emphasizing fantasy; directing destiny of psychoanalysis; interest in organic experience; Klein’s friendships and clashes with; peach and war among mothers, daughters, and analysts; psychosexual difficulties; see also Freud, Anna
Wright, Nicholas