Stella’s foot hurts too much for her to do any hard tricks for the two-o’clock show. Instead, Mack pulls her, limping, into the ring, where she tracks a circle in the sawdust.
Ruby clings to her like a shadow. Ruby’s eyes go wide when Snickers jumps on Stella’s back, then leaps onto her head.
At the four-o’clock show, Stella can only get as far as the entrance to the ring. Ruby refuses to leave her side.
At the seven-o’clock show, Stella stays in her domain. When Mack comes for Ruby, Stella whispers something in her ear. Ruby looks at her pleadingly, but after a moment, she follows Mack to the ring.
Ruby stands alone. The bright lights make her blink. She flaps her ears. She makes her tiny trumpet sound.
The humans stop eating their popcorn. They coo. They clap.
Ruby is a hit.
I don’t know whether to be happy or sad.