
Once, when we were still at the mall, I told Ivan how brave I thought he was. The way he put up with everything that had happened to him and never stopped being a good guy.

Ivan just looked at me. Cocked that big ol’ head of his. Nodded a bit.

“That’s not brave, Bob,” he finally said. “That’s just knowing what I can’t change.”

“I call it brave,” I said. “I call it crazy brave.”

Ivan held a browning banana up to the light. Like it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen in his long gorilla life.

I wondered whether he was going to eat it or draw it. You never knew with Ivan.

“Seems to me there are lots of ways to be brave, Bob,” he said.

A tiny mouse, name of Eek, skittered across his cage floor. “Hey, Eek,” said Ivan.

“Just checking for crumbs,” she said nervously, because she always sounded nervous.

“Dibs on all leftovers,” I reminded her.

She looked so terrified that I relented. “Over there, behind the tire. Old carrot top.”

“Respect, Bob,” she said, scampering off.

“Take a small creature like Eek,” said Ivan. He scratched his chin with the end of the banana. He did that when he was in a philosophical mood. “Maybe brave for a mouse is different from brave for me or brave for you.”

He looked at me fondly. “You’re the bravest dog I know, pal.”

“I ain’t brave.” I chewed on my tail, avoiding his gaze.

“You are Bob, untamed and undaunted,” said Ivan, and he chomped off a hunk of banana. He offered the rest to me, but I shook my head. I wasn’t feeling hungry.

Also, it was mostly just peel.

“That’s just my shtick. My routine.” I hesitated. “I mean, sure, I’m tough, compared to, say, Eek. But that’s setting the bar pretty low.”

“You’re too hard on yourself sometimes, Bob.”

I met his eyes. He has these dark brown, deep-set eyes, really kind ones. Eyes that make you wanna admit things. Confess to your failures.

“Once when I was little. Just a pup. I did something . . .”

Ivan waited patiently. Ivan is the king of patience.

I felt myself dashing into a dead-end tunnel I couldn’t escape. I didn’t want to go there. Not even with Ivan.

“Never mind.” I yawned. I do that when I’m anxious. “I’m rambling.”

“Bob?” Ivan said. “You okay?”

“You know me, Ivan. I’m always okay. Always.”

I slipped away before he could ask me anything more.