1. Frieda was largely responsible for the problems she dealt with in her marriage. How do you feel about her? Did your feelings change once you knew more about her?
2. Some situations may have remained hidden had Cordella not gotten involved. What do you think about her? What about her son, Clark?
3. What are your thoughts about Trisha? Compassion? Understanding? Suspicion?
4. If you were faced with a situation similar to the one Hope dealt with, how would you handle it?
5. Bo and Darius faced a pretty serious threat to their union. Do you think their marriage will survive? Why or why not?
6. Regarding Stacy and Hope, do you agree with the type of support each gave their husband?
7. If you were Stacy, would you have handled what happened to her differently? Why or why not?
8. In more than one situation, temptation from outsiders threatened to cripple the relationship(s). What do you think about men or women who go after someone who is married? Do you think it is their responsibility not to do it, or the married person’s responsibility not to take the bait?
9. As men go, Gabriel Livingston is one of the good ones. Do you agree with what appears to be his decision where Frieda is concerned?
10. What are your thoughts about the eleventh commandment?