Doctor’s Orders?
“Where’s my son?” It had been a long day with back to back surgeries, but Dr. Gabriel Livingston had barely stepped into his Beverly Hills home before summoning the love of his life.
“Cordella!” Frieda knew how much Gabriel hated her hollering instead of using the intercom or, even more civilized, walking into the room where the nanny played with their son, but right now, with everything that was on her mind, she didn’t care.
Moments later, a petite, dark-skinned woman wearing a baby blue uniform, polka-dotted head scarf, and sensible shoes walked into the room, holding the hand of a handsome little boy. “Good afternoon, Doctor.” Her lyrical accent floated through the tension in the room, bringing a smile to Gabriel’s face in spite of his mood.
“Good evening, Cordella. Good evening, son.”
The little boy looked up at Cordella, whose subtle nod was the impetus he obviously needed to speak. “Good afternoon, Dad.” The voice was soft, tentative, an adorable addition to the caramel-skinned cutie with thick curly hair, big doe eyes, and rosy cheeks.
“Come here, Gabe.” Gabriel’s voice was raspy with emotion as the boy walked into his arms. A sworn bachelor until his literal run-in with Frieda at a Beverly Hills mall four years ago, he’d had no idea how much having a family would change his life. He loved his little boy with all his heart and, God help him, but he loved his son’s crazy mother as well. “How’s my little man doing, huh?”
“Good, Dad.” Gabriel Jr., whom they all called Gabe, was a study in way too much seriousness for a three-year old. His was a quiet, contemplative countenance, one that totally reminded Gabriel Sr. of how he was at that age. After a moment of studying his son, his eyes slid up to the woman who vexed him. She was looking decadently gorgeous in pants too tight, hair too flipped, and a halter top that showed way too much. He adored her. “What about you, Frieda? What did you do today?”
Got sexed to within an inch of my life, is what she thought. “Went to another boring meeting about the charity ball,” is what she said. “With those women who look at me and see yet another charity case.”
“If you dressed like that, you didn’t help the situation. I’ve purchased you an entire closet of clothing befitting a doctor’s wife. I don’t understand why you insist on dressing like a stripper.”
“There was a time when you liked how I looked,” Frieda quipped..
“There is a time and place for every outfit, Frieda. What you have on is not appropriate for a meeting with the other doctors’ wives”
“Oh, slow your roll, dude. I looked totally appropriate for those blue-haired heifahs.” When Gabriel continued to look doubtful, she continued. “I didn’t wear this. I wore the black Armani suit paired with a floral knit top that covered everything. And those loafer-looking heels that only belong on someone going to a funeral, or to church. I couldn’t wait to get out of that stuffy getup. But you’ll be happy to know that Mrs. Goldstein actually complimented me on my outfit. That should insure at least another half a million for your cause.”
Our cause, darling,” Gabriel said, motioning Frieda over to his side. She complied and once in his arms, he kissed her gingerly, nothing like the Neanderthal manner in which Clark often grabbed her hair and pinched her nipples and butt cheeks. In a moment of conscience, she felt bad for missing the mistreatment.
“Dr. Klaus will be retiring at the end of the year and I am a true contender to head up the oncology unit. Your relationship with the wives matters in the decision-making process. I want you to think of us as a team, Frieda. It’s not just you against the world anymore, remember?”
Frieda nodded at her geeky husband’s one nod toward the hip-hop world she loved, his knowledge of rapper Tupac’s music, and her surprising discovery of a couple of his songs on the doctor’s iPod. She rubbed her hand across the crotch of his pants. “Someone won’t let me forget.”
Later that night, Frieda methodically stimulated her husband’s penis to a respectable erection, something that given his long hours and distracted mind-set was not always so easy to do. She heard his breathing shift, becoming more intense and labored. She only hoped that she could climb on and ride a second or two before he climaxed and passed out, something that was totally understandable given the fact that he’d been in surgery for ten hours today. She rolled her body toward him, placing her leg over his thigh. He responded by turning his head toward her and engaging her in a sloppy wet kiss. Better hurry this up, Frieda thought, as she listened to her husband’s breathing get even more erratic. Another couple tugs and this gun will fire. She removed her hand and placed her body over him, expertly lowering her wet heat over his hard shaft. Throwing her head back she set up a sensuous rhythm, licking her own palms and rubbing them over her hardened nipples as she rocked back and forth over Gabriel’s body. He grabbed her hips and guided her up and down his slightly above-average member, his breath now coming in short bursts.
“Ah!” He flipped them over, spreading Frieda’s legs and plunging into her paradise.
“Ooh, yeah, baby,” Frieda said, with all of the excitement of an average starlet in a B-list movie. “Um, feels so good, baby. Ah. Yes. Yes!”
The performance was good enough for its audience, a fact evidenced by Gabriel’s increasingly rapid hip movement accompanied by a prolonged “aw” and a sustained hiss before he collapsed on top of his pride and joy. In what had become typical fashion, he gave grateful pecks to Frieda’s cheeks, lips, and forehead before turning on his side away from her and quickly falling asleep. Frieda waited for just a moment before rising from the bed and heading to the shower. She set the temperature as hot as she could stand it, then soaped her loofah sponge and ran the uniquely refreshing scent, a strawberry/coconut/vanilla combination she’d had created just for her, over her skin. Closing her eyes, she remembered another lovemaking session earlier in the day, one that had probed deeper and gone longer than her husband could have ever dreamed. What surprised her was the fact that she wanted him now, again, even as she washed the scent of her just sexed husband off her skin. Damn, Clark.You got me whipped. Frieda had been around the block enough to know that this wasn’t good. She was supposed to have him wrapped around her finger. Instead, it was exactly the reverse.