Friends and Facebook
Cy sat in his office, sipping a cup of green tea and staring at the computer screen. He’d had a restless night, due in no small part to the conversation he’d had yesterday. With Trisha. The fact that she hadn’t immediately answered his e-mail to her, the second one he’d sent the day after she’d decided to reconnect with him out of the blue, had left him thinking that he wouldn’t hear from her at all. But he had. Yesterday. She’d told him she’d been busy, had expressed her excitement that they’d reconnected, and ended the e-mail with her phone number. He’d had an appointment in Los Angeles and when he arrived at his LA office . . . he’d called her.
“Trisha Underwood.”
A long pause and then a question. “Who’s calling, please?”
Cy smiled, realizing that the feisty skepticism that Trisha possessed had not diminished. “Trisha, it’s Cy.”
“Cy! Oh my goodness!”
I don’t remember your voice being so hoarse, but then again, it has been almost twenty years. “How are you, Trisha?”
Again, a pause before answering. “I’m okay. Wow, after all these years of thinking about how you’ve been and where you are, I can’t believe I’m actually talking to you.”
“I’ve thought about you too . . . over the years.”
There was a palpable intensity to the moment, even though both struggled to sound casual and nonchalant. Later, both would learn that it was for very different reasons.
“So, Cy Taylor, what have you been up to the last decade?”
“I should add besides becoming a very successful businessman. That’s how Jeannetta tracked you down, you know.”
“You can’t possibly mean Jeannetta Harris.”
“The one and only.”
Now it was Cy’s turn to pause as memories rushed in. Jeannetta Harris, the woman who’d lured him into her bed while he was dating Trisha. What he hadn’t known at the time was that Jeannetta was insanely jealous of Trisha and would do anything to dim the sunshine that seemed to follow Trisha around. Simply put, she set him up, and made sure that Trisha found out about it. To say she was hurt was an understatement. Trisha not only broke up with him, but during the remainder of their college years acted as though he was not alive. For years Cy had detested Jeannetta as the cause of the breakup with his first true love. Even after graduation he’d tried to obtain Trisha’s whereabouts, but her friend’s lips were tighter than Spanx on a fat chick. Finally he gave up and moved on.
“Jeannetta?” he finally said. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
“I ran into her a couple years ago. She’d found God and I guess as a result of that, was full of remorse about what she’d done. She asked for my forgiveness, and whether you and I had kept in touch with each other. When I told her no, she told me that she’d seen your name from time to time on various social media sites, namely LinkedIn, which I’d never joined. Lately, she saw you on Facebook and gave me your e-mail address.”
Cy knew there was a reason he’d held out on joining the popular website. There were some people from his past with whom he’d rather not reconnect. Trisha was not one of them. Jeannetta was. “Wow, I don’t even know how to respond to that story. After the one and only time we were together, and after I found out her true motives, she and I were never even in the same room, much less talked to each other.”
“Well, you may be surprised to know that she is living on five acres of rural land in North Carolina, married to a cattle rancher, and the mother of three rambunctious boys.”
“I’m very surprised.”
“I saw her at the ten-year reunion, but we didn’t talk. Then a couple years ago she looked me up on the classmate Web site, reached out, and I responded.”
“Beyond anything else, Jeannetta and I are not only sorors, but we’re human. She asked for my forgiveness, I gave it, and she felt that reconnecting us was a sort of restitution.”
“I must say I was more than surprised to get your e-mail, but after all these years, it is truly a pleasure to talk with you again.” A comfortable silence ensued before Cy continued. “I notice you’re still using your maiden name, Trisha. Are you one of these new age women who maintain their independence even after marriage?” This time, there was no mistaking the pause. It lasted so long that Cy checked his connection. “Trisha?”
“Nope, never married. No children.”
Thinking of his wonderful wife and beautiful twins, Cy was immediately uncomfortable, and somewhat saddened. “Well, you always were a go-getter. I imagine you opted for the successful career.”
“Not exactly.”
Hmm. Cy wondered what he was supposed to do with that response.
Turns out, he didn’t have to do anything with it. Trisha wasn’t finished. “I never stopped loving you, Cy.”
The raw energy surrounding her honest answer caused Cy’s stomach to clench. “You can’t possibly be saying that your single status, all these years later, is because of me.”
Trisha chuckled to try and lighten the moment. “I guess I was always trying to find someone to replace you. And no one ever did.” Cy had absolutely no answer for that, so he remained quiet. “I’d like to see you, Cy.”
“I’d like to see you too,” Cy responded, with no hesitation. “I’m married with children and happily so, but I never forgot you, always wondered how you were doing and prayed that life had given you what you wanted. Has it?”
“In a way. Seeing you would be a great booster.”
“Then it’s settled. I’ve got business that will have me in and out of New York for the next few months. The next time I’m headed that way, I’ll let you know.”
Cy hadn’t told Hope about this conversation. It wasn’t that he was trying to hide anything, but having had his share of experiences with women, he just felt that whatever was said to Hope regarding Trisha would be delivered on a need-to-know basis. Cy looked down at the one-sentence message he’d discovered upon opening his e-mails this morning.
I need to see you, Cy. As soon as possible.
The words were simple, but for whatever reason, Cy felt an urgency beneath them. He wanted to see Trisha, felt that he needed to see her. And when it came to his wife, his heartbeat, Hope Jones Taylor, this situation was now a definite need-to-know.