Turn a cupcake into a hopping good treat. This sweet little bunny is so fluffy and cute, you’ll just eat it up.
1 cupcake (paper liner removed)
vanilla frosting
sweetened flake coconut
1 large, thin, round chocolate cookie
1 jumbo marshmallow
pink decorating sugar
1 large marshmallow
2 mini marshmallows
2 small breath mints
1 pink jellybean
2 chocolate pastels
Frosting spreads best when it’s kept at room temperature. But cupcakes at room temperature can be soft and fragile. Place cooled cupcakes in a zip-top bag. Then put them in the freezer for about an hour. Freezing makes them firmer, which makes them easier to frost.
1. Stick a fork into the top of the cupcake. Holding the fork in one hand, frost the top, bottom, and sides of the cupcake.
2. Sprinkle coconut over the cupcake until the frosting is completely covered. Remove the fork, and place the cupcake upside down on the chocolate cookie.
3. Hold the jumbo marshmallow so the long sides are up and down. Cut skinny slices off the right and left sides to make bunny ears. One side of each ear will be sticky. Poke toothpicks into the bottoms of the ears. Sprinkle the sticky sides with pink decorating sugar. Poke the ears into the top of the cupcake.
4. Cut the large marshmallow in half. Place the halves at the base of the cupcake as feet.
5. Use a dab of frosting to stick a mini marshmallow in the back as a tail.
6. Cut a mini marshmallow in half. Stick the halves to the face as cheeks. Using frosting as glue, add the mints as teeth and the jellybean as a nose. Finally, add two chocolate pastels as eyes.
Makes 1 bunny