
Acheson, James, 24

Adaptability skills, 155–156

Agglomeration, 25

Airbnb, 36, 41

Alexa, 126

Alibaba: ecosystem expansion, 79–80, 99–100; encouraging inflows of new knowledge, 122; entry barriers, 73–74; foundation customer recruitment, 66; honey pot strategy, 72; innovation, fostering of, 36; joint learning in, 31, 32; monetization, 144, 145, 146–147, 147–148; new ecosystem development, 28, 180–181; partner development, 94–96, 178; partner evaluation, 84; partner interactions, 35, 57; partner roles in, 18, 64; penalizing bad behavior, 114–115; performance measures, 167; power of ecosystem edge, 5–12; proprietary versus shared learning, 132; protecting partners’ turf, 91–92; road map, communication about, 70–71; trust, building of, 111; value creation, 55, 136, 5, 9, 72, 84, 100, 181, 5 Inc., 5; encouraging inflows of new knowledge, 122; encouraging learning between partners, 126; keystone role, 141; monetization, 142–143, 144, 146; new ecosystem development, 179; partner attraction, 177–178; sharing ecosystem learning, 128; supply chain coordination, 174–175; trust, building of, 110; value creation, 53–54, 136

Amazon Echo-Alexa platform, 126

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), 78–79

Amazon Marketplace, 53–54

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), 79

Amazon Web Services (AWS), 22; barriers to entry, 84–85; ecosystem architecture, 85–90, 89–90; ecosystem expansion, 79–81; encouraging learning between partners, 124; growth and scale-up, 78–79; monetization, 146; new ecosystem development, 179; partner development, 83–84, 93–94; Partner Network (APN), 12, 80–81, 85–90, 110–111; proprietary versus shared learning, 130; sharing ecosystem learning, 128; trust, building of, 110–111; value proposition for partners, 81–83

Android, 166

Ant Financial Services Group, 5, 66, 67, 72, 75, 144; entry barriers, 73–74

Ant Fortune, 66

Apple, 2, 135; App Store, 38, 54, 92, 113, 142, 146; ecosystem leadership, 50, 51; governance standards, 113; iPad, 38, 148; keystone role, 141–142; monetization, 146; partner investment, stimulation of, 92; product bundles, 38; trust, building of, 110; value creation, 54

Application Program Interfaces (APIs): Amazon, 126; The Guardian, 104, 120; partner interfaces, 104, 114; Thomson Reuters, 62

App Studio, 62

Architecture of ecosystem, 85–90; ARM example, innovation, 123; data and knowledge exchange, 125

ARM, 15–17, 18; ecosystem architecture, 28, 32, 35, 54, 75, 87–88, 89; encouraging inflows of new knowledge, 121; encouraging learning between partners, 127; entry barriers, 74; flexibility of, 33; foundation customers, 64–66, 67; innovation, leader role in, 123; keystone partners, 137–138, 141; knowledge exchange, 106–108; monetization, 142, 145–146, 148; new ecosystem development, 63–64, 179, 181; partner contracts, 103; partner interfaces, 162–163; partner meetings, 55–56; platform economies and, 41; proprietary versus shared learning, 130; protecting partners’ turf, 91–92; sharing ecosystem learning, 129; value creation, 53, 136–137; value discovery process, 49–50

ARM7, 65

ARM9E, 66, 67

Armbrester, Kyle, 51, 52

Artificial intelligence (AI), 3; autonomous vehicles and, 42

AST Research, 135

AthenaCollector, 51

athenahealth Inc., 50–52; attracting diverse partners, 56; encouraging learning between partners, 126; governance standards, 113–114; innovation, leader role in, 122; monetization, 137, 146

AthenaNet, 50–51, 52

Atlas Copco, 45

Auto industry: autonomous vehicles, 42; car sharing, impact of, 2, 29; supply chain networks, 35; technological disruption in, 1–2, 30, 42

Autolib, 44

Autonomic, 60

Autonomous vehicles, 2, 30, 42, 59–60

AWS Partner Network (APN), 80–81; ecosystem architecture, 85–90; encouraging learning between partners, 12; trust, building of, 110–111

Baker, Tim, 109

Barney, Jay, 137

Barriers to entry, 73–74, 84–85

Bell, Emily, 119

Benetton, 23

Bezos, Jeff, 53–54, 78, 85, 152

BHP Billiton, 45

Biotechnology industry, 35

Blockchain, 2

Bloomberg, 61, 62

Boeing, 39

Bush, Jonathan, 50

Business ecosystem, defined, 23. See also Ecosystem

Business-to-business market, 5, 67

Business-to-consumer market, 5

Capgemini, 40

Car2go, 44

Carrefour, 2

Car sharing, 2, 29, 44

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 143

Center for Legal Informatics (CodeX), Stanford University, 57, 63, 109

Chamlark Ang, 70

Chan Kim, 102

Charlès, Bernard, 40, 41, 151, 158, 159

Chrome, 143

Cirrus Logic, 65, 67, 75

Cloud computing: Alexa, 126; Alibaba, 5, 180; Amazon Web Services (AWS), 22, 78–81, 90, 93–94, 128, 131, 179; athenahealth, 51, 52, 141; competing ecosystems, 170; Transportation Mobility Cloud, 60

Clustering, 25; geographic clusters, decline of, 34–37; Silicon Valley example, 31–32

CNN International, 124–125

Coca-Cola, 128

Co-learning, 11, 20, 21, 26, 31; Silicon Valley example, 31–32

Collaborative leadership, 154–157

Columbia Data Products, 135

Commissions on transactions, 138

Commons, 23, 25

Compaq, 135

Competition between ecosystems, 170–173, 182–183

Competitive advantage, 29–30

Competitive Advantage of Nations (Porter), 25

Complementors, 35–36

Connections, making of, 54–55

Consensus building, 158

Contracts, writing of, 101–103

Contribly, 120

Co-opetition, 18–19, 163–164

Cost leadership, 171, 173

Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike standard, 120

Creative Computing, 135

Credit scoring, Alibaba, 5, 31, 132

CST, 177

Customer solutions, 39–41; value-creation imperative, 42–44

Dassault Aviation, 39

Dassault Systèmes S.E. (DS), 39–41; collaboration across locations, 47–48; contracts with partners, 101; data exchange interfaces, 105–106; encouraging learning between partners, 121, 125–126; governance standards, 114; innovation roadmap, 93; keystone role, 141; knowledge content, 44–45, 121; monetization, 137; partner attraction, 72, 177; proprietary versus shared learning, 130; sharing ecosystem learning, 128–129; value creation, 54–55

Data aggregation and use, 3; advancements in, 30; Alibaba example, 31, 180; athenahealth example, 122; monetization of, 144, 147–148; Taobao Ke, 10

Data exchange, productivity and, 103–106

DEC, 135

Deliveroo, 36

Detroit, Michigan, 1–2

Didi Chuxing Technology Co, 41, 42

Differentiation, 171, 173

Dispute resolution, 103

Disruption, management of, 46

Dow Jones, 61

DriveNow, 44

DS Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system, 39

e2i (Employment and Employability Institute), Singapore, 69

Eagle Computer, 135

e Bay, 54

E-commerce: Alibaba, 5–12, 70, 94–96, 99, 178, 180; Amazon, 22, 78, 90–91, 142–143, 174–175, 177–178, 179; data collection and use, 122, 144; industry disruption, 2, 4, 12; tollgates, 146–147

Economic Development Board (EDB), Singapore, 72–73, 74–75

Economies of scale, 26–27, 32

Ecosystem: advantages of, 11–12, 29–30; building of, 14–15, 19–22; co-learning within, 10; competition between, 170–173; decline of, 26–27; defined, 23, 36–37; disadvantages of, 21; evolution, stages of, 173–178; historical use of, 23–25; importance of, 3–4; knowledge creation, 11; as new way of doing business, 182–183; participant and leadership roles, 17–19; rediscovery of, 27–29; spawning next ecosystem, 178–182; use of term, 36–37

Ecosystem edge: Alibaba example of, 5–12; defined, 4; overview of, 4–5, 11–12. See also Value creation

Ecosystem enabler: Alibaba as, 8–9

Ecosystem evolution, 173-174

Ecosystem strategies: alternative network strategies, 34–37; ARM example, 15–17, 18; case for, 12–13; flexibility, 32–33; joint learning, 31; leadership, 31–32; partner roles, 17–19. See also Growth and scale-up; Kick-starting an ecosystem; Leadership in ecosystems

EDF, 40

Efficiency: productivity disadvantage, 98–100

Eikon, 61, 62–63, 72

Elliott Management Corp., 52

Elop, Steve, 141

Entertainment industry, 5, 108, 180

Entry barriers, 73–74, 84–85

Environmental and Cultural Conservation in Inner Asia (ECCIA), 24

Facebook, 4

Fast Company, 124–125

Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), 2–3

Fidelity, 6

Fields, Mark, 2

Financial services industry: Ant Financial Services Group, Alibaba, 5, 66, 67, 72, 73–74, 75, 144, 180–181; disruption in, 2–3, 43, 46, 125; Thomson Reuters, 60–64, 109

Financial Times, 124–125; on industry disruption trends, 2

Fintech, 61–62

Flexibility, ecosystem strategies, 32–33, 167–168, 171

Flexibility, productivity and, 99

Focus strategy, 172, 173

Follett, Mary Parker, 154–155

Ford, Bill, 1–2

Ford Motor Company, 1–2, 59–60

Foundation customers: communication of ecosystem road map, 68–71; finding of, 64–66; honey pots, use of, 66, 72–73; ideal qualities of, 67–68; partners with existing ecosystems, 74–75; questions to ask, 75–76. See also Growth and scale-up

Foursquare, 79

Free riders, 26

Freescale, 148, 66

Geary, Joanna, 120–121

General Electric (GE), 3

General Motors (GM), 1–2

Gentry, Tim, 125

Geographic concentration, 79

Gig economy, 36

Global economy, 26; competitive advantage of ecosystems, 29–30; geographic clusters, decline of, 34–37; value-creation imperative, 42–48

Goldman Sachs, 6

Google, 2, 79, 170–171; Android, 166; Chrome, 143

Goudge, Liam, 64–65

Governance standards, 113–114

Grab, 36, 41

Growth and scale-up, 77–79; architecture, creation of, 85–90; barriers to join, lowering of, 84–85; explaining value proposition to new partners, 81–83; partner expectations and development, 83–84, 93–94; profit stream, impact on, 142–143; protecting partners’ turf, 90–92; questions to ask, 96–97; refining vision and road map, 79–81; stimulating partner investments, 92–96

The Guardian: data exchange interfaces, 104–105; encouraging inflows of new knowledge, 118–121; encouraging learning between partners, 124–125; monetization, 147; proprietary versus shared learning, 129–130; sharing ecosystem learning, 127–128

GuardianWitness, 120–121

Gucci, 72

Haier, 100

Hardin, Garrett, 27

Honey pot, 64, 66, 72–73

HP, 135

Huawei, 100

IBM, 79, 134–136, 138–139

Information and communications technology (ICT), 30; joint learning, 32; value-creation imperative, 46–48, 58; as virtual cluster, 32

Innovation, 30; accelerating, 143-145; Dassault Systèmes S.E. (DS) example, 39–41; drivers of, 27–29; ecosystem benefits, 33; ecosystem leader role in, 122–124; encouraging between partners, 124–127; encouraging inflows of new knowledge, 118–122; in global economy, 43; The Guardian example, 118–121; importance of, 117; monetization and keystone role, 143–145; performance measures, 166–167; proprietary versus shared learning, 129–132; questions to ask, 133; sharing ecosystem learning, 127–129


Institute of Technical Education (ITE), Singapore, 69–70, 73

Intel, 53, 90, 135, 137, 139, 181

Intellectual property (IP): ARM ecosystem, 15–17, 123, 137–138; monetization, 141; ownership and protection of, 159, 164, 175; Thomson Reuters, 72; value creation, 44

Interfaces between partners, designing of, 100–101, 162–163; codifying knowledge, 108–109; for data exchange, 103–106; knowledge exchange, management of, 105–108

Internal markets, 99

Internationalization of business, 26

Internet Explorer, Microsoft, 143

iPad, 148

ITE (Institute of Technical Education), Singapore, 69–70, 73

Iwoca, 180

Jassy, Andy, 78, 80, 83, 85, 94

JavaScript, 143

J.C. Penney, 2

Joint learning, 31; Silicon Valley example, 31–32; in supply chain networks, 35

Joint ventures, 176

Keystone partners, 137–138; innovation, acceleration of, 143–145; questions to ask, 150; securing keystone role, 140–142

Kick-starting an ecosystem: entry barriers, shrinking of, 73–74; foundation customers, 64–68; initial road map for ecosystem, 68–71; partners with existing ecosystems, 74–75; questions for leaders, 75–76; Thomson Reuters example, 60–64; value of joining, communication of, 71–73

Kindle Fire, 126

Kiva Systems, 177–178

Kmart, 2

Knowledge creation, 11; codifying knowledge, 108–109; encouraging between partners, 124–127; encouraging inflows of new knowledge, 118–122; The Guardian example, 118–121; importance of, 117; leader role in innovation, 122–124; management of, 27–28, 44–46; management of knowledge exchange, 106–108; monetization, 147–148; performance measures, 166–167; proprietary versus shared learning, 129–132; questions to ask, 133; sharing ecosystem learning, 127–129

Krugman, Paul, 25

Leadership in ecosystems: adaptability, 155–156; attracting new partners, 56; blueprint of, 168–169; building ecosystems, questions for, 75–76; change of mind-set, 151–154; collaborative leadership skills, 154–157; confronting dilemmas, 159; connections, making of, 54–55; consensus building, 158; Dassault Systèmes S.E. (DS) example, 39–41; decisions about, 17–19; ecosystem evolution, stages of, 173–178; external focus, 48–52; flexibility, 32–33; identifying value potential, 55–56; importance of, 28–29; influence skills, 156; innovating as a leader, 122–124; joint ventures, 176; keys to monetization, 136–139; listening skills, 155; organizational restructuring, 160–164; overall value creation, focus on, 52–54; partner attraction and churn, 165–166, 176–178; partner identification, 82–83, 153; partner interactions, quality of, 57; performance monitoring, 164–168; questions to ask for value creation, 58; responsibility beyond borders, 157–158; role of, 13–15, 19–22; social network development, 158–159; spawning next ecosystem, 178–182; strategies for success, 31–32; value creation and, 48–57; versus participation, 17-19. See also Growth and scale-up; Kick-starting an ecosystem; Monetization; Productivity, improving of

Learning. See Knowledge creation

Lending Club, 180

Lenovo Group, 135

Levy, Steven, 126

Li, Brian, 9

License fees, 138, 145–146

LiDAR, 60

Listening skills, 155

Lobster gangs, 24

Lojko, Albert, 62, 72

London Stock Exchange Group, 57

Lucent, 65, 66, 67, 75

Lyft, 41, 59

Ma, Jack, 6, 21, 100, 151, 152, 153, 158, 180

Machine learning, 3

Macy’s, 2

Marshall, Alfred, 24, 32

Mastercard, 180–181

Mauborgne, Renee, 102

McAlister, Matt, 120

MDP Accelerator, 144

Media: 3DSwYm, 105; Alibaba, 5; notice. com, 119–120; Pangaea, 124–125, 127–128; road map communication strategies, 71; social media and marketing, 2–3, 43. See also The Guardian; Thomson Reuters

Menghini, Monica, 45

Michelin, 3

Microsoft, 79, 135, 139

Microsoft Internet Explorer, 143

Ming Zeng, 7, 8, 10–11, 36, 92, 111

Mobike, 180

Mobile telecommunications industry, 5, 179; Nokia, 49, 141–142, 165–166. See also Information and communications technology (ICT)

Monetization, 134–136; data and knowledge creation, 147–148; growing profits, 139–140; innovation, acceleration of, 143–145; keystone role, securing of, 140–142; keys to success, 136–139; license fees, 145–146; nurturing of, 148–149; questions to ask, 150; royalties and transaction fees, 146–147; scale, role and limitations of, 142–143; value-added services, selling of, 147

Moore, James, 23, 182

Motorola, 165

Muller, Mike, 108, 123

Music industry, 2

MySpace, 4

National Trade Union Congress, Singapore, 69

Netflix, 79, 91

Netscape Navigator, 143

Networks: ecosystem edge, defined, 3–4; flexibility and development of, 167–168

News Corporation, 4

Nirenberg Neuroscience, 60

Nissan, 47–48

Nokia, 49, 141–142, 165–166, 120

Novartis, 72

NTT DoCoMo, 165

Olivetti, 135

Online payments, Alibaba, 5, 72, 99–100

Open Data Initiative (ODI), 62–63

Orange Money, 180

Organization, restructuring of, 160–164

Ostrom, Elinor, 27

Outsourcing, 12, 44

Pangaea Alliance, 124–125, 127–128

Park, Eddie, 50

Park, Todd, 50

Partners: AWS Partner Network (APN), 12, 80–81, 85–90, 110–111; collaborative leadership, 154–157; contracts, writing of, 101–103; co-opetition between, 163–164; development and evaluation of, 83–84, 93–94, 162, 165–166; dispute resolution, 103; ecosystem architecture, 85–90; ecosystem competition, 171–173; ecosystem evolution, 174–176; with existing ecosystems, 74–75; identifying and attracting, 20–21, 176–178; joint ventures, 176; keystone partners, 137, 150; keystone role, securing of, 140–142; keystone status, innovation and, 143–145; new ecosystem development, 181; penalizing bad behavior, 114–115; protecting turf of, 90–92; roles of, 17–19, 22; stimulating investments of, 92–96; trust, building of, 110–113. See also Growth and scale-up; Interfaces between partners, designing of; Kick-starting an ecosystem

Payerview, 122

Performance measurement, 161, 164–168

PermID, 109

Pharmaceutical industry, 35

Planté, Sophie, 45

Platform economies, 41

Porter, Michael, 25, 171

Pratt and Whitney, 3

Pricing concerns, 28

Principles of Economics (1890, Marshall), 24

Product bundles, 38

Productivity, improving of: codifying knowledge, 108–109; contracts, writing of, 101–103; data exchange, 103–106; designing efficient interfaces, 100–101; ecosystem productivity disadvantage, 98–100; governance standards, 113–114; knowledge exchange, 106–108; penalizing bad behavior, 114–115; questions for, 115–116; trust, building of, 110–113

Profit. See Monetization

Proprietary learning, 129–132, 145

Public goods, 31–32

Quadram, 135

Qualcomm, 148

Quality, partner evaluation, 83–84

Quantum, 64–65

Rayfield, John, 65–66

Refinitiv, 22, 57

Regulatory compliance, 29

Renault, 47–48

Retail, disruption in, 2. See also E-commerce

Reuters, 124–125. See also Thomson Reuters

Ride-sharing applications, 2

Road map, ecosystem: Amazon example, 78–79; initial, 68–71; innovation road map, 93; revisions of, 77, 79–81

Rolls-Royce, 3, 68–70, 72–75

Royalties, 138, 146–147

Rural Taobao, 94–96

Rusbridger, Alan, 118

SAIP, 60, 51

Samsung, 50, 87–88, 165

Saxby, Robin, 65, 151, 152, 158, 159

Scale-up. See Growth and scale-up

Seagate, 65

Sears, 2

2nd Watch, 131

Seletar, 68, 69, 70

Service level agreements (SLAs), 174

Sesame Credit, 132

Sesame Scores, 180

Silicon Valley, 31–32, 34, 60

Singapore, 69–70, 72–75

Singapore Airlines (SIA), 73

Singapore Airlines Engineering Company (SIAEC), 69, 73

Singapore Workforce Development agency (WDA), 69

Singh, Mandira, 56

Six Sigma, 99, 180

Skype, 34

Small- and medium-sized organizations (SMEs), 25

Social media, 3, 4; ecosystem productivity and, 105; road map communication and, 71; Taobao sites, 11; value-creation imperative, 43. See also The Guardian

Social networks, development of, 158–159

Softbank, 6, 15–17

Sony Ericsson, 165

Standardization of product and process, 26–27, 28, 29–30; governance standards, 113–114

Supply chains: designing efficient interfaces, 100–101; development of, 26; ecosystem evolution, 174–176; innovation in, 35

Symbian, 165–166

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), 53

Taobao, 5, 6, 7–11, 75, 91–92; entry barriers, 73–74; joint learning in, 31; monetization, 146–147, 149; penalizing bad behavior, 114–115; road map, communication about, 70–71; Rural Taobao, 94–96

Taobao Ke, 10, 57, 144, 147–148

Tao Jianghu, 11

Technical standards, 74

Tecmar, 135

Telecommunications industry, 5, 179; Nokia, 49, 141–142, 165–166. See also Information and communications technology (ICT)

Tesla Inc., 1–2

Texas Instruments (TI), 49, 53

“The Tragedy of the Commons” (1968, Hardin), 27

The Week, 124–125

Thomson Reuters, 22, 60–64; barriers to entry, 74; growth and scale-up, 85; honey pot, creation of, 72; knowledge, codification of, 108–109; monetization, 144, 147; value creation, 57

Thomson Reuters Labs, 74


3DSwYm, 45

360buy, 9

Tin Ho, 69, 5, 6, 8, 146–147

Tolls and tollgates, 138; license fees, 145–146; questions to ask, 150. See also Monetization

Total Quality Management, 99

Toyota, 35, 39, 72

Training and development, 93–94

Transactions, payment collection on, 138, 146–147

Transfer-pricing systems, 99

TransLoc, 60

Transportation Mobility Cloud, 60

Travel industry, 2, 5, 95

Trust, between partners, 110–113

Trustpass profile, 84

Uber, 2, 41

UCWeb, 178

Uncertainty, management of, 46

UniLasalle, 45

United States government agencies, 79

Value-added services, selling of, 147

Value creation, 21; attracting new partners, 56; as business imperative, 42–48; customer solutions, 39–41; ecosystem benefits, 33; explaining to partners, 81–83; innovation in, 35; leader role in, 48–57; making new connections, 54–55; new industries, 41–42; new product bundles, 38; platform economies, 41; questions to ask, 58; stimulating partner investments, 92–96; value potential, identification of, 55–56

Velodyne, 59

Veritas Capital, 52

Vernon, Mona, 74

Vertical integration, benefits and problems of, 99

Virtual twins, 39–41

Visa, 180–181

Vodaphone, 103

Wang Jian, 7, 9

Wangwang, 9

Wärtsilä Marine, 129

Web browsers, 143

Western Digital, 65, 75

Yelp, 79

Yong Zhang, Daniel, 91–92

Yu’e Bao, 5

Zara, 23, 35

Zennstroem, Niklas, 34

Zhang, Daniel, 180

Zhang Yu, 114–115

Zipcar, 2, 44, 59