
\\ e have already looked at how you can learn to project your voice so that it can be heard and so that you sound more authoritative; now consider the power you have to vary the volume. Lower it if you have an important point you want to emphasize: “Now, I am going to reveal to you the extent of petty thieving in this company”; and you can raise it when you call for action: “We cannot allow this practice to continue.” Allow yourself to be dramatic and vary your volume to add spice to your voice.

\ou may feel that this is totally inappropriate behavior for the small group meetings you attend. Don’t dismiss these suggestions immediately but think of some of the men and women whom you consider to be interesting speakers —you’ll find that without it being obvious, they are using a wide range of volume when they speak. I'm not asking you to sound like a great actor playing King Lear or Lady Macbeth but I am drawing your attention to the importance of varying your volume in order to avoid speaking in a dull, flat voice.