This investigation owes a great deal to the commitment of a courageous, independent, and passionate Libyan woman. A rebel leader who was committed heart and soul to the revolution from the first day on, and who took many risks to transport weapons, fighters, civilians, and wounded across a Libya at war. A heroine of great integrity, determined to discreetly and efficiently come to the aid of Libya’s most vulnerable, most distraught women, who suffered the most hateful crimes, perpetrated or ordered by Gaddafi himself, and still only barely acknowledged by her country. A woman who, despite pressure and threats, continues to devote herself to the cause of women. I express my gratitude toward her here.

I have had the good fortune to work—for thirty years now, since time immemorial—at a newspaper to which I am deeply attached and that has granted me both the time and the trust to make this project a reality. My gratitude goes to those in charge of Le Monde.