1. History lesson #1: old vinyl records used to have stuff written on them about the artist. These were called “sleeve notes”. Since The Spiderzz (SPOILER ALERT!) do play a part in the rest of the story, it’s probably worth telling you what the sleeve notes said.


2. I have no evidence that yaks like donuts. I’m not totally sure what a yak

3. For those of you easily confused—or in Australia—the umpire was wearing a striped shirt. He didn’t actually have black-and-white striped skin.

4. DISCLAIMER: all of the above does not mean R. Khatchadorian disapproves of beansprouts, beetroot, kale, or wheatgrass … although he does still think tofu is chewy wood.

5. Here’s a tip for non-Aussies: Wagga Wagga is always referred to as just “Wagga” and it’s pronounced “Wogga”. Go figure.

6. For those of you who don’t know, a “plec”—short for “plectrum”—is a little piece of plastic, or bone, or wood, that guitarists use to hit the strings.

7. Since signing on as our guru, Niki had started calling me a whole bunch of different “rocker” names. So far I’d been called The Rafeman, Rafadocious, Captain Rafe, The Rafe-amator, and Wild Rafe Khatchadorian. I figured Niki was trying them on for size and waiting for one to stick.