To Joanne, the person who got me started on this particular journey of a novel, by prompting me with this: “I was walking in the woods for about twenty minutes. I followed the green trail markings, but soon they’d disappeared altogether…” (Joanne, I meant for this to be a short story, but it got real big when my back was turned.)
To my first beta readers, especially Thom Oldford, himself a talented writer; and Marcela, burgeoning writer/book editor, without whom, the final draft wouldn’t even have existed. Similar thanks goes to my editor at Bold Strokes Books, Jerry Wheeler, without whom this book wouldn’t exist in any publishable form—and it’d be rife with sliding, slipping, and cupping.
To all the friends and followers on Facebook and Twitter who cheered me on whenever I posted or tweeted about In Shining Armor: Thank you for your timely cheerleading, and for always believing I could do it, even when I didn’t believe it, myself.
To the country—yes, the entire country—of Wales. Thank you for inspiring this novel and for continuing to be awesome. When I make my first big, fat pile of cash, I’m coming your way.