Fishing has made my life richer than it might otherwise have been, and I was blessed to have parents who introduced me to the sport. My mother bought me my first reel with Green Stamps earned from her grocery shopping. She also arranged outings with her father, Clarence Seguin, and those outings rank among the most memorable of my life. Providing for a family of nine children, my father often worked two jobs. Even though free time was a luxury, he made sure I went fishing. Fortunately, we had the opportunity to fish together after his retirement from school administration, and many of the spots we discovered together are places where I take my clients to this day.
Like my parents, I introduced my two sons to the world of fishing. Matthew lives in Baltimore, Maryland, and he is an avid fly-fisherman. Luke lives in Canton, New York, and he has a case of muskie fever.
Fishing is more than a hobby for me. It is my way of life. I live in the northern reaches of New York State where nearby fishing opportunities include the St. Lawrence River and its tributaries, Lake Ontario, the trout waters of the Adirondack Mountains, and the wilderness waters of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. For me, socializing means a fishing trip with family and friends, and work means joining fellow outdoor writers to do some fishing research or guiding clients for a day on the water.
Fishing has been a blessing in my life, and my hope is that fishing will be a blessing in your life, too.