Dear Celeste,
You asked in your last letter if I’m being careful. I’m not sure how to answer that. You say you want the truth, but you and I have never been fully honest with each other, have we?
I can assure you that Julia and I are hard at work, and the bits of curriculum you send us are exceedingly helpful. But what we’re attempting is difficult. You’re not here to witness the work we’re doing day after day, how futile it sometimes seems to try to influence the future, and how our personal concerns are so small in the face of all there’s still to accomplish. So no, I won’t say I am being careful. I’m just doing all I can with the time still available to me.
As always, I hope you are learning as much as possible. I hope you are happy, and able to imagine a new kind of future for yourself. Please don’t waste time worrying about me. What will come will come. Isn’t that what we’ve always known from the start?