Ever since the 1940s, when Sugar turned pro and demonstrated that he was championship material, the mob had been trying to get a piece of him. They had tried threatening and bullying him, and blocking his opportunities for major bouts, but they couldn’t get him to bend to their will. Sugar was a hard nut to crack, they had conceded, though underworld types and bosses such as Frankie “Blinky” Palermo and Frankie Carbo were still after him right through the 1960s. Carbo, born in 1904, was a precocious criminal and already had an extensive rap sheet by the time he gained nationwide notoriety after being indicted for the slaying of a member of Murder, Inc. This information alone would have been enough to make most fighters break out in a cold sweat, but Sugar only laughed at such disclosures.

Even after it was widely known that Carbo virtually controlled the New York State Athletic Commission and promoter Mike Jacobs, Sugar was not impressed. Then again, he had to acknowledge that the mob’s dominance of the fight game was killing his chances at climbing legitimately to the top of the ranks. There were rumors that even his longtime associate, Joe Louis, had become “friendly” with the mob. To be sure, the mob was circling him like rabid wild dogs, but that was about as close as Sugar would allow them.

“Sugar always liked to be surrounded by a bunch of gangsters and members of the mob,” said actor Johnny Barnes, who at fifteen began dreaming of one day playing Sugar in a movie and got his wish in 1979, trading fake punches with Robert De Niro in Raging Bull. “He liked their company, but he never got involved with them, and he was never arrested or convicted of any wrongdoing. Furthermore, Sugar Ray infuriated the mob and promoters because he insisted on negotiating his own contracts. The lawyers who accompanied him were only there to read the contract and to make sure everything he wanted was enclosed; that was their only purpose. Ray said he could talk for his own money. When it came to money, Ray was a hard bargainer. If you wanted to interview him or take his picture, more than likely you had to pay.”

Because he was his own man when it came to cutting a deal with promoters, Sugar was ostracized for almost six years in New York City, Barnes said. “That’s why he had so many of his fights in Chicago from about 1941 to 1947,” he added. And once the owners and promoters at Madison Square Garden—Jim Norris and Mike Jacobs—“blacklisted” Sugar, all the other arenas followed suit.1 This was not completely true. Between 1942 and 1946, when he fought Tommy Bell and defeated him for the vacated welterweight title, Sugar had more than ten fights in New York City, though his appearances at the Garden were indeed limited.

Still, Barnes was not mistaken about Sugar’s negotiating his own contracts and demanding to be paid whenever he thought he had something coming. “I want to tell you,” Sugar told reporter/author Peter Heller, “if I was due a dollar, I felt I wanted that dollar. If I could help a man make a dollar, I thought I deserved a part of it. And I took a stand to get that, and if they didn’t pay me I didn’t fight.”2 According to writer Jack Newfield, Sugar was “the Curt Flood of fighters,” in that he was difficult to negotiate with and drove a hard bargain to get what he wanted before signing a contract. “It was this determination that led him to demand a cut of the film, radio, and television money…to get the money up front,” Newfield said.


There wasn’t much money for Sugar to get up front in his bout with an unknown Art Hernandez in the summer of 1964 in Omaha. That nobody in boxing circles had heard of Hernandez and that the fight was taking place in Omaha and not one of the major arenas was indicative of Sugar’s plight. He had fallen off the charts, and there was no point in his applying the hard negotiating tactics that had made him such a pain in the neck to the big-time promoters in New York City. Getting Hernandez to ink a contract took little cajoling; he was just as eager to get a payday as the star of the main event. But although it was a breeze to get Hernandez’s name on the dotted line, it proved much tougher to line him up for one of his patented hooks, Sugar learned. They fought to a draw.

With few lucrative fights on the horizon, Sugar had to look beyond it all the way to Europe. Beginning in the fall of 1964, he lined up several fights, most of them fodder and thus commanding very little payoff. Even so, it was better than anything on paper in the States.


As he prepared to venture to Europe for the fifth time, this time with a scaled-down retinue, Edna Mae had just about wilted under a blitz of financial woes. The setbacks had come one right after the other, each one more devastating, like Sugar’s deadly blows. The coup de grace came when she learned that both of the banks she did business with—Carver Federal Savings and Loan Association and Manufacturers Trust Company—had been ordered by the U.S. Treasury Department and the IRS to secure $267,724.11 from her accounts. The notice of levy from


the IRS indicated that income tax owed covered a four-year period from 1957 to 1961, excluding 1958. Taxes owed in 1959 were particularly startling, totaling $122,203.97.

“My God!” she exclaimed. “We had no such amounts, but our accounts were emptied and given to the IRS and the accounts closed out. I was in total shock for days. I remembered that a similar seizure had been done to Joe Louis’s children.” And like the Louis family’s, her lifestyle was altered dramatically. She was no longer able to maintain even a semblance of her former life—the trips across the country were curtailed; the seemingly unlimited shopping at the major stores, the dining at luxurious restaurants and clubs and not having to worry about the cost were a thing of the past. Her son began to blame her for the changes in their life after she divorced Sugar. “I’d never confuse him by talking against his dad,” she said. “The child was already beginning to show deep-seated hostility to me.”

When Sugar returned from Europe toward the end of November 1964, having vanquished most of his opponents—compiling a record of five victories, one defeat, and one draw—he arrived just in time to celebrate Christmas, and there were even some presents for his ex-wife and child. After the visit, Ray II accompanied his father to the car, with Edna Mae watching them from the window as they walked along holding hands. She had lost her husband; now she pondered if she was losing her son, too. When Ray returned to the house and walked in the door, he didn’t say a word to his mother. The remaining days of the holiday season were glum for Edna Mae. There was now more than enough time to rethink the moves she had made, to reexamine her relationship with Sugar’s mother, who, she heard through the grapevine, was no longer resentful of her, telling whoever would listen how kind and good-mannered Edna Mae was. “Her appreciation of me had come too late,” Edna Mae wrote.

During Sugar’s last trip to Paris, there were news clips of him with Millie and his sister, Evelyn, who had recently joined Sugar’s ever-shrinking crew. To see Sugar and the women being smothered by an adoring mob of Parisians only made Edna Mae more miserable, and she would do all she could to avoid such reports. But the photos in the newspapers and magazines would sometimes catch her by surprise, as it must have in 1985 when Sugar came to New York to be honored along with other boxing legends. A photograph of Sugar and Millie, her arms draped over his shoulders, appeared in the Daily News, and it was later found among Edna Mae’s collection of memorabilia. Nowhere in her notes or memoir does she discuss how these moments made her feel.

Caught in a time warp, reminiscing her days and nights away, she tried dating to break out of the doldrums and to end the loneliness. “I began to have invitations to so many lovely affairs from eligible males that my ego was greatly improved at the thought that I was being so sought after,” she said. At last, she began to enjoy her new freedom, especially when she was invited out to go ballroom dancing, which she loved so much. Because Sugar had visiting privileges to see his son, he would frequently drop by the house, often unannounced. There were several occasions when he confronted one of Edna Mae’s suitors, and inevitably that would end the courtship, most of the men choosing not to be the victim of Sugar’s venom or fists. She also had to endure the pleadings of her son, and his demands that she not go out with other men. He didn’t want Edna Mae to go out again “because if you do then my daddy can never come back home.” To salvage her relationship with her son, she put off for the moment any serious dating, fearing that to do so would only anger her son and increase the possibility of permanent rupture between them. “The trauma and heartbreak of losing one parent had been frightening to our son,” she confessed to herself.

There was little time for Sugar to contemplate what was going on between his ex-wife and their son, when he thought of them at all. Toward the end of his autobiography, they began to slowly fade from the pages, as Millie assumed a greater importance in his life. She kept his mind focused on the remaining few fights of his career, providing the mental support that Edna Mae had once provided. One fight he was particularly focused on was the one with Jimmy Beecham, slated for March 1965 in Kingston, Jamaica. This was the third time he would fight in the Caribbean, but the first time in Jamaica. Getting a good fight anywhere was becoming harder and harder for the ex-champ, no matter that he was the once glorious and glamorous Sugar Ray Robinson.

Having lost some of his appeal in the ring, Sugar felt compelled to reconcile with Muhammad Ali, asking him to serve in his corner as a second. With Ali by his side, he hoped, more spectators would be attracted to the fight. Sugar knocked Beecham out in the second round. Ali was so busy trying to get his new wife, Sonji, to adjust to the lifestyle prescribed by the Nation of Islam that in his autobiography, The Greatest, he talks more about his fights with her than about Sugar’s bout.

It got so bad between the couple that Sugar had to come to Sonji’s rescue. Upset that Sonji’s miniskirt kept crawling up her leg during a party for Sugar at some large estate in Kingston, Muhammad snatched her by the arm and marched her off to a bathroom, where he locked the door and released all his hostility. He pulled on her dress; but in his trying to stretch it, it tore. This fueled Sonji’s resistance, and they became so loud that Sugar came to the door to see what was happening. “This is my wife and this is my business, so get away from the damn door,” Ali screamed to Sugar. But Sugar said he wasn’t going anywhere until he found out what was going on. “Listen, I’m gonna open this door in a second, and if you ain’t gone, I’m gonna whip you good,” Ali warned. “You ain’t nothing but a middleweight, so go on, mind your own business.” Sugar heeded Ali’s command, realizing that if he were to knock the door down and confront Ali, it might be a worse mismatch than his fight with Joey Maxim. When Ali finally opened the door, the couple came out sheepishly, embarrassed by the incident. This was the beginning of the end for them as a pair, and in a few days, Sonji slipped away from Ali as he prepared for his return bout with Liston.