Note: locators containing an “n” indicate end notes
- Abbate, Janet
- programming as software engineering, 12
- on women in early computing, 108
- on women in software careers, 165
- Abelson, Hal
- similarity between code and human language, 21, 237n96
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, 100–101, 110, 237n96
- Abstraction
- affordances of form in code, 118–122
- hierarchy from speech to writing, 121
- ACM (Association for Computer Machinery), 11–12
- Adult Education Act of 1966, 60
- Adult literacy organizations, 60
- Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 161
- Affordability, and the commercial use of computers in twentieth-century America, 166
- Affordances
- of computer screens, 33
- vs. consequences, 97
- provided by programming, 97, 112
- Affordances of form in code
- abstraction, 118–122
- code exceeds writing, 121
- code reduces writing, 120–121
- creativity (see Creativity with code)
- digital technology and data preservation, 120–121
- discreteness, 118–122
- fidelity, 118–122
- grammatization, 119–121
- grammatology, 118–119
- hierarchy of abstraction from speech to writing, 121
- human language vs. programming, 116–118, 263n79
- loops, 118
- overview, 116–118
- perfect execution of code, 118–122, 264n85
- power structures in code, 264n85
- programming as an exercise in applied semiotics, 117
- rationalization of information through digital technology, 119–120
- scale, 118–122
- spatializing temporal information, 121
- text crossing space and time, 118–119
- trade-offs between writing and programming, 120
- translating information across modes, 121
- Agar, Jon
- bureaucratic structure as precursor to the computer, 162
- computer as apotheosis of the civil servant, 190
- Domesday compilation of landholdings, 188
- from written bureaucracy to computation, 176–177
- Agile development, 130–131, 267n132
- Albrecht, Bob, 67
- ALGOL language, 21, 109, 261n52, 265n103
- Algoraves code performance, 126
- Algorithmic criticism, 16
- Alice language, 110
- Allen, Paul, 70, 169
- Alphabetic literacy, 30
- Altair 8800, 70, 168
- American Airlines reservation system, 163, 276n129
- American National Adult Literacy Surveys, 57, 247n72
- Analytical Engine, 187
- Andreessen, Marc, 23
- Anglo-Norman language in medieval England, 271n50
- Anti-spam laws, 210
- APIs (application program interfaces), 221
- Apple II, 169, 171
- Aptitude tests for programmers, 165–166
- Aquinas, Thomas, 191
- Arabic programming language, 262n62
- Arab Spring, 213
- Arcade games, 170
- Arnaud, Noël, 265n103
- Arnove, Robert, 58, 59
- ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency), 161
- ARPANET, development of, 161, 199. See also Internet
- Artificial intelligence and human psychology, 202–203
- Arts and humanities approaches to educational programs for programming, 16
- Aspray, William, 158, 170, 197
- Assemble in Pittsburgh, 75
- Assembly programs, 19, 107, 261n42
- Association for Computer Machinery (ACM), 11–12
- “As We May Think,” 98–99, 197
- Atari, 170–171
- Atwood, Jeff, 14, 17, 131
- Auroux, Sylvan, 119
- Austin, J. L., 114–116
- Authoring arguments through processes, 9
- Autoflow program, 165
- Automatic programming, 23, 107–108, 165
- Automation of governance through writing, 187
- Autonomous model of literacy, 30, 240n148, 259n31
- Babbage, Charles
- Analytical Engine, 101, 187
- Difference Engine, 187
- Lovelace’s notes on the Analytical Engine, 116
- manufacturing constraints on computer production, 116
- Backus, John, 108
- Bakhtin, Mikhail, 128–129
- Banking. See Stock market and banking
- Banks, Adam
- Race, Rhetoric, and Technology, 74
- transformative access to programming, 8
- Barriers to programming, 5, 12
- Barton, David
- on literacy, 46–47
- metaphors for literacy, 238n118
- situated literacies, 32–33
- BASIC language
- on the Altair 8800, 70
- among the younger generation, 171
- development of, 43
- in the history of programming languages, 110–112, 168–169
- lingua franca of home computing, 71, 174
- My Computer Likes Me When I Speak Basic, 68
- paired with DTSS, 66–67
- promoting computational literacy, 218
- purpose of, 66
- swapping programs in the 1980s, 26
- TinyBASIC language, 68
- Bazerman, Charles, 35, 239n123
- Beating the bounds, 147
- Bell Laboratories, 65
- Beniger, James
- communication and governance, 144
- control revolution, 120, 144
- writing in medieval England, 144
- Bentham, Jeremy, 188
- Berkeley, Edmond, 197
- Berners-Lee, Tim, 73, 213
- Bias
- in communication, 102–103
- cultural, in programming languages, 262n62
- gender bias in search, 37 (see also Search results)
- in writing, 105
- Biblical concordance, 148
- Big Blue. See IBM
- Binary programming, 107
- Binet, Alfred, 57
- Bitcoin, 213–214, 290n175
- Black. See People of color
- Black boxes, 111
- Black Girls Code initiative
- promoting computational literacy, 218
- targeting minorities in programming, 13, 78–79
- Bletchley Park, 106
- Blockly language, 111
- Bloomberg, Michael, 14
- Blurring of national boundaries, 90–91
- Bogost, Ian
- authoring arguments through processes, 9
- on inflexibility of computers, 117
- procedural literacy, 9, 100
- procedural rhetoric, 9
- programming as writing, 20
- Bolt, Beranek and Newman, 72
- Bolter, Jay David, 117, 192
- Books, accessibility to women, 152
- Books and publications. See also Video, TV, and movies
- Algol, 265n103
- Books of Hours, 152, 184, 191
- Compute!, 26, 169, 171
- “The Computer as Communication Device,” 79, 199
- Computer Lib/Dream Machines, 67, 70, 82
- Data periodicals launched in the 1950s, 164
- Domesday Book, 149, 188, 271n50
- Dr. Dobb’s, 26
- Empire and Communications, 143
- Exercises in Programming Style, 123
- Exercises in Style, 123
- Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities, 16–17
- “Falling Through the Net
- “First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC,” 236n93
- Giant Brains, or Machines that Think, 197
- Of Grammatology, 119, 121
- Hackers, 67
- “Is Google Making Us Stupid,” 280n10
- John Wiley & Sons, 171
- “Man-Computer Symbiosis
- Mindstorms, 79, 254n162
- My Computer Likes Me When I Speak Basic, 68
- Nation at Risk, 57, 61, 64
- New Yorker, cartoons, 2, 198
- People’s Computer Company Newsletter, 68
- “A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages
- 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10, 73
- Race, Rhetoric, and Technology, 74
- Rechnender Raum (Calculating Space), 201, 287n126
- “Rise of the Journalist Programmer
- R.U.R, 198
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, 100, 110
- Summa Theologica, 191
- Time magazine, 170
- “As We May Think,” 98–99, 197
- “Why Johnny Can’t Write
- xkcd, 36–37
- Books of Hours, 152, 184, 191
- Boole, George, 107
- Boot camps for learning programming, 75
- Bootstrap program, 44
- Bosh, Chris, 76
- Boundary objects, 154
- boyd, danah, 204, 238n118
- Boyle, Robert, 192
- Brainfuck language, 125
- Brandt, Deborah
- changing expectations of literacy, 48–49
- on coding as a literate practice, 224
- coding literacy as leaky knowledge, 134–135
- illiteracy among soldiers, 57
- literacy campaigns, 62
- literacy technologies, 228n11
- on materiality of literacy, 33–34
- sociomaterial approach to writing, 104
- technology organizing literacy, 62–63
- workplace literacies, 208
- writing as the literacy of consequence, 180, 182
- Bricolage
- approach to programming education, 16, 234n68
- definition, 19
- Brooks, Frederick, 123, 128, 164
- Brown. See People of color
- Bryant, Kimberly, 218
- Bureaucracy
- bureaucratic control, 144
- role in literate mentality, 179
- word origin, 190
- written, anxiety about, 188–191
- Burke, Quinn
- connected code, 231n45
- on eCrafting circles, 221
- low floors, high ceilings, wide walls, and open windows, 11, 231n45
- metaphors for promoting programming in K-12 schools, 252n145
- programming as a sociolinguistic system, 115
- Scratch language, 81
- Bush, George H. W., 61
- Bush, Vannevar
- “Computers and the World of the Future
- designing computers, 158
- “As We May Think,” 98–99, 197
- CAC (computing across the curriculum), 72–73
- Calculating Space (Rechnender Raum), 201, 287n126
- Calculus notation, 96
- Campbell-Kelly, Martin
- dawn of the computer age, 158
- graphical user interface, 170
- Mark I as icon of the computer age, 197
- UNIVAC computer in the U.S. census of 1950, 198
- Cantor, Eric, 1, 76
- Caperton, Idit Harel, 75, 218
- Carnegie Mellon University, 15–16
- Carnegie Tech, 65
- Carr, Nicholas, 180, 280n10
- Cartoons
- computer coaching baseball, 198
- Facebook algorithms, 37
- kidney transplant, 2
- value of coders, 2
- Castile, Philandro, 205
- Castro, Fidel, 59
- Catholic Church
- papal bulls, 271n40
- role in establishing literacy as a moral good, 52
- standardizing documents, 148–150
- writing in medieval England, 148–150
- Cellular automata, 200–201
- Censuses
- ancient Egypt, 272n57
- ancient Mesopotamia, 272n57
- mechanizers, 275n100
- U.S. census, 1950, 157
- U.S. census, nineteenth-century, 156–157, 275n100
- U.S. Census Bureau survey of 1986, 60–61
- written, historical uses for, 149
- Chartier, Roger, 181–182
- Chef language, 125
- Children
- computers as tools for, 69, 71–72
- learning to code, 1, 218
- OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) project, 74–75
- Chomsky, Noam, 202–203
- Chun, Wendy Hui Kyong
- code as executable language, 20
- computation, consolidating power of the state, 176
- computational model of the world, 202
- on perfect execution of code, 264n85
- Church, Alonzo, 110
- Civic contexts for computational literacy, 209–211
- Civic participation, literacy as a requirement for, 194
- Civil servant, trial of, 188
- Clanchy, Michael
- beginning of the era of official memory, 148
- definition of computational mentality, 182
- on the devil and literacy, 154
- documentation in medieval governance, 283n55
- on the Domesday Book, 149
- on the domestication of ecclesiastical books, 152
- exactness in copies of medieval documents, 192
- lay literacy out of bureaucracy, 145
- literate habits and assumptions, 150–151
- literate mentality, 150
- on portable books, 151
- on signatory seals, 153
- writing, in medieval England, 140–141, 144, 185
- C language, 112
- C++ language, 112
- The cleric and the knight, 189–190, 283n62
- Clinton, Katie, 33–34, 224
- COBOL language, 108–109, 113, 261n52
- Code
- access to, 221–222
- affordances of form (see Affordances of form in code)
- creativity (see Creativity with code)
- debugging (see Debugging code)
- definition, 143
- exceeding writing, 121
- as executable language, 20
- experimental uses of (see Programming, for scientific experiments)
- human-readable, 107, 250n113
- intertwined with writing, 23–26
- network effects of, 224, 292n27
- reducing writing, 120–121
- replacing writing, 24
- similarities to human language, 21, 250n113
- social organization, 131–134
- “Code: The New Literacy” video, 44
- Code Brigades program, 82
- online educational resources, 75
- promoting computational literacy, 218
- in the UK national curriculum, 90
- CodeCombat game, 44
- CodeFellows, 75
- Code for America program, 82
- See also Educational programs for programming; Hour of Code campaign; Online resources
- “Code: The New Literacy” video, 44
- “Code Stars” video, 85
- computer science in schools, 75
- focus on computer science, 232n56
- founding of, 44, 76
- goals, 232n56
- importance of learning to code, 44
- mass programming campaigns, history of, 75
- mission statement, 13, 232n56
- motivational trends in programming education, 76
- promoting computational literacy
- a short URL, 6, 14, 228n15
- in Silicon Valley schools, 85
- students of color, outreach to, 13
- support from Barack Obama, 76
- video promotions, 44, 76, 77, 82, 85, 253n146
- “What Most Schools Don’t Teach” video, 77, 82
- women, outreach to, 13
- CoderDojo, 75
- Code review, 130
- Coder in Chief (Barack Obama), 1
- Coders, value of (cartoon), 2
- Code School, 75
- Code smells, debugging code, 15
- codeSpark, Foos game, 1, 218
- “Code Stars” video, 85
- Code & Supply, 75
- Codework, 122
- Codification of English common law, 148
- Coding. See also Computation; Programming
- author’s definition, 6
- collaborative (see Collaborative coding)
- as a literate practice, 224
- in online coding communities (see Open-source software communities)
- programmer’s influence on, 129
- vs. programming, 6
- social, 127–128
- social influences on, 128
- teaching (see Programming, learning)
- Coding boot camps, 13
- Coding literacy. See also Computer literacy; Literacy
- arguments for, 45–46
- best languages for, 11
-, importance of learning to code, 44, 45–46
- etymology of the term, 4
- first public argument for, 65
- hierarchy of skills, 11
- as leaky knowledge, 134–137
- Mark Guzdial, on learning to code, 43–44
- quotations supporting, 44
- Cognitive benefits of programming
- Cognitive pillars of literacy, 9, 96
- Cognitivism, 203, 287n141
- Cold War
- ideological driver of literacy campaign, 57, 64
- impetus for American defense and computer technology, 158–159, 162, 199
- influence on computers in American schools, 39, 64, 79, 171
- Cole, Michael
- on learning new ways to think, 80
- literacy, psychological differences in individuals, 33
- sociological study of Vai people of Liberia, 32, 33, 103
- Coleman, E. Gabriella, 132–133
- Collaborative coding
- code review, 130
- Discourse, 128–129
- legacy code, 128–129
- maintainability, 130
- overview, 128–131
- pair programming, 130–131, 267n138
- palimpsest code, 128–129
- programmer’s influence on coding style, 129
- social influences on coding, 128
- speech genres, 128–129
- style guides, 130–131, 267n134
- Collective literacy, 185–186, 193–196
- Colossus: The Forbin Project, 177, 199
- Colossus computer, 106, 157–158
- Columbia University
- dual degree in Journalism and computer science, 289n164
- funding programming education in Estonia, 250n120
- Commercial use of computers in twentieth-century America. See also specific commercial uses
- affordability, 166
- American Airlines reservation system, 163
- Delta reservation system, 163
- Denver International Airport, baggage handling system, 165
- Garmisch Conference on Software Engineering, 165
- killer apps, 163
- manufacturing-distribution complex, 166–167
- OS/360 operating system, 162–163
- overview, 162–167
- PanAm reservation system, 163
- publications for, 164
- SABRE airline reservation system, 162–163
- software crisis, 165, 277n136
- UPC (Universal Product Code) symbol, 166–167
- VisiCalc spreadsheet program, 162–163, 166, 170
- Commodore 64, 170–173
- Commodore PET, 169, 171
- Communication
- with and across computers, 21–22
- and governance, 143–144
- role in increasing the human empire, 143–144
- Communities of practice, 133
- Community identity, 132
- Compilers, 19, 107–108
- Computation. See also Coding; Programming
- history of (see Computation in twentieth-century America; Programming languages, history of)
- intertwined with writing, 23–26
- replacing writing, 24
- Computation in twentieth-century America
- advances in World War II, 144–145
- after the launch of Sputnik, 145
- automated computation, 156–157
- control crisis, 155, 157
- a dystopian view of, 177
- government research, 156–162
- in the hands of individuals, 145
- overview, 155–156
- social statistics, 157
- standardized data collection, 157
- World War II, 155–156
- Computational literacy
- for civic contexts, 209–211
- collective, limits of, 206–207
- future of, 223–225
- Computational literacy, promoting
- access to code, 221–222
- access to education, 220–223
- APIs (application program interfaces), 221
- barriers to learning, 220–221
- Black Girls Code initiative, 13, 78–79, 218
- Creative Commons, 222
- educational opportunities, 217–219, 291n4
- extracurricular activities, 221
- makerspaces, 221
- overview, 217–223
- political support for, 219–220, 257n214
- pros and cons, 217
- separated from games, 220
- software laws, 221–222
- Computational mentality. See also Literate mentality
- in America in the 1950s, 183
- computers as a supplement to human memory, 197
- computers as thinking machines, 198, 200
- computers in the public consciousness, 197–200
- computers represented in the media, 197–199
- definition of, 182
- to literacy, 205–206
- Computational models of the mind and self
- artificial intelligence and human psychology, 202
- cognitivism, 203, 287n141
- computational states of the brain
- connectionism, 203
- Freudian model, 202
- linguistics, 202–203
- overview, 202–205
- smartphones, 204
- social media, 204, 288n152
- universal grammar, 202–203
- Computational models of the world, 200–202, 206, 287n126
- Computational narrative, 16
- Computational participation, 81
- Computational states of the brain, 203
- Computational thinking, 9–11
- Computational universe, 202
- Computationalism, 202
- Compute!, 26, 169, 171
- “The Computer as Communication Device,” 79, 199
- Computer counterculture movement, 67–69
- Computer illiteracy, definition, 53
- Computer Lib/Dream Machines, 67, 70
- Computer literacy. See also Coding literacy; Literacy; Programming as literacy
- critique of, 88
- importance of, 43
- Kemeny’s case for, 79–80
- at the undergraduate level, 72
- Computers
- coaching baseball, cartoon, 198
- for everybody, 67–68
- evolution of, 20–21 (see also Programming languages, history of)
- as metaphor or model, 202
- as objects to think with, 79
- in the public consciousness, 197–200
- represented in the media, 197–199
- social context for, 115
- stored program concept, 20–21, 236n93
- as a supplement to human memory, 197
- as thinking machines, 198, 200
- as tools for children, 69, 71–72
- Computers, in twentieth-century America. See also specific computers
- Cold War (1950s), 158–162
- commercial use (see Commercial use of computers)
- dawn of the computer age, 158
- development of ARPANET, 161
- governmental use, 155–162, 274n97
- government funding, 161–162, 276n126
- launching of ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency), 161
- personal use (see Personal computers)
- precursor to the Internet, 161
- SAGE (Semi Automatic Ground Environment) missile defense, 159–161, 199
- Sputnik launch, 161
- stored programs, first machine, 158, 275n110
- “Computers and the World of the Future
- Computer science (CS)
- for everyone, 14
- overextending, 16
- separating from programming, 18–19
- vs. software engineering, 15
- Computer Science for All initiative, 85–87
- Computer science vs. programming, 18–19
- Computer screens vs. paper, 104
- Computer time vs. programmer time, 110–111
- Computing across the curriculum (CAC), 72–73
- Connected Code, 81, 231n45
- Connectionism, 203
- Consequences
- vs. affordances, 97
- of literacy, 35
- “The Consequences of Literacy,” 103, 259n28
- Context collapse, 238n118
- Contract law, illiteracy, 195
- Conway, John, 201
- Cook-Gumperz, Jenny
- definition of literacy, 45
- illiteracy as personal vice, 55
- measuring literacy, 57–58
- sociomaterialities of literacy, 31
- on standardized schooled literacy, 54
- on standardized teaching of computer literacy, 218–219
- Copyright laws, software
- computer games, 251n129
- CONTU report, 264n87
- vs. copyright laws for photocopiers, 264n87
- loosening of, 222
- origins in the 1980s, 71, 251n129
- Cowan, Ruth Schwartz, 105
- Creative Commons, 222
- Creativity with code
- algoraves code performance, 126
- attention to form, 126–127
- Brainfuck language, 125
- Chef language, 125
- codework, 122
- creolization of media, 127
- demoscene code performance, 126
- double coding, 124–125
- ergotic literature, 126
- esoteric code languages, 125
- Hamlet rendered in C language, 117
- literate programming, 124
- live code performances, 126
- Malboge language, 125–126
- obfuscating code languages, 125
- overview, 122–127
- pseudocode, 122
- restricted code, 123, 265n103
- scriptons, 126–127
- SPL (Shakespeare Programming Language), 124–125
- textons, 126–127
- weird languages, 124
- Creolization of media, 126–127
- Crime, literacy linked to, 53
- Crises of control, 144
- Crisis camps, 209
- Cryptocurrrency, 213–214
- Cryptography during World War II, 157, 275n104
- CS (computer science). See Computer Science (CS)
- Cuba, literacy campaign, 59
- Dartmouth College. See also DTSS (Dartmouth Time-Sharing System)
- BASIC language, 43, 168
- computer literacy initiative, 81–82, 254n177
- initiative for computer literacy, 81–82
- mass programming campaigns, history of, 65–67
- Dartmouth Time-Sharing System (DTSS). See DTSS (Dartmouth Time-Sharing System)
- Dash and Dot robots, 44
- Data periodicals launched the 1950s, 164
- Dawn of the computer age, 158
- Debian, 132
- de Blasio, Bill
- on computer literacy, 44
- Computer Science for All initiative, 85–87
- support for coding literacy, 1
- Debugging code, code smells, 15
- DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) PDP computer. See PDP computer
- Decree of Illiteracy, 59
- Deeds (contracts)
- evolution of, 148, 151
- text as substitute for human action, 187
- Delta reservation system, 163
- Democracy, word origin, 190
- Democratized data, 25
- Demoscene code performance, 126
- Denning, Peter, 87–88
- Derrida, Jacques
- computational model of the world, 201
- Of Grammatology, 119, 121
- hierarchy of abstraction from speech to writing, 121
- transcendental signified, 201
- translating information across modes, 121
- Descriptive statements vs. performative, 114–116
- Desk Set, 198
- devbootcamp, 75
- Difference Engine, 187
- Digital immigrants, 260n32
- Digital literacy, 6
- Digital natives, 260n32
- Digital physics, 201
- Digital technology and data preservation, 120–121
- Dijkstra, Edsger, 168
- Discourse, 128–129
- Discreteness, affordances of form in code, 118–122
- diSessa, Andrea
- computational literacy, 9–10
- definition of literacy, 216, 239n127
- literacy, definition, 143
- material intelligences into literacies, 29, 96–97, 102, 143
- on the notation of calculus, 96
- pillars of literacy, 9, 96, 228n11
- writing, as contributor to material intelligence, 182
- Django language, 111
- Domesday Book, 149, 188, 271n50
- Dominican approach to literacy, 151
- Dot and Dash robots, 1
- Double coding, 124–125
- Downsourcing programmers, 208
- Dr. Dobb’s, 26
- DTSS (Dartmouth Time-Sharing System). See also Dartmouth College
- final report on the Dartmouth initiative, 254n177
- paired with BASIC, 66–67
- precursor to personal computers, 168
- primary goal of, 249n105
- Dynabook personal computer
- early visions of, 69, 169
- Papert’s influence on, 79
- prototyping, 72
- E-books, 104
- Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, 60
- EDSAC computer, 158
- Education
- access to, 220–223
- barriers to learning, 220–221
- educational opportunities, 217–219, 291n4
- extracurricular activities, 221
- Educational applications for personal computers, 171
- Educational programs for programming. See also; Programming, learning
- approaches from the arts and humanities, 16
- Black Girls Code, 13, 78–79
- coding boot camps, 13
- Computer Science for All initiative, 85–87
- CS for everyone, 14
- Girl Develop It, 13, 75
- learn-to-code websites, 13
- Made with Code initiative, 13
- outside of computer science, 11–19
- popular programming vs. professional use, 14
- self-teaching, 12–13
- UK Department of Education, key stages, 11
- UK national curriculum in England, 230n43
- #YesWeCode, 13
- EDVAC, 21
- Edward I, King, 148
- Egypt
- ancient censuses, 272n57
- early writing, 269n10
- Eisenstein, Elizabeth
- Harvey Graff on, 33
- literacy as progress, 31
- print era, significance of, 180
- verbatim interpretation of texts
- Electronic literature analysis, 16
- “Electronic man,” 104, 192
- Elias, Peter, 22–23
- Emig, Janet, 30
- Empire and Communications, 143
- Employability for coders
- Ali Partovi on, 85
- supply and demand for engineers and coders, 84
- trends in education and work, 87–91
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics chart, 86
- Empowerment in education, 60
- Englebart, Douglas, 169
- English as lingua franca for programming languages, 236n85, 262n62
- English common law, codification of, 148
- ENIAC computer, 20–21, 106, 158
- Ensmenger, Nathan
- on legacy code maintenance, 128
- personality profiling for programmers, 17
- programming as software engineering, 12
- Equal opportunity
- in industry (see specific firms)
- in programming (see Programming, equal opportunity)
- Ergotic literature, 126
- Ericson, Barbara, 76
- Esoteric code languages, 125
- Estonia, teaching programming in
- Ilves, Toomas Hendrik, president, 44, 82, 250n120
- K-12 education, 82
- Logo language, 218
- mass programming campaign, 250n120
- ProgeTiiger programming campaign, 87
- Scratch language, 218
- Tiger’s Leap initiative, 44
- Ethnographic studies of literacy. See Sociological studies of literacy
- Etoys language, 110
- Executing code, 20
- Exercises in Programming Style, 123
- Exercises in Style, 123
- Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities, 16–17
- Expressive processing, 16
- Facebook
- algorithms, cartoon, 37
- friending, 204–205
- newsfeed algorithm, 36–37
- technical employees, diversity, 17
- “Falling Through the Net
- Farr, Marcia, 186
- Febvre, Lucien, 181–182
- Feurzeig, Wallace, 72
- Fidelity, affordances of form in code, 118–122
- Firedrake, George, 67
- Firefox, 132
- “First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC,” 236n93
- Fisher, Allan
- deterrences to women in computer science, 15
- stereotypes of male CS students, 17–18
- Flusser, Vilem, 237n104
- Foos game, 1, 218
- Ford, Paul
- on the future for noncoders, 92
- social coding, 127
- Ford Motor Company, 54
- Forgery, 188–189, 283n62
- Forsythe, George E., 65
- Fortran (formula translation), 66, 108, 113
- F/OSS (free or open-source software), 134–136
- Fractal generation, 201
- Fredkin, Edward, 201
- FreeBSD operating system, 132–133
- FreeCodeCamp, 75
- Free Software Movement, 71
- Freire, Paolo, 59–60, 78, 218
- French Revolution, role in literate mentality, 187
- Freshman Computer Appreciation Course, 65–66
- Freudian model of the mind and self, 202
- Friending on Facebook, 204–205
- Functional literacy as a human right, 47
- Furet, François
- French literacy in the middle ages, 175
- literacy and social stratification, 195
- literacy as a moral good, 52
- literacy campaigns, 61, 62
- measuring literacy, 56
- Gabriel, Richard, 110, 114, 123
- Galloway, Alexander, 20, 114
- Game industry, personal computers, 170
- Game of life, 201
- Games. See Video games
- Garmisch Conference on Software Engineering, 165
- Gates, Bill
- BASIC for the Altair 8800, 70, 169
- founding of, 44
- promoting, 1, 76
- push for Common Core standards, 90
- Gee, James Paul
- ideological model of literacy, 8
- Discourse, 128–129
- sociomaterialities of literacy, 31
- technologies of literacy, 33
- Geeks, sexism and stereotypes, 17–18
- Genetic code-script, 206
- Giant Brains, or Machines that Think, 197
- Gilmore, William
- benefits of literacy, 35–36
- literacy as a necessity of life, 180, 193
- Girl Develop It, 13, 75
- Globaloria, 218
- GNU General Public License (GPL), 132
- Goldberg, Adele, 72
- Golumbia, David
- computationalism, 202
- critique of computationalism, 176
- González, Norma, 182, 186
- Goody, Jack
- on alphabetic literacy, 30
- autonomous model of literacy, 30, 240n148, 259n31
- Bazerman on, 35, 239n123
- on censuses, 149, 272n57
- communication and governance, 144
- consequences of literacy, 35
- “The Consequences of Literacy,” 103, 259n28
- historical uses for written censuses, 149
- literacy and development of Western civilization, 103
- literacy and the control of family affairs, 179
- on literate mentalities, 181
- restricted literacy, 150, 209
- sociomaterial approach to writing technologies, 102–103
- writing as a technology of the intellect, 95
- Google
- celebrating Grace Hopper’s 107th birthday, 76
- equal opportunity, 17
- Made with Code initiative, 1, 13
- sexism in image search for “geek
- support for coding literacy, 1
- teaching young women to code, 1
- technical employees, diversity, 17
- Government. See also Legislation; Public information
- automation through writing, 187
- documents, in medieval England, 147
- funding of computers, in twentieth-century America, 161–162, 276n126
- information transparency, 25
- surveillance project, 24
- use of computers, in twentieth-century America, 155–162
- GPL (GNU General Public License), 132
- Graff, Harvey
- on Eisenstein and McLuhan, 33
- on industrialization in England vs. the U.S., 55
- literacy as social and technological phenomenon, 32
- on literacy campaigns, 58, 59
- literacy causing social uplift, 35
- the “literacy myth,” 31, 93
- Graham, Paul, 110
- Grammatization of
- industrial machines, 119
- information, 119
- sound, 121
- Grammatology, 118–119
- Great divide between oral and literate cultures, 114, 181–182, 192
- Greek rhetorical tradition, 146
- Greenberger, Martin, 99
- Gregory VII (pope), 148
- GUIs (graphical user interfaces), 170, 221
- Guzdial, Mark
- computational literacy, 9–10
- contributor to the Hour of Code campaign, 76
- CS for everyone, 14
- the “geek gene
- on learning to code, 43–44
- mercenary focus of learning programming, 64
- overemphasis on geek culture, 18
- popular programming vs. professional use, 14
- support for learning programming, 75
- trends in education and work, 87–88
- Haas, Christina
- affordances of computer screens, 33
- literacy technologies, 228n11
- sociomaterial approach to writing, 104
- software for reading, 33
- Hacker News, 15
- Hackers, 67
- Harrell, Fox, 16
- Harvard University, 106, 158
- Havelock, Eric, 181
- Hawisher, Gail, 33–34
- Hayles, N. Katherine
- computational universe, 202–203
- creolization of media, 126–127
- electronic literature analysis, 16
- hierarchy of abstraction from speech to writing, 121
- means-and-metaphor model of the world, 202
- “The Regime of Computation,” 121, 177
- translation of information across modes, 121
- universal computer, 201
- Heath, Shirley Brice, 8, 30–31, 186
- Heidegger, Martin
- “The Question Concerning Technology
- sociomaterial approach to writing
- technology enframing our world, 180
- theories of technics, 119
- Henry II, King, 147
- Hierarchy of abstraction from speech to writing, 121
- High ceilings, 11, 231n45
- Hispanic technical employees at major tech companies, 17
- Hollerith, Herman, 157
- The Holocaust, 119
- Home computer. See Personal computers in twentieth-century America
- Hopkins, Sharon, 265n103
- Hopper, Grace
- automatic programming, 23, 108, 165
- balancing her checkbook, 260n41
- first compiler, 108
- 107th birthday observation, 76
- Hour of Code campaign
- arguments for coding literacy, 45–46
- current offerings, 76–77
- on individual empowerment for coding literacy, 78
- Houston, Drew
- on individual empowerment for coding literacy, 77
- on supply and demand for engineers and coders, 84
- How to Do Things with Words, 114
- HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 73, 111
- Hugh, of St. Victor, 146, 191
- Human language vs. programming, 116–118, 250n113, 263n79
- Human-readable code, 107, 250n113
- Hypertext, 67
- antitrust suit, 277n135
- as “concentration camp for information
- development of Fortran, 108
- establishment of a research arm, 162
- Mark I computer, 158
- OS/360 operating system, 162–164
- Project Whirlwind, 159
- SABRE airline reservation system
- SHARE program, 164
- symbol of corporate computing, 67
- System/360 computers, 164
- IBM PC, 170
- Ideal literacy, 48
- Ideological arguments about education, 44–45
- Ideological model of literacy, 8, 103, 259n31
- IDEs (integrated development environments), 112
- Illiteracy
- among prisoners, 53
- among soldiers, 57
- among voters, 194
- in contract law, 195
- definition, 2
- disqualification from jury duty, 195
- historical social uses, 47
- immorality of, 2
- measuring, 56–58
- in medieval England, 141
- vs. nonliteracy, 180
- social stratification, 195–196
- Illiterate
- etymology of the term, 47
- with regard to computers, 53
- Illocutionary force, 115–116
- Ilves, Toomas Hendrik, 44, 82, 250n120
- Immigrant communities, a sociomaterial approach to writing, 104
- Indexing documents, 150
- Infrastructure of literacy
- based on cultural literacy, 239n123
- definition, 28, 143
- properties of, 239n121
- Initial Orders program, 261n42
- Innis, Harold, 102, 143
- Inscripted knives, 153
- Intelligibility at a distance, 144
- International Symposium for Literacy, 60
- Internet, precursor to, 161. See also ARPANET
- Interpreters, 19
- Iranian elections, 213
- Ito, Mizuko, 217–219
- Java language, 21, 73–74, 108, 111–112, 234n61
- Javascript language, 12, 73, 111–112
- Jobs. See Employability for coders
- Jobs, Steve, 80, 169
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 60, 264n87
- Johnson, Samuel, 47
- John Wiley & Sons, 171
- Jones, Van, 79, 83, 218
- Journalists, as code writers, 289n164
- Judicial book (liber judiciarious). See Domesday Book
- Kafai, Yasmin
- connected code, 231n45
- on eCrafting circles, 221
- low floors, high ceilings, wide walls, and open windows, 11, 231n45
- programming as a sociolinguistic system, 115
- promoting computational literacy, 218
- Scratch language, 81
- support for learning programming, 75
- Kafka, Ben
- automation of governance through writing, 187
- bureaucracy, word origin, 190
- communication and governance, 144
- democracy, word origin, 190
- documentation in medieval governance, 283n58
- on the power of literate clerks, 189–190
- on the trial of a civil servant, 188
- Kay, Alan
- computers for children, 72
- consultant on Tron, 251n126
- designing the Dynabook laptop, 69
- on individual empowerment for coding literacy, 77
- KiddiComp, 169 (see also Dynabook personal computer)
- on learning new ways to think, 80
- on Papert’s influence on design of the Dynabook laptop, 79
- “A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages
- prototyping the Dynabook laptop, 72
- shifting focus, 74
- Smalltalk language, 72, 111
- support for learning programming, 75
- trends in education and work, 87–88
- Kelleher, Caitlin, 11, 262n58
- Kemeny, John
- attending “Computers and the World of the Future
- BASIC language, 43, 66, 110, 168
- CAC (computing across the curriculum), 72–73
- case for computer literacy, 79–80
- computer literacy at the undergraduate level, 72
- connection between programming and gaming, 220
- Dartmouth initiative for computer literacy, 81–82, 156
- drive to teach programming, 63–64
- on the future of computers and intelligent machines, 82
- on the importance of computer literacy, 43
- learning programming in Estonia, 82
- on learning programming outside of computer science, 18–19
- novice-to-expert progression in programming, 73
- support for learning programming, 75
- trends in education and work, 87–88
- WAC (writing across the curriculum), 73, 252n135
- on widespread access to computing, 66
- Keywords metaphor, 27, 238n120. See also Metaphors for literacy
- Keywords project, 7, 229n16
- KiddiComp computer, 169
- Kidney transplant, cartoon, 2
- Kids. See Children
- Killer apps, 163
- Kirschenbaum, Matthew, 20, 264n85
- Kittler, Friedrich, 106, 190
- Klawe, Maria, 75
- The knight and the cleric, 189–190, 283n62
- Knives, inscripted, 153
- Knuth, Donald
- history of CS (computer science), 11–12
- literate programming, 124
- Kohanski, Daniel
- on digital technology and data preservation, 120–121
- the power of programmers, 36–38
- Kurland, D. Midian
- programming as a unitary skill, 104
- sociomaterial approach to writing, 101–102, 104
- Kurtz, Thomas
- BASIC language, 43, 66, 110, 168
- computer literacy at the undergraduate level, 72
- connection between programming and gaming, 220
- Dartmouth initiative for computer literacy, 81–82, 156
- drive to teach programming, 63–64
- learning programming in Estonia, 82
- novice-to-expert progression in programming, 73
- support for learning programming
- trends in education and work, 87–88
- on widespread access to computing, 66
- Language libraries, 111
- Languages, programming. See Programming languages; specific languages
- Larousse, Pierre, 188
- Latin
- in medieval England, 149, 152, 184–186, 245n44, 271n50
- value of, in education, 102
- Latour, Bruno, 33, 104
- Laubach, Frank, 60
- Leaky knowledge, 134–137
- Learning new ways to think, 79–81, 89–90, 242n170
- Learning programming. See Programming, learning
- Learn to code movement, 46, 244n17
- Learn to code websites, 13
- Legacy code, 128–129
- Legislation, tracking state bills, 25. See also Government, information transparency
- Le Goff, Jacques, 181–182, 281n14
- Leibniz, Gottfried, 99
- Lessig, Lawrence
- East Coast Code vs. West Coast Code, 83
- on legal access to raw material, 222
- Levi-Strauss, Claude, 16, 234n68
- Liber judiciarious (judicial book). See Domesday Book
- Library policies, 151, 273n72
- Licklider, J.C.R.
- attending “Computers and the World of the Future
- “The Computer as Communication Device
- development of ARPANET, 161–162, 199
- on the nature of programming
- on symbiosis between man and computer, 99
- Lingua franca
- BASIC, home computing, 71, 174
- coding as, 92
- English in most programming languages, 236n85, 262n62
- Linguistics, 202–203
- Linux, 131
- Lisa computer, 169
- Lisp language, 72, 108–110
- Literacy. See also Coding literacy; Computer literacy; Metaphors for literacy; Reading; Sociomaterialities of literacy; Writing
- abstracting away from specific tools, 10
- as access to information, 47
- across materialities, cultures, and eras, 31
- across race and class, 244n17
- applied to computers, 43
- Catholic Church, role of, 52
- changing nature of, 2, 5–6
- the cleric and the knight, 189–190, 283n62
- compulsory schooling and class divisions, 54–55
- from computational mentality, 205–206
- as consequence of adopting writing, 30
- and the control of family affairs, 179
- and crime, 53, 245n44
- cycles of, 8
- David Barton on, 46–47
- defining, 2, 4, 45–47, 228n9
- as the definition of citizenship, 81
- and development of Western civilization, 103
- and the devil, 154
- digital, 6
- emergence of the civic model of literacy, 53
- as epistemological keyword, 45
- ethnographic study of, 8, 186, 193
- etymology of the term, 46–47
- functional (see Functional literacy)
- historical purposes for, 45–47
- ideal, 48
- ideological model of, 8, 30–31, 103, 259n31
- infrastructure of, definition, 143
- lay literacy grew out of bureaucracy, 145
- vs. literacies, 28
- mapping, 7, 229n16
- Martin Luther, role of, 52
- from material intelligences, 29
- measuring, 56–58 (see also Literacy rates; Measuring literacy)
- medieval Europe, 52
- metaphors for, 27, 48, 238n120
- in the military, 54–55
- as model for computational thinking, 9–11
- moral basis for, 45
- as moral good, 52–56
- from moral quality to technological good, 45–46, 52–56
- multiliteracies, 32
- in national economic development, 45–46
- as a necessity of life, 180, 193–196
- nineteenth century Europe, 52
- origins of mass programming ideologies, 52–56
- parallels with programming, 44
- as a performance of violence or oppression, 8
- in personal success, 45–46
- pillars of, 9, 96
- platform literacy, 3
- power of literate clerks, 189–190
- procedural, 16, 100, 127
- programming as (see Programming as literacy)
- as progress, 31
- as qualification for voting, 81
- reading and writing as, 47
- requirement for civic participation, 194
- restricted, 150, 209
- rightful owners of, 62
- and schooling, 52–53, 56
- shaped by social structures, 34
- situated literacies, 32–33
- skills included as, 2, 6
- as social and technological phenomenon, 32
- social stratification, 195
- standardized schooled literacy, 54
- tests for voting, 194
- Literacy, definition
- according to diSessa, 143, 239n127
- according to Vee, 216
- functional, 48
- history of the term, 47
- overly broad definitions, 28–29
- by popular acclaim, 50
- social definitions across history, 34
- tendency to expand, 48–49
- UNESCO, 47
- used in this book, 27, 216
- Literacy, expectations of
- differences, 244n17
- literacy crises, 34, 50
- major factors affecting, 50
- men vs. women, 244n17
- in the workplace, 48–49
- Literacy and power
- benefits of literacy, 35–36
- computational networks, 36–38
- consolidating technologies, 34
- disadvantaged communities, 35–36, 39
- gender bias in search results, 37 (see also Search results)
- inconsistent dispersal, 39
- literacy technologies, 34
- programming, as platform literacy, 34–35
- the struggle for literacy, 35–36, 39
- Literacy campaigns. See also Literacy rates; Measuring literacy
- Adult Education Act of 1966, 60
- adult literacy organizations, 60
- for African Americans, 58
- Christian influence, 60, 62
- Cold War, 64
- in Cuba, 59
- Decree of Illiteracy, 59
- Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, 60
- empowerment in education, 60
- ideologies in, 58–59, 87, 247n76
- International Symposium for Literacy, 60
- major political shifts, 58
- Moonlight Schools, 62
- National Institute for Literacy, 61
- National Literacy Act of 1991, 60–61
- in Nicaragua, 59, 61
- overview, 58–62
- post-revolutionary Russia, 59
- programming skills, 63–64 (see also Mass programming campaigns)
- ProLiteracy, 60
- reading vs. writing, 62
- religion, 59, 60
- rightful owners of literacy, 62
- Scotland in sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, 61
- socialist ideology in education, 59
- Soviet ideology, 59, 61
- technology, 62–64
- War on Poverty, 60
- Literacy crises, 34, 50
- Literacy levels, measuring. See Literacy rates
- The “literacy myth”, 31, 93, 248n77, 259n31
- Literacy rates. See also Measuring literacy
- Sweden in the seventeenth century, 56
- U.S. Census Bureau survey of 1986, 60–61
- U.S. Department of Education, 57
- in the United States, 2
- Literacy rates among women
- in comparison to men, 244n17
- end of seventeenth century, 195
- medieval England, 152, 184
- in underdeveloped countries, 196
- Literate habits and assumptions, 150–151
- “Literate man,” 103, 192
- Literate mentality. See also Computational mentality
- critical assumptions, 181
- definition of mentality, 181
- funds of knowledge, 182, 186
- history of, 281n14
- pooling of resources, 182, 186
- Literate mentality, transition toward
- among late medieval English people, 144
- automation of governance through writing, 187–188
- beginning of, 179–180
- bureaucracy’s role in, 179
- forgery, 188–189, 283n62
- French Revolution, 187
- history of textual literacy, 180
- precursors to, 150
- role of the printing press, 191–192
- text as a substitute for human action, 187–188
- writing as a representation of truth, 191–192
- written bureaucracy, anxiety about, 188–191
- Literate programming, 124
- Little Brother, 177
- Live code performances, 126
- Local city governments, computational literacy, 210
- Locutionary force, 115–116
- Logo language
- for children, 79
- critique of, 101–102, 258n19
- development of, 72
- in Estonian school initiative, 218
- focus on learning, 254n162
- geared toward novices, 110
- as an object to think with, 101
- promoting computational literacy, 218
- in schools, 171
- Loops, 118
- Lorenz machine, 157
- Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet program, 170
- Lovelace, Ada, 101, 114–116
- Low barriers to entry, 11, 231n45
- Low floors, 11, 231n45
- Luther, Martin
- evolving literacy from moral quality to technological good, 52
- on literacy campaigns, 59
- on truth in the church, 191
- Machine code vs. source code, 19–20, 107
- “Machine of the Year” for 1982, 170
- Macintosh computer, 169
- Made with Code initiative, 13
- Mahoney, Michael
- evolution of programming in twentieth-century America, 140–141
- programming as software engineering, 12
- Maintainability of code, 130
- Malbolge language, 125–126, 266n115
- Male-dominated computer culture, 17, 110
- Male stereotypes in programming, 17–18
- Managing software projects
- Autoflow program, 165
- automatic programming, 165
- silver bullets for, 164
- software planning, 165
- Manchester Baby Computer, 275n110
- “Man-Computer Symbiosis
- Mann, Horace, 53
- Manufacturing-distribution complex, 166–167
- Mapping literacy, 7, 229n16
- Margolis, Jane
- deterrences to women in computer science, 15, 17–18
- support for learning programming, 75
- Mark I computer, 106, 158, 197
- Martin, Trayvon, 79
- Massively open online courses (MOOCs), 74
- Mass programming, outside of college campuses, 69–72
- Mass programming campaigns. See also Programming, learning
- critique of computer literacy, 88–89
- metaphors for promoting programming in K-12 schools, 252n145
- training students for software jobs, 89–90
- trends in education and work, 87–91
- Mass programming campaigns, history of
- access for poor and minority groups, 74
- Bell Laboratories, 65
- Carnegie Tech, 65
-, 75
- computer counterculture movement, 67
- “Computers and the World of the Future
- computers for everybody, 67–68
- Dartmouth College, 65–67
- first public argument for coding as literacy, 65
- focus on the World Wide Web, 73
- free online resources, 75
- Freshman Computer Appreciation Course, 65–66
- HTML, 73
- Java, 73–74
- MIT, 65
- MOOCs (massively open online courses), 74
- OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) project, 74–75
- PCC (People’s Computer Company), 67–68
- rise in computer science majors, 74
- software consumerism, 73–74
- Stanford University Mathematics Department, 65
- University of Michigan, 65
- “The Use of Computers in Engineering Classroom Instruction
- West Coast programming initiatives, 67
- Mass programming campaigns, ideological drivers
- citizenship, 81–83
- collective progress, 81–83
- computer as servant, 77–79
- dominant arguments, 76–77, 252n145 (see also specific arguments)
- East Coast Code vs. West Coast Code, 83
- economic concerns, 83–87
- employability, 83–87
- individual empowerment, 77–79
- introduction, 75–76
- learning new ways to think, 79–81, 89–90, 242n170
- social justice movements in the 1960s, 78
- software crisis in the 1960s, 84
- Mateas, Michael
- creativity with code, 123–124, 126
- procedural literacy, 9, 16, 127
- Material intelligence
- definition of literacy, 216
- pillars of, 96
- programming as, 29, 99–102
- writing as, 99–102
- writing as contributor to, 182
- Materiality of literacy, 33–34
- The Matrix Trilogy, 177
- Matsumoto, Yukihiro (Matz), 134
- Mauchly, John, 21
- Max/MSP language, 111
- McCarthy, John
- development of Lisp, 108
- on procedural knowledge in programming, 100
- McGovern, George, 228n9
- McKinley, William, 53, 57
- McLuhan, Marshall
- bias in communication, 102–103
- “electronic man,” 104, 192
- eras in the development of literacy
- great divide between oral and literate cultures, 192
- Harvey Graff on, 33
- literacy as progress, 31
- “literate man
- “oral man
- sociomaterial approach to writing technologies, 102–104
- “the medium is the message
- writing as an extension of man, 95
- Means-and-metaphor model of the world, 202
- Measuring literacy. See also Literacy campaigns; Literacy rates
- American National Adult Literacy Surveys, 57, 247n72
- low literacy levels, 57
- overview, 56–58
- takeoff theory of literacy, 57, 247n71
- U.S. Department of Education, 57
- “Mechanizers,” in government, 187
- Media archaeology, 104
- Memex, 99, 197
- Memorization, medieval England, 146–147
- Memory palace, 146
- Mentalities. See also Literate mentality
- definition, 181
- history of, 281n14
- Mesopotamia
- ancient censuses, 272n57
- early writing, 269n10
- Metaphors for literacy. See also Keywords metaphor
- as adaptation, 48
- definition, 27, 238n120
- driving literacy promotion, 48
- functional literacy, 48
- lessons for society, 45
- as power, 48
- promoting programming in K-12 schools, 252n145
- as a state of grace, 48
- Microsoft
- diversity, 17
- launching of, 169
- Military, literacy in, 54–55
- Mill, James, 188
- Mind and self, models of. See Computational models of the mind and self
- Mindstorms, 79, 171, 254n162
- Minorities in technical positions, 17
- Minority Report, 177
- Minsky, Marvin, 203
- Mission statements
-, 13, 232n56
- National Institute for Literacy, 61
- artificial intelligence and human psychology, 203
- BASIC on the Altair 8800, 70
- Free Software Movement, 71
- history of the SAGE project, 276n111
- Lifelong Kindergarten Team, 80
- mass programming campaigns, history of, 65
- Project Whirlwind, 159
- promoting computational literacy, 218
- Scratch language, 1, 44, 80–81, 110
- Modernism vs. post modernism, 284n80
- Modkit language, 111
- Modularity of computers, 109
- Moldovan elections, 213
- Moll, Luis, 182, 186
- Montfort, Nick, 16
- creativity with code, 123–124
- Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities, 16–17
- introduction to programming with Python, 16–17
- swapping BASIC programs in the 1980s, 26
- MOOCs (massively open online courses), 74
- Moonlight Schools, 62
- Moral basis for literacy, 45
- Movies. See Video, TV, and movies
- Mozilla Development Center, 130
- Mozilla Style Guide, 130–131
- MS-DOS operating system, 170
- Multiliteracies, 32. See also Sociomaterialities of literacy
- Mumford, Lewis, 180
- Munroe, Randall, 36–37
- MyBO (My Barack Obama website), 25
- My Computer Likes Me When I Speak Basic, 68
- Nasser, Ramsay, 262n62
- National Institute for Literacy, mission statement, 61
- National Literacy Act of 1991, 60–61
- National Science Foundation drive, 63
- Nation at Risk, 57, 61, 64
- Natural language programs, 113
- Naughton, John, 44, 243n11
- Nelson, Ted
- computer counterculture movement, 67–69
- Computer Lib/Dream Machines, 67, 82
- creator of hypertext, 67–69
- IBM as “concentration camp for information
- on individual empowerment for coding literacy, 77
- My Computer Likes Me When I Speak BASIC, 67
- Southern California Computer Society, 70
- Net neutrality, 210
- Network effects of code, 224, 292n27
- New Yorker, cartoons, 2, 198
- Newell, Gabe, 77
- “A new kind of science
- New London Group, 32–33
- New materialism, 104
- “The New Wave of Home Computers
- Nicaragua, literacy campaign, 59, 61
- NLS (New Literacy Studies). See also Sociomaterialities of literacy
- emergence of, 30
- focus on sociocultural aspects of literacies, 31–32, 33
- on literacies, 31–32
- literacy as progress, 31
- multiliteracies, 32
- restricted literacy, 209
- a sociomaterial approach to writing, 103–104
- tenets of, 30–31
- writing as a technology, 32
- Node-RED language, 111
- Non-coder, 50
- Nonliterate vs. illiterate, 180
- Non-programmer, 50
- Norman control of medieval England, 144, 146–147
- Novices
- Logo language, 110
- programming languages for, 11, 110–111
- taxonomy of approaches to teaching, 262n58
- Novice-to-expert progression in programming, 73
- Obama, Barack
- Coder in Chief, 1
- Computer Science for All initiative, 87
- promoting, 76
- social network website, MyBO, 25
- support for coding literacy, 1
- on video games, 220
- Obesity, connection to video games, 220, 291n14
- Obfuscating code languages, 125
- Objective C language, 112
- Object-oriented languages
- benefits of, 262n60
- Smalltalk, 111, 169
- Of Grammatology, 119, 121
- Ohmann, Richard
- on compulsory schooling and class divisions, 55
- “Literacy, Technology, and Monopoly Capital
- on literacy campaigns, 247n76
- Old/Middle English language, 271n50
- OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) project, 64, 74–75
- Olson, David
- definition of computational mentality, 182
- great divide between oral and literate cultures, 104, 192
- modernism vs. post modernism, 284n80
- on shifts in ways of reading, 180, 191–193
- text as representation of truth, 192–193
- on the threshold for literate mentality, 190–191
- verbatim, word origin, 192
- writing, as contributor to material intelligence, 182
- Ong, Walter
- communication and governance, 144
- human language vs. programming, 116–117
- on literate mentalities, 181
- on Plato, 284n69
- sociomaterial approach to writing technologies, 102–103
- on Socrates, 117
- spatializing temporal information, 121
- writing as technology that restructures thought, 95, 103
- writing and orality, 24
- Online journalism, programming, 208
- Online resources. See also
- free, 75
- for self-teaching programming, 12–13
- Stack Overflow, 14
- Open-source software
- communities of practice, 133
- community identity, 132
- Debian, 132
- Firefox, 132
- F/OSS (free or open-source software), 71, 134–136
- FreeBSD operating system, 132–133
- GPL (GNU General Public License), 132
- Linux, 131
- origin in 1980s, 71
- Ruby language, 134
- social organization of code, 131–134
- Open windows, 11, 231n45
- “Oral man,” 103, 192
- Oregon Trail game, 171
- OS/360 operating system, 162–164, 277n136
- Outsourcing education, 90
- Ozouf, Jacques
- French literacy in the middle ages, 175
- literacy and social stratification, 195
- literacy as a moral good, 52
- literacy campaigns, 61, 62
- measuring literacy, 56
- Pair programming, 130–131, 267n138
- Palimpsest code, 128–129
- PanAm reservation system, 163
- Papert, Seymour
- artificial intelligence, 203
- children as computer users, 69, 72
- computers as objects to think with, 79
- on extracurricular activities, 221
- influence on design of the Dynabook laptop, 79
- Lisp language, 72
- making computer science appeal to more women, 15–16
- Mindstorms, 79, 171, 254n162
- programming as object to think with, 101
- shifting focus, 74
- support for learning programming
- Papert, Seymour, Logo language
- in Cold War educational strategy, 79
- critique of, 258n19
- development of, 72
- in schools, 171
- Paper vs. computer screens, 104
- Partovi, Ali
- on attracting women and minorities to programming, 78
- on employability for coders, 85
- founding of, 76
- promoting computational literacy
- promotional video, 76, 253n146
- Partovi, Hadi
- on’s URL, 14, 228n15
- computer science vs. programming, 18
- founding of, 76
- on individual empowerment for coding literacy, 77
- promoting computational literacy, 218
- promotional video, 76, 253n146
- Patent trolls, 222
- Pausch, Randy
- programming languages for novices, 11, 262n58
- support for learning programming, 75
- PCC (People’s Computer Company)
- first newsletter, cover art, 68
- founding of, 67
- on individual empowerment for coding literacy, 77
- support for BASIC, 69
- PDP computer required new programming languages (1960s), 21
- Pea, Roy, 101–102, 104
- People of color
- Black Girls Code initiative, 13, 78–79
- technical employees at major tech companies, 17
- search results, images of black women, 37
- People of color, learning to code
- Black Girls Code, 13, 78–79
- coding boot camps, 13
- Girl Develop It, 13
- Hacker News, 15
- learn-to-code websites, 13
- Made with Code initiative, 13
- self-teaching programming, 12–13
- Stack Overflow, 14
- #YesWeCode, 13
- People’s Computer Company Newsletter
- Perfect execution of code, 264n85
- Performative statements vs. descriptive, 114–116
- Perlis, Alan
- computer literacy at the undergraduate level, 72
- Freshman Computer Appreciation Course, 65–66
- on the importance of computer literacy, 43
- inspiration for BASIC and DTSS, 66
- on widespread access to computing, 66
- Perlocutionary force, 115–116
- “A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages
- Personal computers in twentieth-century America
- Altair 8800, 168
- Apple II, 169, 171
- arcade games, 170
- Atari, 170–171
- BASIC language, 168–169, 171, 174
- Commodore 64, 170–173
- Commodore PET, 169, 171
- common languages, 171 (see also specific languages)
- educational applications, 171
- in elementary schools and homes
- game industry, 170
- games, 171
- graphical user interface, 170
- IBM PC, 170
- KiddiComp computer, 169
- Lisa computer, 169
- Logo language in schools, 171
- Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet program, 170
- “Machine of the Year” for 1982, 170
- Macintosh computer, 169
- movie special effects, 170
- MS-DOS operating system, 170
- “The New Wave of Home Computers
- Oregon Trail game, 171
- overview, 167–174
- programming tools, 171
- research on user interaction, 169
- seeds of, 168
- Smalltalk language, 169
- tipping point, 170
- TRS-80, 169
- uses for, 168–169
- VisiCalc spreadsheet program, 170
- Personality profiling for programmers, 17
- Pharmakon, 120
- Physical technologies vs. programming, 98
- Piaget, Jean, 79, 101
- Pierce, Charles, 117
- Pillars of literacy and material intelligence
- Andrea diSessa, 9
- calculus notation, 96
- cognitive, 96, 102
- social, 96, 102
- technological, 96, 102
- Pittsburgh, accessing public information, 25
- Platform literacy
- computational literacy as, 207
- programming as, 3, 34–35
- Plato
- anxiety about writing, 120, 284n69
- Phaedrus, 189
- on Socrates, 117, 189
- Political support for computational literacy, 219–220
- Pooling of resources, 182, 186
- Poor and minority groups
- mass programming campaigns for, 74
- struggling to obtain literacy and power, 35–36
- as technical employees, 17
- Portable books, 151
- Post modernism vs. modernism, 284n80
- Power structures in code, 264n85
- Prensky, Marc
- digital immigrants vs. digital natives, 260n32
- on the importance of learning programming, 44
- Prince, 79
- 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10, 73
- Print era, significance of, 180
- Printing press, role in literate mentality, 191–192
- Proceduracy, 9
- Procedural epistemology, 100
- Procedural knowledge, 100
- Procedural literacy, 9, 16, 100
- Procedural rhetoric, 9
- Procedures as actions, 20
- Processing language, 218
- Professionalizing programming, 12
- Profiling for programmers, 17
- Programmers
- aptitude tests for, 165–166
- defining, 209
- job title, 6
- personality profiling, 17
- recruiting in the 1960s, 165–166
- women, in the 1960s, 165–166
- Programmer time vs. computer time, 110–111
- Programming. See also Coding; Computation
- author’s definition, 6–7
- automatic, 23
- barriers to, 5, 12
- building new knowledge, 105
- vs. coding, 6
- comparative contexts for reading and writing, 4–5
- vs. computer science, 18–19
- definition, 143
- and the democratic process, 82
- downsourcing, 208
- equitable distribution of abilities
- as an essential skill, 14
- evolving into literacy, 29
- as an exercise in applied semiotics, 117
- historical parallels with writing, 139–145
- history of, 11–13
- vs. human language, 116–118, 250n113, 263n79
- lowering barriers to, 12
- as material intelligence, 29
- as object to think with, 101
- for online journalism, 208
- as platform literacy, 3, 34–35
- popular vs. professional use, 14, 17
- as a profession, 12
- purpose of, 64–65
- as scaffold for knowledge, 101
- for scientific experiments, 15
- as a sociolinguistic system, 115
- software engineering, 12
- as a specialized skill, 207–209
- trade-offs between writing and programming, 120
- transformative access to, 8
- transitioning from art to science, 12
- ugly code, 15
- as a unitary skill, 104
- women in the origins of, 12
- as written communication, 5–6
- Programming, a sociomaterial approach
- cognitive benefits of, 102
- commonalities with writing, 95
- as material intelligence, 99–102
- as object to think with, 101
- vs. physical technologies, 98
- procedural knowledge, 100
- as scaffold for knowledge, 101
- technoromanticism, 102
- as a unitary skill, 102
- Programming, equal opportunity
- Black Girls Code initiative, 13, 78–79
- brogrammer identity, 18
- deterrences to women, 15, 17–18
- disadvantaged groups, 17
- the “geek gene
- male domination, 17, 110
- parallels with literacy, 44
- people of color, 17
- personality profiling, 17
- programmer identity, 18
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 17, 235n73
- women and minorities, 17, 78
- women in early computing, 108
- #YesWeCode, 79, 83
- Programming, learning. See also Educational programs for programming; Mass programming campaigns
- Assemble in Pittsburgh, 75
- blurring of national boundaries, 90–91
- boot camps for, 75
- Bootstrap program, 44
- bricolage approach to education, 16, 234n68
- children (see Children, learning to code)
-, 75, 90
- CodeCombat game, 44
- CodeFellows, 75
- CoderDojo, 75
- Code School, 75
- Code & Supply, 75
- conflicts of interest between programmers and management, 136
- Dash and Dot robots, 44
- devbootcamp, 75
- in Estonia (see Estonia, teaching programming in)
- FreeCodeCamp, 75
- Girl Develop It, 75
- ideological arguments about education, 44–45
- importance of, 44
- Khan Academy, 75
- “learn to code movement
- mercenary focus, 64
- National Science Foundation drive, 63
- novice-to-expert progression, 73
- One Laptop Per Child project, 64
- outside of computer science, 18–19
- outsourcing education, 90
- overemphasis on geek culture, 18
- programming as an essential skill, 14
- programs for (see Educational programs for programming)
- Scratch program, 44
- self-sponsored learning, 135
- Silicon Valley campaigns, 64
- in Singapore, 82
- Tiger’s Leap initiative, 44
- in the United Kingdom, 82
- vocational training, 75
- war on learning, 90
- women (see Women, learning to code)
- Programming, transition to mass literacy
- in the everyday lives of citizens, 139–145
- overview, 139–145
- Programming as literacy
- central arguments for, 4
- heritage of moral goodness, 1–3
- importance of, 9
- other literacies built on, 3
- terminology matters, 7
- Programming as writing. See also Writing
- assemblers, 19
- automatic programming, 23
- Bogost on, 20
- bricolage, 19
- code as executable language, 20
- communication with and across computers, 21–22
- compilers, 19
- etymology of the term programming, 21
- evolution of, 20–22
- executing code, 20
- increasing necessity of, 22–23
- interpreters, 19
- introduction, 19
- machine code, 19–20
- with natural language interface
- object code (see Machine code)
- procedures as actions, 20
- running code, 20
- similarity between code and human language, 21, 250n113
- source code, 19–20
- translating programs, 19, 236n85
- Programming languages. See also Computers, evolution of
- ALGOL language, 109, 261n52
- Alice language, 110
- Arabic language, 262n62
- assembly programs, 107, 261n42
- automatic programming, 107–108
- BASIC language, 110–112
- binary programming, 107
- black boxes, 111
- Blockly language, 111
- C language, 112
- C++ language, 112
- COBOL language, 108–109, 113, 261n52
- Colossus computer, 106
- compilers, 107–108
- Django language, 111
- early mechanical and electrical computers, 106
- English as lingua franca, 236n85, 262n62
- ENIAC computer, 106, 161
- Etoys language, 110
- a focus on novices, 110–111
- Fortran (formula translation), 108, 113
- high ceilings, 11, 231n45
- HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 111
- human-readable code, 107
- IDEs (integrated development environments), 112
- influence of social factors, 112
- Initial Orders, 261n42
- Java language, 112
- Javascript language, 111
- language libraries, 111
- Lisp language, 108–110
- Logo language, 110
- low barriers to entry, 11, 231n45
- low floors, 11, 231n45
- Mark I computer, 106
- Max/MSP language, 111
- mid-twentieth century, 110–111
- Modkit language, 111
- modularity, 109
- natural language programs, 113
- Node-RED language, 111
- Objective C language, 112
- object-oriented languages, 111
- open windows, 11, 231n45
- overview, 106–113
- present day, 112–113
- programmer time vs. computer time, 110–111
- Python language, 111
- room for diverse applications, 11, 231n45
- room for growing proficiency, 11, 231n45
- Ruby language, 111–112
- Ruby on Rails language, 111
- Scheme language, 110
- Scratch language, 110
- sharing, 11, 231n45
- Simula language, 111
- Smalltalk language, 111
- source code vs. machine code, 107
- stored programming, 106
- structured programming, 109
- technical affordances, 112
- trade-offs between freedom and constraint, 111–112
- UNIVAC computer, 108
- visual programming languages, 111, 262n59
- von Neumann architecture, 106
- wide walls, 11, 231n45
- World War II era, 106
- Programming tools, 171
- Programming vs. writing
- differences, 113–114
- great divide between oral and literate cultures, 114
- illocutionary force, 115–116
- locutionary force, 115–116
- performative statements vs. descriptive, 114–116
- perlocutionary force, 115–116
- programming as a sociolinguistic system, 115
- social context for computers, 115
- speech act theory, 97, 106, 114
- speech rules, 115
- Programs, debugging. See Debugging code
- Project Whirlwind, 159
- ProLiteracy, 60
- Property boundaries, medieval England, 147, 148
- Pseudocode, 122
- Publications. See Books and publications
- Public information. See also Government, information transparency
- democratized data, 25
- Pittsburgh area, 25
- tracking, 25
- Python language
- creator of, 43
- definition, 243n3
- Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities, 16–17
- introduction to programming with, 16–17
- in the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project, 74
- promoting computational literacy
- role of literacy in creation of, 43–44
- Quantified self movement, 204
- Quasi-literacy, 185–186
- Queneau, Raymond, 123
- “The Question Concerning Technology
- Race, Rhetoric, and Technology, 74
- Ramsay, Stephen
- algorithmic criticism, 16
- on digital humanists, 234n68
- on learning new ways to think, 80
- Raspberry Pi, in wearable technologies, 1, 227n6
- Rationalization of
- bureaucratic control, 144
- information through digital technology, 120
- the world, 119
- Reading. See also Writing
- comparative contexts for programming, 4–5
- heritage of moral goodness, 1–3
- history of, 5
- as literacy, 47
- shifts in methods, 191–193
- software for, 33
- technology of, 228n9
- vs. writing, focus of literacy campaigns, 62
- Rechnender Raum (Calculating Space), 201, 287n126
- “The Regime of Computation,” 121, 177
- Religion, ideological driver of literacy campaign, 59, 60
- Religious representations, medieval England, 153
- Resnick, Mitchel
- on learning new ways to think, 80–81
- mercenary focus of learning programming, 64
- promoting computational literacy, 218
- support for learning programming, 75
- trends in education and work, 87–88
- Resources. See Books and publications; Online resources; Video, TV, and movies
- Restricted code, 123, 265n103
- Restricted literacy, 150, 209
- Retrievable documents, medieval England, 150, 272n57
- Richard I, King, 148
- “Rise of the Journalist Programmer
- Roman rhetorical tradition, 146
- Rosch, Eleanor
- computational models of the mind and self, 203
- computational models of the world, 201
- Ruby language, 111–112, 134
- Ruby on Rails language, 111, 262n61
- Running code, 20
- R.U.R, 198
- Rushkoff, Douglas
- on the importance of learning programming, 44
- on individual empowerment for coding literacy, 78
- Russia, post-revolutionary ideological drivers of literacy, 59
- Ryerson, Egerton, 53
- SABRE airline reservation system, 162–163
- SAGE (Semi Automatic Ground Environment) missile defense, 159–161, 199, 276n111
- Scale, affordances of form in code, 118–122
- Scheme language, 110
- Schooled literacy, 56
- Schrödinger, Erwin, 200
- Scientific experiments, code for. See Programming, for scientific experiments
- Scratch language
- after school activities, 221
- educational initiatives, 44
- history of, 110
- promoting computational literacy
- teaching children to code, 1
- teaching programmers to think
- Scribner, Sylvia
- on defining literacy, 2, 27, 215, 228n9
- on educational opportunities, 291n4
- illiteracy, evaluating the problem of, 215
- on learning new ways to think, 80
- literacy, psychological differences in individuals, 33
- metaphors for literacy, 45, 48
- sociological study of Vai people of Liberia, 32, 33, 103, 135
- sociomaterial approach to writing
- Scripting, definition, 6
- Script kiddies, definition, 6
- Scriptons, 126–127
- SDC (Systems Development Corporation), 160–161
- Sealing wax, 147
- Search results
- gender bias in results, 37
- images of black women, 37
- “right to explanation” law, 38
- sexism in image search for “geek
- Searle, John, 115
- The Second Self, 203
- Self, models of. See Computational models of the mind and self
- Selfe, Cynthia, 33–34
- Self-sponsored learning, 135
- Self-teaching programming, 12–13
- Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) missile defense, 159–161, 199, 276n111
- Sexism. See Programming, equal opportunity; specific cases
- Shakespeare Programming Language (SPL), 124–125
- Shannon, Claude, 107
- SHARE program, 164
- Shaw, Mary
- popular programming vs. professional use, 15
- programming as software engineering, 12
- Signatory seals, 153
- Signatures, 186, 209
- Silicon Valley campaigns to learn programming, 64
- Silver bullets for managing software projects, 164
- Simula language, 111
- Singapore, learning programming, 82
- Situated literacies, 32–33
- Skills required for coding literacy, 11
- Skinner, B. F., 30
- Smalltalk language, 111, 169, 254n162
- Smartphones, 204
- Snow, C. P., 42, 243n11
- Snow Crash, 177
- Snyder, Betty, 108
- Social coding, 127–128
- Social context for computers, 115
- Social factors, influence on programming languages, 112
- Socialist ideology in education, driver of literacy campaign, 59
- Social media, computational model of the mind and self, 204, 288n152
- Social organization of code, 131–134
- Social pillars of literacy, 9, 96
- Social uplift, 31
- Sociological studies of literacy
- Carolina Piedmont, 30, 186
- ethnographic study of literacy, 8
- Vai people of Liberia, 32, 33, 103, 135
- Sociomaterialities
- of programming (see Programming, a sociomaterial approach)
- of writing (see Writing, a sociomaterial approach)
- Sociomaterialities of literacy. See also Literacy, defining; NLS (New Literacy Studies)
- cognitive revolution in psychology, 30
- communications media shaping our use of language, 33
- computers changing writing, 33–34
- eras in the development of literacy, 30
- great divide between oral and literate cultures, 30, 181–182
- ideological perspective, 31
- infrastructural communication technology, 28
- infrastructure, definition, 28, 239n121
- introduction, 27
- lifting up individuals or societies, 31
- literacy as consequence of adopting writing, 30
- literacy as social and technological phenomenon, 32
- literacy crises, 34, 50
- the “literacy myth,” 31, 93
- literacy shaped by social structures, 34
- literacy vs. literacies, 28
- material intelligences into literacies, 29
- metaphors for literacy, 27, 238n120
- multiliteracies, 32
- new materialities, 30
- new technology spawning literacies, 33–34
- overly broad definitions of literacy, 28–29
- psychological differences in individuals, 33
- separating oral and literate discourse, 30
- social definition of literacy across history, 34
- social uplift, 31
- Socrates
- in Plato’s Phaedrus, 189
- on writing as a dull child, 117
- Software
- as a commodity, 71
- consumerism, 73–74
- for reading, 33
- Software crisis, 165, 277n136
- Software engineering
- vs. computer science, 15
- overextending, 16
- programming as, 12
- Software laws, 221–222. See also Copyright laws, software
- Software planning, managing software projects, 165
- Solomon, Cynthia
- children as computer users, 69
- computers for children, 72
- support for learning programming, 75
- Soltow, Lee
- literacy as moral good, 52–53
- on literacy campaigns, 58, 247n76
- SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) of 2012, 210
- Source code, 19–20, 107
- Southern California Computer Society, 70
- Soviet ideology, driver of literacy campaign, 59, 61
- Spatializing temporal information, 121
- Spatial memory vs. temporal, 146
- 1960s (PDP computer required new programming languages), 21
- Speech act theory, 97, 106, 114
- Speech genres, in collaborative coding, 128–129
- Speech rules, 115
- SPL (Shakespeare Programming Language), 124–125
- Sputnik, 145, 161
- Stack Overflow, 14
- Stallman, Richard, 71
- Standardized schooled literacy, 54
- Standardized teaching of computer literacy, 218–219
- Standards, political nature of, 261n50
- Stanford University Mathematics Department, 65
- Star, Susan Leigh
- boundary objects, 154
- infrastructure of literacy, definition, 28, 143
- infrastructure of literacy, properties of, 239n121
- Stephenson, Neal, 221
- Stevens, Edward
- on individual empowerment for coding literacy, 78
- literacy and contract law, 195
- literacy as moral good, 52–53
- literacy as qualification for voting, 81
- literacy as the definition of citizenship, 81
- on literacy campaigns, 58, 247n76
- literacy tests for voting, 194
- Stevenson, Jill, 147, 152
- Stewart, Cora Wilson, 62
- Stiegler, Bernard
- grammatization of information, 97, 119–120
- hierarchy of abstraction from speech to writing, 121
- spatializing temporal information, 121
- Stock, Brian
- documents in medieval England, 151
- facts, embodied in text, 187
- literate mentality, 144, 180
- people begin living texts, 139–140
- textual communities, 185
- writing, in medieval England, 185
- Stock market and banking, flash crash of 2010, 24
- Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) of 2012, 210
- Stored programming, 106
- Stored programs
- first concept of, 20–21, 236n93 (see also von Neumann architecture)
- first machine, 158, 275n110
- Manchester Baby Computer, 275n110
- Street, Brian
- autonomous model of literacy, 240n148, 259n31
- dismissal of Goody, 33
- great divide between oral and literate cultures, 30, 103
- ideological model of literacy, 8, 30–31, 103, 259n31
- literacy as social and technological phenomenon, 32
- Literacy in Theory and Practice, 259n31
- promoting computer literacy, 217
- on the takeoff theory of literacy, 247n71
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, 100, 110, 237n96
- Structured programming, 109
- Style guides for code, 130–131, 267n134
- Summa Theologica, 191
- Sunlight Foundation, 25
- Sun Microsystems, 73–74
- Super Sad True Love Story, 177
- Support for learning programming, 75
- Sussman, Gerald, 100, 110
- Sussman, Julie, 100, 110
- System/360 computers, 164
- Systems Development Corporation (SDC), 160–161
- Takeoff theory of literacy, 57, 247n71
- Taylor, Robert
- “The Computer as Communication Device,” 79, 199
- research at Xerox PARC, 162
- Teaching coding. See Educational programs for programming; Programming, learning
- Technical affordance of programming languages, 112
- Technological pillars of literacy, 9, 96
- Technology
- driver of literacy campaign, 62–64
- effects on human relationships and thinking, 180
- Technoromanticism, 102
- Tedre, Matti, 12, 87–88
- Text. See also Reading; Writing
- availability in medieval England, 151, 273n74, 273n77
- blurring with human work, 190
- crossing space and time, 118–119
- definition, 143
- facts embodied in, 187
- as substitute for human action, 187–188
- verbatim interpretation of, 192
- Textons, 126–127
- Textual communities, 185
- Textual literacy, history of, 180
- “The medium is the message
- Theories of technics, 119
- Thinking machines, computers as, 198, 200
- Thompson, Evan
- computational models of the mind and self, 203
- computational models of the world, 201
- Tiger’s Leap initiative, 44
- Time magazine, 170
- Time magazine’s “Machine of the Year
- Time sharing, 69. See also DTSS (Dartmouth Time-Sharing System)
- TinyBASIC language, 68
- Tracking public information, 25
- Transcendental signified, 201
- Transformative access to programming, 8
- Translating
- information across modes, 121
- programs, 19, 236n86
- Trimbur, John, 50
- Tron, 170, 251n126
- TRS-80, 169
- Truth in the church, 191
- Turing, Alan
- source code vs. machine code, 20
- on the unpredictability of computers, 116, 118
- World War II cryptography, 157, 275n104
- Turing machine, 201
- Turkle, Sherry
- artificial intelligence and human psychology, 202
- computational model of the mind and self, 203–204
- computational model of the world, 202
- making computer science appeal to more women, 15–16
- on male-dominated computer culture, 110
- The Second Self, 203
- technology, effects on human relationships and thinking, 180
- TV. See Video, TV, and movies
- Twitter
- built on Ruby on Rails, 262n61
- equal opportunity, 17
- fail whale, 262n61
- scaling up, 262n61
- self representation, 204
- technical employees, diversity, 17
- “Two cultures” problem, 42, 243n11
- 2001: A Space Odyssey, 177, 199
- Uganda, literacy classes for women, 253n155
- Ugly code, 15
- UK Dept of Education
- educational programs for programming, 11
- learning programming, 82
- national curriculum in England, 230n43
- UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), 47
- UNIVAC computer
- predicting results of 1952 Presidential election, 198
- U.S. census of 1950, 157, 197
- Universal computer, 201
- Universal grammar, 202–203
- University of Michigan, 65
- University of Pennsylvania Moore School, 158
- UPC (Universal Product Code) symbol, 166–167
- URL for, 6
- Urkel, Steve, played by Jaleel White, 18
- U.S. Adult Education Association, 78
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- employability for coders, chart, 86
- minorities in technical positions, 17, 235n73
- U.S. Department of Education, 57
- U.S. Steel, 54
- “The Use of Computers in Engineering Classroom Instruction
- User interaction, research on, 169
- Uses for computers, 168–169
- Vai people of Liberia, sociological study of, 32, 33, 103, 135
- Value of coders, cartoon, 2
- van Rossum, Guido, 43
- Varela, Francisco
- computational models of the mind and self, 203
- computational models of the world, 201
- Vee, Annette
- definition of literacy, 27
- literacy vs. literacies, 28
- new materialities, 30
- Verbatim, word origin, 192
- Verbatim interpretation of texts, 192
- Victor, Bret, 254n162
- Video, TV, and movies. See also Books and publications
- 2001: A Space Odyssey, 177, 199
-, promotional video, 76, 253n146
- “Code Stars” video, 85
- Colossus: The Forbin Project, 177, 199
- Dash and Dot robots, 44
- Desk Set, 198
- Family Matters, 18
- Little Brother, 177
- The Matrix Trilogy, 177
- Minority Report, 177
- movie special effects, 170
- Snow Crash, 177
- Super Sad True Love Story, 177
- “What Most Schools Don’t Teach,” 77, 82
- Video games
- arcade games, 170
- connection to obesity, 220, 291n14
- connection to programming, 220
- copyright laws, software, 251n129
- personal computers, 171
- promoting computational literacy, 220
- separated from computational literacy, 220
- teaching children to code, 1
- Vieira, Kate, 104, 186, 259n28, 284n74
- Vincent, David
- autonomous model of literacy, 240n148, 259n31
- consequences of literacy, 35
- on individual literacy, 186
- on the meaning of literacy, 91
- Virgin Mary, portrayal of the, 153–154
- Virtual currency, 213–214
- Virtual migration, 26
- VisiCalc spreadsheet program, 162–163, 170
- Visual programming languages, 111, 262n59
- Vocational training, 75
- von Neumann, John
- atomic bomb calculations, 158
- “First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC,” 236n93
- stored programs, 158
- Turing machine, 201
- von Neumann architecture, 106, 236n93. See also Stored programs, first concept of
- von Rossum, Guido, 82
- Voters, illiteracy, 194
- Voting Rights Act of 1965, 194
- WAC (writing across the curriculum), 73, 252n135
- Walter, Hubert, 148
- Wardrip-Fruin, Noah, 16, 126
- War on learning, 90
- War on Poverty, 60
- Waterfall development, 130
- Watt, Ian
- on alphabetic literacy, 30
- consequences of literacy, 35
- “The Consequences of Literacy,” 103, 259n28
- literacy and development of Western civilization, 103
- literacy as consequence of adopting writing, 30
- on literate mentalities, 181
- sociomaterial approach to writing, 103
- Wearable technologies, 1
- Weber, Max, 119, 144
- Weiner, Norbert, 65
- Weird languages, 124
- West Coast programming initiatives, 67
- Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center, 25
- “What Most Schools Don’t Teach,” 77, 82
- Wheeler, Susan, 265n103
- White, Jaleel, as Steve Urkel, 18
- “Why Johnny Can’t Write,” 1-2, 49
- Wide walls, 11, 231n45
-, advocacy for mass programming, 82–83
- Williams, Raymond
- keywords metaphor, 27, 45
- keywords project, 7, 229n16
- metaphors for literacy, 27, 238n120
- William the Conqueror, 149, 153
- Wills, written, 148, 187
- Wing, Jeannette
- computational thinking, 9–11
- CS for everyone, 14
- Winograd, Terry, 115
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 97, 116
- Wolf, Robert, 132, 134, 136
- Wolfram, Stephen, 201
- Women
- outreach to, 13
- CS majors at Carnegie Mellon University, 15–16
- in early computing, 108
- as geeks, stereotypical images of, 18
- gender bias in search results, 37
- making computer science more appealing to, 15–16
- in the origins of programming, 12
- search results, images of black women, 37
- in software careers, 165
- struggling for literacy and power, 35–36
- Women, in programming
- deterrences to, 15, 17–18
- in early computing, 108
- the “geek gene
- making computer science appeal to more women, 15–16
- male domination, 17, 110
- male stereotypes, 17–18
- math vs. engineering, 7, 244n17
- personality profiling, 17
- in the 1960s, 165–166
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 17, 235n73
- Women, literacy rates
- end of seventeenth century, 195
- medieval England, 152, 184
- in underdeveloped countries, 196
- Women, learning to code
- Black Girls Code initiative, 13, 78–79
- coding boot camps, 13
- Girl Develop It, 13, 75
- Google donation to the Made with Code initiative, 1
- Google support for, 1
- Hacker News, 15
- learn-to-code websites, 13
- literacy classes in Uganda, 253n155
- Made with Code initiative, 13
- self-teaching programming, 12–13
- Stack Overflow, 14
- #YesWeCode, 13
- Workplace surveillance programs, 37
- World Wide Web
- example of a code-based network, 212–213
- focus on the, 73
- Wozniak, Steve, 169
- Writing. See also Reading; Text
- as a basis for literacy, 182
- beginning of the era of official memory, 148
- changing caused by computers, 33–34
- changing expectations of literacy, 49–50
- commonalities with programming, 95
- comparative contexts for programming, 4–5
- as contributor to material intelligence, 182
- definition, 143
- discretization of information, 97–98
- in Egypt and Mesopotamia, 269n10
- as an extension of man, 95
- forgery, 188–189, 283n62
- heritage of moral goodness, 1–3
- historical framework for, 139–145
- historical parallels with programming, 139–145
- history of, 5 (see also Writing, in medieval England)
- intertwined with code, 23–26
- intertwined with computation, 23–26
- as literacy, 47
- literacy as consequence of, 30
- as the literacy of consequence, 180
- as material intelligence, 99–102
- as a necessity of life, 182 (see also Literacy, as a necessity of life)
- on paper vs. etching in stone, 102
- vs. programming (see Programming vs. writing)
- programming as (see Programming as writing)
- programming as written communication, 5–6 (see also Programming as writing)
- replacing with code, 24
- as a representation of truth, 191–192
- vs. speech, 97
- technology of, 228n9
- as a technology of the intellect, 95
- as technology that restructures thought, 95
- trade-offs between writing and programming, 120
- transition to mass literacy, 139–145
- WAC (writing across the curriculum), 73, 252n135
- Writing, a sociomaterial approach
- cognitive consequences, 102
- computer screens vs. paper, 104
- determinist theories (see Great divide between oral and literate cultures)
- to e-books, 104
- embedded biases, 105
- great divide between oral and literate cultures, 103–104, 181–182
- ideological model of literacy, 103, 259n31
- in immigrant communities, 104
- literacy and development of Western civilization, 103
- McLuhan’s “literate man” vs. “oral man,” “electronic man
- media archaeology, 104
- new materialism, 104
- overview, 102–105
- programming builds new knowledge, 105
- on T-shirts, 104
- writing on paper vs. etching in stone, 102
- Writing, as technology
- an extension of man, 95
- of the intellect, 95
- NLS (New Literacy Studies), 32
- that restructures thought, 95
- Writing, in medieval England
- Anglo-Norman language, 271n50
- availability of texts, 151, 273n74
- for the average person, 184
- beating the bounds, 147
- biblical concordance, 148
- books, accessibility to women, 152, 273n77
- Books of Hours, 152, 184, 191
- Catholic Church, 148–150
- in church and state, 146–150
- codification of English common law, 148
- collective literacy, 185–186, 193–196
- deeds (contracts), 148, 151, 187 (see also Property boundaries)
- documentation in medieval governance, 283n55
- Domesday Book, 149, 188, 271n50
- Dominican approach, 151
- English language, 271n50
- evolution of, 139–145
- government documents, 147
- Greek and Roman rhetorical tradition, 146
- indexing documents, 150
- inscripted knives, 153
- Latin, 271n50
- library policies, 151, 273n72
- literacy rates among women, 152, 184
- literate mentality, 144, 150, 154–155
- memorization, 146–147
- memory palace, 146
- under Norman control, 144, 146–147
- Old/Middle English language, 271n50
- overview, 139–145
- pace of evolution, 140–141
- papal bulls, 271n40
- participation in literacy, 185–186
- portrayal of the virgin Mary, 153–154
- property boundaries, 147, 148 (see also Deeds (contracts), evolution of)
- quasi-literacy, 185–186
- religious representations, 153
- retrievable documents, 150, 272n57
- sealing wax, 147
- shift from memory to written record, 269n10
- signatory seals, 153
- signatures, 186, 209
- spatial memory vs. temporal, 146
- from symbolic to practical, 150–155
- a tipping point, 185
- vernacular languages, 271n50
- written wills, 148
- Writing across the curriculum (WAC), 73, 252n135
- Written wills, medieval England, 148, 187
- Wysocki, Anne, 28
- Xerox PARC
- Dynabook laptop project, 72
- effects on thought patterns, 80
- research on user interaction, 169
- Smalltalk language, 111
- xkcd, 36–37
- #YesWeCode, 13, 83, 218
- Y2K crisis, 261n52
- YMCA, 54
- Zamansky, Michael, 89–90
- Z3 computer, 157
- Zone of proximal development, 101
- Zuckerberg, Mark
- founding of, 44
- promoting, 1, 76
- Zuse, Konrad
- computational models of the world, 201
- digital physics, 201
- explanation of, 287n126
- first programmable computer, 106
- Z3 computer, 157