
champion (CHAM-pee-uhn)—the winner of a competition or a tournament

chariot (CHA-ree-uht)—a small vehicle pulled by a horse, used in ancient times for battle or races

fasten (FASS-uhn)—to tie or attach firmly

grudge (GRUHJ)—a feeling of resentment toward someone who has hurt or insulted you in the past

immortalize (i-MOR-tuhl-ize)—to make something last forever

intimidate (in-TIM-uh-date)—to frighten

monogram (MON-uh-gram)—a design made from two or more letters, usually someone’s initials

oath (OHTH)—a serious, formal promise

platter (PLAT-ur)—a large, shallow plate used to serve food

unruly (uhn-ROO-lee)—hard to control or discipline