Chapter Eight

The phone jangled. Misty propped her head on her hand and watched as Taylor sat up and snatched the receiver off the cradle.

“Hello,” he growled. She stared at him as he nodded his head, agreeing with whoever he was speaking to. He slammed the phone down and she jumped.

He shook his head. “Looks like dinner will have to wait.” He grabbed his clothes. “We’ve got to go. Now.”

Misty scooped her clothes off the floor, her fingers trembling as she pulled them on. “What’s wrong?”

She frowned as he ignored her question, instead turning to inch the curtain away from the window. “Ready?” he asked, scanning the parking lot.

“Yeah.” She stared at his profile. “You want to clue me in?”

He walked to the dresser, pulling out the gun she saw him with the other day. He tucked it into the back of his pants. “No.”

Taylor led her to the front door and opened it a crack. “This isn’t exactly how I wanted to end our time together.”

She squeezed his hand. “I know.”

They paused at the outside door and he glanced around the area. “We’re clear.”

She nodded. “Let’s do it.”

They ran to his car and she caught the keys he tossed to her before he slipped into the back seat and wedged himself onto the floor. “Head for the exit. If you’re stopped, make something up. I wouldn’t want to shoot anyone.”

She nodded once, sure he meant what he said. “I’ve got it covered.”

Misty glanced in the backseat. It was a good thing Chevy made their cars with a lot of legroom or he’d have never fit. Thank God men never clean out their cars. He’d thrown a blanket over himself and, with all the junk back there, he wasn’t even noticeable. As she pulled out, ULTRA strike teams hustled into the parking lot.

An agent in familiar black and green armor waved her to a stop. She watched agents surround the building, packing an overabundance of firepower. She frowned. Did a couple of them have rocket launchers? Weren’t they even thinking about the innocent people in the building? This didn’t seem like the ULTRA she knew and worked with.

All this for one man? ULTRA really does have its knickers in a twist.

The agent leaned in, checking the interior of the car. “Did you see anyone leave this area within the past ten minutes?”

Her hands shook and she gripped the steering wheel a little tighter. “No, I’m sorry, I didn’t. I work the night shift at my job and just got up. Did something happen?”

“We’ve been alerted to a wanted criminal in the area.”

“Oh.” I shouldn’t be this nervous, she thought. I’m an ULTRA liaison, for pity’s sake. She noticed the agent taking in her mussed hair and rumpled clothing. She smiled as she realized the agent was looking down the shirt she hadn’t completely buttoned up. “Is he hiding around here?”

The agent grinned at her. “Anything’s possible. You’d best stay away for a few hours.”

Misty gunned the engine. “Thanks for the warning and good luck.” She pulled out of the parking lot, her speed increasing the farther she went. She was halfway to Angel Haven before she pulled over. “Okay, it’s safe.”

Taylor sat up, his hair and clothing as disheveled as hers. “That was quite a bit of storytelling. Have you always had this particular talent?”

She grinned. “Nope. It’s a learned ability.”

He slid into the driver’s seat. “I’ll take over.”

Misty pushed herself over to the passenger’s side. “Good. My hands are still shaking.” She watched him for a minute. “How can you be so calm?”

“Practice,” he murmured. “A whole lot of practice.”

They arrived at the mansion. Taylor put the car in park and stared out the windshield.

“What will you do now that they’ve found you?” Misty asked.

“There’re other places I can go,” he said. “I’ve got to do some checking. I’ll call you later.”

Misty turned his face to hers and kissed him, pleased when he deepened it. She got out and stood on the porch, watching him drive away.


Jack pulled into the warehouse and sat there listening to the ticking engine cool. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he considered the possibilities. He figured he had three main options. One of his group had sold out, someone was captured, or Misty was somehow involved.

He hit the steering wheel. “Damn it!” He got out, slamming the car door.

ULTRA would leave a small patrol at the apartment, so that place wasn’t good anymore. He stomped to the kitchen and grabbed a beer as he made himself something to eat. He could stay here and he always had the country house. He dropped on the couch and turned the television on.

He laid his head back, closing his eyes. “Bloody hell, I’m tired.”

Footsteps crept near and he tensed, his combat sense kicking in as he stayed still. He counted to ten, then reached over his shoulder, flipping the intruder to the floor in front of him. He grinned. “Hey, Frank. I think this one puts me up at least a hundred to five.” He extended his hand, pulling his friend to his feet.

Frank glared at him. “I hate it when you do that.” He brushed himself off. “I came by to see if you made it out okay.”

“I had help.” He wouldn’t meet Frank’s stare. “Misty covered for me.”

Frank cringed. “You did not just say that to me. Why would you take her back to the apartment?”

“None of your damn business,” Jack muttered, feeling his face warming.

Frank stared at him and then burst out laughing. “Are you blushing? You are. Wait until Amy hears about this.”

“Don’t start with me.”

Frank cleared his throat. “Could Cyber-X have put a tracer on you?”

Jack shook his head. “No. With all the sensors I have, I would’ve picked it up and he wouldn’t have sent ULTRA. He’d come for me himself. He wants to complete his contract.” He sat back down on the couch. “Has anyone been taken?”

“Not that I know of.” Frank sat at the other end. “Do you think we’ve got a turncoat?”

Jack shrugged. “I don’t know.” He stopped, not wanting to voice his other suspicion. “It could’ve been Misty.”

Frank just stared at him in silence. Then he said, “I’ll bring the group here tomorrow night and we’ll kick around some ideas.”


The next evening, Jack pulled out the gear he wore as Scavenger. The green breastplate still fit him perfectly, but the blades on the black mesh on his arms weren’t ULTRA issued. Those he’d taken from a villain. The gold gauntlets were another piece of stolen villain equipment. Everything else, the gray mesh leg armor, the reinforced boots, the leg holster, all came from his time at ULTRA. He checked his weapons. Everything was ready.

He still had a few hours before Frank and his team were due at the warehouse. If he could find out anything new, he would. He climbed in his van and pulled out. Time to get information, and there was only one man to see. He headed for one of the poorer sections of the city.


Jack leaned over the edge of the roof of a three-story building, looking for a particular man in the crowds below. Spying him, he jumped off the roof, his artificial legs absorbing the impact. He landed in the narrow alley between the buildings. He grabbed a dirty, disheveled man, dragging him into the shadowed space.

Jack smiled grimly. “Having a good night, Mexico?”

The Hispanic man shrugged. “Could be better. What up wit’ you, man?”

“ULTRA’s getting close. What do you know? And talk like a regular human being. You know I can’t stand it when you talk like an illiterate slob. Save it for the cops.”

Mexico straightened up, losing the heavy accent. “You’re the boss.” He glanced up and down the alley. “You’ve pissed off a lot of important people. Fenmore’s goons got their hands on a telepathic tracker. You’re lucky all they could get was a kid with no experience.”

“Just bloody terrific,” Jack mumbled. “Anything else?”

“Only that if Fenmore’s involved, the kid’s got to be scared to death.” Mexico shrugged. “Other than that, nothing.”

That explained how they found the apartment. A small bit of relief crept in as he realized this information let Misty off the hook. “Can you let me know if you hear anything new?”

“I need a new number,” the informant said. He gave Jack a small, rumpled piece of paper and a pen.

He quickly scrawled a number and handed it back to him. “Try this one and be careful who you talk to. Only a couple of us know what you’re doing now.”

“I’m always careful. I know who to talk to.”

Jack pushed a wad of hundred dollar bills in his hand. “Keep yourself safe.”

Mexico grabbed his hand and smiled. “You too, boss.”


Jack walked into the warehouse, frowning when he saw the new television he’d recently purchased flicker. His artificial eye scanned the building, but he only saw a thin, dark-haired woman sleeping on the couch. He tapped her on the shoulder. “This isn’t a hotel, my dear.”

She jumped up, resettling her glasses. “Jack!” She threw her arms around him in a fierce hug. “I’ve been so worried about you.”

He set her off to one side and began removing his armor. “I’m glad you’re here, Amy. I worry every time you walk into ULTRA’s bloody building.”

She smiled, watching him lay the weapons in the footlocker. “Still treating me like the baby of the group?”

He patted her head. “You are the baby.”

Amy chuckled. “You’re never going to change, are you?”

“Nope.” He pulled on a pair of sweat pants. “I guess you got Frank’s message?’

“Yes. I came here when my shift was over. I went home first to make sure I wasn’t followed.” She shifted from foot to foot. “He said the apartment’s been compromised.”

Jack nodded, snapping the lock shut on the footlocker. “I’m not sure what else they know. I don’t want you taking any unnecessary chances.”

“ULTRA has no reason to suspect me. I’m just a clerk in the file room.” She gave him an innocent smile, making her look years younger.

“You’re not fooling me, my girl.” She’d used that same smile many times in the past and sometimes on him. “You’ve got access to all those records and all that information. Just watch yourself.”

“Yes, boss man,” she said, adjusting her glasses.

Jack greeted each member of his team as they arrived. He looked at the clock. It was getting late and Frank still hadn’t appeared. He’d finally decided to go look for him when his friend staggered in, his eyes red, lips pressed into a tight line. The rest of the team made room for him on the couch. Amy sat next to him and laid her hand on his shoulder.

“Jerry and Allen were taken,” Frank said in a shaking voice. “I saw what they did to them. It was...I can’t...” He stopped, taking a shuddering breath. “They’re dead.”

The team silently waited for him to continue. “They were definitely the rogue agents,” Frank mumbled, looking at the floor. “How do they keep finding us?”

“They’ve got a telepathic tracker,” Jack said quietly.

He went to the kitchen and poured himself a drink. Two more men, good men, gone. His eyes burned as he silently mourned his fallen friends. Gulping a second glass to steady himself, he went back to the team, handing Frank the bottle.

Amy looked up at him. “What are we going to do?”

“We get out of the city,” Jack said. “We need to scatter. They’ve got a better chance of finding us if we stay here. Head for the country house. Get clothes, money, whatever you need and leave. Amy, you’re not going back to ULTRA.”

“You need me there,” she said. “I’m close to finding the evidence to clear you.”

He waved her silent. “It doesn’t matter now. The important thing is the safety of the team. Understood?”

Amy and the rest of the team nodded. “Yes, boss.”

Frank paused before leaving. “You’d better call Misty if you plan to disappear. She may come looking for you.”

“I’ll take care of it. Now go. Get people safe.”

There’s so few of us left, Jack thought watching his team leave. I don’t know how we’re going to finish it.

He pulled out his repair kit from under the couch. A sharp pain twinged in his left shoulder and shot down to his wrist. “I should’ve stayed in prison,” he mumbled, repairing the damaged area.