Chapter Thirty

Jack took Misty’s hand while Cap led them to the workout room, where a priest stood talking to other members of the Challengers. The priest appeared to be in his mid-thirties, and his light brown hair was disheveled. Dust covered his clothes, and he had gauze wrapped around his left hand. A five o’clock shadow darkened his cheeks, but his green eyes were bright and kind.

“I contacted a local priest whose parish isn’t far from here,” Cap said. “He’s going to perform your ceremony.”

Jack looked suspiciously at the captain. “Does he know who we are?”

“He has many ties to the paranormal community. He can keep our secret safe.”

Jack glanced at Misty then back at the priest. “He’s the first one I’ve seen who needs a shave.”

Cap grinned. “He’s not a typical man of the cloth. He and his friend just finished banishing some low level demons and he hasn’t had a chance to get cleaned up. He came as soon as I called him.”

Misty stood beside Jack, Rena took her place to Misty’s left, and Cap stood to Jack’s right. The rest of the Challengers’ team stood witnessing while the priest performed the brief ceremony.

As Misty kissed her new husband, she thought of the future. Would they be able to have the large wedding they talked about? Or would her fears be realized? Would he be locked away from her forever? She held him a little tighter, smiling slightly when he squeezed her before stepping back. She gazed at his face, not used to seeing him without the eye-patch and not looking like an angry storm was about to be unleashed.

After completing the ceremony, Cap walked the priest to the door, and Rena turned to Misty. “So Jack’s going to go through this again, except on a larger scale, when this is over?”

Misty turned to her. “Will you stop reading my thoughts?”

Rena shook her head. “Not until I’m sure he won’t screw this up a second time.”

“He won’t.” Misty turned to see her new husband walk to the control panel and program in a workout session. She blushed as she thought about their recent “workouts.” She was ready for another one right then.

“Oh, please, stop,” Rena said. “I do not need to know any of this.”

Misty grinned. “Then stop peeking.”

“Turn down the libido or I may not have any choice except to jump him myself,” Rena said. “Remember, I’ve got a power glitch. And I can appreciate the man now.”

Misty just smiled and walked away, leaving Rena to follow her. The two Angels turned at the door and watched Jack start a workout routine. Misty had appreciated him from the first day they’d met.


The next day, Jack rolled his shoulders as he faced off with Cap and several other members of the Challengers. He glanced behind him, noting the spot where the strongman of the Challengers’ team stood. The girl who had brought him his breakfast when he was still laid up stood behind Cap and to his left. A buzzer sounded and Cap feinted to the right. Jack followed him, not falling for the diversionary tactic.

“That’s the oldest trick in the book, Cap,” Jack said, throwing up his arm to block the punch coming at him. He dropped and took out the hero with a leg sweep, rolling out of the grasp of the big guy. He came up near the girl, barely ducking as she fired a sparkling blast of violet energy.

The Challengers strongman charged up behind him, grabbing him in a bone-crushing hug as he pinned Jack’s arms to his sides while lifting him off the floor. Instead of struggling to free himself, he fired a small missile from his gauntlet into the big man’s foot. “It’s a good thing you’re damn near indestructible. Otherwise, I’d have had to do something a lot more painful,” Jack said.

The large man dropped him, and Cap’s shield clipped his breastplate to bounce up and glance off his forehead. “Give up, my friend,” Cap called.

Jack grabbed the shield, giving the captain a wicked grin as he wiped at the blood starting to run down his cheek. He tapped his head where the shield cut him open. “Metal skull, Cap. Not going down.”

Jack threw the shield, knowing Cap would duck and counted on the girl’s inexperience not to avoid being hit. Cap dove at Jack, taking out his legs. Jack rolled out of it, simultaneously pulling his sonic rifle. A quick check to make sure it was on low power, and he fired, stunning Cap, effectively taking him out of the fight.

He turned, hearing the lumbering man charge him from behind and fired his flash pistol, shutting down the attack. Jack jumped at him, hitting him with a head butt, knocking him over.

The buzzer sounded again as Captain Starblast shook off the effects of the sonic pulse to look up into a rifle, ending in Jack’s grinning face.

“I think I’m ready now, Cap,” Jack said, offering his old friend a hand up. He watched as the Challengers members got to their feet.

Cap nodded. “You didn’t even break a sweat. We can go in any time now.”

“Mike will be happy to hear that,” Jack said. “He’s anxious to get this whole thing wrapped up.”

“Jack,” Cap said quietly, holding his hand out. “It’s good to have you back.”

He stared at Captain Starblast before taking the hero’s hand in a firm grip. “It’s nice to be working with you again. I guess you can stop looking over your shoulder.”

Cap grinned. “Thanks.” He nodded at the control room. “I think someone was watching you.”

Jack turned and saw Misty standing there. He waved to her, smiling as she waved back.


The next afternoon, Misty looked up as Frailer entered the briefing room. “I need to ask you something before the others get here.”

Frailer began laying folders in front of the chairs that would soon be occupied. “Ask away. I’ll try to answer anything I can.”

She stopped, not wanting to ask the question, but needing to know. “What’s going to happen to him when this is over?”

The commander turned to her. “You’re talking about a complicated case. Let’s say we get the original evidence back and everything goes as planned. I know I can clear Jack of the original charges.”

He glanced at her. “After that, it’s a crap shoot. It depends on what the evidence shows, and what can be proven. He’s committed some serious crimes, even if it was for the greater good.”

Misty sank down in a chair, her legs refusing to hold her up any longer. “You’re still going to help him, right?”

Frailer smiled and nodded. “Of course. I’ve got a plan in place that I’m discussing with people more powerful than I am. Let’s just take it one day at a time.”

She sat back and folded her arms, trying to work off an internal chill. Mike seemed confident that everything would work out fine, but would it? She’d feel better if he would just tell her what he had in mind. Things had a way of going in unexpected directions in the hero business, and with this whole ugly situation, it just might take that left turn at Albuquerque.

Jack walked in the room with Cap leading in his team. Misty’s heart leapt at the sight on him, and she refused to allow despair to rule whatever time they had together. She smiled as he took his place next to her

“We can go whenever you want,” Jack said.

“Excellent!” Mike said breaking out in a broad smile. “This time, we’ll have the proper ending to this situation.”

“I hope you’re right,” Jack murmured. “If we blow it, we’ll never ferret them out.”

Rena walked in and looked at the assembled heroes. “Let’s see. We have the ULTRA commander, the team leader of the Challengers, and the infamous Jack McClennan. Talk about too many chiefs.” She grinned. “So who’s running this little shindig?”

They all looked at Jack. “I guess it’s me for right now.”

“I don’t see Frank and Amy. Where’d they run off to?”

Jack glanced at her. “They’re on special assignments for me. I’ll fill them in when they get back.” He turned to Mike. “I’m still in contact with my old team. If you want them, I can get them.”

Mike nodded. “If the Grave Diggers squad knew this was going down and they weren’t in on it, they’d kill me. Bring them on board.”

Jack smiled. Mike appeared to know his team as well as he did. “I’ll get the word out.”

“Now, on to the matter at hand.” Mike turned on the projector and showed the floor plans. He pointed to the fifth floor. “This is where the stairs ended, correct?” The heroes nodded. “Then if there’s more to this area, there must a concealed entrance somewhere. Jack, any ideas?”

Jack stood, studying the diagram. “Probably here,” he said, pointing to the east wall. “It would go right under the main building, and they wouldn’t have had to do much to set it up. Extend the wiring and piping, and it’s ready. The regular ULTRA wouldn’t even notice it.” He glanced at Mike. “Sorry.”

“It’s all right. I agree with you,” Mike said. “What do you think will be the most effective way to attack?”

“I’ve been giving that some thought,” he said. “I think two teams. Descend the stairs about five minutes apart. That way, no team is on their own too long. Mike, I’d like you to take a team of trustworthy agents and secure the perimeter around the building. If any agents get by us, you can stop them.” Jack nodded to Rena. “When we’ve finished, I’ll have Rena telepathically call you to come in for the final sweep.”

Mike stood, staring at the screen. “You know who you want on your teams, yet?”

Jack nodded. “I’ll take Rena, Frank, and the Challengers’ new girl with me. I’d like Captain Starblast to take Misty, Mindspell, and the Challengers’ muscle. We’ll each have a telepath so we won’t need radios.”

“Sounds like a good plan,” Mike said, gathering his papers. “I’ve already started selecting agents. Let’s set it for two days, then.”

Jack nodded as he shook Mike’s hand. “I may have another person coming with us. He’s trustworthy, and we can use him. Keep in touch.”

“You too,” Mike said.

Misty stayed seated as the rest filed out. She stared at Jack, her eyes narrowing. When the room was empty, she asked, “Why are you taking Rena on your team?”

“Because I plan to be the first one down the stairs,” he said. “You have the experience needed to help the rookie telepath. I won’t have that kind of time.” He pulled Misty into his arms. “I’m counting on you to make sure she doesn’t panic. I’m going to need both telepaths on their game. Putting Mindspell with you and Cap, I’ll know she’ll have the guidance and the confidence to get through the fight.”

She smiled. “I thought you may have some other deep, dark reason for taking the gorgeous red-head instead of me.”

He cupped her cheek. “I do. If you’re with me, I’ll worry about you.” He held up his hand, stopping the protest he knew was coming. “I know you can take care of yourself. It won’t stop me from trying to protect you. I’ll be scared enough for you when we go.”

“And you don’t think I’ll worry about you every second we’re apart?” she asked.

He smiled. “I know you will. That’s why being on different teams is important.” He ran his thumb over her cheekbone. “If I saw you get hurt, things would get ugly.”

She gazed in his eyes. “I think that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”

He kissed her lightly, holding her tight. “I have to go see someone. Want to come with me?”

“Like I wouldn’t want to spend more time with you?” she snorted. “As if.”

He laughed. “You hang out with Rena too much. You sound just like her.”

Misty grinned. “Well, we are best friends. Let me grab my stuff and we’ll go.”

Watching her walk out, Jack knew he was going to move heaven and hell to stay with the woman who restored trust and love to his life.