Ilya and Emilia Kabakov


I The principle and main structure of the “Center of Cosmic Energy”

Why is the “Center of Cosmic Energy” built in Essen, in the Kokerei region? (historical and archeological premises)

At the beginning of the twentieth century, some caves were discovered to the north of the city of Essen in the tall slopes on the right bank of the river Ruhr. These caves have not been preserved until our time. Some drawings that have been preliminarily dated as belonging to the beginning of the first century B.C. were discovered on the walls of the caves. These were executed with coal or etched onto the surface with some sharp instrument. A few photographs of these drawings were included in an album published in 1902 by Nordrhein Westfalen (scientific) society, and this album is kept in the Düsseldorf city library. Among other drawings, three strange depictions attracted the attention of scholars, but no explanation of them was offered at that time.

Interest in these strange depictions was reawakened in 1961 in connection with the construction of a ventilation complex in the region of Kokerei. In digging the foundations at a depth of 3.5 meters, semi-circular fragments made of a hard material and large in size (up to 40–50 cm in length) were discovered. Unfortunately, because of the construction of the factory, the archeological excavations that had begun in this place were halted, and were resumed only after 1991, when the entire complex here in Kokerei had stopped functioning.

Continued in 1993–94, these excavations led to unexpected, sensational results. Two groups of objects were found that still do not have any analogies in world archeological practice. Belonging in the first group of discoveries are three well-preserved reservoirs arranged at an angle, one above the other. Furthermore, these reservoirs are located in such a way that the mouth of the lower one enters into the bottom of the reservoir located above it. All the reservoirs are made of a dense rocky mass similar to concrete: the height of each is 2.6 meters; the thickness of the walls varies from 8 to 12 cm. Research has indicated that the walls and the bottom of the reservoir are completely clean, which attests to the fact that they did not serve as places for keeping reserves of some kind, but rather the intended purpose of these large, empty cavities was completely different.

The second group of discoveries, located at a distance of 40 meters away from the first group, consists of two objects: the same kind of bowl-like reservoir as in the first group, but of significantly larger size (more than 3 meters) and just as well preserved; and below this reservoir a complex of two arches connected to one another by their protruding sides. The size of each arch is 4.5 meters, and they are made of the exact same material as that used by the ancient builders for making the “reservoirs.” Archeologists and other scholars immediately turned their attention to the close similarity of the discovered objects and the cave drawings. This similarity and the motives for making the former and the latter provoked great discussion in the scholarly press and prompted the emergence of a few versions describing the nature of the “Essen phenomenon” and the proposed hypotheses about the use of these objects and their depictions in antiquity.

Among such hypotheses, we can distinguish the following:

The presupposition that what we have are fragments of an ancient ritual, an “initiation,” that was widespread among Celtic tribes. The date of the objects supports this version: 1–2 centuries B.C., a time when Celtic tribes densely populated this region. Another version associates the discoveries with the funeral rituals of the Druids. Cited as proof of this theory are the depictions of human figures on the drawings from the tunnels that also served, according to this theory, as burial places. The similarity of these figures to other cave-wall drawings in other places supports this meaning and purpose of these drawings. But still the genuine meaning of these “reservoirs” that do not resemble burial places remains unexplained.

Recently, the majority of scholars are offering a completely different explanation of these discoveries. This explanation appears rather convincing, and it has served as the basis not only for a scientific hypothesis addressing the past, but also as the reason for a large experiment that incorporates the necessity to build a special complex that will be called the “Center of Cosmic Energy”.

Below we shall move on to a detailed description of this hypothesis. According to this version, the drawings in the caves, as well as the objects found on the territory of Kokerei, have one and the same cosmic purpose. In terms of meaning, they should be attributed to the same ancient kinds of proof of a connection with the cosmos, like Stonehenge in England or the slanted “ring” in the Ziggurat region in northern Mexico. Moreover, both in the drawings and in the objects, the presence of similar subjects that are connected to one another is very obvious: the schematic depiction of the two arches and the “real” arches in one case; the schematic depiction of three bowl-type reservoirs and the “real” reservoirs in another. In the first instance, we can thereby propose the presence of structures consisting of two arched antennas, one of which is aimed upward at an incline toward the cosmos, and the other one is aimed downward, in the direction of Earth. In the second instance, we can propose that all three reservoirs were intended for preserving in some special way the cosmic energy received here.

Such an interpretation of the discoveries served as the basis for the idea of verifying ancient practices and the proposal for such an “experiment”: How and in what way can the energy of the Cosmos be received and processed, so that mastery over it would lead to the emergence of new, unlimited possibilities for mankind in the future.

Another stimulus for the benefits of continuing the ancient experiment was the ever expanding interest of modern science in the problem of so-called “subtle” energies that, up to this point, are still not received using highly accurate scientific instruments, but only by a specially oriented neuron system of the brain that under certain circumstances turns out to be many times more sensitive. This is precisely what is generally known and widespread under the understanding of “intuition,” the cognitive capacities of which have attracted attention only very recently.

This capacity of human intuition is “set in motion” in the most serious way in the concept behind the creation of a “Center,” and will serve as one of the main methods to be used here, along with other scientific methodology conducted in the Center’s experimental work.

II Four intuitions

Before enumerating these four intuitions and revealing the content of each of them, a few words should be said about the nature of “intuition” itself and how it differs from fantasy, even though the character of their emergence in the imagination is identical and the nature of both of them is rather similar.

The nature of fantasies, no matter how convincing these fantasies might appear for their author, is always transparent, ephemeral, it is always the result of the author’s imagination and, as a rule, their images are born by the creative will of the author. In this sense, fantasy is always arbitrary and is obedient to the author’s caprices.

Intuition, on the contrary, always has some real “ground” underlying it. In some way, intuition sees and reveals what “really does exist,” and sometimes it is capable of foreseeing what will happen in the future. The presence of such “reality” emerges inside of consciousness like a signal, often without any anticipation or consent of the author. Consciousness in these instances turns out to be merely a conductor, a medium of these real forces and circumstances that in this way signal their existence and that subsequently will become known and accessible to each person.

Now a few words about the person in whom such “intuition” emerges. Often he, just like others, is surprised by what his intuition tells him. Moreover, it is merely a special strangely tranquil inner confidence that serves as a guarantee of the correctness and authenticity of this intuition, because there is nothing from the already existing “knowledge” that confirms it, and more often than not this existing knowledge contradicts what has been “revealed” to him by intuition. Often confirmation of such “correctness” requires significant time. And this occurs particularly often in those instances that involve intuitively discovered facts or knowledge.

1 Intuition of “place”

This intuition presumptively speaks about the fact that certain places on our planet for some reason are especially sensitive and perceptive to the reception of cosmic energy, at the same time that the majority of other places maintain their neutrality toward it. In these places it is as though a very high energy charge is present constantly, that most often does not coincide and is not connected with favorable climatic conditions in these regions. Moreover, these places are most often found in an especially “unfavorable” climate. In all probability, there is a sufficient quantity of such places on Earth, but they have not all been discovered yet. The human organism, his psyche, actively reacts when he winds up in such a place. His reaction, as a rule, is always the same: he feels a surge of strength, tranquility, confidence – being present in such a place is always a positive experience. In antiquity, and also relatively recently, such places were chosen as sites for erecting temples and other religious structures.

What is interesting in all this is the fact that such places may be entirely dissimilar topographically. They can be located in mountains or in valleys; you might say that they are indifferent to the geographical landscape, as well as to the climate. The cosmic energetics of these places is not connected with the change of seasons throughout the year, or with the rising and setting of the Sun and Moon – this cosmic energy is present here perpetually, without fluctuation.

Attempts have been made since long ago to discover the geometric regularities of the locations of such places on our planet. A few systems exist that establish a similar geometric network; moreover, in each such hypotheses, a proposed energetic (cosmic) center of the Earth is always indicated, from which “spokes” spread in all four directions. Energy points on the Earth are arranged along these “spokes.” Various civilizations have indicated, as a rule, the presence of such a center on its own territory. (As in Ancient Greece in Delphi there existed such a center called the “bellybutton of the Earth” that was represented by an oval rock standing vertically near Apollo’s temple.)

In conclusion, it must be repeated that we are always talking about a place on the surface of the Earth that was originally empty and not connected with those structures – forums, temples, altars, heathen places of worship – that were erected in these places one after another just because one civilization followed another. Just the opposite is true: they were erected here precisely thanks to the special favorable qualities of these places -- the cosmic chargedness that was perceived intuitively by the builders. In our case, intuition is affirmed to a great degree of certainty: the region of Kokerei possesses precisely those qualities indicated above.

2 Intuition of “60 degrees”

This intuition can be formulated briefly in the following way.

Cosmic energy flows toward the Earth to the indicated places not vertically downward, but at a 60 degree angle toward the plane of the horizon. This extraordinarily important and categorical maxim is confirmed by the most diverse methods from various epochs of countries and civilizations that existed independent of one another and that were separated not only by gigantic distances, but also by temporal intervals that were just as large. This permits us to assert the following regularity: As soon as some structure, willingly or not, includes in it an orientation toward the Cosmos, then the law of “60 degrees” is immediately activated.

An illustration of such an example is provided. In the lower part of the table there are examples of mythical or real structures of various ancient civilizations: Babylon, Egypt, Mexico. It can be seen on the sketch that the angle in all three cases – the Tower of Babel, the pyramids in Giza, and the Mexican Ziggurats is always identical – 60 degrees. Many artists of the Russian avant-garde of the beginning of the twentieth century also used this angle in numerous projects and sketches. The peculiar trait of these projects is their unbelievably active cosmic orientation, their conceptualization as such that was often unconscious even for some of the authors. This could have occurred because the revolutionary rupture that had been moving forward since the beginning of the century and then realized with the Russian Revolution, broke, if we might express it this way, the cultural and historical defense of the consciousness of a person and in this breach many sensed not only a world-wide catastrophe, but also an encounter with cosmic flows, with the “open cosmos.” Many artists, on account of their special sensitivity, felt this “cosmic wind,” they perceived a new cosmic energetics, they acquired, in the words of Matiushin, “expanded consciousness.” New projects emerged that were cloaked in a new energy, projects that the authors perceived as visual images coming to them from the future. The following projects were created virtually simultaneously: Tatlin’s Tower, “Lenin on the Tribunal,” by El Lissitzky, Malevich’s “Suprematism,” A. Rodchenko’s “Linearism,” and many other works by various authors: Klutsis, Puni, Rozanova. And works engendered by the “intuition of 60 degrees” (cosmic intuition) created by authors who were not at all similar, who were often separated by artistic orientations and methods that were contrary to one another – received common constructive elements all at once, such as diagonality, or the determination of the angle in relation to the vertical axis and horizon, moreover, as a rule this angle either approached or coincided entirely with (as in the case of Tatlin’s “Tower), a 60 degree angle.

Subjecting such a “cosmic angle” to the analysis of archeological discoveries in the region of Kokerei demonstrated, as was anticipated, their precise coincidence: the angle of the axis of the slant of the reservoirs was a 60 degree angle (to 0.04 percent accuracy) in relation to the line of the horizon. This property became one of the leading ideas used in projecting the “Center of Cosmic Energy.”

3 Intuition “The throne”

This intuition speaks about a means for perceiving the cosmic flow that is moving toward us. It is not intuition, but rather logic, that tells us that the optimal position for the reception of such a flow would be if the landscape were to be strictly perpendicular to this flow; that is, that itself was standing at a 30 degree angle to the level of the horizon. We shall return to such a layout of the landscape a bit later, but now let’s turn our attention to the depiction of the human figure on the wall of the cave.

The slanted position of the figure is not accidental, and it is as though it is aimed in the direction of the axis that runs through all three “reservoirs.” The thought automatically occurs that inside our body there are three main “arches of reception” for perceiving the cosmic flow that are constantly in a working state throughout our entire existence. These, as follows from sketch, are the back part of the skull, the lower part of the chest cavity in the back, and the pelvis. And these are those very places where, according to evidence provided by physiologists, the deepest unconscious impulses of our beings arise.

But let’s return to the image of “The Throne.” The very first explorers who went to so-called exotic places such as Altai, Tibet, Iceland, noticed that the local inhabitants were very familiar with special places in their landscapes, and that these places were profoundly honored. These places all have something in common, namely: each of them forms the shape of a “throne” -- a gigantic semi-circular hollow in the mountainside, where the “spine” turns out to be a tall, even slope, and the base departs vertically downward, revealing before it and far below an infinite valley or a view of the mountains all the way to the very horizon. And one other thing: inside of these “thrones” there is an extraordinarily strong presence of cosmic feeling, the presence of the same kind of cosmic flow that we spoke of earlier. In the northern Altai region, such a place is even called by an appropriate name: “The Throne of the Gods.” The temple of Apollo in Delphi is also placed precisely on just such a “throne.” The landscape in Iceland has similar structures, where the first parliament of this country was built at some point. The Tibetan capital of Lhasa and the ancient Mycenae in Greece are also laid out in such a fashion. All of these examples attest to the fact that the shape of a “throne” is optimal for the problem that interests us.

The horizontal, flat arrangement of the region of Kokerei it seems would not confirm what has been said above, but we must not forget that the configuration of the landscape in many cases is not a constant quality, but rather is subject to alteration. Samples of deep geological layers of the earth in this region attest to another, more diagonal layout in the distant past. A confirmation of the angle of the old relief is provided by the angle of the clay layers of earth and the arrangement of gravel around the three “reservoirs.”

During the construction of the “Center of Cosmic Energy,” the intuition of the “throne” as discussed above will find its expression in the mechanism of the viewers’ places in the slanted hall.

4 Intuition “Close energy”

While thinking about the mutual arrangement of the two “antennae” found during excavations where one was aimed downward, the other upward, as well as about the configuration of the “throne,” the following questions emerge: from where, from which point, does this energy flow toward us, how far away is this place, and in general, can such a place actually exist in the cosmos?

At first glance, such questions seem absurd. It is completely obvious that, in the first place, the cosmos “envelops,” surrounds, our planet on all sides evenly. The earth is submerged, so to speak, in a cosmic ocean. In the second place, if we imagine flows of cosmic energy, then they come to us from the entire Cosmos as though from a unified whole, and consequently, from such an unimaginable distance that we do not have to speak about some specific point. All of this is logical and obvious. But if we turn to an intuitive sensation that arises when you find yourself on one of these “thrones” (in Iceland or in Delphi), then a very strong feeling emerges of that energy coming to this very spot, moving also from some specific place in cosmic space, and what is most surprising, this point is located not in the infinite, unimaginable distance, but relatively close to the Earth. It is as though the irradiation from this one point is aimed at a concrete place, and nearby, almost right next to it, it is not perceived at all, it is as though it doesn’t exist.

This strange but real experience can be compared to the acoustic effect that is familiar in the amphitheater in the city of Epidaurus and in other amphitheaters in Ancient Greece. Ideal audibility exists only inside the space of such an amphitheater, but all you have to do is to step a meter or two away to the side, and the acoustic effect entirely disappears.

If we were to seek another comparison to convey the feeling of the energy flow coming toward you, then we might use the image of a shower and the specific spot where a person must stand in order to be under the flow of water. A step to the right or a step to the left, and you are outside the “shower.”

If we accept what has been described above as admissible, then it becomes clear that the sphericity of the antennae aimed upward (we are talking about the “antennae” found in the excavations), is oriented toward the reception of just such “close” energy. But what does the antenna aimed downward signify? The very same intuition provides the answer: it is aimed at the flow of energy emanating from the depths of the Earth.

The most interesting thing is the adjoining of both antennae in the same spot. Does this mean that this is the meeting place of two energies that are aimed in opposite directions? What is their interaction? Do they transition from one to another?

5 E. Rozenfeld’s Hypothesis

In an article dedicated to an analysis of the interconnection of such “split” antennae, the American physicist E. Rozenfeld put forth the following hypothesis: isn’t it possible to make a connection between the diverse directions that the antennae are aimed, and at the same time, their interconnectedness with one another, by using the problem of “reversibility” in the movement of time, a problem that has attracted the attention of contemporary physicists for a long time. Moreover, Rozenfeld completely refused to interpret the significance of the antennae as sources of some sort of information from the Cosmos, confident that the antennae had a different purpose.

He focused his attention on the emergence of an uninterrupted line crossing over from the upper antenna to the lower one, as well as on the fact that the upper antenna was placed not symmetrically, but a bit higher than the lower one.

According to his hypothesis, the upper antenna, turned toward the Cosmos, is connected with future time. Consequently, the lower antenna, turned toward the Earth, is connected with past time.

The point of intersection of the two antennae, as a result, was the place where one time passes into the other. It is as though what takes place is a kind of transfer flow of the upper, future time, into the past. But, what is most interesting, is that time, according to this theory, flows not only from the future to the past, but also from the past to the future! This process is identified using the term “reversibility.” The alternation of these two flows of time that are aimed in opposite directions occurs cyclically. In each cycle, during the first phase, time flows from the future to the past. The future in this case is active, and the energy of the Cosmos moves from top downward, from the upper to the lower antenna. But after a certain period, the energy of the Earth, which always acts as secondary, as perceptive, resists this movement and its energy begins to move from down to up. During this second phase, time begins to flow in the opposite direction, from the past to the future, to the very limit, until the action of the first phase begins again.

Such alternations profoundly affect, according to Rozenfeld’s thoughts, the historical life of human civilizations. The phase of the Cosmos’s influence corresponds to positive, creative, active periods in their histories. The strong sensation of an approaching future evokes enthusiasm, positive emotions. During this period the attitude toward the past is indifferent, almost negative, and the desire to change it, to redo it, emerges. During the period of action of the second cycle, the future stops attracting us, and a period of stagnation begins; the past in all its forms seizes the social life, acts like an active, functioning beginning. But, since the energetics of the future and the past do not coincide in terms of their potential, the time of the future always begins with greater surprise and decisiveness than the past, which functions gradually and indecisively during its cycle.

In his hypothesis, E. Rozenfeld, in order to illustrate this cyclical nature, compared the first phase with a blustering approaching spring, and the second with a gradually approaching autumn. An indirect confirmation of this theory of “cycles” is provided by the history of the emergence of the construction of Kokerei and of this entire gigantic industrial region, and then dying out.

For verifying E. Rozenfeld’s theory, a special observation camera that can register what processes occur at this point is installed at the intersection of the new antennae.


Exterior view of the central building (building no. 1). 2003


The mechanism of the viewing hall in the shape of a throne. In the center is the top of the reservoir. 2003


Exterior view of the “building of the antennae” (building no. 2). 2003


Cross-section of the building for research into the biosphere. 2003


Overall view of the “Center of Cosmic Energy.” 2003