To Michelle, we’ve made it this far and I certainly wouldn’t be me without you.
To Ben and Lily, teenagers rock!
To Stephanie Rostan, the Tom Brady of literary agents.
To Jessica Renheim, you made this book so much better than I thought it could be.
To Christine Ball, John Parsley, and Jamie Knapp, thanks for letting me visit so much. You’re fun.
To Kayleigh George and Marya Pasciuto, thanks for not judging my silly questions and mindless e-mails.
To everyone at Dutton, serious thanks for everything you do!
To Jen Moffa—who was so mad at me that Eric Maney was mentioned in the last book—maybe we can all meet up for dinner. How’s 2023?
Most important, to Tyler and Austin Hofmann-Reardon. Your conversation on the beach led me to change the professions of the two main characters, the politician and his muscle.
And to everyone who reads more than the internet, keep the torch burning. It’s getting pretty dark out there.