Ihave to admit it – as an oncologist, I am always a little skeptical of books about health and healthy living. I am always on the lookout for inaccurate information or pseudoscience. But, you won’t find any of that in this book. Healthy Body Connection is a refreshing change from your run-of-the-mill lifestyle book – Lee Bomzer takes her role as your health coach seriously. This book is different because Lee isn’t just writing about her own experience (although it beautifully colors the work) and she isn’t just quoting a few things she read on the internet. Healthy Body Connection is rigorously researched, using primary sources from the medical literature. It’s responsibly written; it’s reliable and, most importantly, it’s both interesting and do-able. Healthy Body Connection will make you rethink what you know about eating well, exercise, and your relationship with yourself.
When you’re trying to change your life, you may feel overwhelmed. Every website, TV show, book, magazine, and podcast has advice for you – some of it contradicting, some of it confusing. Healthy Body Connection simplifies the path for you. In this book, Lee merges her own story with interesting tidbits of research and biology, along with a clear and simple plan to become healthier in a sustainable way. This is not a “diet book.” It’s a recipe for a healthier life, a plan to becoming your best you! Everything you need to change your life is right here at your fingertips – what foods work best and why, how to move your body, information on mindfulness, and some delicious new recipes. (I think I am finally excited about eating turkey burgers!)
We are so fortunate to live in a time where medicine has never been more advanced, but yet, we continue to see chronic illnesses ruining the lives of ourselves and those we love. And while modern medicine has many wonderful answers that save lives, it doesn’t have them all. As a physician, I understand the value of merging our medical knowledge with common sense – good nutrition, regular movement, balance, and mindfulness. It’s not “this or that” - it’s “this AND that” that will make our society healthier again. Not every health coach understands that – Lee does. Lee’s understanding of this principle is at the core of Healthy Body Connection – simply put, it’s why this book works.
Healthy Body Connection is part instruction manual, and part informational guide. It’s easy to follow, interesting, engaging, and well-researched. Lee has developed a simple plan for you to change your life – and keep the changes going. I hope you enjoy it and learn as much from it as I did!
Rina Meyer, MD
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Stony Brook University School of Medicine