
Recently a lot of new information has been circulating in the news, on talk shows, and in social media about how we can achieve our best health, avoid chronic disease, lose weight, and avoid the illnesses that we may be genetically predisposed to. This information has been disseminated to us by many renowned researchers, doctors, and experts in the field of medicine. They tell us that we can accomplish all of this by following specific dietary and lifestyle recommendations. Many of them have written books and produced video symposiums for public consumption. Additionally, there have been, and continue to be, many recent conferences where scientists, researchers, clinicians, health care providers, and doctors, get together to share the latest on new technology, scientific breakthroughs, studies, and newly acquired knowledge, with one another.

Amazingly, with so many great minds at work there are a myriad of things that they all can agree on. As a matter, of course however, there are also a bunch of things that they disagree on. For example, some will counsel you to eat meat, while others advise against consuming meat. Some advocate enjoying full fat dairy, while others have taken dairy off the table for good, and still others recommend consuming dairy only if it’s low fat. The same is true of beans, certain fruits, fats, oils, and even exercise! So how is a reasonable person to know what to do? Whose advice should you listen to? Which plan is going to serve you best? How can you achieve the promised ultimate health, wellbeing, and ideal body weight?

As a person, whose deepest desire is to help myself, my loved ones, and as many others as I can, to live a healthy life free of unnecessary illness and suffering, and as a health coach, who wants to give her clients the very best care and information, those are the questions I needed to answer.

I decided that the best way to answer those questions for myself, would be to gather as much information on the subject as I could. One good way to start was by getting input directly from the various experts themselves, so I began to read their books. I also, viewed hours of online symposiums, tapings of large medical conferences, interviews, lectures, and talks. I read studies, articles, and research papers. I took notebooks full of notes. The more I learned, the more ferocious my appetite for more knowledge and information grew. I had no idea at the time that I would be writing a book.

This book came into being almost by happenstance. My brother was pressing me for a weight loss plan. At the time, I had no formal written plan because I had thrown it out. You see it was and still is, against my principles to use the methods I had originally been trained in, since I no longer had any faith in them. I was still in the middle of doing my research, and had postponed taking on any clients because I wanted to have my facts straight before I tried to help anyone. I told my brother that I wasn’t done with my research, but he knew that I myself, had already begun to follow some of the principles which you will find later on in this book, and he asked me again for help. I agreed, but explained that some of the information might change as I continued to learn more. He was happy with the arrangement, so I began typing up some food lists and guidelines based on everything that I had already learned. I spent the whole afternoon typing. I was amazed by just how much information there was to convey. I couldn’t help but think, my god it’s like writing a book!

Shazam! The lightning struck. I could write a book!

I have always wanted to make a positive contribution to the world, to do something meaningful that would help others. In the past, I’d often wondered how I could accomplish this. Now, I had finally found a way. I could take all of my hours of reading, and research, and all of the information that I had gathered and sifted through, and share my conclusions with you. I could save you, and many others, the time and expense, and share with you the answers. I could help so many people. Right then and there, I decided to write this book!

I believe that everyone deserves a chance to live a life free from the burdens and suffering that come with chronic illness. In these pages, I will share with you, how to improve your overall health, reduce your risks for chronic disease, and how to lose weight and/or maintain a healthy body weight. When you have reached the end of this book, you will know exactly what to do, what to eat, and what not to eat. You’ll understand how to become the healthiest, best version of yourself and you’ll have the knowledge to help you enjoy this kind of wellbeing for the rest of your life.