The website for SQLite is available at, where you can download all the binaries for the database, documentation, and source code, which works on operating systems such as Linux, Windows, and MAC OS X.
The SQLite share library or DLL is the library to be used for the Windows operating system and can be installed or seen via Visual Studio with the C++ language. So, the developer can write the code using the library that is presently linked in reference via the application. When the execution has taken place, the DLL will load and all the references in the code will link to those in the DLL at the right time.
The SQLite3 command-line program—CLP—is a self-contained program that has all the components to run at the command line.
It also comes with an extension for TCL. So within TCL, you can connect and update the SQLite database. SQLite downloads come with the TAR version for Unix systems, and the ZIP version for Windows systems.