4 people
For the paste
100 g apple purée
1 fried garlic clove
25 g fried bread
50 g fried almonds
5 g honey
15 g Dijon mustard
60 g olive oil
For the pigeon
two pigeons (525 g per serving)
For the sauce
2 pigeon carcasses
3 medium onions
4 leeks
1 bouquet garni
200 ml oil
2 tablespoons acacia honey
For the freeze-dried wax
200 g milk
50 g cream
50 g beeswax
15 g honey
2 g pollen
For the gel wax
125 g sunflower oil
20 g wax
1 g salt
For the paste
Blend the ingredients together to form a thick paste.
For the pigeon
Remove the pigeon breasts and season lightly with salt, ginger and liquorice. Rub well with the paste and cook a la plancha. Set aside. Reserve the carcasses for making the sauce.
For the sauce
Chop the carcasses and brown them in a pan with a little oil.
Separately, chop the vegetables and sauté in the remaining oil until lightly browned. Drain well and add to the carcasses. Sauté together, cover with water and reduce. Strain and season. Add a few drops of oil at the last minute.
For the freeze-dried wax
Boil all the ingredients in a saucepan. Once boiled, leave to cool. The wax will form a layer on the surface of the container. Strain the whole. Freeze the mixture and insert in the freeze-drier. Leave to freeze-dry.
For the gel wax
Heat all the ingredients to 69°C. Set aside in the fridge.
Place some sauce and the breast on a plate, accompanied by the freeze-dried wax without touching the sauce. To one side place some gel wax, on an area of the plate which will have previously been cooled. In front of the diners, and using a culinary torch, proceed to melt the gel wax. When it melts, it will release its aromas and join with the body of the sauce.