Sealed baby squid


4 people

For the baby squid

12 squid


sarsaparilla powder


For the squid dressing

2 g chopped orange peel

2 g chopped lemon peel

1 g grated coconut

0.5 g dried garlic powder

0.5 g paprika

chopped parsley

25 g virgin olive oil


sarsaparilla powder


For the sauce filling

250 g black squid ink

1 g xanthan gum

10 g fried bread cubes

½ peach, diced and sautéed with lemon verbena

pinch of powdered rooibos tea

pinch of dried ham powder



For solid yellow sauce

1 onion

2 peaches

150 g mango pulp

3 tablespoons oil

1 g rooibos tea

8 g gellan gum (for 300 g sauce)


white pepper

For the solid black sauce

1 sepia (300 g)

1 onion

2 green peppers

1 garlic clove

1 small tomato

25 ml olive oil

½ glass red wine

2.5 litres water

10 g gellan gum (for 300 g sauce)


For the freeze-dried black sauce

100 g sepia ink

For the green oil

1 bunch fresh spring onions

250 ml grapeseed oil (alternatively, sunflower oil)

1 soup spoon sherry vinegar



For the baby squid

Thoroughly clean the squid and separate the bodies from the tentacles, fins etc. Save the ink, tentacles and fins to make the sauce for the filling.

Turn the squid inside out. Season them and add the ginger and sarsaparilla. Lightly brown the inside of the squid in a hot pan. Turn them over again to regain their original shape.

For the squid dressing

Mix all the ingredients. Keep the squid in this mixture before cooking them a la plancha.

For the sauce filling

Mix the ink with xanthan gum and add the remaining ingredients; finally, add the tea, ham and seasoning. Allow to cool. Stuff the squid and close with metal clips (paperclips).

For the solid yellow sauce

Cut the onion into julienne and sauté gently in oil. When sweated, add the peaches and sauté. Add the pulp, tea and gellan gum. Boil well, blend and season.

For the solid black sauce

Chop the onion, peppers and garlic into fine julienne; sauté in oil. Clean the sepia and remove the ink. Chop the sepia into not very small pieces. Add to the sautéed vegetables and continue to sauté everything. Incorporate the chopped tomato and continue cooking until it is almost gone. Moisten with wine and reduce. Add the ink, diluted in water. Mix everything together and cover with water. Simmer about 30 minutes over medium heat. Remove all the meat, blend the rest, strain and add salt to taste. Reserve some of the sauce for freeze-drying. Boil the rest with the gellan gum. Blend and season, if necessary.

For the freeze-dried black sauce

Place the ink in the freeze-drier; it will take about 40 hours to dry.

For the green oil

Cut the spring onions into sticks and marinate for a whole day in the grapeseed oil, vinegar and salt. Then crush everything and strain through a fine chinois.

Present the baby squid, having cooked them a la plancha with a drop of oil, keeping the shape indicated in the preparation. Remove the paperclips. The interior of the squid will hold the liquid filling. Grate the black and yellow sauces around the squid. Dot with the green oil.
