4 people
For the mushroom broth
1 onion
1 garlic clove
½ leek
30 g olive oil
200 g mushrooms
50 g white wine
1 litre water
0.4 g xanthan gum
500 ml vegetable stock
25 g vegetable gelling agent
In addition
20 g popcorn powder
30 g toasted ground almonds
2 g massala powder
2 g chopped chives
2 g chopped parsley
10 g freeze-dried mushroom
For the mushroom broth
Gently sauté the chopped vegetables in oil. When well browned, add the sliced mushrooms and wine. Leave to reduce and add the water. Simmer 45 minutes over low heat. Add the xanthan gum and crush together. Strain and add salt and pepper. Freeze in semi-spherical flexipan moulds. Set aside.
Separately, mix the vegetable stock with the gelling agent in a saucepan and boil for half a minute. When the temperature drops below 60°C, using a needle, dip the frozen half-spheres until they form an outer layer. Keep them cold (7°C) for a couple of hours, until the inside is thawed. Set aside.
Place the semi-spherical mushroom broth on a spoon and spread over it a mixture of prepared powders. Serve at room temperature.