“To be fair, we usually only drive shifters off of our land,” Link tried to reason. “I can only think of one time where a shifter was killed, and he brought it on himself.”
“Oh, really? How’s that?” Rosie did not like the sound of this. She hoped Link’s explanation was good enough to justify such drastic action.
“Yes. The man attacked one of our teenagers without provocation. When the teen told the Alpha, the pack went out to search for the man. As soon as they found him, he told them that he’d do it again in a heartbeat. To make matters worse, he challenged them to try to take him out.”
“And being good old boys, they decided it was too good of an offer to let him go. Am I right?”
Link grinned at Rosie’s apt description. “Well, yes. So the men let him have it.”
“Were you part of this group?” A shiver of fear raced up her body just at the idea of it.
“No, it all happened when I was little, before the first time I ever shifted into my wolf.”
“Oh, that’s good. I’d hate to think you’d have taken part in something so brutal.”
“Well, you did say you thought I was dangerous.”
“Yes, but not a murderer.”
“No, I’d only become that if someone tried to harm you.”
Rosie shook her head in dismay. “Alright caveman, tone it down a bit. We don’t need to get as drastic as that.”
Link stood and stopped her from continuing her pacing. He held her by her arms, feeling the tingling sensation again at their contact. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to keep you safe. Don’t you understand that yet? I’d give up anything or anyone to keep you by my side.”
“Whoa, back up the train a bit, Link. I didn’t think we were at the stage in our relationship where we were pledging our undying love for one another. We’re just spending a romantic weekend together, right?”
“Really, Rosie? Don’t you feel the connection between us? Don’t you feel the tingling sensation throughout your body when I touch you?”
Rosie pulled away from him, thinking the contact kept her from thinking clearly. She had felt everything he described, but she could not process what it truly meant for her. Ever since she could recall, she had been independent and self-sufficient. Did she want to give that up and trust Link to take care of her?
“Rosie? Answer me.”
Twirling around to face him, she spat out, “Yes. I feel everything you’ve described, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to act on it. I’ve only just met you, and I still don’t entirely trust you. Look at it from my perspective. Ever since I met you, I’ve been thinking I’m going crazy. I’ve turned into a fox. You’ve turned into a wolf. What part of all of that is normal? How can you ask me to change the one constant in my life at this point?”
“Because I love you!”
Rosie had to laugh at his obvious ploy. “How can you even say that? You barely know me! We could spend weeks and months together and decide we hate one another. Why would you want to chain yourself to me after such a short amount of time? You said yourself that you haven’t been dating because the right girl hadn’t come along. Maybe she’s still out there for you.”
Grabbing her arms again, he pulled her forward until her body slammed against his own. “Does this seem like a man who wants someone else?” With that said, he pressed his lips down onto hers, pouring all of his love and passion into that single point of contact. He could feel her resolve melting away.
For once, he wished he could maintain this position while also connecting with her mind. If she shared his thoughts, then she would not doubt his intentions with her. He was her soul-mate. They would find happiness only with one another. Nobody else would ever be enough to fill the void.
Seeing the fear etched all over her face and the way her whole body stood rigid, Link decided to try another tactic. He pulled away from her, stepping backward to give her some space. “Why don’t we sit and just talk with one another. If you’re so afraid of what’s happening between us, then let’s get to know each other better. Isn’t that what normal people do?”
Rosie tilted her head, trying to decide if he were just trying another angle to get her to let her guard down. Although, his idea seemed sound enough. Plus, it would not hurt to get to know him. Already he had turned up in time to save her twice. She might appreciate having a bodyguard around her at all times.
“Fine,” she answered, nodding her head to confirm her words. She sat primly on the edge of the couch, still not comfortable enough to just relax around his magnetic pull. “What do you want to share with me?”
Link pursed his lips, trying to come up with something extraordinary to share. So far, his life had been pretty mundane, not too much going on out of the ordinary, with the one exception of his heritage.
For the next couple of hours, they both talked about funny events in their lives. The most embarrassing moments had them both rolling on the couch, clutching their stomachs, cheeks aching from grinning so long. Link had never before felt so free to share so much with another person who did not already know him from birth.
Rosie felt the same experience. Other than her best friend, Ellie, she had never had a close confidant to share her secrets with. She enjoyed it more than she imagined she would. After the first few minutes, Rosie found herself leaning back in the couch, legs curled up under her, with her eyes continually taking in Link’s avid expressions.
Her reserves had almost all melted away. One of his funnier stories had her reaching out to grab his hand. When she touched him, she felt the same electricity as he had described to her. Her eyes widened with wonder and a bit of fear.
Almost immediately, Link stopped talking altogether. He watched the emotions flitting across Rosie’s face. As if she had spoken aloud, he could trace her thoughts as she felt them. When she got to the acceptance stage, he smiled and said, “Do you understand now?”
“Yes, but it still scares me more than a little.”
“I understand. I’m willing to wait as long as the final answer is me.”
“Not too cocky, are we?” She pulled her hand away, not unkindly. “What’re we eating for dinner? I’m starved.”
“Shifting will do that to you, especially at the beginning.”
All banter flitted away from Rosie’s expression at the reminder of what had happened. Link could have kicked himself for such a careless statement. It had been going so well up until then. Trying to maintain his composure, Link said, “I was thinking about having dinner at my mom’s house tonight. Are you up for it?”
“Do you think that’s safe?”
“Yes. I’m sure word has spread about my declaration.”
“Declaration? What’re you talking about?”
“About you being my mate.”
“What does that even mean? Is that code for dating or something?”
“No, it means you’re my soul-mate. Nobody from our pack can ever hurt you.”
More stunned than she imagined she could ever get, she stood there, staring at him with her slack mouth hanging open. “You can’t be serious. I thought we’d already agreed to take things slowly.”
Link shrugged indifferently. “Some things are beyond my control.”
“What exactly are you saying, Link? Or do I even want to know? Is this some weird werewolf thing?” Rosie backed up another step, wishing things could be normal, easy, like other people experienced.
“It might be a werewolf thing, but the fact that you feel it too, tells me that it’s also a shifter thing.”
“Do you think you could also be part shifter?”
“No, absolutely not. I understand a lot more about elemy than anyone else in our pack, and I still can’t change into anything but a wolf.”
“Okay, well, what did you mean by soul-mate? Is that just like courting or something?”
“No, it means you’re my other half. The one God created for me to be with. You proved it by the fact you were able to hear my voice when you shifted into a fox.”
“But…the other time. That wasn’t a dream, was it? The time in the park?”
“No, that was also real. I let you think it was a dream until I could have you participate in the peyote ceremony. I needed to be sure of what you were before I said anything out of line.”
“I still can’t believe any of this. It’s just…too weird.” Rosie’s mind raced through so many conflicting emotions. Now she knew something about the parents she could no longer remember. Maybe they would have been the ones to teach her about shifting had they lived long enough.
“What’re you thinking?” Link asked, wanting to touch her, but resisting the urge.
“About my parents. Would they have been the ones to teach me about shifting?”
“More than likely. I’m surprised they didn’t make arrangements for a shifter community to adopt you rather than let you go out into the world without any guidance.”
“I’m sure they would have if someone hadn’t murdered them. They probably never had the time.”
“Or they didn’t have a community. It could be that they both carried recessive genes and had never shifted themselves. But you won’t have to worry. I’ll be here to help you through it all. My mother says I’m an excellent teacher, so you’re in good hands.”
“Speaking of your mother…”
“Yes. Do you want to head over there now?”
“Sure. I guess it’s time for me to get this thing figured out. I just hope you’re right about me being safe while I’m with you.”
“Absolutely. C’mon, let’s go then. Mom’s going to be thrilled when she hears the news.”
“I bet.” Rosie wondered if that were true, or if Link just hoped so. She could imagine how she would react if her child suddenly declared his undying love for a veritable stranger.

Marika opened the door for them again, this time letting them come inside. “I’m so glad you decided to come. I wasn’t sure, after…” she let the rest of her sentence die unsaid. “I’ve made all of Link’s favorites only because I didn’t know what you’d like. Please, make yourself comfortable. There’re only a few things that need to be finished before we can sit down.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Rosie offered helpfully.
Marika looked at her with consideration, opening her mouth to reply when Link broke in, “Mom, she has no idea what she’s doing in the kitchen. For all of our sakes, please say no.”
Rosie shot him a look that could kill. Why would he say such a thing to his mother? Then she had to smile when she realized he always told the truth. She grinned and turned back to Marika, “It’s true; I’m a disaster in the kitchen, but only because I’ve never had anyone willing to teach me.”
Brightening considerably, Marika linked her arm through hers and said, “Well, I can teach you a few secrets then. Come along.”
Rosie glanced over her shoulder at Link, the look she gave him made him laugh out loud. Not only had she been able to get past his plea, but she had also managed to ingratiate herself to his mother without even trying. She was quite pleased with herself at the coup.
Link shook his head in dismay, deciding instead to head over to his cabin and find out what Zack had discovered since yesterday. “I’ll be right back,” he called out toward the kitchen. Not hearing anything but the sound of the girls talking animatedly, he let himself out and trekked over on foot to his cabin.