
Chapter Nineteen


Duncan scowled from his position of leaning against the fireplace mantle. He watched his cousin charm the woman Duncan loved. Her face lit from the pleasure of his attention. Did Selina fall for Lucas’s sudden change of infatuation? It would appear so with the smile she gifted him. It was full of lighthearted joy, and her eyes glowed with glee. He itched with jealousy. She’d shared the same expression with him recently. He foolishly thought she only gifted him the look since he had never seen her display it toward another. It was only an illusion.  

Every time he sought Selina out, someone stepped in his path, blocking any attempt to gain her attention. At first, he believed himself unlucky, but then he grew suspicious when he noticed the ladies of his family had befriended Selina. While one of them occupied her time, the others kept him distracted. He sensed a conspiracy against him. Even his own mother and father warned him away from her.

Then whenever he caught his uncle’s eye, he would quirk his brow and smirk at him, taunting Duncan to disobey him. Uncle Theo even stationed a servant in the passageway. After he disengaged the lock in his bedroom, he found a servant patrolling the dark space. Duncan knew the servant had informed his uncle of his own prowling because the following morning he received a note of warning from his uncle. If Duncan attempted to seek out Selina, he would follow through with his threat.

His gaze narrowed as he took in the scene before him. Lucas and Selina acted the perfect couple, making their way around the drawing room as if they were the hosts. When they stopped at the small group with Charlie, Evelyn, and their husbands, the ladies giggled over a remark Sinclair made.

The wiggling doubt of something not quite right flared again. Of all his family members, Charlie disliked Selina the most. Now she acted as if they were bosom friends. Charlie even laid her hand on Selina’s arm in an affectionate gesture.

Somehow, without his knowledge, his footsteps drew him closer to the small group. He kept his distance, but he overheard Selina excusing herself to grab her shawl for their walk in the garden. The moment he’d been waiting for had finally arrived. However, he must be careful no one noticed him leaving.

Instead of following her out of the door, he slipped out onto the terrace. If anyone watched his progress, they would think he strolled toward the gardens. However, he stole around the corner and made his way through the servants’ entrance. Once there, he climbed the stairs that led to the wing where their bedrooms were located.

He caught the sight of Selina’s skirts as she hurried into her bedchamber. He glanced around to make sure no one followed him and hurried toward her. Duncan pulled the door closed and leaned against it, drinking in Selina’s backside as she dug in her wardrobe. A most becoming sight. His body responded, begging to touch her. He wondered how she would respond if he were to lift her skirts and take her from behind. Duncan chuckled. He would probably gain a slap for his intentions if he were to proceed with them. His laughter caught her attention.

Selina gasped when she heard someone behind her. She rose slowly and found Duncan leaning against the door with a devilish glint in his eyes. She gulped, well aware of what his gaze meant. It was purely predatory. She clutched her shawl in front of her for protection. Which was foolish because no flimsy garment would keep Duncan from seducing her. And in truth, she needed no protection from what she desired, too. However, she didn’t move any closer to him.

“Duncan, you should not be in my bedchamber.”

Duncan pushed off from the door. “Why not? You did not deny my attention a few nights ago in this very room.”

“’Tis most improper when others can notice. I do not wish to cause a scandal,” Selina stammered.

Duncan nodded. “Ah, so the virtue of Selina Pemberton matters now that her bridegroom pays her an ounce of attention,” Duncan snarled.

Selina shook her head. “No, you misunderstand.”

Duncan took a step forward again. “No, I do not believe I do. Tell me, my love, have you enjoyed your time with Lucas these last few days playing husband and wife?”

Selina took a step back, only for the wardrobe to stop her retreat. She pressed her back up against it, realizing Duncan had trapped her. “Yes. My time spent with Lucas has been pleasant.”

Duncan stepped closer. “You make quite a striking couple.”

Selina’s lips trembled. “Thank you.”

Duncan stared at Selina, noting the vulnerability pouring from her responses. Her tongue snuck out to wet her trembling lips. Duncan groaned at the tempting sight of her succulent lips that begged for a kiss. How he wished to stroke his tongue across them and taste a sample of her sweetness. But he needed answers to ease the doubts consuming his thoughts.

He slid a few tendrils of hair that escaped her coiffure behind her ears. His fingers lingered over the soft strands. “Do you not question why Lucas pays you attention?”

“Because I need to learn the duties required of me for when I become his wife. Lucas has offered to teach them to me.”

His fingers trailed along her neck, stopping at the thudding of her pulse. “So you still insist on following through with this debacle?”

Selina willed herself to move, but Duncan’s powerful focus kept her in place. “Why would I not? It is the very reason I am at Colebourne Manor. Your mother has made the arrangements for the ceremony in two days. The guests have arrived, the kitchen prepares the cake, and the gardener has cut the flowers. My fiancé finally dances to my every whim. What other reason would I have not to marry Lucas Gray?”

Selina’s speech grew more furious as she listed off every reason she planned to wed Lucas. She was baiting Duncan, hoping for any kind of reaction to give her a reason to halt the wedding. For days, she had waited for any sign from him to stop this madness, but he’d stayed away from her, avoiding her at all costs. She thought over how she’d decided earlier to confess to her father and Colebourne, and now realized it was only a silly girl’s infatuation. A rakish scoundrel seduced her with his Scottish brogue. He sprinkled enough charm to leave her in doubt about her actions. Even now he toyed with her emotions, pretending to stake a claim on her.

Duncan pressed himself closer against Selina so she could feel the very evidence of why she shouldn’t marry his cousin. A cruel bark of laughter escaped from his lips. “You believe Lucas dances to your whims. Oh, Duchess, you are priceless. Lucas only follows his father’s orders. Believe me when I say he loathes spending time in your company.”

Selina glared at Duncan. “You lie.”

Duncan’s smile turned hard. “Do I?”

Selina pressed against his chest, trying to push him away. “Yes. He seeks my company every time I turn around. Even now, he waits for me to take a stroll through the gardens.”

Duncan was immovable. “An act, my dear. All an act.” His thumb brushed back and forth across her lower lip. “Tell me, have you let him kiss these sweet lips yet?” He lowered his head, his mouth but a breath away from hers. “Has he savored your sweetness as I have?”

Selina grew conflicted. Her body cried out from Duncan’s nearness. However, his taunting words infuriated her. She’d come to terms with how she could share a friendly marriage with Lucas. Now Duncan threw down his taunts, making her believe her time spent with Lucas was a farce. Anger, need, heartache, desire, loneliness, and an ever-consuming passion swirled inside of her, each emotion seeking its release.

“I bet he has not even tried. Which only goes to prove he is not attracted to you. You hold no temptation for him.” Duncan brushed his lips softly against hers, murmuring, “But do not fret, love, for you are the temptation of every sinful fantasy I have.”

A resounding slap sent Duncan reeling back. His face stung from Selina’s reaction. Then he realized how his foolish words had affected her. In his attempt to prove Lucas’s attention was false, his cruel words had speared her heart instead. Tears clung to her eyelashes, but in her fury, she refused to allow them to drop. Her gazed narrowed on him, and her lips took on a pinched expression. It was then he knew she kept her anger barely controlled. Her hands curled into fists at her side, and she lifted her chin with pride before she attacked him. An attack he deserved with every controlled word she spoke.

Selina shook with rage and blinked her tears away. She wouldn’t show him any side of her vulnerability. “You have the audacity to make a mockery of how Lucas and I behave together, when all along you have toyed with my emotions, making me believe something stronger forged our connection, when all along they were only a scoundrel’s sinful fantasies. Well, Lord Forrester, I am afraid you will have to ease your ache with the village harlot because I am no longer at your mercy.”

Before Duncan could react, Charlie burst into the room. “Selina, Lucas awaits your return. I told him I would check ...” Charlie stopped in mid-sentence once she saw Duncan reaching for Selina and felt the tension in the room. “Selina? Duncan?”

Selina bent over to retrieve the shawl she had dropped when Duncan had pressed himself intimately against her. She took one last glance at Duncan and hurried away, not even offering Charlie an explanation for her delay.

Duncan tried to reach out and grab Selina before she left, but Charlie blocked him. “Selina!” Duncan yelled after her.

“Duncan, let her go.”

Duncan snarled. “Step out of my way or I will remove you myself.”

Charlie stepped to the side, waiting to speak until Duncan stepped into the hallway. “In my opinion, you should not follow her. She seemed most upset with you. Why bother anyway? You have had your fun. Now let her marry Lucas and count yourself lucky you do not have to marry her yourself.”

Duncan stopped and turned slowly at Charlie’s bait. “Lucky?”

Charlie laughed. “Yes. It would appear from the set-down you received, the dragon is breathing her fire again. I knew she could not keep it contained for long. And to think she fooled us with her act of playing the victim of being misunderstood and how nobody loves her.”

“You are the lucky one, cousin.”

Charlie tilted her head. “How so?”

“That she gifted her friendship to you, allowing you to see what a wonderful soul she has. That she allowed you to sit in her presence without bowing at her feet as the duchess she is. That she spoke a kind word to you at all.”

Duncan turned again to chase after Selina when Charlie spoke. “You are correct again, my friend.”

Duncan sighed and turned back again, finally realizing he’d missed his chance to catch Selina. Charlie wouldn’t let him leave until she had her say. “Am I?”

“We harshly misjudged Selina, and thankfully, through this messed-up affair, we have found friendship with her. But, Duncan, you must see what you require of her is beyond what she is capable of. The demands placed on her are unfair, but what you ask for her to sacrifice is utter madness.”

Duncan ran his hands through his hair in frustration. “You think I do not know that myself?”

“Then why were you so cruel to her before I walked in?”

Duncan winced. “You heard?”

Charlie nodded. “Aye.”

Duncan sat on the bed and laid back, throwing his arm over his eyes. “Because the very thought of Lucas kissing Selina kills me. It feels like someone keeps punching me in the gut the closer this wedding draws near. I reacted without thinking, as usual.”

Charlie sat down on the bed next to him. “Why did you have to ruin her?”

Duncan lifted his arm. “You know of that too?” Charlie nodded. “How?”

“Selina let something slip while talking to Abigail. We figured out you two might have been intimate. And you have now confirmed it. Why?”

Duncan turned toward Charlie. “I could not resist her. She is the other half of my soul. I cannot explain the emotions she inspires in me. It is too overwhelming.”

Charlie gave Duncan a smile full of pity. “No need to. I understand myself. ‘Tis how I feel about Jasper. The family’s lovesick madness has struck you in the heart. There is no hope for you.”

Duncan jumped off the bed and pulled Charlie to her feet. “That is where you are wrong, lass. I may possess the trait of madness, but my luck will prevail. Shall we return to the drawing room? I must apologize to a certain lady, and time is slipping away to woo her into becoming my bride.”

Charlie patted his hand. “I wish you the best of luck.”

He needed all the luck everyone could give him and then some. His behavior had been atrocious, and he needed to humble himself at her feet. Jealousy was a bitter pill to swallow, but one he must if he had any hope of convincing Selina of his love.

He only hoped he wasn’t too late.



SELINA STOPPED ONCE she rounded the corner to gather herself. Her twisted emotions kept ricocheting around in her heart. But she knew what she must do. She had to fulfill her obligations by marrying Lucas. What choice did she have? Duncan had ruined her, and from what he’d just shared with her, she was only a temptation he amused himself with. Nothing more. What made matters worse was that Lucas’s behavior of late was false too. But it was one she could deal with because it caused her no heartache, unlike Duncan’s conduct.

Was she mad to even consider marrying into this family? What other options did she have? She wasn’t brave enough to walk away from what her father had planned. To do so would be a lonelier life than she already endured. If she married Lucas, she could still see Duncan. She wouldn’t betray her wedding vows, but seeing him over the years would help to ease her heartache. It would be her punishment for the scandalous memories she captured for herself. A temptation always out of her grasp.

It was fitting for all the destruction she had caused. She would own up to her mistakes with her head held high. Because there was no other alternative. She refused to keep it down in shame. No, because duchesses didn’t behave in that manner. After all, she was destined to become one.

Selina heard Charlie and Duncan walking along the hallway, and she scurried down the stairs, rushing into the drawing room. She found Lucas talking to Abigail and interrupted them. She was most rude to her new friend, but she couldn’t help it. Selina needed to escape, and Lucas was her only means. She would apologize to Abigail later. For now, she apologized to Lucas for the delay, and he swept her out the doors toward the garden.

Selina barely kept up with Lucas. His frown grew fiercer, and his stride quickened. The pebbles in the path dug into her feet as she ran to stay by his side. Her ankle twisted, and she fell, clutching at Lucas’s suit coat. When she yelped, he stopped abruptly, causing Selina to slam into him. He grabbed a hold of her before she fell to the ground.

“Please forgive me, Lady Selina. I forgot I was in the company of another for a moment.”

Selina gasped at the affront. Was she that unnoticeable? Did Duncan’s words hold any meaning?

“No, no. You misunderstand. I only meant ...” Lucas trailed off.

Selina wrenched herself out of his grip and hobbled over to a nearby bench. “Please, my lord, let us always have honesty between us, if not anything else.”

“Are you hurt?”

“More than you can imagine,” Selina mumbled.

Lucas helped lower her onto the bench. “I beg your pardon?”

Selina sighed. “I am fine. I only turned my ankle trying to keep pace with you.”

Lucas slumped next to her. “Another fault to lay at my feet. It appears I am having a troublesome time of late on where I can step.”

Selina didn’t respond. How could she? Lucas made it more than clear he found her company lacking. He couldn’t even remember he was walking with her in the garden.

Lucas turned toward her. “Selina, you spoke of us having honesty between us. Can we discuss our betrothal?”

Selina panicked. An eerie sensation came over her. Lucas wished to back out. She couldn’t allow him to. “Will you kiss me?”

Lucas reeled back. “Excuse me?”

“Will you kiss me? Do you not wonder if we will be compatible in our marital bed? Is there any passion between us?” Each question held more desperation than the last.

Lucas jumped up and paced farther away from Selina. “What you ask is most improper. I cannot. No. No, I cannot.”

Selina rose and stepped in front of him, resting her palms on his chest. When he didn’t push her away, she pressed herself closer. Her fingers slid up and down on the lapels of his suit coat. She tilted her head up and caught his gaze. His eyes reflected what she felt. No spark of attraction, only discomfort at their position. Still, Selina must try to persuade him from breaking away from her. A small part of her wanted to prove Duncan wrong too. That need pushed her to stand on her tiptoes and press her lips against Lucas’s.

Lucas gave Selina no reaction, remaining still. If Selina didn’t have her hands upon him and feel his warmth, she would wonder if she didn’t kiss a statue. His lips were cold and unresponsive. Yet Selina persisted, sliding her tongue along his lips. When he tried to object to the kiss, she slipped her tongue inside his mouth and stroked it along with his. Her own body tried to resist her actions, her mind screaming of its betrayal toward Duncan. The same gentleman who had forced her into this very act. Why wouldn’t Lucas return her kiss? If only he would, then Selina would have proof of Duncan’s lies, and it would give her the determination to follow through with the wedding.

While Selina fought with her doubts, Lucas took over the kiss. He gathered her closer and claimed her mouth as his. Selina almost hyperventilated at his reaction. Even though she’d started kissing him, her deepest thoughts had convinced her that he would never respond. It was the only reason she’d tried. She believed he would push her away in the end.

Now he deepened the kiss, each stroke of his trying to dance with hers. However, Selina no longer wanted any part of the dreaded kiss. She only wanted it to end. The only point it proved was how incompatible they were. No passion, but an awkwardness she wanted to forget.

Lucas pulled away from the kiss and stared into her eyes with an intentness that frightened Selina. “Yes, my dear, that was an excellent idea. We should have kissed sooner.”



DUNCAN WALKED INTO the drawing room with Charlie on his arm. She soon moved away to join her husband. Duncan surveyed the room, noting Lucas and Selina were gone. Abigail stood outside on the terrace, staring into the garden. Duncan walked to her side and rested against the balustrade.

“They went for their walk in the garden,” said Abigail forlornly.

Duncan sighed. “I know.”

“Selina appeared upset after she gathered her shawl.”

“I confess, another fault of mine.”

“You are pushing her into his arms,” Abigail whispered.

Duncan gripped Abigail’s hand. “I am sorry, Abigail. It was not my intent. Jealousy reared its ugly head.”

“It is ironic how I have become friends with Selina. But times like now, I still want to scratch her eyes out.”

Duncan nodded. “Yes, she has that tendency about her. You may see her kind heart, but you do not dare turn your back on her.”

“She only acts in that regard when someone has hurt her feelings and they provoked her to protect herself.”

“How long have they been gone?”

“Too long.”

Duncan offered his arm. “Then shall we take a stroll in the garden ourselves?”

A smile ghosted across Abigail’s lips. “A walk will feel very refreshing, my lord.”

Duncan chuckled. “Then right this way, my lady.”

Duncan and Abigail walked down the stairs and into the garden. While his argument with Selina stayed fresh in his mind, he found common ground with Abigail, soothing his battered ego. They both suffered from loving people out of their grasp. Soon he had Abigail laughing over his antics at the last card game he’d played. But her laughter soon stopped, as did her steps. When she gasped loudly, he realized the source of her attention. There, standing but a few feet away, was Selina, wrapped in Lucas’s embrace. Their heads were bent together, and they shared a kiss.

A kiss he drove Selina to with his accusations. A kiss he was to blame for provoking her into believing no one wanted her. A kiss that ripped his soul into shreds.

A kiss he despised.

A blaze of hatred coursed through his body. He hated the simple token of affection. He released Abigail’s arm and stormed over to Selina and Lucas. His cousin’s words to Selina of how excellent it was that they’d kissed pushed Duncan over the edge. He pulled them apart and slammed his fist into Lucas’s gut. While Lucas grabbed at his stomach, Duncan swung his fist upward and clipped Lucas on the chin, sending him sprawling backward.

“What in the hell!” Lucas yelled.

“Duncan, how dare you!” Selina shouted.

He advanced on Lucas to finish pounding out his aggravation, but Abigail pulled at his arm. “Duncan, please stop,” Abigail begged.

The heartbroken plea in her voice stopped him in his tracks. Duncan’s crazed stare swung around, taking in each person. The misery in Abigail’s gaze resonated in him, and he nodded at her. She released his arm, turned, and fled before he could offer her comfort.

When he swung his gaze to Selina, he watched her face transform as it did before. Every emotion he made her feel reflected in her eyes. But in the end, disappointment settled over her. She closed her eyes, shaking her head. Then she yelled after Abigail, following her out of the garden.

He wanted to chase after her again, but it was pointless. Selina had made her decision, and he must respect it, no matter how much it tore his heart apart. At Lucas’s groan, Duncan turned toward his cousin and offered his hand. Lucas gripped it, and Duncan helped him to his feet. They both fell onto the bench.

Duncan leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. “I am sorry.”

“It was to be expected.”

Duncan looked at Lucas with confusion. “How so?”

Lucas threw his head back and sprawled out. “I heard footsteps and knew someone would come upon us. When I saw it was Abigail and you, I reacted, hoping to draw a reaction from Abigail. I used Selina for my own selfish means.”

“I should punch you again,” Duncan snarled.

Lucas nodded in agreement. “However, I was unprepared for your reaction. I thought perhaps you only fooled with Selina on my part. Not for your own reasons.”

Duncan dropped his head into his hands. “At first, I found amusement riling her, then my feelings for the lass turned.”


“During the house party. What am I to do?”

“What are we both to do? We each care for a lady not meant for us. My father more than made his point clear on who I am to wed.”

Duncan leaned back against the bench. “I cannot watch you marry Selina and spend your lives together. No offense, cousin, but you would make her miserable. I fear I spoke out of line with her earlier this evening and elicited her wrath.”

Lucas laughed. “No offense taken. And I believe Selina shall forgive you. After all, she has forgiven all of your past offenses.”

“Mmm.” Duncan thought over Lucas’s comment. There was some truth to it.

“I admit I hoped my lack of attention and cold indifference to her would have prompted her to call off the wedding, but Father ruined that by forcing me to attend to her every need. So I switched tactics, smothering her with my attention. I thought it was working too.”

“How so?”

“Oh, she acted the polite lady, agreeing with whatever I said, and her manners were impeccable. However, when she thought I was not looking, she cringed whenever I drew near or touched her.”

“You touched her?” Duncan growled.

Lucas’s smile widened. “Easy, mate. ‘Tis only when I offered her my arm or assistance of any kind. When I asked Selina to take a walk with me after this evening’s dinner, she offered me a brittle smile and forced an answer of ‘I would love to, my lord.’ Then I managed to offend her during our walk. She threw me with her request to kiss her, and I acted out of spitefulness to hurt Abigail because of her stubbornness.”

“And I am to blame for the kiss. I told Selina you only spent time with her under force. That you held no desire to kiss her, let alone to wed her.”

“Why would you do that?”

“The green-eyed monster of jealousy urged me to.”

Lucas’s bitter laughter filled the garden. “You really are a Scottish heathen.”

“I’d rather be one of those than a British stickler.”

Lucas punched Duncan in the arm. “I am not.”

Duncan laughed. “Oh, yes, you are, cousin. ‘Tis why you still find yourself stuck in this madness.”

Lucas narrowed his gaze. “There is no other way out.”

Duncan arched his brow. “Is there not?”

“We would be mad to even attempt it.”

Duncan shrugged. “I am game, if you are.”

“I am. Who should go first?”

A devilish smirk spread across Duncan’s face. “Oh, please allow me the pleasure.”