They were married in the church where Brandon’s parents had exchanged wedding vows decades before.
An announcement was placed in the Prescott newspaper, stating that Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Hamilton were now husband and wife and were living in Hamilton House until they found the perfect home to purchase. A reception would be held in the spring, on the town square, so that everyone who wished to, could attend the celebration.
Andrea walked behind the reservation counter and poked Brandon in the ribs.
“Hello,” he said, dropping a quick kiss on her lips. “How did it go?”
“I now have my fourth client,” she said, smiling. “I’m going to put together an advertising package for your friend who owns the store where I bought my spiffy red coat.”
“Which matches your spiffy red car,” Brandon said. “Mickey is out there washing your mean machine. I think he’s working up to asking you if he can drive it again.” He paused. “Congratulations on signing client four to a contract.”
“Thank you,” Andrea said, dipping her head. “I’m very pleased. Four is today’s lucky number. This is our four month anniversary.”
“So it is,” Brandon said, pulling her into his arms. “Happy anniversary, Mrs. Hamilton.”
“Same to you, Mr. Hamilton.”
“Hey,” a deep voice said. “No hanky-panky on the job, you two. Knock it off.”
Andrea and Brandon nearly jumped apart, then Brandon smiled.
“Taylor! My, gosh, man, how long has it been? Andrea, this is the Taylor Sinclair you’ve been hearing rotten things about. Taylor’s father, Clem, is my accountant, remember? Taylor, this is Andrea, my wife of four months.”
“My sympathies, Andrea,” Taylor said.
Andrea laughed as she registered the fact that here was yet another extremely handsome man who had grown up in Prescott.
Taylor Sinclair was tall and well-built. But while Brandon and Ben had dark hair, Taylor’s was varying shades of brown and sun-streaked blond. He had rugged features and expressive brown eyes.
The dynamic duo of Brandon and Ben, Andrea mused, was now the terrific trio with the addition of Taylor.
“I’m here on official business,” Taylor said, bringing Andrea back to attention.
“Oh?” Brandon said.
Taylor frowned. “My father isn’t well, Brandon.
You know he had to move down to Phoenix because the doctors said the altitude up here in Prescott wasn’t good for his heart condition.”
Brandon nodded.
“Well,” Taylor went on, “he made it through the grueling income tax season, but he has finally admitted that he’s ready to hang it up. I moved to Phoenix from San Francisco to be near my dad and to take over his accounting business. I’m calling on all of his clients to determine if my stepping in is acceptable.”
“Well, sure, that’s fine,” Brandon said. “But I’m sorry that Clem isn’t up to par.”
“He should live a long time if he takes it easy,” Taylor said. “He claims he’s ready for the retirement scene, but we’ll see how he adjusts to idle hours.”
“Give him my best,” Brandon said.
“You bet,” Taylor said.
“Listen, Taylor, I’m glad you came up from the valley,” Brandon said. “Andrea and I would like to sit down with you and discuss the possibility of adding some specialty shops in the lobby of Hamilton House. We want to have a financial view of the idea.”
“Sounds interesting,” Taylor said, nodding. “Let’s look at some numbers.”
“Well, hotshot,” a familiar voice said. “It’S about time you surfaced like the bad penny you are.”
Taylor turned and a wide smile broke across his face.
“Aunt Charity,” he said, holding out his arms. “And Aunt Pru. Come give me a hug.”
The sisters moved into Taylor’s embrace, then stepped back again.
“You’re looking good, big boy,” Aunt Charity said, scrutinizing Taylor from head to toe. “Are you married?”
Taylor laughed. “No. I’m footloose and fancy-free, Aunt Charity, which is exactly the way I like it.”
“For now, dear,” Aunt Pru said sweetly. “But perhaps you’ll change your mind on the subject in the future, just as Brandon did.”
“Nope,” Taylor said, shaking his head. “Not me.”
“Prudence,” Charity said, “we’ve got our work cut out for us. Ben, Jennifer, and now hunk-of-stuff Taylor, here have no business going through life alone.”
“Uh-oh,” Brandon said.
“I thoroughly agree with you, Aunt Pru, Aunt Charity,” Andrea said decisively.
“All in good time,” Aunt Pru said. “All in good time. And there’s one thing we don’t have to be concerned about.”
The group looked at her questioningly.
“The butterflies,” Aunt Pru said serenely. “For those in love, there is a magical and endless parade of butterflies dancing.”
Taylor Sinclair believed marriage was for
fools, but he reconsiders when he falls for
Janice Jennings—a secretly stunning woman
who hides behind a frumpy disguise. A barrier
Taylor vows to breach....
In July 1999, discover why appearances are
deceiving when bestselling author
Joan Elliott Pickart’s miniseries,
THE BACHELOR BET, continues with
Special Edition #1256.