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A. & P. See Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
AAA Enterprises
Abbott Laboratories
Aberdeen Mfg. Co.
Acampora, Ralph
account executives. See “customers’ brokers”
accounting firms
accounting practices; “big bath”/“kitchen sink,”; case histories about; and dividends; and investor-management relations; and market fluctuations; and per-share earnings; and security analysis; and stock options; and stock splits. See also specific company
acquisitions. See mergers and acquisitions; takeovers; specific company
active investor. See aggressive investor
ADP Investor Communication Services
ADV form
Advent Capital Management
advice: for aggressive investors; basic thesis about; for defensive investors; and for defensive investors; do you need; fees/commissions for; Graham’s views about; and interviewing potential advisers; and investments vs. speculation; and questions advisers ask investors; and role of adviser; sources of; and speculation; and trust and verification of advisers; Zweig’s comments about. See also type of source
Aetna Maintenance Co.
Affiliated Fund
age: and portfolio policy for defensive investors
aggressive investors: characteristics of; definition of; “don’ts” for; “do’s” for; expectations for; and investments vs. speculation; and mixing aggressive and defensive; portfolio for; and preferred stocks; psychology of; recommended fields for; return for; rules for; security analysis for; stock selection for
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.,
Air Reduction Co.
Alabama Gas Co.
Albert’s Inc.
Allegheny Power Co.
Allied Chemical Co.
Allied Mills
Altera Corp.
alternative minimum tax
Altria Group
Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA)
Alvarez, Fernando
America Online Inc. See AOL Time Warner
American & Foreign Power Co.
American Brands Co.
American Can Co.
American Electric Power Co.
American Financial Group
American Gas & Electric Co.
American Home Products Co.,
American Hospital Supply Co.,
American Machine & Foundry
American Maize Products
American Power Conversion
American Rubber & Plastics Co.
American Smelting & Refining Co.,
American Stock Exchange
American Telephone & Telegraph,
American Tobacco Co.
American Water Works
Amerindo Technology Fund
AMF Corp.
Amgen Inc.
AmSouth Bancorp
Analog Devices
analysts. See financial analysts
Anderson, Ed
Anderson Clayton Co.
Andreassen, Paul
annual earnings multipliers
annual meetings
annual reports
AOL Time Warner
Apple Computer Inc.
Applegate, Jeffrey M.
Applied Materials
Applied Micro Devices
Arnott, Robert
“as if” statements. See pro forma statements
Asness, Clifford
asset allocation: and advice for investors; and aggressive investors; and defensive investors; plan of; and history and forecasting of stock market; and inflation; and institutional investors; and investments vs. speculation; and market fluctuations; tactical. See also diversification
asset backing. See book value
assets: elephantiasis of; and per-share earnings; and security analysis; and stock selection for aggressive investors; and stock selection for defensive investors. See also asset allocation; specific company
Association for Investment Management and Research
AT&T Corp. See also American Telephone & Telegraph
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe
Atlantic City Electric Co.
Aurora Plastics Co.
Automatic Data Processing
automobile stocks
Avco Corp.
Avery Dennison Corp.
Avon Products
Babson’s Financial Service
Baby Center, Inc.
Bagdad Copper
balance-sheet value. See book value
balance sheets. See also specific company
balanced funds
Baldwin (D. H.)
Ball Corp.
Baltimore Gas & Electric Co.
BancBoston Robertson Stephens
Bank of America
Bank of New York
Bank of Southwark
Bankers Trust
bankruptcy; and aggressive investors; of brokerage houses; case histories about; and defensive investors; and history and forecasting of stock market; and investment funds; and market fluctuations; and price; of railroads; and security analysis. See also specific company
banks; and advice; amd delivery and receipt of securities; and dividends; investing in; and investment funds; and new offerings; and stock selection for defensive investors; trust departments of. See also type of bank or specific bank
Barber, Brad
Bard (C.R.)
bargains: and aggressive investors; and bonds; and common stock; and defensive investors; definition of; and investment vs. speculation; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; and preferred stocks; in secondary companies; and value
Baruch, Bernard M.: 125 DEL
Bausch & Lomb Co.
Baxter Healthcare Corp.
BEA Systems, Inc.
bear markets; and aggressive investors; and defensive investors; and history and forecasting of stock market; and market fluctuations; silver lining to
“beating the market/average,”
“beating the pros,”
Becton, Dickinson
Belgian Congo bonds
Bender, John
Benjamin Graham Joint Account,
Berkshire Hathaway
Bernstein, Peter L.
Bernstein, William
Bethlehem Steel
Bickerstaff, Glen
Big Ben Stores
Binks Manufacturing Co.
bio-technology stocks
Biogen Inc.
Biomet Inc.
Birbas, Nicholas
Black & Decker Corp.
Block, Stanley
Blodget, Henry
Blue Bell, Inc.
Bluefield Supply Co.
BOC Group
Bogle, John
bond funds
Bond Guide (Standard & Poor’s)
bonds: and advice; and aggressive investors; and asset allocation; and bargains; calls on; and characteristics of intelligent investors; common stocks compared with; and convertible issues and warrants; coupons for; “coverage” for; defaults on; and defensive investors; discount; distressed; and diversification; earnings on; and Graham’s business principles; and history and forecasting of stock market; inflation and; interest on; and investment funds; and investments vs. speculation; long- and short-term; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; and new offerings; price of; ratings for; and risk; and role of investment bankers; safety of; second-grade; and security analysis; selling at par; and size of enterprise; taxes and; types of; yield on. See also bond funds; convertible issues; specific company or type of bond
book value; and aggressive investors; and defensive investors; definition of; and market fluctuations; and per-share earnings. See also specific company
Borden Inc.
Boskin Commission
brain: and market fluctuations,
brand names
Brearley, Richard A.:
DEL bridge players analogy
brokerage houses: and advice; discount; fees/commissions of; financial troubles of; full-service; margin accounts with; as part of financial enterprise industry; and portfolio policy for defensive investors; volume of trades in. See also online trading; specific house
brokerage transactions: delivery of,
Bronson, Gail
Brooklyn Union Gas Co.
Brooks, John
Brown Shoe
Browne, Christopher
Buffett, Warren E.: and diversification; and GEICO; and indexing funds; and investors’ relationship with company; and market fluctuations; and “owner earnings,”; and per-share earnings; preface by; and security analysis; selection methods of; “Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville” talk by,. See also Berkshire Hathaway
Buffett Partnership, Ltd.
bull markets; and bargains; characteristics of; and convertible issues and warrants; and dealings with brokerage houses; death/end of; history and forecasting of; length of; and market fluctuations; and new offerings; and portfolio policy for aggressive investors
Bunker Ramo Corp.
Burlington Northern Railroad
Burton-Dixie Corp.
Bush, George W.
business: buying the; definition of good; knowing your
business principles: of Graham,
“businessman’s investment,”
buy-low-sell-high approach
“buy what you know,”
buying back shares. See repurchase plans
buzzwords, investing
C.-T.-R. Co.
Cable & Wireless
California Public Employees’ Retirement System
capital. See also capital gains; capitalization; return on invested capital (ROIC); specific company
capital gains; and market fluctuations; and portfolio for aggressive investors; taxes on
Capital One Financial Corp.
Career Academy
Carnegie, Andrew
Carnival Corp.
Carolina Power & Light Co.
Carter, Jimmy
case histories: and Graham’s comparison of eight pairs of companies; Graham’s discussion of four “extremely instructive,”; Graham’s examples of; Zweig’s comments on four “extremely instructive,”; and Zweig’s comparison of eight pairs of companies
cash/“cash equivalents”: and aggressive investors; and defensive investors; and history and forecasting of stock market; and security analysis
“cash in on the calendar,”
Cassidy, Donald
Center for Research in Security Prices (University of Chicago): 30DEL
Central Hudson Gas and Electric Co.
Central Illinois Light Co.
Central Maine Power Co.
Century Telephone Inc.
certificates of deposit
certificates, stock
Certified Financial Planner (CFP),
CGI (Commerce Group, Inc.),
Chambers, John
charitable institutions
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA),
Chase Manhattan Bank
Checkers Drive-In Restaurants
chemical companies
Chesterton, G. K.
Cheung, Alexander
Chicago and Northwestern Railway Co.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific bonds
China: stock market in
Chiron Corp.
Chromatis Networks
Chrysler Corp.
Chubb Corp.
CIBC Oppenheimer
Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co.,
Cingular Wireless
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cleveland Electric Co.
CleveTrust Realty Investors
Clorox Co.
closed-end funds
CMGI, Inc.
CNF Inc.
Cohen, Abby Joseph
Cohen & Steers Realty Shares
coin flipping
coins, buying and selling
College Marketing Group
Columbia Gas System
Columbia Real Estate Equity Fund
Comerica Inc.
Comiskey, Eugene
Commerce One, Inc.
commercial banks
common stock: and advice; for aggressive investors; and asset allocation; bonds compared with; characteristics of; for defensive investors; dividends on; earnings on; expected growth (1963 and 1969) of; general long-term prospects for; general observations on; as growth stock; and history and forecasting of stock market; inflation and; investment merits of; investment rules for; and investments vs. speculation; investor’s personal situation and; as “junior stock issues,”; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; performance of; portfolio changes in; price decline in; price record of; public attitude toward; return on; and risk; security analysis of; selection of; valuation of; Value Line Forecast (1967–69) about. See also specific topic
Commonwealth Edison Co.
companies: change in character of; comparison of eight pairs of; comparison of four listed; emotional imagery of; general observations about; investors’ relationship with; Johnny-One-Note; with large amounts of convertible issues (1969); “large, prominent, conservatively financed,”; second-line; unpopular large. See also case histories; corporations; secondary companies; specific company
computer industry
Comverse Technology
ConAgra Foods
Cone Mills
conflicts of interest
Consolidated Edison
Consolidated Gas of New York,
Consolidated Natural Gas Co.,
Consolidated Rail Corp. (Conrail),
Consolidation Coal
consumer-finance firms
Consumer Price Index
Consumers Power Co.
contract: investment owner’s
convertible issues: and aggressive investors; and defensive investors; example of working of; Graham’s discussion about; as junior to other long-term debt; and market fluctuations; and per-share earnings; Zweig’s comments about. See also warrants; specific company
Cooper Industries
corporate bonds; and aggressive investors; and defensive investors; and inflation; and investment funds; and market fluctuations; return on; and security analysis
corporations: debt of; and fluctuations in bond prices; governance of; investors’s relationship with; “large, prominent, conservatively financed,”; misleading reporting by; taxes on; unpopular large. See also companies; corporate bonds; specific corporation
costs. See expenses/costs; fees/commissions coupons
Cowles Commission
Cramer, James J.
Crandall, Pierce & Co.
crash, stock market: of 1929; of 1987; of 2000
credit companies: investing in,
credit ratings
Criterion Insurance Co.
CSX Corp.
“customer financings,”
“customers’ brokers,”
Damasio, Antonio
Dana Corp.
Dante Alighieri
Data General Corp.
Davis, Christopher
Davis Funds
day trading
Dayton Power & Light Co.
debt: and aggressive investors; corporate; and defensive investors; and dividends; of emerging markets; limit on, of U.S. government; and margin of safety; of public utilities; and security analysis; and selection of stock. See also bonds; specific company or type of bond
Deere & Co.
defaults; and bargains; on bonds; and portfolio policy for aggressive investors
defensive investors: characteristics of; definition of; exclusions for; expectations for; and inflation; and investments vs. speculation; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; and mixing aggressive and defensive; portfolio for; return for; rules for; and security analysis; selectivity for; stock selection for; Zweig’s comments about. See also specific topic
delisted stocks
Delmarva Power & Electric Co.
Deltona Co.
Depression (1930s)
Detroit Edison Co.
dilution: and convertible issues and warrants; and per-share earnings; and repurchase plans. See also specific company
Dimson, Elroy
direct purchase of stock
discount brokerage houses
Discover Brokerage
diversification; and advice; and aggressive investors; and defensive investors; and delisted stocks; and formula trading; and; Graham’s disciples; importance of; and investment funds; and investments vs. speculation; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; and security analysis
dividends: academic criticism of; and advice; and bargains; cumulative or noncumulative; and earnings; and expectations for defensive investors; fixed; and formula trading; Graham’s comments about; and growth; and history and forecasting of stock market; inflation and; and investor-management relations; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; overview about; and “payout ratio,”; and per-share earnings; and performance (1871–1970); and portfolio policy for aggressive investors; and portfolio policy for defensive investors; and price; proper stock; record of paying; reinvestment of; of secondary companies; and security analysis; special; and speculation; and stock selection for aggressive investors; and stock selection for defensive investors; stock split and; taxes on; total dollar amount of, by U.S. stocks; and volatility; who pays; Zweig’s comments about. See also yield; specific company or type of security
Dixon, Richard
Dodd, David; See also Security Analysis (Graham and Dodd)
“Dogs of the Dow,”
dollar-cost averaging,
Dollar General stores
Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette
Donnelley (R.R.) & Sons
dot.com stocks
Double Click Inc.
Dover Corp.
Dow Chemical Co.
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA): aggressive investors and; and bargains; “best” stocks in; and comparison of four listed companies; defensive investors and; and dividend return on common stocks; in early 1970s; and expectations for investors; and formula trading; growth of; and growth stocks; and history and forecasting of stock market; inflation and; and investment funds; and market fluctuations; and per-share earnings; and Raskob’s prescription; rise of (1915–70); and security analysis; and selection of stocks; and unpopular large companies; yield of stocks (2003) on. See also specific company
“Dow Theory,”
Dreman, David
Drew, Daniel
Drexel Burnham Lambert
Drexel Firestone Co.
Dreyfus Fund
drug industry
Du Pont Co.
Du Pont, Glore, Forgan & Co.,
dual-purpose funds
due diligence
Dundee, Angelo
Durand, David
“earning power,”
earnings: and advice; average; and bargains; on capital funds; “consensus” about; debt and profits on capital (1950–69); and dividends; and expectations for investors; hiding true; and history and forecasting of stock market; inflation and; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; owner; and per-share earnings; and performance (1871–1970); and portfolio policy for aggressive investors; and portfolio policy for defensive investors; real; and repurchase plans; and security analysis; and speculation; and stock selection for aggressive investors; and stock selection for defensive investors. See also “earning power”; per-share earnings; price/earnings ratio; specific company or type of security
earnings-covered test
Eastman Kodak Co.
EDGAR database
Edison Electric Light Co.
Edward VII (king of Great Britain),
“efficient markets hypothesis” (EMH)
Electric Autolite Co.
Electronic Data Systems
electronics industry
Elias, David
Ellis, Charles
EMC Corp.
emerging-market nations
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emerson Electric Co.
Emery Air Freight
Emhart Corp.
employee-purchase plans
employees: stock options for. See also managers/management
endowment funds
“enhancing shareholder value,”
Enron Corp.
enterprising investors. See aggressive investors
EPS. See per-share earnings
Erie Railroad
eToys Inc.
Eversharp Co.
exchange-traded index funds (ETFs)
Exodus Communications, Inc.,
Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.
expenses/costs: controlling ownership; and convertible issues and warrants; of doing business; of investment funds; of mutual funds; of options; and per-share earnings; of research; and stock selection for aggressive investors; and stock selection for defensive investors; of trading. See also fees/commissions
“fair-weather investments,”
Fama, Eugene
Family Dollar Stores
Farley, William
Fastow, Andrew
Faust (Goethe)
favorite stocks
Fedders Co.
Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”)
Federal Reserve Board
fees/commissions: for advice; for aggressive investors; of brokerage houses; controlling; and convertible issues and warrants; of investment funds; and IPOs; and market fluctuations; and portfolio changes; on reinvestments; and timing. See also expenses/costs
Fidelity Funds
50-50 plan
financial analysts; and advice; collective intelligence of; consensus opinion of; as creating valuation; flaw in approach to selection by; and forecasting; functions of; and institutional investors; and investments vs. speculation; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; requirements for; role of; senior and junior; and speculation; and stock selection for aggressive investors; and stock selection for defensive investors. See also securities analysis
financial condition: and common stock; and dividends; and security analysis; and stock selection for aggressive investors; and stock selection for defensive investors. See also specific company
Financial Corp. of America
financial developments: major,
financial institutions/industry. See also type of institution or specific institution
financial markets: history and forecasting of. See also stock market
financial plan
financial planners
financial reports. See financial statements; specific report
financial service organizations/industry
financial statements. See also per-share earnings; security analysis; type of report
First Tennessee National Bank,
Firsthand mutual funds
Fischhoff, Baruch
Fisher, Kenneth
Fisher, Lawrence
fixed-value investments. See also type of investment
Fleet Boston Financial Corp.
Florida real estate, collapse of
fluctuations, market; and aggressive investors; and asset allocation; in bond prices; book value and; and brain; and buy-low-sell-high approach; and defensive investors; example of; and forecasting; and formula investment plans; as guide to investment decisions; history of (1871–1972); of investor’s portfolio; managers and; and margin of safety; and mispricing of stock; Morgan’s comments about; and Mr. Market parable; and other people’s mistakes; silver lining to; timing and pricing of; and valuation
FMC Corp.
Food and Drug Administration, U.S.
“The Foolish Four” trading
footnotes to financial statements, Forbes magazine
forced sale of stock
forecasting: addiction to; and advice; and aggressive investors; and “consensus” earnings; and defensive investors; and financial analysts; and history of stock market; of inflation; and investment funds; and investments vs. speculation; and market fluctuations; and Raskob’s prescription; reliability of; and security analysis; and selection of stock; and speculation; and timing; the unpredictable
foreign stocks/bonds
formula investing/trading. See also specific formula
formula plans/planners
formula timing
Fortune 500 list
Four Seasons Nursing
401(k) plans
FPA Capital Fund
“franchise” companies
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin Utilities
French, Kenneth
French assignats
Fridson, Martin
Friend-Blume-Crockett study
friends or relatives: advice from
Froelich, Robert
Fruit of the Loom
fund industry. See investment funds
Fundamental Investments Co.
Galbraith, Steve
Galileo Select Equities Fund
Gallup Organization
Galvin, Thomas
“gambler’s fallacy,”
Gannett Co.
Gardner, John
Gates, Bill
GEICO. See Government Employees Insurance Co.
General American Investors
General Electric Co.
General Foods Corp.
General Motors Corp.
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
Georgeson Shareholder
Glassman, James K.
Global Crossing Ltd.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von,
gold, buying
Goldman Sachs & Co.
good decisions: factors that characterize
Goodbody & Co.
Goodyear Tire Co.
Gordon, Robert N.
Gordon equation
Government Employees Financial Corp.
Government Employees Insurance Co. (GEICO)
Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”)
Graham, Benjamin: Buffett’s tribute to; business principles of; definition of investment of; disciples of; forecasts of; misjudgements of; Zweig’s comments about
Graham, John R.
Graham-Newman Corp.
Graham-Newman methods: summary of
Graham’s Law
Grainger (W. W.)
Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.,
Greenspan, Alan
Group Rexel
growth; average; calculation of past rate of; definition of; and dividends; and history and forecasting of stock market; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; mutual funds for; and per-share earnings; and portfolio policy for aggressive investors; and portfolio policy for defensive investors; real; and risk; and security analysis; slow down in; speculative; and stock selection for aggressive investors; and stock selection for defensive investors; and types of investors. See also specific company
Guerin, Rick
Gulf & Western Inc.
Gulf Oil
H & R Block, Inc.
Harley Davidson
Harvey, Campbell R.
Hassett, Kevin A.
Hawkins, O. Mason
Hayden, Stone & Co.
Haydon Seitch and Instrument Co.
Hazlitt, William
hedging: and aggressive investors; and convertible issues and warrants; and defensive investors; and definition of intelligent investors; and expectations for investors; and half a hedge; and inflation; and investment funds; “related” and “unrelated,”
Heine, Max
Heinz (H.J.)
Hennessy funds
high-yield bonds. See junk bonds
Hoffman, Mark
“home bias,”
Home Depot
Honeywell Corp.
Horizon Corp.
hostile takeovers
Household International
Housing and Urban Development (HUD), U.S. Department of
Housing Authority bonds
Houston Light & Power Co.
“How much?” question
Hudson Pulp & Paper
“human factor” in selection
Huron Consulting Group
Ibbotson Associates “In the Money” (CNN-TV),
income. See also specific company
income bonds
income tax. See taxes
“incubated funds,”
indexing funds: and advice; and aggressive investors; Buffett’s advice about; compulsory holdings for; and convertible issues and warrants; and defensive investors; flaws of; and investment funds; and market fluctuations; and security analysis; of total U.S. stock market. See also exchange-traded index funds (ETFs)
industrial bonds
Industrial National Bank of Rhode Island
industrial stocks
industry: analysis of; predicting growth of
inflation; accuracy of rate of; as dead; and defensive investors; and history and forecasting of stock market; and money illusion; nominal and real; and price; protection against; and Raskob’s prescription; and returns/yield; and risk; and taxes; and value. See also type of security
Informix Corp
InfoSpace, Inc.
initial public offerings (IPOs). See also specific company
Inktomi Corp.
Insana, Ron
insider trading
institutional investors
insurance companies
Intel Corp.
intelligent investors: as businesslike; characteristics of; and “controlling the controllable,”; ways of being
interest; and aggressive investors; and bargains; compound; and Cramer’s recommendations; and defensive investors; and expectations for investors; fixed; and history and forecasting of stock market; inflation and; and margin of safety; and security analysis; and taxes. See also specific company or type of security
International Business Machines (IBM)
International Flavors & Fragrances,
International Game Technology
International Harvester Co.
International Nickel
International Paper Co.
International Telephone & Telegraph
Internet: as source of advice
Internet companies
investment banks/bankers; and advice; and aggressive investors; and IPOs; and reform of Wall Street; role of
Investment Company of America,
investment contracts
investment counseling firms
investment funds: and advertising; advice about; and aggressive investors; aim/purpose of; asset elephantiasis of; and balanced fund investments; bank-operated; and “beating the market,”; changes in; closed end vs. open end; closing of; and common stock; and daring to be different; and defensive investors; dividends on; and earnings; expenses/costs of; Graham’s comments about; and growth stocks; and “hot” stocks; and interest; managers of; method of sale of; number of; overvalued, speculative investments of; performance of; price of; questions about; rating of; registration of; regulation of; return on; and risk; selection of; sheepish behavior in; taxes on; time to sell; turnover of stock in; types/classification of; Zweig’s comments about. See also closed-end funds; mutual funds
“Investment Owner’s Contract,”
investment policy statement,
investment trusts
investments: conventional and nonconventional; definition of; expectations for; “fair-weather,”; Graham’s comments about; Graham’s definition of; importance of long-term; of large sums of money; major change since 1964 in; margin of safety as central concept of; opportunities for; speculation vs.; Zweig’s comments about. See also specific topic
investors: active and passive; activism of; beginning; consistency of; controlling behavior of; courage of; definition of long-term; discipline of; and dividends; elderly; emotions of; and “enhancing shareholder value,”; expectations for; functions of; Graham’s comments about; inflation and; as intelligent owners; interests of; investment contract of; ironical situation of managers as; and managers/management; meaning of term; measuring success of; as mixed aggressive and defensive; and other people’s mistakes; personal situation of; predicting behavior of; primary cause of failure by; and proxy materials; psychology of; “reckless,”; relationship with company of; self-defeating behavior of; self-knowledge of; sheep behavior of; speculators distinguished from; theory vs. practice regarding; as thinking of self; types of; and whose money is it?; Zweig’s comments about. See also type of investor
Investors Stock Fund
IPOs. See initial public offerings
IRA accounts
ITI Corp.
J. B. Hunt Transportation
J. P. Morgan Chase
Jackson, Phil
Jacob (Ryan) Internet Fund
Jantzen Inc.
“January effect,”
Janus Global Techology Fund,
JDS Uniphase Corp.
Jeddo Highland Coal
Jesus: Graham’s reference to
Jobs, Steve
Johnny-One-Note Co.
Johns Manville Corp.
Johnson & Johnson
Johnson Controls
Jones, Charles
Jordan, Michael
Jos. A. Bank Clothiers
junior stock issues. See common stock
junk bonds
Juno Online Services
“just do what works,”
Kadlec, Charles
Kahneman, Daniel
Kaplan, G. E.
Karp, Morris
Kayos, Inc.
Kayser-Roth Co.
Keck family
Kemper Funds
Keogh accounts
Keynes, John Maynard
Kierkegaard, Soren
King Resources Co.
Klingenstein, J. K.
Knapp, Tom
Kozlowksi, L. Dennis
Kutyna, Donald
Lamont, Owen
Landis, Kevin
Lasus, Jay
Lee, Kate Leary
Leffler, Edward G.
Legg Mason Value Trust
Leggett & Platt
Lehman Corp.
Lessons for Investors (Graham)
letter stocks
Leuthold Group
leveraged buyouts
Levin, Gerald M.
liabilities. See also specific company
Lichtenberg, G. C.
life insurance
Lilly (Eli)
Linear Technology
Ling-Temco-Vought Inc.
Lipper, Inc.
LJM Corp.
load funds
Lockheed Martin “long run”: how long is
Long-Term Capital Management L.P.
Longleaf Partners
Loomis, Carol
Lorie, James H.
losses; “carrying forward,” cost of; and Graham’s definition of investment; importance of avoiding; and margin of safety; and per-share earnings; “really dreadful,”; and taxes. See also specific company
low-multiplier stocks
Lowe’s Companies
LSI Logic Corp.
LTV Corp.
Lubin, Melanie Senter
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Lynch, Peter
“mad money” account
Mairs & Power Growth Fund
managers/management: compensation for; competence of; and convertible issues and warrants; and daring to be different; and dividends; efficiency of; functions of; Graham’s comments about; and interests of investors; of investment funds; investors’s relations with; and market fluctuations; migrating; misbehavior of; and per-share earnings; poor; as promoters; and repurchase plans; reputation of; and security analysis; as shareholders; stock options for; and stock selection for aggressive investors; wealth of; and whose money is it?
Manhattan Fund, Inc.
margin accounts
margin of safety
Marsh, Paul
Massachusetts Investment Trust
Mattel Inc.
Maxim Integrated Products
Maxwell Motors Co.
May Department Stores
McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.
McDonald’s Corp.
McGraw Edison
McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Merck & Co.
Mergenthaler Linotype Enterprises,
mergers and acquisitions: and aggressive investors; and case histories; and defensive investors; and dividends; and investments vs. speculation; and per-share earnings; and security analysis; serial; stock vs. cash in
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Micron Technology
Miller, Merton
Miller, William
Minkow, Barry
Minnie Pearl’s Chicken System Inc.,
Mobil Corp.
Modigliani, Franco
Money Magazine
“money managers,”
money-market funds
“Moneyline” (CNN program)
Montaigne, Michel de
Monument Internet Fund
Moody’s Investment Service
Morey, Matthew
Morgan Fun-Shares
Morgan Guaranty Bank
Morgan Stanley
Morgan, J. P.
Morningstar: ratings by; website for
Mr. Market parable
Mr. Tax of America
Mulford, Charles
Munger, Charles
municipal bonds; and aggressive investors; and defensive investors; fluctuations in price of; and investment funds
Murray, Nick
mutual funds: and aggressive investors; as almost perfect; and “buy what you know” picking; characteristics of; closed-end funds vs. open-end; closing of; and convertible issues and warrants; and corporate bonds; decline in funds invested in; and defensive investors; expenses/costs of; “focused” portfolios of; foreign stocks and bonds in; and formula trading; and growth stocks; and inflation; introduction of; for junk bonds; managers of; and market fluctuations; and new offerings; performance of; precious metals; and public attitude about stocks; registration of; as “regulated investment company” (RIC); return on and secondary companies; and security analysis; small-cap; and speculation; and “sure things,”; taxes on; types of. See also investment funds; specific fund
Mutual Series Funds
name brands
National Biscuit Co.
National Cash Register
National General Corp.
National Investors Fund
National Presto Industries
National Student Marketing Corp.
Neff, John
Nelson, F. Barry
net asset value. See book value
net current assets. See working capital
neuroscience of investing
New Community debentures
New Haven Railroad
New Housing Authority
new offerings; and advice; and aggressive investors; and case histories; of common stock; and defensive investors; and investments vs. speculation; and market fluctuations; and per-share earnings; and role of investment bankers. See also initial public offerings
New York Central Railroad
New York Edison Co.
New York Institute of Finance
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE): advice from members of; bankruptcy of firms registered with; and bargains; closing bell on; comparison of four companies listed on; and comparison of securities; and convertible issues and warrants; costs of trading stocks on; “customers’ brokers” as registerd with; and dealings with brokerage houses; and dividends; fees for stock listed on; highest-price stock on; and per-share earnings; and portfolio policy for aggressive investors; and stock selection for aggressive investors; and stock selection for defensive investors; and stock splits; turnover of stock on; and World War I
New York Trap Rock Co.
Newman, Jerome
Newman, Paul
news, stockmarket
Newton, Isaac
Niagara-Mohawk Power Co.
“Nifty Fifty” stocks
Nissim, Doron
Nixon, Richard M.
no-load funds
nonconvertible bonds
Norfolk & Western
Norfolk Southern Railroad
Norsk Hydro
Nortek, Inc.
Nortel Networks
Northern Pacific Railway
Northwest Industries Inc.
Norway bonds
Novellus Systems
Nucor Corp.
NVF Corp.
Nygren, William
Oakmark Fund
Odean, Terrance
oil companies
online message boards
online trading
open-end funds. See also mutual funds
OPM (Other People’s Money)
opportunities: recognizing
options, call
options, stock. See also warrants; specific company
Oracle Corp.
Orbitex Emerging Technology Fund
orders: execution of
O’Shaughnessy, James
overvaluation; and aggressive investors; “gambler’s fallacy” about; and repurchase plans. See also specific company
Owens-Illinois Glass Co.
owner earnings
owners: intelligent
P/E ratio. See price/earnings ratio
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Pacific Partners, Ltd.
Palm, Inc.
Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Co.
Parker Pen Co.
Pascal, Blaise
“Pascal’s wager,”
patents and trademarks
PBHG Technology & Communications Fund
Penn Central Railroad
Pennsylvania Electric Co.
pension funds. See also specific company
Peoples Gas Co.
PepsiCo Inc.
per-share earnings: and aggressive investors; and common stock; and convertible issues and warrants; and defensive investors; and dividends; Graham’s comments about; and margin of safety; and repurchase plans; Zweig’s comments. See also specific company
performance: and advice; and aggressive investors; and defensive investors; factors influencing; and Graham’s definition of investment; of growth stocks; and market fluctuations; and per-share earnings; of secondary companies; and security analysis; of value stocks; vogue of. See also “beating the market/average”; specific company or type of security
performance funds
Performance Systems Inc.
Perimeter (Stan) Investments
periodicals: as source of advice
Perot, H. Ross
Petersburg Paradox
Pfizer, Inc.
Philadelphia Electric Co.
Philip Morris
Pickens, T. Boone
Piecyk, Walter
Pier 1 Imports
Pinault-Printemps-Redoute Group
Plexus Group
portfolio: for aggressive investors; autopilot; basic characteristics of; changes to; chaotic; as combination of active and passive ways of investing; and common stocks; for defensive investors; Graham’s concept of appropriate individual; inflation and; “laddered,”; market fluctuations and; negative approach to development of stock; overview about; own corporation stock in; positive approach to development of; rebalancing of; vodka-and-burrito. See also asset allocation; selection, stock
portfolio trackers
Posner, Victor
PPG Industries
“pre-emptive right,”
precious metals
predictions. See forecasting
preferred stock: and aggressive investors; and balanced funds; and bargains; and convertible issues and warrants; and defensive investors; dividends on; and Graham’s business principles; and inflation; and investment funds; and margin of safety; and new offerings; and per-share earnings; price fluctuations in; price record of; ratings for; recommended “coverage” for; and risk; and security analysis; as senior stock issues; switches between common and; yield on. See also specific company
price: and advice; and bankruptcy Buffet’s comments about; calculation of true market; and comparison of four listed companies; and convertible issues and warrants; decline in common stock; of delisted stocks; and dividends; and earnings; and expectations for investors; “gambler’s fallacy” about; and history and forecasting of stock market; and inflation; and investment funds; and investor-management relations; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; and mispricing of stock; and new offerings; and portfolio policy for aggressive investors; and portfolio policy for defensive investors; and repurchase plans; and risk; and security analysis; and speculation; of stock options; and stock selection for aggressive investors; and stock selection for defensive investors; and timing; unpredictability of; and value; wholesale. See also appreciation; bargains; fluctuations, market; inflation; price/earnings ratio; specific company
price-and-wage freeze
price/earnings ratio: and advice; and bargains; calculation of; and convertible issues and warrants; definition of; forward; Graham’s criticisms of high; and growth stocks; and history and forecasting of stock market; and investments vs. speculation; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; and per-share earnings; and portfolio policy for aggressive investors; and portfolio policy for defensive investors; and security analysis; and stock selection for aggressive investors; and stock selection for defensive investors. See also specific company
price-to-assets ratio
price-to-book value ratio
primary stock issues
pro forma (“as if”) statements
Procter & Gamble
profitability. See also specific measure of profitability
profitable reinvestment theory
ProFunds Ultra OTC Fund
Providence Bank
proxy materials
Public Service Commission
Public Service Electric & Gas Co.
public utilities: and aggressive investors; and bonds; debt of; as defensive investment; and defensive investors; dividends of; and inflation; and investments vs. speculation; and market fluctuations; regulation of; and security analysis; and selection of stock; and subscription rights
Public Utility Holding Company Act (1935)
Puma Technology
Purex Co.
Putnam Growth Fund
QLogic Corp.
Quaker Oats
Qualcomm Inc.
quicken.com “quotational” value/loss
quotations, market
Qwest Communications
radio companies
railroads; and aggressive investors; bankruptcy of; and bargains; bonds of; and defensive investors; and market fluctuations; and security analysis; and speculation. See also specific railroad
Randell, Cort
Rapid American
Raskob, John J.
rating: of bonds; of investment funds
rating agencies
Reagan, Ronald
real estate
Real Estate Investment Trust Company
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
Realty Equities Corp. of New York
Red Hat, Inc.
Regions Financial
reinvestment; and defensive investors; and dividends; and margin of safety; and portfolio for aggressive investors
REITs. See Real Estate Investment Trusts
repurchase plans
research and development (R&D)
restructuring charges
retail bonds
retirement plans. See also pension plans; specific plan
Retirement Systems of Alabama
return: and advice; aggregate; for aggressive investors; average annual; average expected; for defensive investors; and Graham’s business principles; Graham’s comments about; and Graham’s definition of investment; and history and forecasting of stock market; and inflation; and investment vs. speculation; measures of; and public attitude about stocks; on Raskob’s prescription; and risk; and security analysis; Zweig’s comments about. See also dividends; interest; performance; return on invested capital (ROIC); yield; specific company or type of security
return on invested capital (ROIC)
revenue bonds
Riley, Pat
risk: and advice; and aggressive investors; Buffett’s comments about; and defensive investors; and factors that characterize good decisions; foolish; and formula trading; and Graham’s business principles; and history and forecasting of stock market; and inflation; and investment vs. speculation; managing of; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; and price; and return/reward; and security analysis; and short selling; and speculation; and value; what is; Zweig’s comments about. See also specific company or type of security
Risk Management Association
Ritter, Jay
Roche Pharmaceutical Co.
Rockefeller family
Rodriguez, Robert
Rogers, Will
Rohm & Haas
Rosen, Jan M.
Ross, Robert M. DEL
Roth, John
Rothschild, Nathan Mayer
Rothschild family
Rouse Corp.
Rowan Companies
Royce, Charles
Ruane, Bill
Ruettgers, Michael
“Rule of 72,”
“rule of opposites,”
“safety of principle,”
safety tests: for bonds
San Francisco Real Estate Investors
Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.
Santa Fe Industries
Santayana, George
savings accounts
savings and loan associations
savings banks
savings bonds
Saxon Industries
Saylor, Michael
SBC Communications
Schilit, Howard
Schloss, Walter J.
Schow, Howard
Schultz, Paul
Schwab (Charles A.) Corp.
Schweber, Mark
Schwert, William
Scudder, Stevens & Clark
Sears Roebuck Co.
SEC. See Securities and Exchange Commission
secondary companies
securities: delivery and receipt of
Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC): and advice; and AOL-Time Warner case; and defensive investor; and; GEICO; and hedge funds; and investment funds; and IPOs; and letter-stocks; and mutual funds; and new issues; and NVF-Sharon Steel case; and per-share earnings; and Realty Equities case; regulation of brokerage houses by; regulation of public utilities by; and repurchase plans; and security analysis; and stock selection for defensive investors; and Tyco case; website for
Securities Industry Association
Securities Investor Protection Corp. (SIPC)
security analysis; and advice; for aggressive investors; and capital structure; and capitalization; characteristics of; and comparison of four listed companies; concept of; for defensive investors; and dividends; and financial strength; and forecasting; and general long-term prospects; and growth stocks; and management; and per-share earnings; prediction/qualitative approach to; and price; protection/quantitative approach to; and risk; and speculation in common stocks; techniques for; and two-part appraisal process; and valuation; Zweig’s comments about. See also case histories; financial analysts; per-share earnings; selection, stock; type of security
Security Analysis (Graham and Dodd)
security analyst. See financial analysts
selection, stock: and adoption of schemes by large numbers of people; and advice; for aggressive investors; and bargain issues; and “best” stocks in DJIA; and bridge player analogy; “buy what you know,”; criteria for; for defensive investors; do it yourself; Graham-Newman methods for; Graham’s comments about; Graham’s criteria for; “human factor” in; for long- and short-term; and low-multiplier industrial stocks; and market fluctuations; “pick the winners,”; and practicing selecting stocks; prediction/qualitative approach to; protection/quantitative approach to; rules for common stock; and secondary companies; single criteria for; and special situations; and stock-picking “systems,”; Zweig’s comments about. See also asset allocation; diversification; security analysis
Sequoia Fund
shareholders. See Investors
Sharon Steel Co.
sheepish behavior
Shiller, Robert
Siebel Systems
Siegel, Jeremy
Siegel, Laurence
Sing, Jeanette
size of enterprise
Slovic, Paul
Small Business Administration,
small-cap stocks
Smith, Adam
South Sea Co.
Southern California Edison
Southern New England Telephone
Southwest Airlines
Spalding United Kingdom
special charges. See also specific company
“Special Purpose Entities,”
special situations. See “workouts”
speculation: and advice; and aggressive investors; and bargains; benefits of; and case histories; and convertible issues and warrants; and defensive investors; and dividends; expectations from; Graham’s comments about; and history and forecasting of stock market; and inflation; intelligent; investing distinguished from; and investment funds; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; and new offerings; and problems of brokerage houses; and Raskob’s prescription; and role of investment bankers; and security analysis; Zweig’s comments about
Spinoza, Baruch
splits, stock
Sprint Corp.
stability. See also volatility
stamps, rare
Standard & Poor’s: and advice; and bargains; bond ratings by; and convertible issues and warrants; and dividends; and expectations for investors; and Graham’s disciples; and history and forecasting of stock market; and inflation; and investment funds; and investment vs. speculation; listing of constituent companies in; and market fluctuations; and May 1970 debacle; and mutual funds; and portfolio for aggressive investors; and portfolio for defensive investors; and price/earnings ratio; price record from; as rating agency; and “second-line companies,”; and security analysis; and stock selection for aggressive investors; and stock selection for defensive investors; and technology companies; website for. See also Stock Guide; specific company
Standard Oil
Standard Oil of California
Standard Oil of New Jersey
Stanley Works
state bonds
Staunton, Mike
steel industry
stock: alternatives to; “delisting” of; direct purchase of; good and bad; mental value of; and portfolio for defensive investors; public attitude about; turnover rate of; “watered,”. See also common stock; preferred stock; specific stock or sector of stock
stock/equity ratio
Stock Guide (Standard & Poor’s)
stock market: and “beating the pros,”; books about; in China; easy ways to make money in; as going wrong; history and forecasting of 1972 level in; structure of; total value of U.S.. See also financial market
stockbrokers. See brokerage houses
stockholders. See investors
Streisand, Barbra
Strong Corporate Bond Fund
Stryker Corp.
Studebaker-Worthington Corp.
subscription rights
Sullivan, Erin
Sun Microsystems
Superior Oil
Supervalu Inc.
“sure things,”
Swift & Co.
Sycamore Networks, Inc.
Sysco Corp.
T. Rowe Price
takeovers. See also specific company
tangible-asset value. See book value
Target Corp.
taxes: and aggressive investors; on corporations; and defensive investors; on dividends; and expectations for investors; and history and forecasting of stock market; important rules concerning; and inflation; and interest; and investor-management relations; and losses; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; and per-share earnings; of regulated investment companies; and repurchase plans; and security analysis; and stock options. See also specific company
“technical approaches,”
technology stocks: and aggressive investors; and convertible issues and warrants; and defensive investors; and dividends; in investment funds; and investments vs. speculation; and investor-management relations; and margin of safety; and market fluctuations; and risk; and security analysis; as “sure things,”. See also specific company
Teco Energy
telecommunications stocks
Teleprompter Corp.
television, financial
Telex Corp.
Tellabs Inc.
Temco Services
Texas Instruments
Third Avenue Funds
3M Co.
Thurlow Growth Fund
ticker symbols
Ticketmaster Online
Tillinghast, Joel
Time Warner Inc. See also AOL Time Warner
TIPS. See Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities
Tomlinson, Lucile
Torray (Robert) Fund
Toys “R” Us, Inc.
tracking stocks
trade names. See brand names
trades: costs of; of delisted stocks; size of; volume of
trading: insider
“trading in the market,”
Trane Co.
Transamerica Premier Equity Fund
Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
Tri-Continental Corp.
Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc.
trust companies
trust funds
Tversky, Amos
Tweedy Browne Partners
two-part appraisal process
Tyco International Ltd.
Ulysses (mythological figure)
undervaluation; and aggressive investors; and bargains; Buffet’s comments about; and margin of safety
underwriting. See also specific company or underwriter
Union Carbide Co.
Union Pacific Railroad
Union Underwear
unit investment trusts
United Accum.
United Aircraft Co.
Universal Marion Co.
University of Michigan
unpopular large companies
Updegrave, Walter
U.S. Bancorp
U.S. bonds (other than savings)
U.S. savings bonds
U.S. Steel Corp.
U.S. Treasury
U.S. Treasury bonds
U.S. Treasury certificates
U.S. treasury securities
U.S. Utilities Sector Index Fund
USA Interactive
USG Corp.
UST Inc.
VA Linux
Value Line (investment service)
value/valuation: and advice; and aggressive investors; and bargains; Buffet’s comments about; business vs. stock-market; and dealings with brokerage houses; and defensive investors; dependability of; and “enhancing shareholder value,”; financial analysts as creating; and history and forecasting of stock market; importance of; inflated; and inflation; and investment funds; and investor-management relations; and margin of safety; and per-share earnings; and price; and problems of brokerage houses; “quotational,”; and repurchase plans; and risk; and security analysis; and selection of stock; and speculation; and stock splits; and two-part appraisal process. See also earnings; fluctuations; market; overvaluation; price/earnings ratio; undervaluation; specific company or type of security
Van Wagoner Funds
Vanguard Group
Veres, Robert
VF Corp.
video game, financial
Vilar, Alberto
Vinik, Jeffrey
vodka-and-burrito portfolio,
volatility. See also stability
volume: trading
Wal-Mart Stores
Walgreen Co.
Walker, Rob
Wall Street: reform of
Wall Street Journal
Walton, Sam
Warner-Lambert Co.
warrants. See also specific company
Washington Mutual
Washington Post Co.
Wasserstein Perella
“watered” stock
Watson, T. L., Sr.
Welles, C.
West Point Pepperell
Westinghouse Corp.
Westinghouse Electric Co.,
Whiting Corp.
Whitman, Martin
Wiesenberger Financial Services
Willcox & Gibbs
Williams, Jackie G.
Williams Communications,
Wilshire indexes
Winstar Communications
wireless stocks
Woolworth Company (F. W.)
working capital: and aggressive investors; and defensive investors; and dividends; and security analysis
Worthington Steel
W. R. Grace
Xerox Corp.
Xilinx Inc
Y2K bug
Yahoo! Inc.
yield: and aggressive investors; and convertible issues and warrants; and defensive investors; fluctuations in; and history and forecasting of stock market; and inflation; and speculation. See also dividends; interest; performance; return; type of security
Yum! Brands, Inc.
Zenith Radio
Ziv, Amir