All Alone in the Woods


Twilight wandered deep into the woods. She stepped over moss-covered logs. She wandered down a trail. She came to a secluded clearing near a small pond. She needed to think everything through by herself.

She’d been so lonely at Crystal Prep and so happy to transfer to Canterlot High. But was she destined to always lose control and make a mess of things? What was happening to her?

“It used to be so simple, the world I understood.

I didn’t know what I didn’t know, and life was so good.

Then I had to ask questions. The peculiar caught my eye.

And what I’ve seen can’t be unseen. There is no way to hide.

Every time I think or feel, the monster inside proves to be real.

Even though I reach for the light, I can’t escape Midnight.

Wrestling with the darkness takes its toll.

It’s seen my face; it knows my soul.

How can I protect my friends, make sure my world doesn’t end?

Even though I reach for the light, I can’t escape Midnight.”

She had come here to feel better, but instead she felt defeated.

Somehow the magic had gotten away from her and made that sailboat crash into the dock. What would happen next?

If only she knew.