On the Mystery Trail


Sunset Shimmer was tracking Timber Spruce through the woods. She moved quietly; she was careful not to step on any twigs or dry leaves. She stuck to the shadows. She kept a safe distance back.

But she lost him. Somehow he managed to disappear.

“Shoot,” muttered Sunset Shimmer. Where had he gone? She tiptoed through a stand of trees and looked over a cliff into a ravine. A dark figure was slipping into the open mouth of a cave. Who was it? It was definitely a human being and not a magical creature. But was it Timber Spruce? She wasn’t sure.

A bolt of sparkling light shot out of the cave.

Uh-oh. Maybe somebody else out there was magic, too. Sunset Shimmer pulled out her phone and quickly sent a text to Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight was curled up on her cot with Spike beside her. She was reading a book when her phone buzzed. “It’s Sunset,” she told Spike. “She says to meet her by the rock quarry.”

Spike looked worried. “I thought we weren’t supposed to hike out that far.”

“She says it’s important,” insisted Twilight.

Together, Spike and Twilight headed into the woods. They were just about to turn toward the quarry when pulsing orbs of rainbow-colored light appeared above them.

“What is that?” Twilight wondered, looking up at them. She didn’t see the giant spiderweb right in front of her! She stumbled into it. She started to scream—but a hand covered her mouth.

It was Sunset Shimmer.

Waiting by the ridge, Sunset Shimmer had seen the strange lights. She held up her finger to her mouth to warn Spike and Twilight to keep quiet.

Twilight noticed the light coming from the cave.

“What’s going on down there?” she whispered.

“I think it’s Gaea Everfree—or rather, someone who wants us to think she’s back. Come on,” she urged.

Carefully, they made their way down the side of the cliff toward the cave.

“Who is it?” growled Spike.

Sunset glared at him.

“Oh,” he apologized, slapping his paw over his mouth.

They were at the dark open mouth of the cave. Sunset held up her hand to stop them. She turned to Twilight. “Before we go in, there’s something we need to talk about.”

Twilight was confused. “Okay.”

Sunset Shimmer took a deep breath. “You know how sometimes you think you know someone but really it turns out you don’t because they have this deep, dark secret they’ve been keeping from you?”

Twilight’s face fell. “Are you sure you’re not talking about me?”

“No, definitely not you,” said Sunset Shimmer. “But…” She just didn’t know how to say it. She hated to break Twilight Sparkle’s heart. She didn’t want to tell her what she suspected about Timber Spruce.

They ducked inside the cave. They were totally unprepared for what they saw. It wasn’t dank and gloomy; it was breathtaking. It was like being inside a kaleidoscope—glimmering crystals of all different colors decorated the walls. In the center of the cave were seven pillars—each festooned with sparkling gems and glittering geodes. It was awe-inspiring!

“This place is beautiful,” whispered Twilight Sparkle.

“There’s Equestrian magic here,” Sunset Shimmer noticed. “I can feel it.”

“Wait,” barked Spike. “I thought Timber was just faking that there was a magical nature creature. Are you saying it’s real?”

“Timber?” asked Twilight. “What does he have to do with any of this?”

Sunset was about to reply when someone else answered for her.

“Nothing.” It was Gloriosa Daisy! “It’s all me!”