Abbreviations and Periods of Japanese History
The following abbreviations for multivolume series are used in the notes.
GMKS Genji monogatari kochū shūsei. 30 vols. Tokyo: Ōfūsha, 1978–.
GR Gunsho ruijū. 29 vols. Reprint. Tokyo: Zoku Gunsho Ruijū Kanseikai, 1959–1960.
KT Shinpen kokka taikan. 20 vols. Tokyo: Kadokawa Shoten, 1983–1992.
MNZ Ōkubo Tadashi and Ōno Susumu, eds., Motoori Norinaga zenshū. 23 vols. Tokyo: Chikuma Shobō, 1968–1993.
NKBT Nihon koten bungaku taikei. 102 vols. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1957–1968.
NKBZ Nihon koten bungaku zenshū. 51 vols. Tokyo: Shōgakukan, 1970–1976.
SNKBT Shin Nihon koten bungaku taikei. 105 vols. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1989–2005.
SNKBZ Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zenshū. 88 vols. Tokyo: Shōgakukan, 1994–2002.
SNKS Shinchō Nihon koten shūsei. 82 unnumbered vols. Tokyo: Shinchōsha, 1976–1989.
T Takakusu Junjirō et al., eds., Taishō shinshū daizōkyō. 100 vols. Tokyo: Taishō Issaikyō Kankōkai, 1924–1932.
ZGR Zoku gunsho ruijū. 37 vols. and 3 supplementary vols. Tokyo: Zoku Gunsho Ruijū Kanseikai, 1959–1960.
Unless otherwise stated, the text of The Tale of Genji cited is the six-volume Genji monogatari, edited by Abe Akio, Akiyama Ken, and Imai Gen’e, NKBZ 12–17. Each quotation is identified by volume and page number in the following form: 12:345.
For a bibliography on the reception of The Tale of Genji, see Haruo Shirane, ed., Envisioning The Tale of Genji: Media, Gender, and Cultural Production (New York: Columbia University Press, 2008). A regularly updated bibliography of English-language scholarship on The Tale of Genji may be found at
The periods of Japanese history are as follows.
Nara          710–784
Heian          794–1185
Kamakura          1192–1333
Muromachi          1336–1573
Country at war (Sengoku)          1467–1615
Edo          1603–1868
Meiji          1868–1912
Taishō          1912–1926
Shōwa          1926–1989
Heisei          1989–