
Abel, Thomas, 177

Abergavenny, Lord, 40-41, 154, 323

Act of Succession, 112-14, 118, 160, 162, 163, 182-83, ‘84; enforcement of, 122,

131-32; parliamentary edict on, 131-32

Act of Uniformity, 242-43, 255

Agincourt, battle of (1415), 7

Aler, Madame d’, 432

Alexander the Great, 381

Alfonso y Castro, Father, 404

Allen, Mrs., 201

Alva, duchess of, 370-80

Alva, duke of, 365-66, 411, 456, 459, 467-68

Amadas, Robert, no

Ammonius (secretary), 26

Anabaptists, 133-34, 404, 450-51, 453

Anglo-French treaties of 1527, 65-72

Angus, Archibald Douglas, 6th earl of, 22

Anne of Cleves, queen of England, 197, 207-11, 216, 218, 232, 310, 319, 323. 331. 339.divorced, 209;

Holbein’s portrait of, 207; marriage of, 207-8, 22

Anne of Lorraine, 197

Anticlericalism, 230

Aquinas, St. Thomas, 192

Arras, bishop of, see Granvelle,

Antoine Perrenot de Arthur, King, 383

Arthur, prince of Wales, 8, 17, 22, 59, 78, 128, 145, 150, 151

Arundel, countess of, 319, 335

Arundel, earl of, 291, 296, 308, 321, 323. 334, 347. 352, 362,368, 410, 472

Aruhdell, Sir Thomas, 248

Ascham, Roger, 302

Aske, Robert, 183, 184 Assertion of the Seven Sacraments

(Henry VIII), 50-51

Astrology, 20, 217

Ateca, Jorge de, bishop of Llandaff,

103 Athanasius, 192

Babington, 400

Bainbridge, Christopher Cardinal, 49

Bale, John, bishop of Ossory, 398, 399

“Ballad of John Careless,” 435

Barclay, Father Alexander, 267

Barnard, John, 420

Barton, Elizabeth “holy maid of Kent,” 107-11, 141; hanged at Tybum,

107; prophecies of, 109-10; reputation of, 108

Bath, earl of, 291

Bavaria, duke of, see Philip, duke of

Bavaria Bawd, Peter, 222

Bayard, chevalier de, 14, 15

Baynard’s Castle, 29, 149, 294

Baynton, Mary, 106, 175

Beauchamp, Father, 191

Beauchamp, Lord, see Seymour, Edward

Beaufort, Margaret, 45

Becket, St. Thomas a, 7, 50, 198-99

Bedingfield, Sir Edmund, 144, 146

Bedingfield, Sir Henry, 291

Beltran de la Cueva, 223

Benedictines (religious order), 151, 172, 408, 410

Bewdley, town of, 61, 64

Beza, Theodore de, 406

Bible, 78, 249, 376, 476

Bisham Abbey, 36

Blesilla, 106

Blount, Elizabeth “Bessie” (Lady Talboys), 37-38, 57, 80

Blount, Gertrude, marchioness of Exeter, 36, 39,108,109, 142, 143, 152, 195,


Bocking, Father Edward, 108, 109, no

Boisdaulphin, ambassador of France, 414

Bokkas, Anne, 397

Boleyn, Anne, queen of England, 80-85, 89, 90, 93-96, 112,113,116, 136,137,143, 149, 160, l62, 176, 177, 182, 191, 192, 193, 202, 204, 209, 307, 462, 463; accused of treason, 154-55; anti-Boleyn faction, 100-1, 124; background of, 81; coronation of, 97-100, 102;

dissension with Henry, 124-126; execution of, 156, 157, 158, 160; jewels and

expenditures on, 94; marriage of, 112, 113; meeting with Princess Mary, 117-18;

miscarriage, 151-52; nun of Kent and, 108, 109, 110; stratagem against Katherine and

Mary, 140; sweating sickness (1529), 83; trial and imprisonment, 154-56, 160

Boleyn, George, Viscount Rochford, 81, 113, 116, 154, 155, 209

Boleyn, Mary, see Carey, Mary

Boleyn, Thomas, Lord Rochford, earl of Wiltshire, 6, 35, 57, 81, 130, 177

Boleyn family, 116, 153, 154

Bonner, Edmund, bishop of London, 311,404,405,452,453

Bonnivet, Admiral, 31

Book of Common Prayer, 240, 280 Book of Martyrs (Foxe), vii Bosworth Field, battle of (1485), 7, 20, 21

Bourbon, duke of, 72

Bourne, Father Gilbert, 311, 312

Brandenburg, marquis of, 53

Brandon, Charles, duke of Suffolk, 6, 17,18, 37, 78-79, 81, 100, 115, 150, 203, 222, 223, 250;

accused of incest, 95; death of, 224, 282; joust with Henry VIII (1524), 58-59;

marriages of, 23, 79, 101

Brandon, Lady Eleanor, 150

Brandon, Frances, duchess of Suffolk, 36, 251, 282, 284, 314

Brandon, Lady Katherine, 224

Brandon, Mary, duchess of Suffolk, see Mary Tudor, sister of Henry VIII

Bray, Lady, 448

Bray, Lord, 126, 378, 436

Brellont, Guillaume, 222

Brereton, Randolph, 63

Brereton, William, 63, 154

Bright, Anne, 29

Brown, Ann, 79

Brown, Mary, 175

Browne, Sir Anthony, 190, 296, 368

Bryan, Francis, 81, 82, 158, 333

Bryan, Lady Margaret, 29

Buckingham, duke of, 9, 14

Burgundy, duke of, see Charles the


Burnell, Peter, 62

Butts, Dr. William, 62, 120, 121, 122, 213

Calagila, Dr., 415

Calais, town of, 14, 16,45, 197, 222, 223, 247, 257, 294, 315, 353, 416, 457, 459, 467, 478, 480; executions of priests in, 201; French capture of (1557),468-70,472

Calthrop, Philip, 61

Calvin, John, 266, 406, 476

Calvinism, 133, 476-78

Campeggio, Lorenzo, cardinal legate, 31, 84, 86; arrival in England, 82-83

Camponesca, Vittoria, 446

Canterbury, shrine at, 50; spoliation of, 198-99

Caraffa, Cardinal, see Paul IV, Pope Cardano, Girolamo, 283

Carew, Nicholas, 154, 190, 203

Carew, Sir Peter, 296, 350, 351

Carew family, 195

Carey, Mary, 57, 80, 81

Carlos de Austria, 348, 367

Carthusians (religious order), 109, 471; executions of, 130-31, 132, 133, 135, 137

Castel Sant’Angelo, 73, 456

Catherine (daughter of Edward IV), 324

Catherine de Medicis, 476

Catholic Reformation, 404, see also

Roman Catholic Church

Cecil, William, 239, 278

Cesar, Dr., 479

Chamberlain, Sir Edward, 144, 146

Chapman (court archer), 201

Chapuys, Eustace, imperial

ambassador, 88, 90, 93, 94, 102, 103, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 137-38, 139-40, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145-46, 148-49, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 158, 159, 160, 161, 165-66, 177, 183, 193, 199-200, 202, 211, 213, 216-17, 221, 233, 244, 253

Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, 7, 302

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 23,51-55, 64, 67, 68,102, 122, 126, 131, 134, 138, 140, 156, 178, 193-95, 200, 207, 220, 224, 241, 246-47, 253, 258-59, 274-76, 279, 290, 292, 297, 302, 305, 313, 326-32, 334, 341, 349, 365, 366, 370, 378-79, 395, 411, 448, 450, 453. 454. 471. 476; betrothal to 521

Princess Mary, 52-55, 56; death of, 479; Diet of Worms, 47-78;

divorce of Henry VIII and, 80, 82, 86, 90, 103; in England, 52-54;

illness of, 327-28; Italian wars, 67, 72-74, 77, 79, 82, 456; marriage of, 79, 80;

Miihlberg victory (1547), 231; ordinances against heresy, 264-65; policy of belligerent

noninterference (1535), 141, 143-44; rapprochement policy (1543), 216-17;

retirement of, 424, 432, 438; titles of, 327; victory

at Pavia, 67, 79

Charles, duke of Orleans, 67, 193-94, 214

Cheke, John, 220, 226

Cheyne, Sir Thomas, 281, 312

Chichester, bishop of, 322, 440

Chichester, Robert, 221

Chieragato (papal nuncio), 49

Christian II, king of Denmark, 66

Christina, princess of Denmark, 197

Christ’s College, 45

Cicero, 42

Cifuentes (imperial ambassador), 178

Cistercians (religious order), 172

Clarencieux, Susan, 175, 221, 262, 325, 335. 343,413,423,478

Claude, queen of France, 32, 35

Claudyon (minstrel), 62

Clement VII, Pope, 72-73, 77, 82, 83, 84, 112, 136; on Anne Boieyn

marriage, 113

Clerk, John, bishop of Bath and

Wells, ambassador, 50, 51

Cleves, duke of, 93, 197, 207

Clifford, Lady Margaret, 284, 376

Clinton, Lord Admiral Edward, 241-42, 266, 290, 295-96, 318,356

Cobham, Lord, 318

Colin, Peter van, 222

Compton, William, 81, 83

Conway, John, 221

Cordova, Don Diego de, 394

Courtenay, Edward, earl of

Devonshire, 204, 290, 297, 311, 314, 324-26, 334. 337. 346, 347. 350, 351, 396, 407, 427, 448-49; in exile, 359, 433; imprisoned in the Tower, 324-25, 343

Courtenay, Henry, marquis of

Exeter, 66, 195, 203, 290, 324;

executed, 204, 324; imprisoned, 204

Cousine, Margery, 29

Cox, William, 455

Cranmer, Thomas, archbishop of

Canterbury, 162, 218-19, 276, 343, 345-46; burning of, 451; English

Reformation and, 231, 240;

recantation and retraction, 451

Cressy, Bess, 219

Crofts, Elizabeth, 398

Crofts, Sir James, 350

Croke, Richard, 58

Cromwell, Richard, 174

Cromwell, Thomas, 5, 121, 122, 123, 132, 140, 141, 146, 154, 160, 163, 164, 165, 166, 174, 176, 183-84, 189-90, 193, 199-203, 208, 212, 250;

enmity toward Reginald Pole, 203;

executed, 209; on Katherine of

Aragon, 45; reputation for helping

women, 202; spies and informants of, 202-3

Culpepper, Thomas, 209-10

Cuthbert, St., 16, 50

Dacre, Lord Thomas, 16, 124, 302, 410

Darcy, Lord Thomas, 25, 184

Darrell, Elizabeth, 175

Davenport (court archer), 201

Dawntesey, Christopher, 341

De Courrieres (agent), 223

De la Sà, Dr., 103, 190, 213

Derby, earl of, 281, 313, 323, 326, 368,375-76

Dereham, Francis, 209

“Device for the Succession,” 284, 285,294,313, 345

Devonshire, countess of, see Blount,

Gertrude, marchioness of Exeter

Devonshire, earl of, see Courtenay,


Diet of Worms, 47-48, 132

Divara (wife of Jan of Leyden), 134

Dodd, Randal, 175, 219

Dominicans (religious order), 408, 429

Don Carlos, see Carlos de Austria

Dormer, Jane, duchess of Feria, 229,252,269,317,333,346,441,479,481, 482

Dormer, Sir William, 317

Dorset, dowager marchioness of, 98

Dorset, 3rd marquis of, see Grey, Henry

Douglas, Margaret, countess of

Lennox, 199, 220, 221, 483

Drummond, Lady Margaret, 22

Dubois, Jehan, 258-64

Dudley, Lady Catherine, 284

Dudley, Edmund, 250

Dudley, Lord Guilford, 284, 291,324, 343; executed, 357-58; marriage of, 285

Dudley, Sir Henry, 294, 436, 437

Dudley, John, Viscount Lisle, earl of

Warwick, duke of

Northumberland, 61, 232, 244, 246,248-55, 257, 269, 273, 278, 280-85,

312-14, 330, 339, 340, 345, 348, 462;

background of, 250; debasement of

the coinage, 280-81; executed, 308;

Jane Grey conspiracy and, 289-90, 292-97, 317; military

entertainments of, 266-67; popular

hatred of, 292; religious views of, 250-51; trial and imprisonment,


Dudley, Robert, 290, 291

Durham, bishops of, see Ruthal,

Thomas; Tunstal, Cuthbert

Dymoke, Sir Edward, 323

Edinburgh Castle, 16

Edward I, king of England, 13

Edward III, king of England, 13

Edward IV, king of England, 4, 18, 21,57. ‘45

Edward VI, king of England, vii, 204,205, 211, 212, 219-20, 224, 292, 303, 310,312,313, 314,320,322, 324, 338, 339, 340, 343, 398, 406, 415, 420, 434, 451, 452, 455, 457; birth of, 180-81, 186; christening, 182; death of, 285, 289, 290, 330; “Device for the Succession,” 284, 285, 294, 313, 345; illness, 282-83, 284, 285;love for Princess Mary, 228-29; reign of, vii, 226-85; religious beliefs, 226, 227, 249, 270, 284

Edward, St., 173, 180

Edward, earl of Warwick, 145, 195

Egerton, Ralph, 61

Egmont, Lamoral, count d’, 349

Elandon (minstrel), 41

Eleanor of Austria (sister of Charles

V), queen of Portugal, queen of

France, 67, 68, 425

Elizabeth I, queen of England, vii, 131, 136, 140, 149, 151, ‘159, 162, 177, 199, 211, 296, 482-84; birth of, 102, 112, 113, 124; Edward VI and, 234, 272, 284, 289; Hatfield residence, 114, 115-19, 124-25,481; imprisoned in the Tower, 359; Mary I and, 310, 319, 324, 344, 345, 346-47, 350, 359, 361, 396, 406, 407, 415, 462-63, 480, 481; Protestants and, 346-47; reaction to Mary’s death, 483; succession rights, 219-20, 284

Elizabeth, duchess of Norfolk, 18, 90,95, 164-65, 202, 206, 335

Elizabeth of York, 21

Ely, bishop of, see Thirlby, Thomas Emanuel I, king of Portugal, 221

Emmanuel Philibert, duke of Savoy, 331, 333, 386, 388, 431, 467, 470, 481

Enclosure, process of, 237-38

Englefield, Sir Francis, 243, 277, 279, 282, 312, 326, 347,436

English Reformation, 130-36, 226;

communion service, 230-31, 236, 240; Cranmer and, 231, 240;

dissolution of the monasteries, 171-75, 182, 183, 184-85, 198, 229-30, 408; executions, 130-31, 132, 133, 135, 137, 140, 145;

Parliament and, 229, 310; popular

uprising against, 182-85;

profiteering, 174-75; revolts of 1549, 236-37, 240, 246; Ten

Articles, 183, see also Calvinism;


Erasmus, Desiderius, 42-43, 45, 51, 192, 220, 227; Henry VIII and, 22;

on unhygienic English customs, 27-28

Espiritu Santo (galley), 367-68

Essex, earl of, 5

Etheldreda, St., shrine of, 50

Exeter, marchioness and marquis of,

see Blount, Gertrude; Courtenay,


Faenza, bishop of, 132 Faithful Admonition to the

Professors of God’s Truth in

England (Knox), 399

Farel, Guillaume, 406

Farnese, Cardinal, see Paul III, Pope Featherstone, John, 70

Featherstone, Richard, 62

Felipez (Spanish officer), 103

Ferdinand of Aragon, 7, 9, 20, 145;

death of, 18-19; marriage of, 19

Ferdinand, archduke of Austria, 282, 331

Ferdinand, king of the Romans, 331

Feria, count of, 472, 473-74, 478, 480-81

Feria, duchess of, see Dormer, Jane Ferrers, Lord, 61, 63, 64 First Blast of

the Trumpet Against

the Monstrous Regiment of

Women (Knox), 477, 478

Fisher, John, bishop of Rochester, 48;

execution of, 131, 132, 136, 140, 145; imprisoned, 122; opposition to

king’s divorce, 109; raised to the

cardinalate, 131

Fitzroy, Henry, duke of Richmond

and Somerset, 68, 83, 84, 88,115, 130, 175, 177; birth of, 38; death of, 162-63;

education of, 58; marriage of, 162; titles of, 57-58, 59, 61

Fitzwalter, Lord, 410

Fitzwilliam (treasurer), 159, 165

Flanders, 16, 67, 85-86, 101, 106, 116,135, 137,138, 141, 144,153, 178, 184, 208, 241, 248,256, 263, 276, 290, 299,302,305,322,330, 334, 379.388, 417, 429, 431-33, 437-39, 445, 44, 450. 454-56

Fliegen, Eve, 43

Flodden Field, battle of (1513), 16, 22

Flower, Thomas, 409-10

Flower, William, 465-66

Foix, Germaine de, 19

Fontenay, Jean de, sieur de Berteville, 347

Four Last Things, 45

Fowler, Thomas, 232-33

Fox, Richard, bishop of Winchester, 14, 26, 82

Foxe, John, vii, 39899, 478

Franciscans (religious order), 20, 408, 428

Francis I, king of France, 17, 64, 66, 67.68, 133,194,195,197,247;

betrothal to Princess Mary (1518), 30-34, 35; death of, 225

French campaign of 1513, 13-16, 37, 38, 69, 201

French campaign of 1544, 222-24,238 Furness, Cistercian abbey of, 172

Gage, Sir John, 312,356, 376

Gardiner, Stephen, bishop of Winchester, 56,82,112, 219, 224, 290, 297,303,305, 311,312, 314, 320,321, 312-23, 325, 326, 342-43, 347. 349, 351, 352,361, 362, 376,. 378, 390, 391. 400, 403, 405, 413, 417, 420,483, 484; death of, 430, 433, 434

George, duke of Clarence (brother

of Edward IV), 145

Giustinian, Sebastian, ambassador of

Venice, 17,18, 24, 26,33-34,49

Glastonbury, shrine of, 50

Gomez, Ruy, 372, 380-81, 382, 415, 417-18, 422,425, 433, 439, 445, 460, 465

Granada, fall of (1492), 20

Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de,

bishop of Arras, cardinal, 138, 305-6, 322, 330, 330-40, 464

Great Harry (warship), 52, 222-23; rechristened, 270

Gresham, Thomas, 340-41, 473

Grevile, Giles, 61-62

Grevile, Thomas, 62

Grey, Lady Catherine, 62, 284

Grey, Edward, 234

Grey, Henry, 3rd marquis of Dorset,

duke of Suffolk, 6, 15, 251, 280, 281-82, 284, 291-94, 295,338, 339, 345, 350, 357

Grey, Lady Jane, 234, 251, 184, 314, 343, 462; Edward’s Device and, 284, 285; executed, 357-58;

imprisonment, 345; installed as

queen, 290-91, 295,296,297,307, 312; marriage of, 285

Grey, Lady Margaret, 192

Grey, Lady Mary, 284

Griselda, 42

Guarras, Antonio de, 365

Guilford, Edmund, 250

Guilford, Henry, 6,95, 151

Guinegate, village of, 15

Guise, due de, 197, 459,467, 468-69

Hamburg, free city of, 135

Hampton Court, 68,70, 112, 180, 181, 186, 190, 192, 208, 215, 216

Hanseatic League, 135, 319

Hapsburg family, 8, 68,143, 150, 193, 199, 302, 315,331,337, 433, 446, 448, 466, 472,480

Harris, William, 455

Hartford, Lady, 192

Harvey, Elizabeth, 175

Hastings, Sir Edward, 319, 436

Henri II, king of France, 247, 294, 315, 337, 351,413, 437, 459. 464, 465-66, 468

Henry IV, king of Castile, 19, 78

Henry I, king of England, 6-7, 301

Henry II, king of England, 7, 199

Henry III, king of England, 7

Henry IV, king of England, 7

Henry V, king of England, 7

Henry VI, king of England, 7

Henry VII, king of England, 7, 20-21, 22, 45, 57, 59, 60, 66, 103, 145, 203, 484; as

Bosworth Field, 7, 20, 21; coronation of, 21

Henry VIII, king of England, 3-225, 227, 231, 236, 238-39, 249, 250,281, 284, 299, 302, 303, 314, 324, 331, 339. 343. 346, 389. 394. 398, 406, 420, 427, 457, 463; Anglo-French treaties (1527), 65-72; assault on Luther, 48, 50-51, 135; bastards of, 37-38; Charles V and, 52-55, 56, 64, 80, 82, 86, 90, 103, 216-17;

childhood, 21-22; craft of kingship, 7-8; death of, 224-25, 226, 239, 338;

as Defender of the Faith, 50-51, 369; English Reformation, 130-36, 171-75; Erasmus and, 22;

executions and vengeance (1538-41), 203-6; first recorded

infidelity, 9; French campaign (1513),13-16, 37, 38,69, 302;

French campaign (1544), 222-24, 238; funeral and burial, 225; golden

rose to, 7; as head of the Church, 111-12, 132, 369; joust accident (1524), 58-59; marriage to

katherine of Aragon, 8-9, 78, 132, 342; matrimonial dealings, 197-98;

mistresses of, 37-38, 57, 80, 101, 124, 125; motto of, 69; musical

interests, 41; myopic vision, 176;

nickname for Mary, 38-39; nun of

Kent and, 107-11; peacemaking

and matchmaking (1518), 29-34, 35; phobic dread of illness, 26;

physical appearance, 4-5, 22;

popularity of, 38; prince’s

tournament (1511), 3-6, 8, 10-12;

as Prince of Wales, 22;

reconciliation with Mary, 157-67, 17579, 185, 240; residences of, 30;

royal divorce, 77-96, 99, 101, 312;

sentimental alliance with papacy, 7;

Spurs battle (1513), 15; succession

issue and, 56-57, 82, 112-14, 118, 155-56, 160, 161, 162, 163, 182-83, 184;

visits to Hatfield, 118-19, see

also names of queens of England

Henry, Prince, duke of Richmond

and Somerset, 3, 10, 12, 13

Herald, Ross, 16

Herbert, Lady, 182

Herbert, Sir William, earl of

Pembroke, 282, 291, 295, 296, 313, 314, 345.356,368, 376,377,419, 420, 433, 467, 468, 469, 472

Hereford, Viscount, 323

Hey wood, John, 39, 339

Holbein, Hans, 69, 207, 227

Holgate, Richard, archbishop of

York, 174

Homosexuality, 173

Hooper, Jean, bishop of Worcester, 270, 400-2, 405; burned for heresy, 401-2, 403; trial

and imprisonment, 400

Hopton, Dr., 243

House of Lancaster, 7

House of York, 196

Howard, Catherine, queen of

England, 208, 209-11, 216, 218;

executed, 209, 215; marriage of, 209

Howard, Henry, earl of Surrey, 317

Howard, Mary, 162, 199

Howard, Lord Thomas, 5

Howard, Thomas, lord treasurer, earl

of Surrey, 2nd duke of Norfolk, 16, 81

Howard, Thomas II, 3rd duke of

Norfolk, 18, 81, 93, 114-15, 116, 130, 151, 154, 162-65, 203, 209, 210, 290, 293, 297, 312, 321, 323, 368;

French campaign of 1544, 222, 223-24; imprisonment in the

Tower, 307-8

Howard, Admiral Sir William, 356, 363, 368, 369, 372, 386

Hundred Years’ War, 13, 438

Huntingdon, earl of, 284

Hussey, Lady Anne, 109, 117, 165

Hussey, Lord John, 109, 112, 117;

executed, 184

Hutton, Ellen, 29

Iceland, 135

Inquisition, 20, 133, 266, 390, 404, 405, 474; Philip II and, 404-5

Irish rebellion, 433

Isabella I, queen of Castile, 8, 23, 92, 123, 304, 338, 404, 414; crusade

against the Moors, 19-20; marriage

of, 19

Isabella of Portugal, 79, 90, 329, 366

Italian wars, 7, 14, 67, 79; sack of Rome, 72-74, 77, 82, 456

Jack of Newbury, 174

James IV, king of Scotland, 16, 22

James V, king of Scotland, 193

Jane the Fool, 192-93, 219

Jan of Leyden, 134

Jasper (gardener), 192

Jerningham, Sir Henry, 294, 312, 317, 436

Jerome, St., 44, 105, 106

Jews, expulsion of (1492), 20

Joanna the Mad, queen of Castile, 8, 20, 52, 328, 412, 416, 418, 419, 425

John of Gaunt, 57

Joseph, St., shrine of, 50

Juan, infante of Portugal, 254

Julius II, Pope, 7, 8, 14

Julius III, Pope, 388

Katherine of Aragon, 18-19, 26, 30, 31, 36-38, 42, 46, 52, 54, 55, 66, 70, 113, 118, 152, 158, 160, 166, 175, 177, 189, 192, 194, 195, 197, 204, 210, 214, 218, 232, 255, 302, 332, 343, 344, 371; Anne Boleyn’s hatred of, 93, 104-5; arrival in England, 8;

bond between Charles V and, 80, 82, 88; courage and intellect of, 45;

Cromwell on, 45; death of, 146-47, 148-49, 153, 154,155, 193; divorce

era, 77-96, 99, 101, 102-4, 109, in, 182; dowry, 8, 146; first marriage

of, 8; funeral and burial, 150-51, 156, 176; at Kimbolton, 121-22, 124, 128-29, 131, 137, 139,140, 142, 144-47; letter to Cromwell, 128;

marriage of, 8-9, 78, 132, 342;

miscarriages, 8, 9, 16-17, 33-34, 35, 213; nun of Kent and, 108;

objection to Henry’s son, 57-58; as

Princess Dowager, 8; prince’s

tournament (1511), 3-6, 8, 10-12;

restrictive living conditions (1535), 144-47; Scots victory of 1513, 16;

symbol of, 151

Kent, holy maid of, see Barton,

Elizabeth Ket, Robert, 237, 240

Kingston, Sir Anthony, 433

Kingston, Lady, 182, 189-90

Knevet, Sir Edmund, 202

Knevet, Sir Henry, 161

Knevet, Lady, 340

Knevet, Thomas, 12

Knight, William, 82

Knox, John, 301, 399, 405-6, 476-78, 483

Kratzer, Nicholas, 69

“Lady Mary’s Submission,” 166

Las Navas, marquis de, 366

Latimer, Hugh, bishop of Worcester, 180-81, 182, 185, 270, 301; burning

of, 435; imprisonment, 346

La Viste, 68

Lee, Edward, 51

Lee, Richard, 247

Lee, Roland, bishop of Chester, 163

Leigh, Sir John, 347

Lennox, countess of, see Douglas,


Leo X, Pope, 50-51

Lever, 301

Lewkner, 394

Livy, 42

London, bishops of, see Bonner,

bishop of London; Ridley,


Lorraine, duchess of, 463-64, 465

Louise de Guise, 197

Louise of Savoy, 32

Louis XII, king of France, 7, 17, 22-23

Lübeck, free city of, 135

Lucretia (martyr), 42

Lucretia the Tumbler, 193

Ludlow Castle, viceregal court at, 59-64

Luiz, infante of Portugal, 193, 194-—99. 253-54, 282, 315

Luther, Martin, 51, 86, 266, 406, 476;

at Diet of Worms, 47-48, 132;

excommunicated, 48; Henry VIII

and, 48, 50-51, 135

Lutheranism, 50, 73, 132, 133, 134, 135, 193, 207, 231- 310, 404, 476,

Mallet, Father Francis, 267, 276

Maltravers, Lord, 410

Mansfeldt, Count, 329

Mantua, marquis of, 66

Margaret of Austria, regent of the

Netherlands, 54, 302

Margaret of France, 197

Margaret Tudor, queen of Scotland, 22, 78, 302

Marie de Guise, see Mary of


Marienbourg, French seizure of

(1554), 369-70

Marillac, Charles de, ambassador of

France, 176, 188, 189, 191, 212, 213-14

Marnix, Jacques de, 290

Mary I, queen of England: Act of

Succession (1534) and, 112-14, 118, 122, 131-32, 160, 162, 163, 182-83, 184; Act of Uniformity and, 242-43, 255; aid to Spanish wars

(1557-58), 460, 464-66, 468-70, 472; Anne Boleyn and, 11 7-18, 121;

attack on her chaplains (1550), 267-68, 276-80; betrothal to

Charles V, 52-55, 56, 57, 67; birth of, 17; blessing of the scrofulous,

442-43; Catholicism (reign of

Edward III), 240-43, 247, 249, 252-253, 254, 255, 267-74, 276-80;

ceremonial entry into London, 296-97, 307, 311; childhood, 35-46, 387; christening, 17-18; coinage

policy, 315-16, 338, 388; compared

to Jesus ‘ mother, 309; conspiracy

against (1554-55), 350-54. 355-57, 358, 359, 360; coronation of, 317-24; Council and government, 312-14, 320-21, 325, 334, 335, 340, 341, 345, 352-53, 361-62, 388, 395, 398, 403-4, 405, 417, 419, 436, 451, 457, 464-65, 468, 480; death of, vii, 481-84, 485; diplomatic importance (1519), 35; distaste for Catherine

Howard, 210-11; divorce era, 77-96, 99, 101; domestic

unhappiness, 463-64; downgrading

in rank, 102; Easter ceremonies (1556), 40-43; education of, 39, 42-46, 57, 191; “Edward’s Device”

and, 284, 285,294,313, 345;

Edward VI’s reign and, 226-85; in

Elizabeth’s household (at

Hatfield), 115-19, 124-25; English

and Spanish ancestry, 18-23; escape

plans (1550), 256-64, 265; at

Framlingham (1553), 292-96, 312, 313, 390; French betrothal (1518), 29-34, 35, 52; funeral and burial, 483-84; gambling interests, 192;

Henry VIII’s reign and, 3-225; idea

of escape (1535), 137-44. ‘535

illnesses, 120-29, 142, 189, 213, 219, 409, 479; intellectual pursuits, 191-92; issue of legitimacy, 194;

Jane’s accession and, 290-91, 295, 296, 297, 317; loss of Calais, 468-70, 479; love of hunting, 192; Ludlow

viceregal court (Wales), 59-64;

marriage negotiations (1530s-40s), 193-96, 199-200, 211, 214, 253-54;

marriage negotiations (1554), 330-40, 341, 348-50, 352, 360-63;

marriage and wedding banquet, 375-78, 446; in mourning, 148, 187;

musical interests, 41-42, 188-89, 191, 211; myopic vision, 176; nun

of Kent and, 108, 109; Parliament

and, 341-43, 362, 390, 429-30, 433-34; persecution of Protestants, 311, 343, 390-92, 396- 397-402,. 403-6, 410, 420, 435, 450-54;

personality, 91-92; Philip II and, 264, 315, 326, 330-40, 341,348-50, 352, 360, 367-72, 375-484; plot

against (1556), 435-36; popularity, 158-59, 160, 239-40;

pregnancy (1557-58), 470-71,474,478; pregnancy (ovarian dropsy) and

confinement, 384, 385-86, 387, 392-96,407-11,412-21, 422, 423; as

princess of Wales, 59, 157, 175;

Protestantism and, 345-46, 390-92;

as queen of England, vii-viii, 298-484; reaction to mother’s death, 148-49; reconciliation with Henry, 157-67, 175-79, 185, 240; religious

tolerance, 309-10; reputation for

goodness, 305; return to court (1527), 65-72; reunion with Rome (1554), 388-92, 397, 417, 428;

Roman Catholic Church and, 308-11, 343-44, 388-92, 397, 417, 474-75; royal title of, 376-77;

smallpox, 84; “submission”

document, 163-67; succession

rights, 219-20, 231, 284, 285; title

and style, 18; twentieth-century

medical hypothesis, 414; will of, 471-72

Mary of Hungary, regent of the

Netherlands, 134, 141-42, 156, 217, 258-59. 302, 305, 424-25, 454, 476, 479

Mary of Lorraine, 197, 476, 477

Mary, princess of Portugal, 221

Mary, queen of Scots, 234, 246, 276

Mary Tudor “Bloody Mary”

(daughter of Henry VIII), see

Mary I, queen of England

Mary Tudor (sister of Henry VIII),

queen of France, duchess of

Suffolk, 18, 22-23, 31, 36, 79, 85, 95, 100, 150, 251, 284

Mason, Sir John, 395-96, 411, 419, 438-39, 445, 455, 473

Matilda (daughter of Henry I), lady

of England, 301

Mattys, Jan, 133-34

Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, 7, 14-15, 38

Medina-Celi, duke of, 383

Meditation Touching Adversity”

(Mary I), 245

Melanchton, Philip, 406

Melford, John, abbot of Bury St.

Edmunds, 174

Melton, Nicholas, 184

Memo, Dionysius, 26, 41

Menckevitz, George, 66

Mendoza, Don Inigo de, 82, 86, 377

Merchant, Peter, 259

Michiel, Giovanni, ambassador of

Venice, 411, 414, 415, 418, 420-21, 427, 429, 430, 433-34, 436, 441, 443, 448, 456, 460-61, 462, 463

Monasteries, dissolution of, 171-75, 182, 183, 184-85, 198, 22930, 408

Montague, Katherine, 62

Montague, Lord, see Pole, Henry

Montmorency, Francois, Constable of

France, 467

Montmorency, Jean de, 290

Montreuil, siege of (1544), 223

Moody, Edmund, 59 Moon (galley), 262

Moors, 19-20

Mordant, Sir John, 291

More, Margaret, 45

More, Thomas, 40, 45, 50, 51, 53, 109, 136; execution of, 131, 132, 140, 145; imprisoned, 122

Morison, Richard, 276, 328

Morley, Lord Charles, 191-92, 221 Moro, Antonio, 339-40

Mortimer, Margaret, 79

Mount joy, Lady, 36

Mountjoy, Lord, 37

Mühlberg, battle at (1547), 231

Münster, Anabaptist take-over in (1534), 133-34

Najera, duke de, 220

Neville, Sir Anthony, 398

Neville, Sir Edward, 204

Newfoundland, 135

Noailles, Antoine de, 298, 325, 326, 335, 337. 347, 350, 357, 359, 360, 362-63, 385, 413, 414, 423, 433, 434, 436, 437, 457-58

Noailles, Francois de, 457-58, 464

Nonnius, Lodovicus, 480

Norfolk, dowager duchess of, 98

Norfolk, duchess of, see Elizabeth,

duchess of Norfolk

Norfolk, 2nd duke of, see Howard,


Norfolk, 3rd duke of, see Howard,

Thomas, II

Norham Castle, 340

Norris, Henry, 81, 130, 154-55

Northampton, marquis of, see Parr,


Northumberland, duke of, see

Dudley, John

Northumberland, earl of, see Percy,

Sir Henry

Norwich, bishop of, see Thirlby,


Observants (religious order), 109

O’Donnell, Lord, 10 “O My Heart” (Henry VIII), 41 On the

Babylonian Captivity of the

Church (Luther), 48

On the Duty of Husbands (Vives), 444

On the Instruction of a Christian

Woman (Vives), 42

Orange, prince of, 53, 72

Orléans, duke of, see Charles, duke of


Pace, Richard, 36, 48

Paget, William, 227, 232, 241, 247, 296, 308, 312-13, 314, 331, 333-35, 347, 352, 362, 390, 395, 396, 403, 430, 432, 445-46, 450, 453, 472, 473, 474

Paraphrases on the Four Gospels

(trans. Parr), 220

Parker, Margery, 29

Parr, Catherine, queen of England, 216-21, 233-34; death of, 234, 247;

marriage of, 218-19

Parr, William, marquis of

Northampton, earl of Essex, 221, 251, 254, 267, 280, 295-96, 345

Paston, Mr., 191

Paul III, Pope, 136, 195, 208, 389, 478

Paul IV, Pope, 404, 456, 459, 474;

grudge against Philip II, 446-47

Paul, St., 44

Paulet, Sir William, marquis of

Winchester, earl of Wiltshire, 282, 308, 345, 376, 404

Pavia, battle at (1525), 67, 79

Pechy, Sir John, 36

Pembroke, earl of, see Herbert, Sir


Pendleton, Dr., 398

Percy, Sir Henry, earl of

Northumberland, 14, 81

Perlin, fitienne, 298, 300

Perwick, Alice, 407

Peter Martyr, 19

Peto, William, 360, 428, 474

Petre (secretary), 242, 267, 275, 278, 280, 313, 334,438-39

Philip, Agnes, 221

Philip, the Arabian emperor, 381

Philip, duke of Bavaria, 211-12

Philip the Bold, 381

Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, 381

Philip of Macedonia, 381

Philip II, king of Spain, 150, 264, 328, 329, 426-30; arrival in England, 368-72, 386; betrothal negotiations, 33035, 339; ceremonial entry into

London, 380-81; excommunicated, 456; first meeting with Mary, 370-72; in Flanders, 330, 427, 429, 431-33. 437-39. 445. 448, 450, 454-56; French wars, 467; as

husband of Mary, 375-484;

Inquisition and, 404-5; invested

with the Garter, 368; journey to

England, 364-68; Lady Day

tournament (1555), 407-8;

marriage and wedding banquet, 357-78, 446; Paul IV’s grudge

against, 446-47; personality of, 329;

question of joint sovereignty, 386-88, 394-95, 430, 433; return to

England (1557), 459-65. royal title

of, 376-77; transfer of imperial

lands to, 432, 438

Philpot, John, 406

Pigot, William, 420

Pilgrimage of Grace, 184, 195, 196

Pinkie Cleugh, Battle of (1547), 246,250

Pirckheimer, Willibald, 45

Plague, 25, 36, 181-82, see also

Sweating sickness

Plantagenet, Katherine, 18

Plantagenet, Margaret, see Pole,


Plantagenet family, 7, 30, 81,145, 184, 433, 468

Plato, 42

Plutarch, 42

Poland, 193, 419

Pole, Constance, 62

Pole, Elizabeth, 62

Pole, Geoffrey, 154, 196, 203, 204-y, 325. 389

Pole, Henry (Lord Montague), 196, 202, 203-4, 205; executed, 204

Pole, Katherine, 29, see also

Montague, Katherine

Pole, Margaret, countess of Salisbury, 18, 29, 36, 62, 109, 115, 145, 154, 159, 184, 195, 196, 203; executed, 205-6

Pole, Reginald, archbishop of

Canterbury, cardinal, 145, 195-96, 270, 437; background of, 195-96;

continental exile, 205, 237, 324, 389;

Cromwell’s enmity toward, 203;

death of, 482; denunciations of

Henry, 203; legatine powers, 184, 194-96, 474; Mary’s reign and, 309, 324, 340, 360, 388-92, 394. 404, 416, 417, 425, 427-28, 430, 434, 435, 437, 440, 441, 443, 444, 447, 453, 455, 467, 470, 471, 473, 474-75, 478, 479;

return from exile (1554), 388-92;

summoned to Rome for heresy, 474, 475

Pole family, 195, 203, 204; emblem of, 205

Poliziano, Angelo, 192

Pollard, 341, 342-43

Pommeraye, Gilles de la, 193-94

Ponet, John, bishop of Winchester, 276, 398, 399

Pontefract Castle, 83

Pooley, 243-44

Pot, Gilbert, 291 Prayers stirring the Mind unto

Heavenly Meditations, The (Parr), 220

Protestants, persecution of, 311, 343, 390-92, 396, 397-402, 403-6, 410, 420, 435, 450-54

Quarantine efforts (epidemic of 1518), 26-27 “Queen against Wyatt” games, 359-60

Quiclet, Etienne, 347

Ratcliffe, Robert, earl of Sussex, 162, 291, 312, 318,410

Reformation, see Calvinism; English

Reformation; Lutheranism Renaissance, 7, 191

Renard, Simon, 290, 292, 305-6, 309-IO, 313, 314, 315, 318, 324, 325, 326, 330-31, 332, 333, 334-35, 339, 340, 342, 343. 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 351, 354, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364-65, 366, 379-80, 383-84, 386, 390, 404, 405, 408-9, 422, 423

Renée de Guise, 197 Respublica (Heywood), 339

Reynolds, Richard, 132

Ribera, Francisco de, 426-27

Rice, Beatrice and David ap, 41, 190-91

Rich, Sir Richard, lord chancellor of

England, 242, 267, 268, 278, 279, 280, 308

Richard I (the Lionhearted), king of

England, 4, 13

Richard III, king of England, 20, 103

Richard, duke of York, 57

Richmond and Somerset, dukes of,

see Fitzroy, Henry; Henry, Prince

Ridley, Nicholas, bishop of

London, 251, 276, 311; burning of, 435; imprisonment, 346

Rochester, bishop of, see Fisher, John Rochester, Lady, 335

Rochester, Sir Robert, 243, 258-64, 268, 277, 279, 282, 312, 317, 326, 334, 347, 436, 442

Rochford, Lady, 187, 209; executed, 210

Rochford, Viscount, see Boleyn,


Roeulx, count de, 144

Rogers, John, 410, 451

Roke, Anthony, 175

Roman Catholic Church, vii, 308-11, 343-44, 388-92, 397, 417, 474-75;

alliance with English kings, 7;

clerical vices (in England), 49-50;

Luther and, 47-48; relics and

shrines, 173, see also English

Reformation; names of bishops and


Roman law, 164

Rome, sacking of (1527), 72-74, 77, 82, 456 531

Rowte, Sir Henry, 29

Russell, Jane, 335

Russell, John, earl of Bedford, 63, 236, 366, 376

Ruthal, Thomas, bishop of Durham, 14, 16, 31, 49

St. James of Compostela, shrine of, 6

Saladin, 13

Salisbury, countess of, see Pole,


Sampson, Nicholas, 187

Saunders, Laurence, 451

Savoy, duke of, see Emmanuel


Sawley Abbey, 184-85

Scepperus, Admiral Cornille, 256, 259, 262, 264

Schetz, Jaspar, 341

Scheyfve, Jehan, imperial

ambassador, 257, 258, 267, 268, 271, 274,275,278,289,318

Schidlowijecz, Christopher, 66

Schurts, 260

Schwartzburg, Count, 439

Scotland, 246, 247, 250, 302, 340;

defeat of 1513, 16, 22

Second Statute of Repeal, 391

Seneca, 42

Seymour, Lady Anne, 251

Seymour, Anne, duchess of Somerset, 232, 234

Seymour, Edward, Lord Beauchamp,

1 st earl of Hertford, duke of

Somerset, 152, 176-77, 219, 224, 227, 232, 233, 249, 308, 406; arrested

and imprisoned, 248, 251; executed, 281; foreign policy, 247; as the

Protector, 239, 242, 243, 244, 246-48, 253, 254, 266, 280, 312,339

Seymour, Jane, queen of England, 124, 152, 154, 158, 159-62, 167, 175, 176, 178, 180-81, 182, 185, 189, 194, 203, 210,219, 225, 228; death of, 186, 196; funeral and burial, 186-87; marriage of, 160-61

Seymour, Thomas, 219, 228, 232-35, 251, 346; executed, 235, 247;

invasion of the king’s bedchamber, 241

Seymour family, 153, 219

Sforza, Francesco, duke of Milan, 93

Shelton, John, 186

Shelton, Lady, 116-17, 118, 121, 122, 123, 125, 142, 148, 152, 153, 164, 165

Shelton, Margaret, 125

Shirley, Mistress, 335

Shrewsbury, earl of, 281, 313, 323, 368

Simnel, Lambert, 20

Smeaton, Mark, 154, 346

Smith, Sir Thomas, 239

Smithfield, 398, 410

Somers, Will, 136, 192, 215

Somerset, duke and duchess of, see

Seymour, Edward; Seymour, Anne

Soranzo (ambassador), 301, 304, 307

Soto, Juande, 175, 214

Southwell, Sir Richard, 347

Southwell, Sir Robert, 351-52

Spain: crusade against Moors, 19-20;

Dorset campaign (1512), 15;

expulsion of Jews (1492), 20;fall

of Granada, 20; Inquisition, 405

Spencer (cook), 185

Spinelli, 70-71

Spurs, Battle of the (1513), 15

Stafford, Thomas, 465

Staunton, Captain William, 436

Stevens, Dr., 438

Stewart, Henry, lord chancellor, 22

Strange, Lord, 377

Strelley, Mistress Frideswide, 423

Suffolk, duchess of, see Brandon,

Frances; Mary Tudor Suffolk, duke of, 203, 222, 223, 224, 250, 345, 350

Suffolk, dukes of, see Brandon,

Charles; Grey, Henry

Sun (galley), 262

Suriano (ambassador), 329

Surrey, countess of, 18

Surrey, earl of, see Howard, Henry

Surrey, Lord Treasurer, see

Howard, Thomas

Sussex, earl of, see Ratcliffe, Robert

Sussex, Lady, 190

Sweating sickness, 24-29, 30, 83, 217-18, 276-77, 282; casualties, 24-25, 26; Erasmus on, 27-28;

remedies, 25-26, 28; superstitions

about, 28; unhygienic conditions in

London, 26-28

Sydnour, Richard, 36

Talboys, Sir Gilbert, 38

Talboys, Lady, see Blount, Elizabeth


Tarbes, bishop of, 68

Tarquin the Proud, 42

Ten Articles, 183

Thérouanne, siege of (1513), 14, 15, 16, 38, 69, 223

Thirlby, Thomas, bishop of Norwich

(1550), bishop of Ely (1554), 251, 312,440

Thomas (“keeper of the princess’

nag”), 62

Thomas, William, 350, 357

Thomessin (pirate), 234

Thurgood, John, 39

Titian, 339

Tremezin, Peter, 94

Tudor family, 6, 145; symbols of, 39

Tunstal, Cuthbert, bishop of

Durham, 312, 405

Turenne, vicomte of, 68, 70, 71, 72

Udall, Nicholas, 98, 220

Underworld society (in London), 300-I

Unicorns’ horns, 25

Urmeston, Clement, 65-66

Uskok outlaws, 433

Van der Delft, Francois, imperial

ambassador, 233, 234, 239, 240-41, 242, 243, 244, 248, 249, 250, 251-52, 254, 255, 257, 258, 200, 264, 273, 279

Van Meeckeren, Vice Admiral, 256, 259, 262, 264

Vannes, Peter, 82, 358

Van Wilder, Philip, 191

Venerable Bede, 172

Venetian Council, 433

Vere, John de, 326

Vives, Juan Luis, 42, 43-44, 45, 66, 90-91, 105,332,444

Wales, 59-64, 67; English rule of, 59-60, 63-64

Wales, prince of, see Arthur, prince

of Wales; princess of, see Mary I,

queen of England; Ludlow Castle

viceregal court

Walgrave, Edward, 277, 279, 282, 312, 326, 347. 436

Walsh, John, 420

Warbeck, Perkin, 20, 21-22

Wars of the Roses, 7, 314

Warwick, earls of, see Dudley, John;

Edward, earl of Warwick

Westminster Abbey, 21

Weston, Francis, 154, 155

Weston, Richard, 39

Westphalia, Anabaptist take-over in (1534), 133-34

Wharton, Sir Thomas, 291

White, Thomas, 435-36

Whytford, Richard, 40

William I (the Conqueror), king of

England, 6-7

Wiltshire, earls of, see Boleyn,

Thomas; Paulet, Sir William

Winchester, bishops of, see Fox,

Richard; Gardiner, Stephen; Ponet,


Winchester, marchioness of, 319, 376

Winchester, marquis of, see Herbert,

Sir William; Paulet, Sir William

Windsor Castle, 39, 40, 41, 53, 54, 191, 225

Wingfield, 278, 280

Witchcraft, 28, 152

Wolsey, Thomas, archbishop of

York, cardinal, 17, 27, 39, 48, 49, 55, 112, 135, 250; Anglo-French

treaties (1527), 65-72; betrothal

negotiations, 52-54, 67, 68-69;

divorce era, 77-86, 90; as the king’s

almoner, 14; rise to power, 31;

wealth of, 49

Woode, Avys, 29

Worcester, bishops of, see Hooper,

John; Latimer, Hugh

Worcester, earl of, 32

Wotton, Nicholas, 276, 337, 340, 432

Wriothesley, Thomas, 175, 189-90, 224, 410

Wyatt, Sir Henry, no

Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 81, 202, 203, 350, 385; executed, 358; rebellion of, 351-54, 355-57, 358, 359, 360, 390, 413, 436, 472; surrender of, 336, 337

Wynter, Thomas, 49

York, duke of, see Richard, duke of


Zwinglians, 133