
With huge thanks to:

Mark Wade, who taught me guitar and how to play in a band and was amazing at both, and who answered Way Too Many pesky questions about guitar and bass guitar for this book. He’s also an absolute blast on stage with his bass guitar and vocals . . . and his dancing feet.

Michael Oachs, my first guitar teacher, who shares my love of the Eagles (which is not shared by any of my heroines) and was always far more patient with me than Jazz was with Lydia in this book.

Randy Sinz, a musician friend since my college days and a bass player I’ve happily spent many hundreds of hours listening to, who answered my questions about bass guitar when I first started writing this book.

“Swave” Dave Schrader and Dave (“Dusty”) Engedal, two more musician friends since my college days, who let me torture them about garage bands (and, in the case of Dusty, guitars) for this book and this series.

Laura (Hewitt) Colombe, who loves bands the way I do and who gave me great advice about high school bands.

Kind souls who provided critiques, edits, beta reads, or brainstorming help, including Kate Fraser, Tom Fraser, Ann Barry Burns, Just Cherry Writers, and Romex.

My own high school teachers at Eau Claire Memorial, a few of whose names I used in this book out of great fondness. In the name of Lydia Bennet, I again took teasing liberties in this book in particular with Mr. Skamser, who was a fantabulous English teacher. I’d also like to thank Dick Bennett, who is much better known as a great basketball coach but who introduced me to Pride and Prejudice when he taught our 10th-grade English class. I’ve loved The Book ever since.

Pam McCutcheon and Laura Hayden, collectively also known as Parker Hayden Media, LLC, who are fabulous. And nice. And helpful. And patient. And all sorts of wonderful things.

Jane Austen, who is simply the best.