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First published in the United States of America by Dial Books for Young Readers, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc., 1993
Published in Puffin Books, 1994
Text copyright © 1993 by The Estate of John Bellairs
Frontispiece copyright © 1993 by Edward Gorey
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The Library of Congress has catalogued the Dial edition as follows:
Bellairs, John
The ghost in the mirror /John Bellairs; completed by Brad Strickland.——1st ed.
p, cm.
Summary: Rose Rita Pottinger and Mrs. Zimmermann are transported back to 1828 to save the Weiss family from being destroyed by a wicked wizard.
[l. Time travel—Fiction. 2. Supernatural—Fiction.] I. Strickland, Brad. II. Title.
PZ7.B413Gh 1993 [Fic]—dc20 92-18369 CIP AC
ISBN: 978-1-101-65970-0