Cities are one of the most common science fiction settings, along with spaceships and habitats and the surfaces of distant planets, but their role in speculative fiction has received relatively little sustained attention.

Efforts to define a typology of science fiction cities or to categorize their roles in literature and film include Brian Stableford, “Cities,” in The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, ed. John Clute and Peter Nicholls (New York: St. Martin’s, 1993), 226–27; John Dean, “Science Fiction City,” Foundation 23 (October 1981): 64–72; John Clute, “The City and Urban Fantasy,” ParaDoxa 2, no. 1 (1996): 19–26; Vivian Sobchack, “Cities on the Edge of Time: The Urban Science-Fiction Film,” in Alien Zone II: The Spaces of Science-Fiction Cinema, ed. Annette Kuhn (New York: Verso, 1999), 123–43; John Gold, “Under Darkened Skies: The City in Science Fiction Films,” Geography 86 (October 2001): 337–45.

Treatments of the tension between depictions of utopias and dystopias often highlight cities in the course of their discussion. Examples are Tom Moylan, Scraps of the Untainted Sky: Science Fiction, Utopia, Dystopia (Boulder, CO: Westview, 2000), and Rob Latham and Jeff Hicks, “Urban Dystopias,” in The Cambridge Companion to the City in Literature, ed. Kevin R. McNamarra (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014).

A challenging analysis of the function of cities within the science fiction imagination is found in Gary K. Wolfe, The Known and the Unknown: The Iconography of Science Fiction (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1979).

Scholars have gravitated to a number of individual science fiction cities as iconic or representative cases. Examples are the city of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis, the Los Angeles of Blade Runner, China Miéville’s New Crobuzon, Arthur C. Clarke’s Diaspar, Samuel R. Delany’s Tethys, and the urban settings in William Gibson’s “Sprawl” and “Bridge” trilogies. Coruscant in the Star Wars universe has accreted a vast body of fan-sourced commentary and elaboration. Other science fiction cities, such as those depicted by C. J. Cherryh or Alastair Reynolds, have yet to acquire the same thickets of popular and critical consideration.

Much of the scholarship on science fiction comes from the fields of literature, media studies, and cultural studies (fifteen of the seventeen editors and contributors to the recent Cambridge Companion to American Science Fiction are from these fields, for example). In addition, sociologists, geographers, urban planners, and other social scientists are often interested in the intersections between science fiction, social theory, and political practice. For example, the specific category of cities in cyberpunk fiction has attracted comment from Mark C. Childs, “Learning from the New Millennium: Science Fiction Cities,” Journal of Urbanism 8, no. 1 (2015): 97–109; Natalie Collie, “Cities of the Imagination: Science Fiction, Urban Space, and Community Engagement in Urban Planning,” Futures 43 (May 2011): 424–31; Robert Warren, Stacy Warren, Samuel Nunn, and Colin Warren, “The Future of the Future in Planning: Appropriating Cyberpunk Visions of the City,” Journal of Planning Education and Research 18 (Autumn 1998): 49–60; and others, including myself.


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The Abyss. Dir. James Cameron. 1989.

Akira. Dir. Katsuhiro Otomo. 1988.

Alphaville. Dir. Jean-Luc Godard. 1965.

Babylon 5. 1994–98.

Battlestar Galactica. 2004–9.

Blade Runner. Dir. Ridley Scott. 1982.

A Boy and His Dog. Dir. L. Q. Jones. 1975.

Captain Nemo and the Underwater City. Dir. James Hill. 1969.

City of Ember. Dir. Gil Kenan. 2008.

Demolition Man. Dir. Marco Brambilla. 1983.

Escape from New York. Dir. John Carpenter. 1981.

Futurama. 1999–2013.

I Am Legend. Dir. Francis Lawrence. 2007.

In Time. Dir. Francis Nicol. 2011.

Just Imagine. Dir. David Butler. 1930.

The Last Man on Earth. Dir. Ubaldo Ragona and Sidney Salkow. 1966.

Logan’s Run. Dir. Michael Anderson. 1976.

Metropolis. Dir. Fritz Lang. 1927.

Minority Report. Dir. Steven Spielberg. 2002.

The Omega Man. Dir. Boris Sagal. 1971.

Snowpiercer. Dir. Joon-Ho Bong. 2013.

Soylent Green. Dir. Richard Fleischer. 1973.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. 1993–99.

Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Dir. George Lucas. 1999.

Star Wars, Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Dir. George Lucas. 2002.

Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Dir. George Lucas. 2005.

THX 1138. Dir. George Lucas. 1971.

Total Recall. Dir. Paul Verhoeven. 1990.

WALL-E. Dir. Andrew Stanton. 2008.