Chapter 18

Jaze picked us up at the airport. “Good to have you back,” he said, pushing open the passenger side door of the SUV.

I slid onto the seat and set the small backpack I had brought back with a few possessions from my house at my feet. It felt comforting to have even a couple of things from my life before the accident. My heart raced at the thought of seeing Grace again and I could barely keep the smile from my face. Jet sat in the front seat and watched the scenery rush by.

“It's been a good few days,” Jaze said, his eyes on the road as he steered us out of the airport. He glanced at me in the rearview mirror. “We found Grace's pack.”

My heart skipped a beat, then fell. “Oh? I'll bet she's excited to see her brother.”

Jaze nodded and took the exit from the freeway. “They're meeting us at a motel in town. They drove out yesterday when we contacted them.”

“She's going today?” I fought to keep my tone steady.

He glanced at me from the corner of his eye and nodded. “She seems pretty excited.”

I didn't trust my expression and turned to stare out the side window. “I'll bet. She's been through a lot. It'll be nice for her to go home.”

“Yeah,” Jaze replied, but he didn't sound convinced. I glanced at him, but he kept his eyes on the road.

When we got home, Jaze motioned for me to enter the door first. I didn't think anything of it until a shout of 'surprise!' met me and everyone jumped out of hiding places behind couches and chairs.

“We're glad you're back!” Nikki exclaimed.

“I made your favorite meal,” Mrs. Carso said with a warm smile.

Taye threw her arms around Jet, joy bright in her eyes at having him safely back home again. Jet settled in his usual place against the door jamb to the hallway and she stood next to him with his arm resting protectively at her waist.

Grace waited quietly near the door to the kitchen. I crossed the room and touched her elbow. “I heard they found your pack.”

“Yeah,” she said. She gave me a quick hug. “I'm glad you came back,” she said quietly.

“Only to find out you're leaving,” I replied as softly.

She gave a sad smile, then looped her arm through mine. “Dinner awaits,” she said with a dramatic sweep of her other arm.

I laughed and followed the others to the kitchen, then stopped in surprise. I looked at Mrs. Carso. “How did you know I love lasagna?”

She winked. “Your mother called. She asked me to make sure you were taken care of, and volunteered to drive down and cook for you.”

I could picture my mom doing just that and shook my head. “She’s relentless.”

Grace pinched my arm. “You could use a little fattening up. Mothers know best.”

“Hey!” I steered her to a seat and took the one next to her. “You could too, you know.” I dished a big scoop of lasagna onto her plate, then handed her a fork. “That'll help!”

She explored the sides of the lasagna I had dished her, then shook her head. “I can't eat that much.”

“If you don't, I'll see that Mom does drive here. Between her and Mrs. Carso, they'll have to roll you out the door,” I threatened.

She shook her head with a smile, then dove into the lasagna.

“How did my mom get this number?” I asked when I was several bites in.

Jaze shrugged. “Must have been the website. Mouse hid it deeper, but she must be persistent.”

I nodded. “That's a very good way to describe her.”

“She also said you liked to wear socks to bed so your feet don't get cold and-”

I cut Mrs. Carso off with a wave of my hand and the others laughed. “Don't tell them all my secrets or I'll be powerless,” I pleaded.

She laughed. “Don't worry. Your secrets are safely between your mother and I.”

I rolled my eyes. “That's what I'm afraid of!”