Chapter 14


“I think you guys know each other,” Agent Sullivan said as he led the way to a jet sitting at Thistle’s small airport. Several people watched us from the shack that acted as a control building for the crop dusters. It wasn’t every day Thistle had jets land, and there had been two in less than a week. I was mildly surprised the reporter wasn’t taking pictures for the Thistle Times.

“Mouse!” Gem cried. She threw her arms around the shoulders of a skinny boy with light brown hair and glasses who waited at the bottom step of the jet. He shoved the glasses up his nose looking uncomfortable and pleased at the same time. “How did you escape?”

“They never found me,” Mouse replied in a soft voice. He looked at the floor. “I hid in the attic at my grandma’s.”

Gem’s eyebrows pulled together and she looked him over quickly. “It must have been so hard to see them go and not know where they were being taken.”

“I knew,” Mouse said. At her surprised look, he gestured to the small laptop he carried. “Kaynan’s wristband has a tracking chip. I’ve been following them for the last three days.”

“Why haven’t you sent the Hunters and werewolves?” Gem asked.

Mouse’s happiness at seeing Gem faded from his eyes. He blinked and kept his eyes on the laptop. “Only a few select leaders of the Hunter/Werewolf Coalition knew that Jaze was going to Thistle.”

The implication made me sick. “So someone Jaze trusted betrayed him.”

Mouse nodded without looking at me. “I didn’t know who we could involve safely, so I contacted Agent Sullivan.”

“Where are we going from here?” I asked.

“Agent Sullivan’s given me access to his sources. All indications point to a drop off in California. The names of the terrorists who hold Jaze and the others are also linked to a warehouse south of San Francisco. They’re moving using cargo boxes on semi-trucks.” He shoved his glasses further up his nose. “We have one day before they reach California. Agent Sullivan has found us a facility where we can train. We plan to hit them tomorrow night.”

I looked at the Agent. “I thought you couldn’t get involved.”

He glanced at the jet. “Since Jaze’s jet is grounded, Mouse needed transportation and a team. As long as everything follows according to plan, we’re in, but I’m pushing my limits here. Anything out of the lines and we’re done.”

I nodded. “Fair enough.”

We climbed into the jet and I watched the ground fade quickly from view. I was leaving my home. It was my first time away from Thistle since my adoption. I wasn’t sure if it was the want of a wolf to be home in my territory, or the thought of the danger that lay ahead of us, but my stomach was in knots.

Gem rested her head against my shoulder. Her scent of sunshine and strawberries was mixed with something flat and slightly acidic. Worry, my brain categorized for me. I put my arm around her. She tipped her head up and I kissed her on the nose. She stared at me, her blue eyes wide and a hint of a smile on her lips despite her concern. I pulled her close and her arms wrapped around me.

“They’re going to be alright,” I whispered.

She nodded but didn’t say anything.